
12 Reviews
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Freaky (2020)
A Fun Horror Comedy
10 November 2020
It's nothing spectacular but it's definitely a ton of fun. Vince Vaughn is the star of the show, playing a teenage girl and hamming it up. He's great in this and a scene stealer.

It's surface level with every character stereotype cranked up to 11, to the point of being caricatures; it's at times distracting but works in the context of this cheesy movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Was hoping for a little more horror/murders but it keeps the movie light and comical instead of threatening and tense.

This is a fun one to see with some friends and a bucket of popcorn.
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Gerald's Game (2017)
I'm a Damsal, I'm in Distress, I Can Handle This, Have a Nice Day
2 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a character study, bringing us into the mind and life experiences of our main character, Jessie. We explore her psychological strength and ability to overcome life-threatening captivity and isolation at the hand of her (very) recent deceased husband, Gerald.

Jessie's predicament is sudden, immediately horrifying, helpless, and deeply creative. The premise is explored perfectly, taking us deeper and deeper within the main character as her isolation continues. We feel the burden of her secrets and experience her creativity.

Clara Gugino is engrossing as Jessie. She's able to convey a wide array of emotions that are fully believable and fit the situation.

It's a film about feminity, the impact of trauma, and perseverance with twists and turns you won't anticipate.
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I was playing checkers and The Handmaiden was playing 3D chess
16 March 2020
This movie was a cultural journey and a dense story.

The chemistry between the leads was intense and fully believable, with fantastic performances and twists I didn't anticipate.

The cinematography and sets were breathtaking and immersive. It's not Old Boy, but I didn't want it to be. Park Chan-wook does it again with his revenge focused story and a high attention to detail.

Really enjoyed this film and recommend it to anyone seeking an immersive journey.
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Jersey Shore (2009–2012)
A Revelation
25 January 2020
Season one of Jersey Shore is the pinnacle of reality television. The cast of characters ranging from the massive and alcoholic Mike "The Situation", to the iconic gremlin "Snooki" are pristine casting, reaching where trashy tv had never been before. From public urination to street fights with neanderthal strangers, this show is the perfect cocktail of grotesque entertainment.

The derelict Shore House becomes just as much of a character as any of the cast, functioning as a zoo-like observation deck for drama, messes, family arguments and fist fights.

This show is a masterpiece of garbage, with each ingredient elevating it to another level of iconic. A must-watch.
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Follows the Formula
21 December 2019
It's a Star Wars movie.

It's fun, and well put together with sweeping scenery and unique locations. The main three get their chance to shine, and Adam Driver steals every scene he's in.

It felt repetitive at times, and like tonal whiplash at others. The first hour didn't feel fully realized and left something to be desired. Sometimes we're meandering through drawn out cameos, and others we're being shoved through the action.

This concludes this groups story, but doesn't fully satisfy, feeling like a patch job instead of a tapestry of the overarching storyline.

There's a lot to nitpick, but a lot to enjoy as well.

Glad we got back to the fun of the series. It's an enjoyable, entertaining watch, but doesn't feel as fully realized as the original trilogy.
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A Heart Wrenching Film of Divorce
21 December 2019
An unflinching film depicting the realistic and painful aspects of divorce. We are made to empathize with both parties, but spend the majority of the time with Adam Driver's character who is wholly sympathetic and doing his best.

Both Scarlet Johansson and Adam Driver get the chance to shine in this, showing off their acting chops and fully embodying their characters. We can't help but feel the pain they both are experiencing. They both feel fully realized and like people we could and do know in our lives.

The final scene is so touching and will stay with you long after it's finished
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Making Stars (1935)
Outrageous and Egregious
10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Betty Boop has been a delight until this point. However the blatant and disgusting racism present in this episode was insane.

The three black babies singing a prison song and being lured off the stage with watermelon was a long, drawn out segment followed by even more depictions of black people living watermelon.

The way they portrayed the black characters as animals was of the time, but completely disgusting.

I'm only leaving this comment as this episode was included in Amazon Prime's 4 seasons on their service. A strange and highly offensive choice.

This episode will leave a foul taste in your mouth and potentially taint the series for you.
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Thunder Road (2018)
So Much Heart
2 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Cummings is a stand out in this unique performance of a hysterical man trying to keep it all together.

In the midst of dealing with tremendous stress and grief, Cummings delivers an immense amount of heart and humour. This portrait and character is unlike any I've seen before. The details, dialogue, and long takes provide so much realism and serve to ground the film in reality. Despite its low budget it maintains the quality of a high budget film. Thunder Road is a perfect black comedy, bringing me to the brink of tears only to have me abruptly snort in the midst of it, with its quirky, painfully awkward, and completely sympathetic lead.

This is a great watch and I highly reccomend it.
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The Favourite (2018)
Olivia Coleman is a Delight!
9 February 2019
I saw this film a while ago, and I can't help but to keep thinking back on it.

I really enjoyed The Lobster and Killing of a Sacred Deer truly distubed me, it's also lodged in my mind. So, I knew to go into this open minded.

It took a while to settle into, with an introduction that just tosses you into this wild story, with quick editing and fantastic performances. There were parts of the film that unsettled me and made me uncomfortable, which I think is half the fun. But it also make me unlikely to watch them again.

Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz going toe to toe was so fun. They played their characters so well. But Olivia Coleman really stole the show, anytime she wasn't on camera I was missing her. She was such a tragic, fascinating, emotional character and I couldn't get enough. She absolutely killed it. By far the best performance I've seen this year.

The more I think of this film the more I find myself enjoying it. I would recommend giving this one I watch if you're looking for strong performance with an unconventional story.
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Riverdale: Chapter Forty-Four: No Exit (2019)
Season 3, Episode 9
"its weak and it's bad and it's stupid"
24 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
-archie destroying the old part of himself. Which also applies to this episode.

Wow what a mess. This craziness isn't even fun to watch anymore. It used to be an enjoyable chaotic ride, as each plotline got crazier and crazier.

This episode is disjointed and uninteresting.

Archie's bear induced coma is really out-there and poorly concieved.

Also a gang that doesn't believe in crimes?

It was fun trash and now it's jumbled garbage.
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Batman Ninja (2018)
Fantastically Terrible Ride
21 January 2019
I cackled throughout this entire film. It's complete nonsense. Truly, almost nothing makes sense. It seems to get more and more absurd as it goes on.

It's so strangely paced also. My friend and I kept guessing how close we were to finishing it and screaming profanity when we paused and saw over an hour was left.

Clearly this was a passion project as the character designs are really fun and realized (aside from the massive chests given to all female characters). Additionally, it seems like they tried to incorporate a lot of ideas about Feudal Japan. But that's about as much as I can say. The Joker, the plot, the choices are heinous.

The moment where the movie shifts into a flashback feels like you're watching an animated wiki-how article, with how grotesque the characters look. Not to mention what a lull it is overall.

Just when you think you've seen it all, it just keeps upping the ante of absurd. It's a blast and I highly recommend putting this on while drinking with a couple friends. One of the worst movies I've ever seen, but a great time.
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A little shallow
21 January 2019
This film is beautifully animated but leaves something to be desired.

The characters and creatures are beautifully designed, as expected. The story provides some tension, but overall the fantastical world fell a little flat for me. The school environment was ripe for ideas and imagination but I felt there was very little offered.

The score was wonderful.

It's a mixed bag and a plesent casual viewing experience.
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