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SEAL Team: Payback (2019)
Season 2, Episode 18
Are our elite troops really such barflies?
11 December 2022
I don't know if they were scheduled off but if I had their job I would not impair myself for a second.

Once in the tavern I would not throw away $100 bills on a game of "pull it off a bottle neck with some coins on top."

Especially since the trick is to do it with only ONE finger. Straight down. So fast you could injure your own hand.

Give me a beer bottle any bill and any stack of coins, a finger and some spit and you will see just how simple it actually. I as to. Do.

Just aim. Your. Fingert I p at a corn e r and swipe down like it's a. Weinstein. Interview and goull6 stupidity u. But what ever.
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NCIS: Gut Check (2013)
Season 11, Episode 9
Great episode, curious casting
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The actual US SecNav at the time this aired was Ray Mabus, former Governor of Mississippi and former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He was 65 at the time and a member of the DC old boy network, appointed by President Obama and approved by Congress.

So who to cast? Alan Alda? Corben Bernsen? No. Let's go with a tall attractive redhead. Leslie Hope!

I like Leslie Hope but she's usually a too smart for her own good investigator or reporter who won't give up her source while flirting with the male lead. Not a dupe carrying a bug into classified meetings. But, eh, it's TV, why not?

Bishop first struck me as an anorexic oddball but I thought she could prove herself in time. And as for anorexic, oh no. Emily Wickersham is athletic. Go check sites that post celebrities posed in provocative (skimpy) wardrobe styles. She's really hot and not covered with unflattering (drunken) tattoo choices.

I enjoyed this season not knowing that soon, DiNozo, Abby and eventually Bishop would be gone.
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Blue Bloods: Strange Bedfellows (2019)
Season 9, Episode 20
Yaw pwomise, yaw pwobwem
27 April 2022
A good story, but how did someone with a first grade speech impediment win an election? How did the director and producers let it slide?

Loved how Baez hops behind the wheel at the start of the Danny/ suspect foot chase and ultimately ends it.
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Blue Bloods: Common Enemies (2019)
Season 9, Episode 19
Great buildup and climax
23 March 2022
Delgado, Rojas and Reagan really nailed it with the action, acting, dialogue, stuntwork and that moment where the bleeding Danny is a fraction of a second from pulling the trigger and killing Rojas but Baez arrives at the last second and Danny, just got that "almost" look.

And the dialogue of Delgado screaming "kill him! Shoot through me! I don't care if I die!"

Three great actors nailing the scene in a way you don't see often enough.
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Hawaii Five-0: Kai e' e (Tidal Wave) (2011)
Season 1, Episode 15
Could've been 10/10
11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Plot from original Five-O recycled here but much improved.

Let us get the spoiler out of the way: tsunami is a hoax. In Five-O classic, the bad guys jack an announcer and the PA, jack an ambulance and steal some jewelry, committing a hit'n'run in the process.

In the current Five-O, the bad guys kidnap the scientist in charge of tsunami warnings, thereby jacking the whole system.

This time the bad guy worked all his life for the government only to be forced into early retirement and stripped of his pension.

His target? Money seized from drug dealers. Stashing it in sandbags amongst thousands of actual sandbags, he needs only to wait and once the area is evacuated, grab the cash.

Excellent plan. Righteous? Not so much. Mcgarrett points out, "You took an oath to serve your country no matter what."

Could've been 10/10 except for actor Brian Goodman. Fine actor of my generation but from his first frame I KNOW his character did something.

Nice to see other guest stars work it out and not end the episode with an improbable shootout.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Sanctuary (2017)
Season 18, Episode 21
Tyler Eliot Burke
22 January 2022
I first saw Tyler Eliot Burke in one my favorite Blue Bloods episodes as a wheelchair bound veteran with brain trauma. In this episode of SVU he plays a hateful anti-Muslim to great effect.

I look forward to further acting challenges for this young man who strikes me like Vincent Di'Nofrio did back in "Full Metal Jacket" and "Men in Black."

Also, one of my favorite SVU episodes.
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Leverage: The Gold Job (2012)
Season 4, Episode 16
Good Hardison episode
6 January 2022
Liked the overconfident Hardison. Liked the fact there actually was a massacre where one guy got all the loot.

Thought when Parker broke in to find the gold vault empty her character would still have had time and skills to get back the client's grandmother's jewelry and then the rest of Hardison's maneuvers would not have been so critical.

But that's too easy for a great episode.
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Blue Bloods: Higher Standards (2019)
Season 10, Episode 7
Not in Chicago
23 December 2021
I seriously pity any fool who would think they could dump water on a Chicago Police Officer and not receive the hardest legal recourse available to the cops on the scene.

In Chicago at least 4 more cop cars would arrive within seconds and a police state would be declared and whoever's doing the damage would have no chance.

Love your show, but the writers don't know the hardness of real Police.
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Good Halloween Episode
30 October 2021
Early on, Grissom and Warrick search a bad guy's dark creepy hunting trophy location. With minimal lighting, guns and flashlights drawn, Warrick never takes off his shades.

Anyone with sense would not go down a dark, structurally questionable staircase without at least one hand on the railing while sporting sunglasses.

Smart thing: Remove shades, flashlight in mouth, gun in one hand, railing in the other, proceed.

I regard it as an homage to Shaft.
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Is Junior High? Or blind?
29 October 2021
Didn't mind return of Catherine because she's more ripped and looks better.

But how stupid or blind is Junior to just fall into a ravine and did they abandon the dog? (I might've been in the kitchen)

And how does Catherine not get impaled in the pitfall she should have spotted? And how does the same pitfall go from 12 feet when Mcgarrett boosts Catherine out to 8 feet when she yanks Mcgarrett up?

And how in the heck did that girl think she was going to get away with all that Yakuza money?

The world may never know.

Still liked the episode.
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CSI: Miami: Last Straw (2012)
Season 10, Episode 14
Sorority Meanies
28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sorority college graduates resuming torture after ten years? Unlikely.

But for some reason they did and daddy makes them pay!

In brutal sadistic fashion.

Fans of movies like "Death Wish" will enjoy this episode.

In the early Kim Delaney episodes I blew off this show. Now, watching reruns with Eva Larue I find it very enjoyable. No multi episode arcs or soap like BS. Just meat'n'potatoes crime stories with good and good looking actors.

Good scripts and cinematography too.
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Blue Bloods: Payback (2015)
Season 5, Episode 20
Hope & Coyote
15 September 2021
Favorite moment: Danny kicks mechanic back under car. 'The correct answer is 'how can help you detective?"

Then mechanic flees but southpaw Danny nails mechanic with a tire-iron.

Both guest stars would have kept me watching on their own but two in one episode? C'mon, just awesome TV!
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CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The List (2011)
Season 11, Episode 17
Cast list spoiler
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When the actress playing a murder victim got second billing of the guest stars, you have to figure it's a "fake-your-own-death" plot. From now on, I'm treating the cast list as a "spoiler alert. "
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NCIS: New Orleans: Inside Out (2018)
Season 5, Episode 2
Strike Out
1 September 2021
So many syndicated shows get user ratings of 7.5-8.5/10 stars from about 250 IMDb users who bother to rate the episodes that It has to be a conspiracy. Some episodes are totally trashed by in user reviews.

Even after poor casting changes on this show NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, and Hawaii Five-O (which devolved into the Chi McBride- Ian Anthony Dale hour) and the decline in writing quality, lousy episodes are still rated 7.5 and up.

So now Percy (Shalita Grant) is out, Khoury (Necar Zadegan) is in. I've tried to get used to Khoury, hoping some chemistry would develop but it just hasn't happened. At least the badly acted Angel/Megan Sutter (Amy Rutger) character is out of this episode.
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Chicago Fire: Under the Knife (2013)
Season 1, Episode 12
Doubtful recovery for Severide.
1 September 2021
He's injecting himself in the pilot, then chewing pills three at a time! You can't just quit an acute addiction like that cold turkey and not miss work as a firefighter. The diarrhea alone would prevent that. Never mind the muscular weakness. Probably needed 4-6 weeks in-patient treatment plus continued counseling and NA meetings.

Otherwise wild rescues, drama and fine acting make this a good watch. Besides, there are plenty of addiction/recovery/relapse/finai recovery stories. Better to suspend disbelief and enjoy the action!
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NCIS: New Orleans: More Now (2015)
Season 1, Episode 17
16 August 2021
"Blair Witch" cinematography and MTV rapid editing makes this episode unwatchable.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Internal Affairs (2015)
Season 7, Episode 10
Deeks: (to Det Whiting ) You have children? Didn't see that coming, Mommie Dearest.that coming,
31 May 2021
Deeks at his best under duress. Great verbal jabs at Whiting. Charms hardened criminals and when it's time for action he sprints and swims handcuffed, ultimately luring the bad guy into capture and wait. . .what? Not a single shot! Or was it just not the normal tinnitus inducing finale?

If you're a fan of Olsen it's 10/10 episode. If not, watch and you'll be one.

Once again, Deeks has the best comedic timing but all the cast had great lines.

Forget the recent "middle-aged-guy-amongst-gung-ho-youngsters" BS. Olsen could be cast as Tarzan.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Special Delivery (2010)
Season 2, Episode 4
". . . borderline ADD. And control issues with men I admire."
23 February 2021
The addition of Nell Jones was annoying but I think it was intentional. Now the show has three solid pairs - G/Sam, Densi and Nell/Eric - which provide great chemistry for seasons to come.

The episode itself sticks to formula and the relatively new Deeks, as portrayed by Eric Christian Olsen who has much better comedic chops than the rest of the cast, shows he can emote with a brief glance or shrug and is adjusting to his role, both as an actor and his character.

And Nell gets better.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Pushback (2009)
Season 1, Episode 7
Enter Boris Badenov
15 February 2021
NCIS:LA flounders sometimes, especially pre-Deeks, but the addition of Arkady Kolchek as portrayed by Vyto Ruginis elevates the previously hesitant performances of some of the cast who hadn't yet "found" their characters.

This episode kept me interested in the show which seemed doomed, to me, at the time. Fortunately some casting changes and real chemistry happened.

My favorite Arkady moment occurs near the end of NCIS:LA: The One That Got Away when Rogers has Arkady on ice at the boat shed and Arkady's tender drunk reflections of his daughter are inter-cut with her imminent (slo-mo) demise. Vyto dials back the "Badenov" aspect of his character and shows why he is in the Lithuanian-American Hall of Fame, as well as why he deserves an Emmy and possibly credit for saving this show. (Deeks too)

Anytime Vyto is in the credits it's good TV (on any show)
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Blue Bloods: By Hook or by Crook (2018)
Season 9, Episode 7
Luis "la Pantera" del Gato is back!
11 February 2021
This episode packs as much into a single TV episode as I've ever seen. Might be repeating an earlier review
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Smashes Through . . .
12 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers

If you've been there, this episode is real.

Rollins goes down on a thug! In order to keep gambling!?


This is the most accurate depiction of addiction I have seen outside of real life.

This isn't Archie Bunker doing speed one week, wigging out, being hospitalized and going back to normal in two episodes.

Nor is it saying there is an answer just around the corner with the help of rehab, friendship, counsel and your Higher Power. The addict, be it nicotine, alcohol, uppers, downers, opiates or gambling took way more than 12 steps. Nobody's immune. Even Scotty Valens of "Cold Case" raided a medicine cabinet, but Rollins hit the "baby-in-the-dumpster" point.

Her classic TV dubious rosy escape is far from anything real, but if you've ever been there (an addict), it's happy as can be.

(No longer do Rollins/Amaro equal Barbi/Ken)
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Old Tricks (2017)
Season 8, Episode 16
8 December 2020
Season 8 was great in so many ways. As a native Chicagoan perhaps the Cubs' 2016 Championship gave me rose-colored beer-goggles, but their motto, "try not to suck," seemed to be adopted by all cast-and-crew.

Trying to mix levity and gravitas, loyalty and treachery, bravery and stupidity, has mostly yielded positive results.

Jay Ferguson and his music hold it all together.

Especially "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" at the end. I give Jay Ferguson a 10/10 always.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Cash Flow (2020)
Season 12, Episode 4
Take your time
7 December 2020
This episode seemed rushed to me, as if it was shot while being written without the benefit of read-through, re-writes and re-shoots. Fatima and Rountree might as well have been going straight from cue cards. Wondering what my dog is dreaming before he twitches himself awake is more entertaining than those two. They hardly act themselves out of a paper bag so it's better they're not masked.

Nonsense banter of G once being a lifeguard and Kensi a bouncer did not elevate this episode and with no ridiculous shoot-out (What?! Shut the front door Morgan Freeman!) or Hetty or Beale, this episode could have been titled "Paycheck" as either were just as likely causes for the production and airing of this mediocrity.

5 stars for the regulars plus 1 star (6/10) for being a potential insomnia remedy.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: Bound (2005)
Season 4, Episode 17
Female Pheremones
4 December 2020
Much as I like scantily clad babes and as much as I believe females can manipulate males by arousal, I doubt the performances in this episode would cause a man to sabotage his ship. These green dancers are not Susan Oliver or Yvonne Craig.

In my personal experience, When truly in love, I saw no other. This held true with Trip.

Green babes needed better acting.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Venganza (2018)
Season 9, Episode 22
James Gang - "Funk #49" AWESOME!
22 November 2020
One my favorite things in this show is how the actors - especially Olsen and Ruah - deliver dialogue while training/jogging/cycling. I sincerely hope they nail it on the first take. I also like the ridiculous shoot-outs but this episode has the James Gang's "Funk #49" playing through the final gun-play. It also had outside music in the teaser. As this was the first time of many for director Yangzom Brauen and NCIS: LA, I look forward to more excellent episodes from her and the gang. After all, the "J" in LL Cool J does stand for "James." Some reviewers criticized the "soapy" banter from G/Sam and Denzi, but allllllll crime dramas attempt wit with the storylines at hand and no one bats a thousand.
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