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The Goldbergs: Couple Off (2021)
Season 8, Episode 16
I hope that this is the last season
9 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Heartwarming tribute to george segal. I did not think that this episode would have such a sad ending! I hated to see erica break up with geoff, but I know that they get back together since they're still dating in the show schooled. Seeing barry date geoff's older sister is kind of weird, like she just came out of nowhere. I like this show but I wish that they had ended it last season and not canceled schooled. It's clearly run it's course, where the characters just keep repeating the same mistakes, saying that they learned their lesson but the next episode they clearly didn't. I'm also surprised to hear that adam f. Goldberg is no longer writing for the show. I'm still watching because of my investment in the characters and I only notice a slight difference in the writing style. This is a decent episode, but it shouldn't have ever reached this far. More bearable to watch than other shows on tv.
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Kind of under rated
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember when my little brother would watch this show around me and I would actually get really interested. I would sit down and watch it with him. The storytelling was actually entertaining and the animation was good. I haven't seen it in years so I'm not sure if I'd still like it. Lloyd's character development was really impressive. I saw most of the series but never got to finish all of it. Maybe one day I can. It was popular when it was newer but I never hear anyone talk about it anymore. Back then I never thought about how it's connected to actual lego toys, but my brother loved legos and would love to get the ninjago sets when he had the chance. There's many star wars toys but I'm not hearing anyone complain about that.
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You're probably misunderstanding
15 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've read some reviews and I think that some are missing the point of it. Yes, I think it's true that hollywood is annoyingly using the same tropes over and over again. I think that the makers of this movie wanted to give a specific message and tell their story through this unoriginal concept. Some of the negative reviewers are saying that this film has nothing new to offer, but I disagree. I think that it brings up some good questions about life. I really think that this movie is more than just a run of the mill teen romance. It seems like most teen flicks feel the need to be edgy and trashy. While many enjoy that, it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

I enjoyed how colorful it is and I thought that the acting was really good. I think that it manages to be quirky without diving into annoying territory. I think that it blended the drama and humor together well. I liked the soundtrack. That one shot scene was done so well!

Perhaps this movie is more deep than it's meant to be. I agree with the comments about how it's another teen movie getting all existential, but I still like the way that it was handled. I love good symbolism in any story. The dog represents all the time that can pass by. We see so much but are missing exactly what we're looking for, even when it's right there in front of us. The angel wings. I believe that they represent how there's always good in this world of evil. The eagle catching the fish from the lake. Well, the female character explains that one. Spoiler- rain in stories usually symbolizes the new in life. Washing away the old. It could mean that there's something better. I suppose that there could be even more that I missed.

Unfortunately, once again they cast actors that are too old to be playing teens. I also was not a fan of the sob story plot twist near the end.

I was also SO disappointed that they ended up kissing at the end. I love stories that are simply just about friendship and I got my hopes up with this one. I almost believed that they wouldn't end up together at the end. It seemed refreshing.

I can understand why this movie did not work for some, but I liked it. I watched it on valentine's day. It's also a good movie for february because of groundhog day!
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La La Land (2016)
Nominated for an Oscar?
5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a while to finally watch this critically acclaimed, massively popular, iconic movie. And after watching it, I just can't believe this movie was nominated for an Oscar and nearly won Best Picture of the Year. (Remember that hilarious unforgettable mistake?) Before I watched it, I had heard all the backlash and people hating on it for all it's awards and popularity, and I was like, "Oh I'm sure this movie is really good and people are just jealous of it's popularity." I love musicals, so I thought I would easily like it. And while I was watching it, I was trying to enjoy it.... But I couldn't. There were only about two things I liked about this movie. 1) It's colorfulness. It has such beautiful cinematography! 2) The acting is pretty good. A lot of musical numbers and scenes seemed to be inspired from older musicals, and I think it was cool that they were trying that. But the movie was very slow, and at times quite boring. There were times while I was watching it where it really made me feel depressed. And... I just wasn't feeling the passion in the music. It lacked something that other musicals have. I just wasn't feeling the music in this musical. It wasn't really making me feel anything and something always felt missing. City of Stars was a little catchy but that's about it. And the ending? I understand they were trying to be different and basically say that things don't always go the way we plan them to, but still... It ends with them staring at each other? It should have ended with them dancing and singing together happily! I had such high hopes for this movie, and I think I can understand why other people might like it, but I also understand why it got backlash. And I can't believe it almost won best picture of the year! It feels strange and weird that I rated movies like Pitch Perfect higher that have way much less depth than La La Land... But idk, it seems to me they have something La La Land doesn't. At least they have happy endings! I gave it 4 stars for the decent acting and colorfulness
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The Goldbergs (2013–2023)
Hilarious 80s fun!
23 January 2018
I had been waiting to watch this show for such a long time, and I finally got the chance to watch it when my family got Hulu. I was so excited to watch it because it was a show centered in the 80s and it is really popular. But I have to admit when I saw the first episode, I was really disappointed. I really didn't like it. I didn't laugh once and I wasn't really feeling the show. I watched some more episodes to give it a try, and I'm glad I did, because the show really started to grow on me. It started getting better. I started to like it and some episodes made me laugh a lot!

I like that the show is based on the show's creator, Adam F. Goldberg's family. They always show clips of real camera footage of his family at the end of episodes. I think that's cool. You gotta love how they are always spoofing 80s movies and TV shows. They make you feel the 80s culture. I know that sometimes they can take it to the extreme and rely on it too much, but it's still funny and cool.

I can't stand certain characters on this show. I don't like the main character Adam's older siblings, Erica and Barry. The way they talk to their parents is awful! They're always acting like entitled brats. That's why I like the character of Adam, he isn't nearly as bad as them and doesn't act like a brat all the time. I also like the grandpa. The parents also have their faults, the mom is very controlling and clingy, and the dad just wants to sit around and watch TV and be lazy. I find it hard to sympathize with any of the characters when something bad happens to them because they're all just kind of mean to each other all the time. It's hard to feel sorry for people that always yell and get angry when things don't go their way. I guess the only people I feel bad for on the show is Adam and Pops. I like their characters. I also like that Geoff dude. But everyone else is BLEHHHH.

This show has plenty of flaws, but it's so funny sometimes that it's hard for me not to watch it
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Titanic (1997)
I feel kind of bad for this movie....
9 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is true that this movie was over rated when it first came out. It made a billion dollars at the box office and it was on the IMDB top 250 with a rating of 9.6! It was all the rave. But the rating slowly started to sink (no pun intended) and it got low as a 6.9. The movie received extreme backlash. The past few years the rating has been increasing. Titanic has been going through what I like to call "the rating roller coaster." It's ratings are constantly changing since everyone has so many different opinions on this movie. I feel kinda bad for it...

I understand why so many people don't like this movie. The love story really isn't anything new or different, and the main character Rose can be annoying at times. And of course, like many other people, I am really annoyed about the whole Jack could have survived thing. Like seriously, they both could have fit on the giant floating door! Rose acted like she loved Jack so much, but she barely even tried to get him to fit on the door. All she had to do was move over a little. They wouldn't have even been in the situation if Rose hadn't jumped back on the ship. She should have stayed put in that lifeboat and waited for Jack. He would have had a better chance of surviving, cause then he just has to worry about himself. I feel like their love story may have been a bit exaggerated. I mean, it's good that they wanted to be together forever, but they had only known each other for like four days! Most people don't fall in love that easily or that fast.

I have only watched this movie when it comes on TV, and I haven't seen the whole thing because it's SO long. It's like 3 hours. I love the last hour of the movie, which is the boat sinking. I love how it's done and how it's handled. It fills me with suspense every time I watch it. I don't really like anything else about this movie, just the boat sinking. And no, not because people die. It's because it's so suspenseful. I think the way it was handled was really what it was like in 1912.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Awesome soundtrack
7 January 2018
I'm not a Twilight fan, and I don't like any of the other movies in the series. This is the only one I like. The acting and the story seems to be best in this one. But the main reason I like this movie the best is because of the music. The soundtrack in this movie is awesome! There are lots of cheesy parts, and I understand why a lot of people don't like this movie. Even though this is the only one I like, I still find the acting to be dull at many times. It can be cheesy sometimes. But it has it's heartfelt and exciting moments.
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7 January 2018
I usually don't write negative reviews, but I had to give my opinion on this movie. I had originally only watched parts of it, but my mom forced me to watch a huge portion of the movie. It was awful, just awful! I've never been a huge Twilight fan to begin with. The only reason I have any interaction with it is because of my mom, who is a die hard fan. I haven't read the books, but I've seen most of the movies. I only like the first one, and mainly because of the amazing soundtrack.

There were so many things wrong with this movie. First of all, I cannot stand the disgusting CGI baby. Why would they do that? There is seriously no reason for it at all. And the fact that the baby from the very beginning is supposed to have an imprint with Jacob? Like maybe there is a possibility that she will grow up and fall in love with him and be with him? I find that weird and disturbing. I know that it's not supposed to be like that... But still... Also I hate how they try to make seem Bella all cool, strong, and tough now that she's a vampire. I find it really annoying. The acting isn't really that great and the jokes are nearly unbearable. And really, they can't tell Bella's dad that she is a vampire but they can tell him Jacob is a werewolf? Really? And Bella knew for many years as a human that they were vampires. All in all, I recommend people watch the honest trailer on YouTube for this movie, it is so hilarious! It will really show you how bad this movie is. I even read some other reviews on this movie saying that Stephen King said this story was bad. I'm not a fan of Stephen King, but I know he is an excellent writer, so that's really saying something about how terrible this movie is.
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I can relate
14 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watched this, I had no idea what it was about and the very beginning of the movie I was so confused. Then, as the movie got further, I started to understand what it was about. I've only seen it once but I plan on watching it again soon. (So sorry if I mess up some things in this review I forgot about some things in the movie.)

This movie is about a man named Truman who thinks that his life is simple and boring. He then discovers that his life is actually a TV show. Wow. That's a sad thing to find out.

There are so many things I liked about this movie. I liked that I can really relate to it. There have been times where maybe I thought that what if my life isn't really what I think it is? What if people have hidden secret cameras everywhere I go? Can anyone other than God see me when I use the bathroom or see me when I go to sleep? Another thing I liked about the movie, (if I can remember correctly,) is that Truman never actually gets angry about finding out his life is a TV show. Instead he seems to be trying to curiously figure out why this would be happening to him. He shows the audience that he knows what is going on and seems to be almost challenging them. Like I said, it's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember it pretty well. I can't wait to watch it again!
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Labyrinth (1986)
A childhood memory
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My sister used to play this movie all the time when I was little, so it was part of my childhood. I am 14 now and just recently I watched it again after many years.

It was so cool to watch it again! It has such a special charm to it. When I was little I used to think, "Oh no, the evil Goblin King!" But now I think, "Whoa, that's David Bowie." I see the movie in different eyes now. Watching David Bowie as the Goblin King is so cool! He is perfect for the role.

The music is obviously awesome, since most of it is sung by David Bowie. I love the scene where Sarah and Jareth dance to "As The World Falls Down." It's so memorable!

The effects were really good for its time period. The part with the stairs is probably my favorite part of the movie. It's so cool to watch people walking upside down and around.

The only thing that really bothers me is Sarah being a bit of a brat at the beginning. But over the course of the movie, I can tell she is starting to change and she has good qualities.

There is no denying this is an 80s movie. It's too bad it did very bad at the box office, but at least it's considered a cult classic. 9 out of 10
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
Great family show!
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this show with my mom on Netflix a few years back. We love to watch it so much! We are now on season 10. It is so cool to watch the characters grow up, develop new feelings, form relationships, forget about the past, and see some characters come and go. The acting is really good. I like that the show is funny and serious at the same time.

Watching Amy work with the horses is a benefiting factor of the show. Each situation with people and their horse is always different, and I like that. She is definitely a horse whisperer.

The only thing that really bothers me is Lou. She is probably the most hated character in the show. Yes, she can be likable sometimes, but most of the time she is annoying. She is usually selfish and only thinks about what she wants. And I can't believe her family puts up with it! My dad wishes she would be written out of the show and I agree! Although, she has gotten better in later seasons.

But other than that, if you're looking for a clean, funny, and emotional show, you should watch Heartland!
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It will make you want to live in the 80s
21 May 2017
It was during Christmas break and there was nothing on TV to watch but this. I'm 14 now but at the time I was 10 years old. It was the best documentary I ever watched.

It made me feel jealous of all the people that got to experience the 80s and live through it. When I was watching the documentary, it made me feel like I was there. The movies, the music, the politics, it was all explained perfectly. It's all so much better than the stuff we have now a days.
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The Sandlot (1993)
Great Movie for all ages
6 May 2017
When I first saw this movie I had no idea what it was about. My dad just came home with a DVD one day and put the movie on. He wouldn't tell me what it was about so I to watch it and figure it out.

When I first saw it I liked it and now watching it over the years I love it! It is such a simple plot but it has powerful meaning. It is very realistic and it doesn't try to hard to be funny, it just is naturally funny.

Scottie Smalls is the new kid in town who is very smart but a bit awkward. A kid named Benny asks him to start playing baseball with him and his friends. The other kids don't like him at first since he is a little geeky, but he eventually is accepted by the group once he learns to play baseball. Benny tells him that it is not too hard. Scottie now has new friends and begins to have an action packed summer with them,like having camp outs, fearing the beast behind the fence, going to the pool, talking about Babe Ruth, and of course playing baseball. Scottie also gets them in "one of the biggest pickles ever."

It's a great kids movie, very funny, and quotable. 9 out of 10
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Trolls (2016)
I didn't like it
6 May 2017
The only reason I saw this movie is because my friend took me to the movie theater and I hardly ever get to go so it was a special treat for me. I asked her what movie we were seeing and she said Trolls.

I already had a feeling I wasn't going to like this movie, but I thought I might give it a shot.

The plot is pretty dumb. It's about these trolls that sing and dance all the time and hide from ogres to avoid being eaten. Pretty basic and simple and dumb plot.

This movie was also trying WAY TOO HARD to be funny. I didn't have a real laugh once. I might have forced some fake laughs but that's about it. I couldn't stand the jokes. That cloud guy was extremely stupid. It was a stupid character that had legs and and wore socks but no shoes. It is just pure garbage! And I can't stand the troll that has sparkles come out of its butt! Honestly, most of the jokes are just annoying and not funny. What are they trying to put in kids heads?

I know its intended for little kids, but I'm imagining myself watching this as a little kid, and I'm still not liking it.

I only gave it 4 stars because I kind of liked the little love story between the king ogre and the servant ogre. I also didn't mind the main character she is the one that make the movie watchable.
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A movie that'll make you feel happy
6 May 2017
This is my favorite movie of all time. It makes me wish I could live in the 80s! Everything is super retro and how they thought the future would be is hilarious! It is probably my favorite of the trilogy.

I love that it is unpredictable and you don't really know what will happen next when you first watch it. I was constantly kept in suspense by all the chaos going on. It goes from the happy bright future to the dark present. Every time something is resolved there is a new obstacle which keeps us in suspense. This is the best sequel to any movie ever, and in my opinion the sequel is the best! Not to mention how quotable the movie is.

Watching this movie will definitely want to make you visit the 80s. The future is funny to watch and Biff running Hill Valley keeps you in suspense. It will keep you wondering if Marty will be able to get the Almanac back. It is a great movie for all ages and is filled with fun and action! 10 out of 10
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