
16 Reviews
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Very entertaining & thought provoking.
1 December 2022
After research and investigating the nature of reality since 2004 and coming across so many books, information, topics, personal experiences (through synchronicity) on similar subjects and now that we are currently in times of where technology is moving at an alarming speed with the Simulation view of reality and this whole Metaverse / AI. Holy smokes!! I almost fell of my chair watching Westworld, as my deep understanding, with this current level of awareness, manifested in a form of a Sci-Fi TV series.

During my viewing, I kept saying "wow," "OMG" "that's so true" - there was so much resonance and alignment in certain dialogues and scenes. It has it all: questioning of the nature of reality, mind control / manipulation, past and future lives, memory wipes, transhumanism, using frequency / vibration / resonance to lower the mood of the population, AI database, time loops etc.. If you take away all the violence, there's a profound underlying message that speaks some very deep truths for humanity.

Now, whether, the writers are coming from a perspective of they "know" what's going on in our reality or even if they got the concept from reading information by conspiracy researchers or even if its pre-programming...who knows? What I do know and feel, and the questions still remain, regardless of speculation: Who are we? Where are we? What is this reality? Why are we even here? These questions are still there in my mind, Westworld is an extraordinarily visual representation/portrayal of all these questions being manifested on the front screen.

Highly recommend it for any Sci-Fi Fan.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Underrated show
4 January 2022
I've almost finished this show. Don't worry, no spoilers in this review. All I can say it's very good! Kept me on the edge of my seat.

Give it a watch, it has potential to make another season.
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Enjoyed it
27 December 2021
This turned out to be a good storyline, very funny and light comedy. It's one of those comedies that you want to get into the mood for especially during xmas holidays.

Enjoyed it.
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Phat show!!
13 October 2021
I'm loving this show, very good production, story line and just RAW!

Good to see the journey of the wu-tang!

Casting, directing, cinematography all are very good.
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13 September 2021
I've watched a few documentaries on this subject over the years and this is the best on so far. Amazing visuals and in depth interviews. This is truly a powerful medicine.

I have only done DMT (the liquid version) once last year and it was very intense for me. I felt a force communicating with me and showing my personal demons, trauma and the human story.
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Renegade (II) (2019)
Brilliant, just brilliant!
12 June 2019
I've watched David's other documentary called "Was he right" back in 2005, but "Renegade" is so much better. A professionally produced and edited summary of David's life and most important the information he has been exposing around the world. Watch it with an open mind without any preconceptions. Highly recommend it!
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Green Book (2018)
Great movie!
23 February 2019
Thoroughly enjoyed it. Great acting, dialogue and chemistry. Sad at times.
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The Night Of (2016)
Caught my attention from the start
7 February 2019
This caught my attention from the very start and kept me wanting to know more. The best character is the lawyer. I won't mention any spoilers, just WATCH IT !
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Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth (2013 TV Special)
A legendary man
24 January 2019
I've just finished reading his book, which is basically a detailed version of this show. Highly recommend it. What a crazy, roller coaster ride of a life he had. Just crazy! Respect !.
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Widows (2018)
Not bad
24 January 2019
A surprisingly good movie. Definitely caught my attention.
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18 January 2019
What an awesome movie! Rami Malek was perfect for this role. He looked like Freddie!!

I remember coming down in the morning and turning on the TV in 1991 (at 10 years old) announced Freddie Mercury died. I didn't know who he was, years went by I saw videos of him on the music channels.

After watching this movie and now watching his original live concerts, music videos etc. I now understand what a POWERFUL and STRONG voice he had, such an incredible talented individual. What blew my mind was the level of interaction, connection and communication he had with the crowd.

A very sad ending.
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Surviving R. Kelly (2019–2023)
WAKE up call!!
14 January 2019
Just watched the entire 6 parts, an eye opener!

I've listened to R.Kelly's music since the 90s and have to say he's an incredible talent, but there's this other dark side that is very disturbing. I was aware of the allegations ever since that Sex tape got leaked. Yes, I do wear spectacles and I made sure that my eyes were tested, YES, it's him in that video or he has a identical twin!

This documentary series not only interviews the survivors / victims, but also R. Kelly's brothers, producers, childhood friends, teachers, psychiatrists, family friends, and personal assistant, who are all saying the same thing, claiming he's a control freak and a monster.

Interestingly, when you connect the dots i.e. read his lyrics, the sex performances on stage, the fact he was molested as a child, the whole thing with Aaliyah start to get a picture of what is going on here. Yet, he's still not been arrested? Why?

Of course, I'm keeping an open mind. There's always two sides to every story, from what I can see over the years, it doesn't look good for him!.

People like R. Kelly have deep psychological scars from being abused as a child. They want to be in control as adults and one of the reasons he has all those women in that house is partly due to having power and being control. He's afraid of becoming powerless. This is deep, the fact he had no father to guide him as a child and living in the projects certainly caused some level of inner trauma.

R Kelly says in his song called "I like the crotch on you"

"C'mon baby, let me see you swing it, swing it I like the way you come up, baby, when you wiggle it Jiggle it, mmmm tasty And once you see the D's, oh, you're gonna want to freak me, freak me Only if you're old enough, BABY 18 AND OVER OR 16 AND UNDER, Oh, but how I wonder, I wonder."

"BABY 18 AND OVER OR 16 AND UNDER " <--- That's blatant!!

Either all the victims are professional lairs and R. Kelly is telling the truth or R. Kelly is a professional liar and the victims are telling the truth, nevertheless, there needs to be an investigation into this.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Surprisingly Good!
16 October 2018
This was a surprisingly good TV show. Yes, there's political propaganda in there and fear mongering, but if you just put that to one side, it was very on-the-edge of your seat drama with gripping action.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Brilliant show!
16 October 2018
If you guys enjoyed Breaking Bad, this is just a spin off to it. It's not violent or dramatic as Breaking Bad, but it's almost just as good. What a great show, enjoyed how the characters developed. That's it! I don't want to go into details and create any spoilers.
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
This is AWESOME! on the edge of your seat drama!
19 September 2018
An awesome TV show that caught my attention from the start. Set in the 80s culture and era, gives you that nostalgic feeling, if you're born and grew up in that era. If you enjoyed "Narcos" and "Power", you will LOVE this!

Great young actors who have a bright future ahead of them!
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This is a MUST watch!
30 August 2016
I finally watched a documentary called Vaxxed last night which is about a whisteblower Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.

To be honest I'm not shocked with what I see. I've been aware of the corrupt Pharmaceutical industry for over 10 years now, vaccines undermine the natural function of the immune system, it's insane we allow children to be injected with this poison and not focusing on building their immunity via organic foods, good nutrition, detoxifying etc..I can't speculate that all vaccines cause autism because there's cases where unnvaccinated children have autism. It seems like a growing epidemic of autistic / vaccine injured children is increasing in the USA (mostly affecting African American boys) and it's also happening here in the UK. In 1975 only 1 in 5,000 kids had autism. In 2015 we had 1 in 50 boys with autism. By 2030 we will have 1 in 2 baby boys with autism. What kind of society will our children be living in?

Dr Andrew Wakefield has been researching and exposing the link between the MMR vaccine and autism for 20 years, he's been attacked, commended, had his medical license taken away etc..this man is a hero!

What is even more insane (it's worse than I thought) is that California state passed a forced vaccination law called called SB227 basically saying that if parents don't get the child vaccinated they can't go to daycare facilities, in-home daycare, public or private preschools -

I'm not surprised that the media and congress have completely whitewashed and ignored the information as the Corporations, Government and Pharmaceutical industry are all in bed together who are more concerned to make a profit over the health of our children and indeed, us adults. If the UK and other places in the world pass a law for mandatory vaccines in the future, where will be our FREEDOM of CHOICE? The state of California currently have no freedom of choice and sovereignty, this is absurd! Parents should have a choice to decide to vaccinate or not to vaccinate their children.

Robert Deniro has an autistic child who is also endorsing this Vaxxed documentary for everyone to see. -

As a parent and husband I am very concerned about which direction the world is moving to, the children are our future. The level of deception is very alarming that it beggars belief, it's my responsibility to do my own independent research so I can make an informed decision. I believe we need to think for yourselves, so we can see the way things are without any preconceived notions clouding out judgement.

It will leave you out of breath and this only scratches the surface. Prepare to dive into a very dark hole. Only brave shall enter here....If we don't draw the line in the sand now, if we're not brave now, if we don't rise up now, then when will we? Our children are being sacrificed on the altar of pseudo-science: the new world religion, where the manufacturers with their trillions are the equivalent of the priests with their ferraris. Hidden in plain sight. Science as a religion that will go where the money goes, not where the evidence goes, where empathy does not exist, where the truth is not relevant, where you are not allowed to question, where you are ridiculed and suffocated by peers, where you are pressured to obey and pull up your sleeve for the next jab.

My heart goes out to all the vaccine injured children and the parents.
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