
4 Reviews
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Wagon Train: The Janet Hale Story (1961)
Season 4, Episode 35
11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen every episode of Wagon Train with the exception of those with the John McIntire character. In this backstory McIntire abandons his sick wife and children on the trail at a "homestead" where they are all killed. Everything in this episode marks McIntire as a reprehensible person. Terrible script, bad acting, and even worse direction. Yuck . . .
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Powder Keg (2001)
14 September 2019
This is a vulgar and contemptible short film that exploits the misery of a country to draw attention to an automobile. There is one cheap-shot after another which adds up to nothing. Oh. But wait. Isn't that BMW amazing? It survived!

This piece of garbage is both shallow and immoral.
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The Souvenir (2019)
Self-Indulgent Garbage
10 June 2019
I had high hopes based on capsule reviews I read, but this is an awful film. Why should anyone care about a self-destructive junkie who has had every advantage in his life and a fool who is a hopelessly romantic enabler? The one redeeming feature is that the cinematography is good. But it doesn't help the story. I assume it is somewhat autobiographical. How sad. It is absolutely dreadful!
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25 June 2018
This is a film with about as much substance as the money-grubbing revisit of David Lynch to TWIN PEAKS. Vulgar and pointless.
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