
8 Reviews
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Schwarzenegger meets King
3 September 2022
OK, it's a great example of over the top 80's action movies violence, sex, one-liners! Plot (what plot, who cares) is easy to follow, so just sit back and enjoy the ride! And then there's Arnold bigger than life and at his 80's action movie peak. If you're a fan, it's more than worth the time to watch. Dawson is perfect as the sleazeball villain, he should have played this type of character more often!

That said,not would really be nice to see King's (Stephen King wrote several stories under the pseudonym Richard Bachman) original story on film. Take the time to read it - really nothing like the movie, and not.a typically scary story. While King's novella is low on thrills, it proves viscerally disturbing on a number of levels.
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Everyone needs to watch at least once!
21 May 2021
Yep - it has corny writing, over the top acting, weird special effects, and you'll either love it or think it sucks! It's one of those tongue-in-cheek movies that never takes itself too seriously, has an incredible cast, and is a cult classic!
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
Sum up with one song
26 July 2020
Fascinating character study, using weekly medical mystery as a McGuffin. The entire series can be summed up in the song in the pilot and final episodes (with lyrics popping up in many episodes) - "You can't always get what you want... But you just might get what you need." Hugh Laurie does an exceptional job bringing a complex character to life, peeling back every layer whether pleasant or not. There are too few shows written this well!
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Interstellar (2014)
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this movie too many times to count, and am still struck by the brilliance presented by everyone involved. The score is beyond perfect. Spoilers Alert: Despite, or perhaps because of, the one central plot hole the movie is riveting. Humanity is saved because of intervention from an advanced civilization. This civilization is actually humanity's far distant descendants. Humanity saved itself; the paradox is that the future humans would not exist, unless they did intercede!
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Signs (2002)
Not what you think
28 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like many of M. Night Shyamalan's movies, too many people fall for the "maguffin' and miss the story. By now, most people will have seen this movie; BUT - SPOILER ALERT This is NOT a movie about alien invasion, or surviving one. All if the complaints about the aliens are irrelevant. The movie is about a man losing and regaining his faith. Shyamalan almost always tells you what his movies are about, if you pay attention. Are you the person who sees coincidence; or do you see signs of a something divine all around? Each person has the free will to choose...
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Supergirl: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2019)
Season 4, Episode 15
Best episode!
18 March 2019
Supergirl started OK; but, has never been better than that. Too much political commentary, too little emphasis on story. This episode has the potential to turn the series around! At first, I was Leary of Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor. I was beyond wrong! The ending was fantastic. I really hope this show is going in a new, better direction.
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Matter of Perspective
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As I read the reviews, I realize the most people remember the original (Episodes IV-VI) from their childhood. Even when they re-watch it as an adult, it is filtered through those early memories. I was in my early 20's when the very first movie came out, and loved it - a really great sci-fi B-movie! But - I was old enough to see the really corny acting, obvious plot, and many of the other things that youngest viewers did not care about. When Return of the Jedi came out, I was able to take my oldest son (very young) and he was mesmerized! First and foremost, Star Wars is supposed to be fun! It's real entertainment, not a deep philosophical movie folks.

The second trilogy disappointed my kids (now in their 30's), but I laughed inside - it was the same quality of acting and writing as the first movies, with better SFX.

Now - the closing trilogy (which Lucas promised 40 years ago) is disappointing those who are seeing it as adults.

I REALLY enjoyed this movie (Ep. VII)! It was fun, and there was a lot of cool back story (of course it was easy to see a lot of it - it's supposed to be that way). There are several obvious cliffhangers elements - who are Rey's parents (or does she only have a mother - like Anakin), who are Finn's parents (Lando? - wouldn't that be interesting), what is Luke going to do - now that he recognizes he can no longer hide from his fate...

I think there is a lot of good chemistry with the new actors, and am looking forward to the next 2 movies. Don't go in expecting something deep, go in expecting to have fun. Like a thrill ride at Disney Land!
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Thumbs down
4 November 2013
The only reason I did not give this a 1 is because I should have known better. It begins with a fairly lame premise, starts out slow and then kind of just falls completely apart. No direction, no plot, no point, just flashy lights. Big whoop-de-doo.

I am bitterly disappointed in Guillermo Del Toro - everything else I have seen of his has been so brilliant.

However, I should have known better - the key words were there, the idea of giant mecha battling giant monsters, please, I am sure I lost at least 30% if my IQ watching this.

If your are a pre-adolescent boy (or girl), who doesn't really fit in, and would prefer living a virtual life to a real one, then this is probably a movie for you.
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