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Utter madness
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to watching this but I got to episode six and then gave up the plot is ridiculous the acting is so over the top it's best to think of it as a comedy and how the hell does an old man take over a prisoners place without anyone noticing of course it may become clear in later episodes but I really can't be bothered to find out the characters are all so evil that's it's laughable most of the women scream and shout at every opportunity the violence is horrible the way the birth mother punched her daughter in the face was sickening showing gangsters setting a house on fire burning and killing everybody inside was disgusting and what's with the island obviously they have all been drugged whilst on the boat none of it can be real it's stupid far far better k dramas to watch at the moment.
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Heartbeat (2023– )
Boring goblin wannabe
13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was excited to watch this drama but I'm now on episode six and I just cannot get into it it's a pale imitation of the Korean drama goblin with gong yoo even the incidental music is the same I'm waiting for them to do the iconic walk that the grim reaper and goblin do unlike goblin I just don't care about the leads and I love taecyeon the male lead but there's no excitement the female lead is just annoying and her acting is rather lacking it's obvious that the other male lead is a vampire hunter and the old love that has just returned is up to no good the vampire side kicks and so bland and also annoying and what's with that stupid hair cut overall a rather poor show.
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Devil in Ohio (2022– )
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok this is how this drama goes blah blah blah suspenseful music - nothing happens blah blah blah suspenseful music - nothing happens wife does stupid thing - the end what a load of old tripe it was not horror or even a thriller it was not in the least bit scary had more plot holes than Swiss cheese and the acting of those concerned was so bad it was funny throw in a gay best friend a lesbian daughter an adopted Asian daughter and you have got the ingredients for the perfect late night soap opera I really don't know why Netflix does this sort of show because it never seems to work I'm just sorry I wasted my time on this.
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The Sandman (2022– )
23 September 2022
Could this show be any more boring I really wanted to like it and enjoyed the first couple of episodes but it slowly went down hill I actually fell asleep during episode five as it took so long to get to the point and had to rewind to see what happened I usually love this sort of drama but I just couldn't get into it it's basically a show about a god trying to find his "stuff " each episode had some high class actors but I felt they were rather wasted in their roles as they were over so quickly i did like the lead actor who played his part well not sure if I'd watch a second season if there is one.
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Tomorrow (2022)
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched a lot of k dramas over the years and I have to say this is one of the best ones I have seen I loved all the episodes including episode nine dealing with the dog it showed that animals do have a soul which I firmly believe the comfort women episode made me cry as there are still people now who do not believe it happened it showcased a lot of flaws within Korean society which hopefully over time will improve but all the episodes were so good I did not want it to end hopefully there will be a season two all the actors did such a good job and Some of the BTS armies need to get over themselves and grow up and actually watch the drama before giving it one star over something that the company has said was completely accidental I would give it more stars if I could.
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Virgin River (2019– )
Only got worse
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved season one liked season two season three really got fed up with stupid plots season four stopped watching after episode five Mel and Jack go for a romantic night away pilot has heart attack on the way OF COURSE HE DOES so much ridiculous drama Mel pregnant with who's baby wouldn't they have checked to see if she was pregnant first before planting the embryos from her dead husband Brie and Brady story she gets threatened by his old boss does nothing boy goes missing no police any where come on ! Vernons grandson turns up he takes him at his word and even without watching it's obvious the grandson is not quite right shows like these makes me realise why I hardly ever watch US or English dramas give me Asian stories any day.
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Pachinko (2022– )
Moving story
31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Opened an Apple TV account just to watch this and I'm so glad I did the acting is superb by everybody lee min ho who at 35 must be sick and tired of acting in light fluffy chaste k dramas and be a able to play a more meaty grown up role including a love scene which was tame and very short by Hollywood standards but still felt very real the actresses who played the young and teenage female leads were impressive especially as it was a first time acting job I was hooked right from the start and cried with her When she found out he was married with children and he was not serious about their relationship wanting her as a mistress on the side can't wait for the next episodes and will be buying the book to read as well if you have never watched a k drama before ( I have watched hundreds) I would recommend this one as your first it's so good.
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14 November 2021
Came here after midnight mass which I loved this is so frustrating and boring just get to the point really hated the characters felt no empathy towards them really didn't care what happened terrible acting at times the children were good.
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Nevertheless, (2021)
Started well
22 August 2021
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Really liked the first episodes but then it just turned into a run of the mill boring k drama girl likes two boys but ends up with bad boy who messed with her head the second couple were good but then they cut his scenes and even blurred out his face because of some old scandal 🙄of him so say cheating on his then girlfriend- yes really korean cancel culture at its worst the two girls who liked each other were a breath of fresh air and they played their parts well not a drama I would watch again.
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Kingdom: Ashin of the North (2021 TV Movie)
24 July 2021
What can I say the time went by too fast this spin off from kingdom was amazing the story was well written and held your interest until the end fully explains why it all happened the acting was phenomenal especially from the female lead who normally plays far more glamorous roles Korean zombies are truly terrifying as they are fast on their feet and relentless people who don't watch Korean films and dramas in my opinion are missing out on so much I'd rather watch this than most Hollywood films Korea has a way with story telling like no other.
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The 8th Night (2021)
5 July 2021
This film did not really get going until the last forty five minutes up until that point it was so slow I was actually thinking of not watching to the end now I like slow burn I've watched hundreds of Koreans dramas and films and they tell a good story but this did not hold my attention in the beginning I only carried on as I don't like not finishing what I started the ending too felt a bit of a let down this film is not one I would bother watching again koreans do a good horror but this isn't one of them.
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So Not Worth It (2021– )
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry I really don't know how anyone can give this a ten it's cringe worthy the canned laughter every five minutes was totally unnecessary and made an unfunny moment even worse the female lead was so annoying ripping everyone off to get money I know it's a sitcom and not real but I just could not carry on watching they should have a proper program showing a real dorm now that would be interesting.
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Just bad
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Liked the idea of this show but god it's so bad I love fantasy horror supernatural dramas this is just full of young adults over acting the female lead really grated on my nerves it felt like she was in a a drama school play I like billy and the prince but how far fetched was that story line sure a prince just wondering about London on his own the story was good enough just needed a stronger cast of teenagers.
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Angels Fallen (2020)
15 February 2021
I watched six minutes that's all it took to make me switch off never seen such bad acting in my life 😂😂
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Lovestruck in the City (2020–2021)
Not good
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This started off well I really enjoyed the first two episodes and then it went downhill fast and turned into a typical k drama the episodes just got more and more boring the last episode was saved by the long term relationship couple breaking up after his betrayal of lying about what she did as a living you could feel how upset she was the main leads were really pathetic and I really didn't care what happened to the other cast members there is a special episode 17 about the two police men but I can't be bothered to watch don't waste your time on this one
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The Uncanny Counter (2020–2023)
Too much school bullying
13 January 2021
Whilst I'm finding the idea of this drama really good I love fantasy shows and the Koreans are really good at it but I really can't stand the school bully's in practically every show that has a school theme there is always some poor kid getting beaten up with no teacher in sight or no action taken if it's found out because the bully is " rich " if this is how schools in Korea really work then they have a serious problem they already have the highest rate of teenage suicides in the world and to keep showing teenagers being treated in this way seems to be the norm I've lost count at how many dramas I've watched where children are driven to throw themselves off roofs it's ridiculous I know in this case it's so he can show off his new powers but come on enough already
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#Alive (2020)
Terrible dubbing
8 September 2020
Is there a version in Korean with subtitles because I found it really off putting listening to the horrible American accents coming out of the actors mouths it was so wrong I had to stop watching people who watch a lot of Korean dramas want to watch in the original language to catch all of the Subtle nuances and emotions which you don't get with dubbing I hope this is not the way Netflix is going because I will stop watching and go elsewhere
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3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this as goblin written by the same writer is my all time favourite Korean drama however I'm so disappointed in this whilst the idea Is good of parallel worlds I really can't see any chemistry between the two main leads it's really hard to follow and work out which realm they are in as it switches back and forth the detective and her friend look to much alike and you get mixed up to who's who the king only knows her for a few days and is madly in love with her only because he thinks she saved him when he was a child her chemistry with gong yoo in goblin was off the chart and maybe that's the problem the acting in this is no where near as good lee min ho is handsome and that's about it the only good character is the villain who plays his part really well there are only four episodes left I shall watch only to see how it ends its one of those dramas that you only want to watch once
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So good
5 January 2020
Is this your usual take on the story - no does it distract from the story - no it fact it was a really wonderful retelling of the tale it went into so much more depth with the back stories I loved it yes there was a few swear words but come on this was a 2019 version for adults I really felt I understood Scrooge at the end in fact I felt quite emotional all the nay sayers complaining should see it for what it was a well acted well told tale based on the well loved dickens story
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Quite annoying
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this but the female lead is so annoying I'm really fed up with k dramas where the girl is a pushover that lets people walk all over her and backs down all the time seeing as she's a single mum she should have toughened up a bit and the parents attitude towards her are in western eyes Quite frankly ridiculous with one mother calling her a "load of germs" what !! Even by Asian standards that's absurd the male lead is good as the simple and nice guy but even that got a bit wearing after a few episodes it's obvious who the joker is and why is there always a stupid wannabe official guy in these dramas no adult acts like that in real life like a demented toddler having a tantrum not getting its way not sure I want to keep watching I loved both leads in other dramas it's a shame really
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Arthdal Chronicles (2019–2023)
Simply wonderful
3 June 2019
I watch a lot of Korean drama and after watching the first two episodes I am completely hooked it isn't a copy of anything just a refreshing new drama it's unlike any Korean drama I've seen before the leads are really good and how someone could find it confusing is beyond me civilisations have to start somewhere and it's showing how this one began in the very beginning so yes they would be acting like early man what would you expect there are several more episodes to go and many on air dramas are shown weekly they can't be shown any sooner when it hasn't been aired in Korea yet if you don't like the drama then don't watch as for me I can't wait until Saturday when it's next aired
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Brilliantly done
26 January 2019
I'm a great lover of k drama and horror films and the Koreans do it so well I've just binged watched all six episodes in one sitting ( it's now three in the morning ) as I couldn't stop watching yes the acting was a bit ott in the beginning it didn't matter and I didn't see the twist coming in the last episode can't wait for season two hear it's got the go ahead if you love zombies and k drama don't miss this
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Colette (I) (2018)
Snore fest
15 January 2019
This movie felt like it went on for hours it could have been so good but ended up so bad it dragged so much that me and the friends I watched it with lost the will to live half way through
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Gets better and better
9 September 2018
I'm now on episode twenty and can't wait until the next episodes next week as the heading says the story just keeps getting better and better I cried because of what was happening the acting was so good those people who gave up watching don't know what they are missing I'd say give it another try I love Korean drama and this is one of the best along with goblin and descendants of the sun I don't know how they do it but you are left with so many emotions when these dramas end no other country can do it like Korea
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20 August 2018
We as a family loved the first two films but this was boring bland and not at all funny the "jokes" fell flat and seemed forced not one person in the cinema laughed all through the film don't waste your time seeing this film
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