
10 Reviews
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For Godzilla Fans
3 April 2024
I will say this is a terrible movie if you treat it as a movie where you want plot and good acting etc. However, I am a Godzilla fan so I'm not here for the plot or the actors. Im glad the directors realize this and this movie is mainly focused on Godzilla & Kong...albeit abit more on Kong. All the human characters are for the most part enjoyable and entertaining to watch which I appreciated. No more millie bobby brown trying to take focus away from the monsters. Its even more lighthearted than usual as Legendary seems to be making it more and more mass market which is my main critique. If they couldve kept the style of Godzilla KOM this wouldve been the perfect monster mash up. Overall I'd rate it no.2 after Godzilla KOM -->GVK2-->GVK-->G.
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The Bear (2022– )
This show makes me anxious and I cant stop watching 10/10
24 February 2023
I'm a chef, so this review is biased but my god, The Bear is frankly one of the best shows of the decade to me. It hits hard and real in a way that I rarely ever feel about shows and the fact that it is a half hour format per episode it means there is very little fat to trim. Every episode is concise, artful entertainment that grabs you from beginning to end. What I love about the show is that its not really about the food but about the people the MC interacts with. Also the accuracy of working in a kitchen is very real to me which I love. But yes as I said, im biased as a chef but even if you take that away, The Bear is still a masterpiece of a show that really shows human relationships and the strains great passions can have when one is practicing his craft.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
A master class in comedy and social commentary
12 October 2021
I'm a huge dave chapelle fan, since first seeing him in blue streak then followed by chappelle show and so and and so forth. I've followed him through his ups and downs and now seemingly controversial success with his netflix specials.

Maybe because I am of the comedian mindset and like to see things from a humorous point of view, but I can't see how people find this seriously offensive. But thats a debate im not gonna start or get into.

To sum up, I feel this is his best work to date in that it makes you laugh, it makes you think, it even makes you sad but its done in the name of comedy which is an art David has really honed to such a high level that he really is the G. O. A. T and a much needed voice to be heard in this current tumultous point in time. You dont have to agree or disagree, but like he says...maybe try listening for abit.
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Cruella (2021)
Shouldve been an hour shorter
19 September 2021
Theres just not much going on in the movie. Its all extended sequences trying to look edgy. Granted I'm not a fan of disney live adaptations or spinoffs but I went into this show with an open mind. But I was massively bored about 20 minutes in and the movie went for like another 2 hours. The plot is predictable but thats not the problem, its that the it takes soo damn long for them to get to the point and theres just no fun to the journey and the interplay between the characters. Also it feels very much like theyre trying to copy the unique styles of james gunn & guy ritchie but it just doesnt seem natural.
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Somebody Feed Phil (2018– )
Most gratingly irritating host
3 August 2021
I love food shows even if the host isn't great. But man this show is clearly more about the host than the food which is fine if the host is someone good. But this philip rosenthal guy really irritated the hell out of me. Hes there in the real world with real people and he keeps acting like hes in a 90s sitcom. I guess some people might like this but as someone whos a fan of the Anthony Bourdain style of food shows, I could not stomach this show at all.
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Somebody Feed Phil (2018– )
Hate it or Love it
19 May 2021
This show seems ultra polarizing. The host is the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond and it shows, cause he literally acts like a brain dead character from a USA sitcom. That style of humor which wouldve worked in a fictional self contained setting comes off very strange when you shift it to the real world with real life people. Anyways clearly alotta ppl like this show based on the rating but I come from the anthony bourdain school of food hosts and this phil guy just made the show absolutely unbearable for me to watch in his ignorance & callousness, weirdly artificial mannerism and humor. So yea thats just my 2 cents.
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Pretty & Boring
12 March 2021
Firstly, I had no expectations or idea of what this movie was. Just went to watch it randomly. I am an adult that likes animations, toy story, monsters inc, mulan etc etc. Basically, raya is a very pretty movie but man oh man is the story empty. It would've been better as a 13 episode series or something but as a movie, everything is rushed and theres very little sense of urgency or importance as its just all incredibly predictable in the way it plans out. Theres no time for characters to develop or for the story to unfold so every event just speeds onto the next so theres no sense of fulfillment when something does actually happen. or maybe im just too old these days
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The Hero We Deserve and Need
29 August 2019
I'm a lifetime Chapelle fanboy so I'm gonna be bias right off the bat. Hes basically turned off all his filters for this one and not like his filters werent already at a low level. But the jokes he spins are all very truthful and highlight alotta ongoing issues which I think its great that he is both daring enough and famous enough where he basically has dared to bring these topics into the limelight. That bit of social commentary aside, Sticks and Stones is another great which you can archive with all of his other specials. Prepare to laugh and just keep an open mind or youre gonna get offended.
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Baby Driver (2017)
John Bernthal? Getaway Driver? Sounds awesome right...guess again
26 July 2017
Guess im the odd one out but I did not find this movie good at all. The characters are kinda nonsensical in the way their personalities seem to immediately change to suit the plot, there's wayy to much music to the point where it kinda loses its impact (they kinda make it to be a musical of sorts), the driving scenes kinda fall flat after the first scene and I just don't find ansel elgort to be in the slightest bit engaging as an actor much less as a main character.
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Berserk fans out there...prepare to be disappointed
16 May 2013
This review is written as a berserk fan so I can't help it if im biased against this second film installment.

Anyways firstly as a berserk fan I first saw the anime sometime in 2001 and then proceeded to move onto the manga which I've since read many times over and let it be known that berserk is probably one of the great works of art and dark fantasy out there. So when i first saw the movie remake I won't deny that I was excited. However after the first installment I was rather skeptical considering the super condensed story line and clunky 3d animation. However, I gave it the benefit of the doubt that being a first attempt, perhaps the second attempt would get it right...sadly I was very wrong.

Lets start with the one good point, the animation is great making the sword swinging, blood spilling and gratuitous boob grabbing all that more satisfying to watch. Seeing guts in smooth fluid animation is absolutely great, something that the original anime couldn't capture due to the low budget and superbly clunky animation. However, I couldn't help but feel that the original anime did a much better job of capturing the art style of the manga. Perhaps the ICONIC battle of the golden age arc (fans will know which one im talking about) was absolutely ruined by this film despite the fluid animation, so many of the scenes depicted in the manga were just outright skipped. Sure its nice to see guts swinging his sword around with the assistance of a bigger animation budget, but so much of the awesome stuff he does in the manga (not to mention the low budget anime) is just ignored and replaced by fluid and nice looking but ultimately empty animation.

This same 'glossing over' effect also goes for the story, no character development is allowed and many smaller but hugely valuable interactions and events are just skipped for the sake of cramming what is essentially hours of BERSERK into a condensed but ultimately tasteless 80 minutes. I also found it weird that so much time was spent on a particular sex scene which although important as a plot device didn't really warrant the amount of time and emphasis it did on screen.

But perhaps I'm blinded by my previous experiences and memories and perhaps the movie isn't really that bad. But I GUARANTEE that if you enjoy what you've seen in this movie but haven't been acquainted with the original manga...then do yourself a favor and go read it cause its a world of difference.

*Word of warning, if you do take my advice don't expect a conclusion to the berserk saga cause for all its beauty and genius, the series has definitely taken a dive and is unlikely to ever be concluded at the rate the author is going
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