
9 Reviews
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Tæt på sandheden (2017–2024)
amazing satire
24 April 2021
Denmark has great political satire (mostly cus our politicians are so good to make fun of). Jonatan does the job amazingly.
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Call Me Kevin (2016– )
beautifull man
12 March 2021
Watch this man. Do it, i promise that for the rest of your life you wont regret it
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Jolly Roger (2001)
Absolut smuk film
21 January 2021
Tror sidst jeg så den var som 4 årig i 2007 men dens humor holder stadig op den dag idag på trods af at være et produkt af dens tid som skulle have et par årtier før man virkelig kunne lade dens bisare humor synke ind. Den fortjener virkelig et 10 ud af 10
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Another Round (2020)
Longest PSA for responsible drinking ive seen
15 October 2020
But for real, great movie. Its an interesting look at danish drinking culture and how the psychology behind it can effect everyone
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Adventure Time: The Diary (2015)
Season 6, Episode 30
One of My favorites
15 April 2020
Very good ending and in general an episode that doesnt get enough attention
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Knives Out (2019)
surprisingly amazing
23 February 2020
I wasnt expecting anything going into this movie and ecxpected not to like it after the first 5 minutes, but when those first five minutes were over i was hooked. it slows a bit down around the second act but everything else is amazing. i love how its a spoof on old "who done it" murder mysteries but a moddern interpritation both in content and in format
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Full Force (2019)
I love it
24 August 2019
The whole idea the movie trives to sell about how cringe People Are in a way just brave People is amazing and also inspiring for People like me Who has been cringe in the past but has begun to care about what People think about me and stuff
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Pew News (2018–2020)
the most trusted news source
4 August 2019
Before i discovered pew news i was in a dark place. but now my life has improved dramatically and i get all my news from a trusted source. before i discovered pew news i was a nazi, i was an active member of the alt right, i denied the holacaust and worst of all i trusted what people like watersheep told me on their news broadcast. but now im here and im happier than ever and my life has gotten more meaning. im also on a frickton of cocaine and i cant feel my fingertips so how im writing this is a mystery to me. why do i feel numb in the arm and have chest-paijlgdsagh80000000wy3øåæjhrnwafikhnrreaa3hi8p
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9 March 2019
This is truly my favorite movie of all time and to the people saying its not historically acurate. Yeah... its calked alternate history its not supposed to be correct its just something that could have happen and thats why its an origibal story
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