
29 Reviews
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Blonde (2022)
Fictitious garbage
28 September 2022
This movie was such a horrendous disappointment. They told a fictitious story, written by a hack, that didn't know the real Marilyn at all. It focused on every negative rumor ever told of her. Instead of honoring her memory by doing it justice, they dragged her through the mud again. It was a horrible insult to an intelligent, beautiful, wonderful soul. Ana de Armas is a great actress, but her accent was clear and present through the entire film . She also should've objected to the portal being presented to her. This was nothing more then a hack job and another insult in a long line of awful things, said about her by people that can't provide a shred of proof. People that are true fans of Marilyn will absolutely skip this piece of trash.
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It (2017)
Total waste of time.
4 July 2022
From the gay hate in the beginning to the over the top amount of profanity and a child raping father, this "movie" accomplishes absolutely nothing. The violence is gratuitous and doesn't further the story at all and isn't really scary what so ever, aside from some lame jump scares. The 1990 movie was light years better in every way because it left the fates of the victim to the viewers imagination. This was an incredible waste of time and money.
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The Mist (2007)
Waste of time with a terrible ending.
27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a piece of trash and a total waste of time. They went through all of that just for the main character to run out of gas during their escape, shoot the survivors and then have the army roll up a second later?! What a awful way to end a crappy film.
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The Batman (2022)
Slow burn? More like no burn
13 March 2022
This movie was almost 3 hours. I was waiting for it to start for 2 1/2 of those three hours. What a mess this was. This wasn't batman, more like guy dressed up like Batman. Terrible, just terrible.
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FBI: Most Wanted (2020– )
Alexa Davalos, speak up!!!!!
24 February 2022
Why does Alexa Davalos's character talk like that. It's like a loud whisper. No matter what happens, her volume never goes any higher. It doesn't make her character mysterious it just makes her annoying. I have to turn the caption on just so I know what she's saying . There's also the matter of that stupid look she has on her face all the time. The character is lame.
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Seriously, again?
19 February 2022
Once again, they managed to find a group of the stupidest teenagers known to man for Leatherface to pick off, one by one. Having multiple occasions to escape town and live, do they? NOPE. This is the same tired old crap we've gotten time and time again. We even get the pseudo-old woman Jamie Lee Curtis character that comes back for revenge. Snoooooooze.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Cena, a wanna be Rock
14 January 2022
This is as lame as it gets. Cena can't act at all. This is a total and complete waste of time. Cena he's so thirsty to be just like his big brother, The Rock. This is like Monty Python does superheroes.
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Idiotic and ridiculous
30 October 2021
This had to be the most idiotic display of filmmaking I've ever seen and clearly, the dumbest movie in the franchise. It's hysterical how everyone turns into complete morons when somebody in a mask is simply walking behind them. They forget how to run, they forget how to unlock doors, and they stop and look back. Every person that died in this movie died because they were complete idiots. This stupid display of filmmaking have every dumb horror movie cliché they could possibly come up with. I'm not even ready to talk about Jamie Lee Curtis's ridiculous over acting. She reminded me of a paranoid elderly person that was off their medication.
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Truly a cute, feel good movie.
5 September 2021
Cassie is so anyway the beginning, that I wanted to turn it off. I kept watching and was pleasantly surprised at how good this was. Give it a chance and you won't be sorry.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Great show
5 July 2021
The Star Trek super nerds need to relax, stop analyzing the show for the smallest continuity errors and just enjoy it for what it is. Stop pretending to know what Gene Robbenberry would think of it because you don't know. I realize you all seem to think that you're the ultimate authority on Star Trek, but your not that either. Relax geek, it's a great show.🙄
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2 July 2021
This was a fantastic movie. I enjoyed every second of it. It had the right amount of action and comedy to keep me absolutely enthralled. Chris Pratt was amazing.
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Overacted PC garbage
27 June 2021
Once again, Oprah's ego takes over. God forbid somebody else gets some screen time. This movie was terrible. It was corny, boring trash. Thanks for the PC mixed race marriage also. How progressive.🙄 I hope this film failed.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
30 April 2021
Awful awful awful. The acting and writing are mediocre at best. Did they even talk to seals before this crap. Sorry, there are no girls in the Navy Seals. What a sad attempt to look progressive and appease the current offended generation. Her acting was a joke also.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
So-so Seal Movie
30 April 2021
This could've been done a lot better. They got quite a bit wrong regarding how Seals operate. The actor playing the female Seal was terrible and her acting sucked. Not a very good movie. I was expecting a lot better from "Amazon Studios"
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20 March 2021
This was the Justice League movie we all deserved. Watching Zac Snyder's version as opposed to Joss Weadons is like night and day. Absolutely fantastic!!!!
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5 March 2021
This was a terrible movie. I'm sure no one expected them to capture the same magic as the original, but we all excepted better then this garbage. The comedy felt very forced and the jokes fell flat.
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Absentia (2017–2020)
Ridiculous and predictable
22 July 2020
I understand what they're trying to do, but they failed miserably. The plots are ridiculous and predictable. Every one of the main characters has been In the hospital least three times. This would give the dumbest soap opera a run for it's money . You can pretty much call the shots by the third season, that's how predictable the show is.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Shotgun ghetto Mary
3 July 2020
I like this a lot. It's fun and really entertaining, but Shotgun Mary is over the top ghetto. Her attitude is a total turn off. I get it, your a strong black woman. You don't need to be obnoxiously hood ghetto to get the point across. They are in fact supposed to be nuns.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
Confusing mess
10 June 2020
This was an absolute confusing mess and a total waste of time. It wasn't scary or entertaining in the least bit. Skip this mess.
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3022 (2019)
Confusing mess
23 March 2020
This entire movie was a confusing mess. It was so hard to watch, because I had no clue what was going on. Terrible script for a terrible movie.
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6 Underground (2019)
Confusing Mess
13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a confusing mess the the first second. During the opening car chase, they hit and probably kill an innocent person all while they're digging a bullet out of somebody. Ryan Reynold's plays the same exact,so nothing new here. This belongs on the shelf next to R.I.P.D.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
I binged this show XD
10 November 2019
Vampire Diaries has got me hooked. Every episode leaves you off of watching more. Also if you like Teen Dramas and Romance this is the one for you.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Just creepy and weird
20 October 2019
This is one of the most overrated movies ever. Once again, Joaquin Phoenix's creepy weirdness totally overshadows everything else in this film. He's so desperate to make this his own character, that he makes the whole film awkwardly uncomfortable and unenjoyable to watch. I'm not sure what character he was supposed to be, but it sure wasn't the joker. He was just a creepy guy in a clown costume with extensive psychological issues. Skip this garbage.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Total waste of time
14 October 2019
This is a terrible show. I really like Ruby Rose, but she can't save this train wreck. The writing is predictably bad and the acting awful. I really looked forward to this and wanted it to be good. How disappointed was I?
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The Silence (II) (2019)
A Quiet Place rip-off
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Right down to the deaf child, The Silence rips off almost every detail of the 2018 Emily Blunt hit. This is a terribly predictable and really boring. At least A Quiet Place didn't have a mother and baby torn to shreds by winged predators. I'm really disappointed at Netflix's lousy effort.
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