
12 Reviews
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Pay attention to follow and appreciate full imaginative impact of some of the story
13 March 2024
Good solid movie. Based on a Novel at its foundation and it shows.

As for gaffs though , may I suggest one more minor one. As the field was constructed very recent, with lights, than the outside power switch box that hos wife turned on the lights at the end of the movie, for him to play catch with his dad, would be new. It is shown to be old with peeling paint. Just saying..Jim Hagerty, Mayberry Md

Also, like tge MoonlightingDoc Graham character...where protagonist some how goes back from tge mid 1980's to 1972 to just before he died and offers him to see rhe field...he declines, but then somehow shows up as a young man hitch hiking on his way back home after being turned down by the elderly doc in 1972.p.
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Huck and Tom a bit more grown up
2 June 2023
While Tom Sawyer was a hymn to Boyhood per Mark Twaim Himself, this film extrapolates and lays bare the themes buried in both novels,Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn from the point if the protagonists were older teens and thereby appreciated more fully the folly and darkness of what they are going through.

Wish they hadn't so quickly glossed over Hucks story though. Gritty with the most honest portrayal of what life back then would have looked abd felt like. Strong character portrayal be all performers..particularly like Injun Joe..fleshed out into a 3 dimensional person fir first time. As a Twain scholar, I feel confident Sam Clemens would approve of this version. BIg goof though was that the body that was being robbed was that of Hoss Williams, not Ross Williams as now mistakenly in movie and even written on plank tombstone. Choice of European location to better reflect rural nature of town and more importantly, wide open Mississippi River of back than.was smart. Jim Hagerty.
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The Bachelors (2017)
Tough Love from child up to parent this time
21 May 2023
Enjoyed the movie, TSimmons was consumate as were all the princibles,believable, 3 dimensional solid,characters. The story was a little glossy and had a television style vignette after vignette feel about it.

Many of the sets though were too close to my favorite, Ordinary People. Seem the Writer Director was heavily influenced by that movie, whether consciously or not. Score was fresh. One goof was when Simmons as Calculas teacher, first time at white board was teaching how to measure a cylinder, elementary math- not calculas. The second scene which depended on calculas in plot line, got it right- Also , a little too technical on specific medications and graphic on ECT..twice over. More verbal exchange between Doc and Simmons character would have fleshed out the issue more. Lastl6 ,all or nothing approach where medications and ECT had no effect and just a talk/ plea from his son to lift himself up by his bootstraps, as it were, was over simplistic and in this case,completely discounts medicines and therapies as helping. As someone with clinical depression, Lexapro finally did the trick for me, I know many factors and cures involved. A strong 8 out of 10.

Was impressed with track coach/ educator/ old friend portrayal . Good job. Thanks to all involved..Jim Hagerty.
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Jury Duty (2023– )
Exceptionally creative and deceptively profound of the human condition
22 April 2023
Can't say enough about this TV Viewing Experience. Exceptionally creative and will cause you to suspend belief..and befuddles the senses at times, a breath of fresh air though.

And the emotional payoff in the end is genuine and comes through the screen at the end of the 8 show series and grabs you. I highly recommend it.

Agreat snapshot and expose into what is good in humans. The performances are intricate, improvisational, focused and generous equaling combiner the actors character and the actors real self at the same time. Character development was spot on. The Judge extrordinary. Writing one overiding purpose and goal in mind.
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The movie is good though it's two movies, superb drama with the likes of Anthony Hopkins and sentimental rom com with fireworks and sizzling , protracted lovey eye scenes.
24 January 2023
Was bothered by the failure to update from the 1930's "Death takes a Holiday" when Heart troubles/ Attacks were then a forgone guaranteed death sentence to 65 years olds when in 1998 that is not the case, especially when involving a rich 65 year old.

The movie is good though it's two movies, superb drama with the likes of Anthony Hopkins and sentimental rom com with fireworks and sizzling , protracted lovey eye scenes.

Brad Pit played dual roles very believable, and subplot of parental favorites was interesting. Strong cast and even silent Board Members stayed deep in character with their facials and body lanquage.
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Scrooged (1988)
An intended joke, albeit subliminalfor the audience
23 December 2022
To anyone watching "Scrooged" as their annual part of their Christmas tradition like me, you will notice that Bill Murray's Frank Cross gives out a real telephone number for his old girlfriend to call him back, not the standard fake 555 number. Given that a brief camera shot close up of his girl friend, Claire Phillip's number is shown as ( 212) 874- 7733 ( which was a payphone listed under City Collection Revenue Division- Payphones- now disconnected) we can assume that Murrays's character's number also has a ( 212) area code ; therefore, (212)674-9565. Of course, this was all 34 years ago when the movie was made. That number is now also disconnected.
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About Time (I) (2013)
A diamond in the rough
3 September 2021
I very seldom recommend a movie, an especially one that is labeled a feel good one, of the Chick Flick Genre. But this one is head and shoulders above apart from those labels which defies an easy pigeon holing because it is so well written and painstakingly brought to the screen without losing a morsel of that gift.

Poetic and raw at the same time, ringing a true responsive chord in the heart, both ridiculous and sublime,the same as Life. A Hymn to the magical, everyday, seemingly mundane sparks that make Life- in the vein of a modern day "Our Town"

Let me know what you think.
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Love never really dies.
17 November 2020
Just watched 'A Children's Act' with Emma Thompson.I highly recommend it.A seemingly paint- by-the numbers, run of the mill, love waning tale by intrusion of a career, but there is a twist, a pleasant, thought provoking surprise.
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Stand by Me (1986)
When really looking at the railroad bridge, it wasn't that scary or dangerous for pedestrians
3 September 2020
When the boys approach the railroad bridge you can clearly see the tie back to single track behind them on ground, looking across the bridge ,there appears to be two separate tracks with ample side shoulders, so why was it necessary for the kids to sprint rigjtinfront of the " steam" locomotive with only one car and a caboose? Why was it necessary for the boys to jump off the bridge at the abutment?
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Second Best (1994)
There is someone for everyone it seems.
17 July 2020
When this grown man finds himself alone, mechanical,bereft of feeling in his middle age,comfortable yet empty, he 'happens" upon a picture of a little boy who is up for adoption among many in a window as he passes by.While he is in the position to provide the material things,security and home to the child in distress, the boy,although himself a derelict on the sea of life, still can feel and has felt the pangs and deep love and hurt of life unlike the man, and from this hard earned deep emotional well he is able to provide his new Father a far more substantial quid pro quo.Both William Hurt and Chris Leary Miles prove that their talent is not only acting, but in readily tapping into the Old Souls that they are.Both reflect the Author' David Cook's every nuance ,every glimpse of the needful souls they portray .Chris plays the part masterfully, both of a cunning fox, but a vulnerable damaged untrusting soul, who despite his past is just waiting to show love and be loved if given the chance, with no strings attached once is guard is gingerly taken down.A warm heart in trade for a warm hearth.A great piece of artistry in it's purest sense, both the book and the movie,which faithfully mirrors it.James Hagerty, Westminster,Maryland
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1917 (2019)
Great a fan's observations
12 January 2020
Meticulous in everyway,with exception of when soles of boots were shown.Unlike reality when they would have been worn down to threadbare,maybe even with worn out holes,they were all new and fresh with tread. Song that propelled movie,WAYWARD STANGER SOLDIER, is obviously based on old hymn,,' Goin HomeReminded me so much of Red Badge Of Courage,but true story and great in it's own right.
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1917 (2019)
1917 Observations
12 January 2020
Meticulous as to details with the exception,showed conditions really as what the were,bloody,muddy,dirty,horrible, with the exception that when ever the soles of their boots were shown,either or dead bodies or people in prone position,the tread and soles were all fresh and new.Real world,they would have been worn way down.

Also,the song Wayward Stanger Soldier appears to use the old Hymn.Goin Home as it's inspiration,maybe too close. Reminded me of Red Badge of Courage,but great in it's own right
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