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Can skip 5 of the 9 episodes. Surprisingly mediocre. Some highlights though.
22 October 2022
Watch the recap of the premiere to get the gist, the 2nd episode, the 3rd episode with Tim Roth, the 8th episode aka the Daredevil episode, and the finale, which is the 9th episode. The last two eps are definitely recommended to Marvel completionists.

Skip the surprisingly meaningless and inconsequential other 5 episodes.

Pros: Marvel has needed a female character that actual women can relate to and stories with her in them they can point to and recognize, like the incel hackers, a woman's sex life being held to a double standard, etc. Unfortunately most male Marvel fans seem to be like Todd and very few of us are like Pug.

Tatiana Maslany. She is a treasure and should be celebrated and protected.

Jen's straight-from-the-comics relationship with Daredevil, who has ALWAYS had a way with the ladies. I can't believe in the past month or so Marvel AND Star Wars showed their characters having ACTUAL SEX. In our sexually repressed country, that is a HUGE deal.

Jen's straight-from-the-comics 4th wall breaking. Deadpool's style is vulgar and raw, while Jen's is incredulous & critical. Both are welcome and needed.

Frogman. Ribbit and rip it. I have a Frogman action figure. He is one of the greatest & stupidest characters in Marvel history. Was so funny to see him accurately portrayed in live action.

Cons: Seriously, how did Jen's CGI get approved what had to of been multiple times? Its really distracting.

The weird character development and plot inconsistencies with supporting characters.

Vast majority of jokes fell flat. There is a reason Disney chose to use very few jokes in the ride Ride of the Resistance. Humor is tough and only works the best the first time. It's why rewatchable comedies are few and far between and why movies like Anchorman and Super Troopers are classics, but people still don't laugh nearly as much when they rewatch those.

The main A story of the season was what? Marvel fans dont want case/monster of the week shows. TV has longed moved past that style of storytelling.

Feige, hire Deadpool's Tim Miller and Ryan Reynolds for season 2's writing room. This show needs to be more focused on less ideas.

Hopefully Marvel Studios learns from She-Hulk, both in their many mistakes and the few successes.
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Prey (I) (2022)
12 August 2022
I should've never experienced a movie like this for the first time on my TV while sitting on my couch.

Also, EVERY hero should have a dog like Sarri.
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The longer I watched it, the more this huge BR fan fell in love with the show.
29 April 2022
Every Blade Runner fan needs to watch this ESSENTIAL story.

The story has EVERYTHING to do with the movies. The story is a perfect BR story about memories, purpose, and pf course, what it means to be human. The animation is much better than the vocal minority in these reviews is saying. The tech & the huge buildings look great.

The voice work is top notch full of some great actors like Jessican Henwick & Wes Bentley.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Don't read the reviews people wrote after watching only 2-3 episodes. Don't write a review unless you've watched the whole thing with undivided attention.
27 December 2021
Don't post reviews after only watching 2 episodes out of 10. Do you post reviews after watching 30min of a 2hr movie? Probably not, but if so, then that's a TERRIBLE way to review something.

I'm loving this alien invasion show that's designed as a mystery. If you want everything explained and explained quickly then this is not the show for you. Go watch Falling Skies.

If an alien invasion were to happen, this is a possible way it could play out for everyday normal people who wouldn't have a clue what's happening large-scale and would have their own stuff to deal with, and would have no reason to think that stuff isn't important anymore.

For those that are surprised this is a slow burn, the first 30min of E1 gives it away. The musical score, the camera work, etc. Its all built on mystery.
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Entertaining enough....
30 November 2021
....for a pass-the-time turn-off-your-brain kind of movie. It's too bad it's what I call an "off-balance budget" movie, ie it looks like they spent 90% of the budget in the first 30min.

One of the movie's saving graces is the monster design for the males, which actually has a little bit of originality.
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Gladiator (2000)
Timeless. A modern day classic. Epitome of an epic. An all-time great.
17 February 2021
"Are you not entertained?!?!"

One of the most perfect movies ever made. The pacing, the characterization & development. Hans Zimmer's score. John Mathieson's cinematography. Career-making acting from Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, & Djimon Hounsou. Everything is on point.

This movie is an integral part of Ridley Scott's holy trinity, along with Blade Runner & Alien. Endlessly rewatchable. Endlessly quotable. An epic tragedy on the level of Shakespeare & Ancient Greece.

This movie will be just as popular a hundred years from now, and no movie about Ancient Rome will have topped it.
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The Expanse: Tribes (2021)
Season 5, Episode 6
Minimal action. Just as fulfilling. Continues to get better with every episode.
8 January 2021
Character development on The Expanse is unmatched across all of TV, streaming or not. Amos in S5 is clearly the same person from S1, but his awareness re: Holden & being a good person is what we'd love to see from everyone, fictional or not.

And yeah they have the books to go off of, but it still takes an incredible amount of skill & artistry for high quality characterization & character development.
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Watchmen (2019)
Challenging & Different
23 October 2019
From all the bad reviewers that are rambling about wanting more of the same to the history of religion I can tell people have a hard time with critical thinking and patience. I get so happy when I see people announcing they're giving up after one episode. One, nobody cares. Two, it says more about you than the show. Do you judge a movie by the opening credits? Because that's what a pilot is.

Implausible? Dr. Manhattan can teleport to Mars. C'mon, the comic was an extremely exaggerated version of reality & this continues in that vein perfectly. Some of these reviewers are living in a fantasy land if they don't think these things exists or isn't a problem, and the show exaggerates it just like the comic exaggerated a lot. There's a blue dude on Mars. Squids are still coming out the sky. Anything can happen.

Slow down. Think things out. Did the first issue of the comic give away everything? No. Did the first issue have current topics of the 80s? Yes. Was it an imaginary world where superheroes exist? Yes.

Some of y'all need to chill on anger over a tv show pilot.

Oh yeah Reznor & Ross are brilliant yet again.
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Justified (2010–2015)
One Smooth Ride
24 April 2010
Justified is another fine entry into FX's stable of shows. As a fan of both crime fiction & serialized television, this has been on my radar for some time. First, the story is wonderfully structured & grounded in reality (It helps when you shoot on location & cast actors that actually feel like they belong there) The U.S. Marshalls & their multiple duties have always been a great source for story-telling, and this is no different. Second, the cast is perfect for this type of slow-burn law enforcement story. Timothy Olyphant once again nails the 'cowboy' role we've seen him in before(Deadwood, The Crazies). He runs the risk of being type-cast; but if he's always this good in these types of roles, who cares? The rest of the cast is rounded-out by some familiar & not-so-familiar faces, and the whole of them seem to bring their A-game to this project. The third reason this show is quality is the production value. Everything from the costumes(I love the cowboy hat) to the locations & the music have all been perfectly fitting with the story & the characters. This show also sneaks up on you a little bit, once you think Justified isn't 'edgy' enough for FX, something happens to change your mind. It's only similar to the other FX crime shows in that it centers around a really angry guy. I hope Justified & FX continue to pleasantly surprise me.
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