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16 years later and it proved prophetic.
26 July 2023
When you watch this through 2023 eyes, it's scary how so much has come true and is happening now.

The rise of the Climate religion. CO2 taxes and Net Zero targets, which will impact the earths greening ability. The forced reduction in farming and the push to 'rewild' the planet.

The centralisation of World Health response under WHO and loss of individual Sovereign powers.

A medical intervention, that's killed millions worldwide and which has left many more with life shortening ailments, stillborns and infertility.

CBDC's, Digital surveillance, biometric data, 15 minute cities, travel restrictions, assisted suicides for 14 year olds upwards, who are 'tired of living' are all being introduced now as I write.

Mass World Hunger could soon follow, as more and more farmland is lost to agriculture, our water resources are poisoned and food and water prices rise.

If the near future is as accurate as this documentary has forecast the last 16 years, then be prepared for annihilation of the majority of the human race. The Elites and your governments want a controllable world population of only 500 Million plebs.

Everyone needs to 'wake up' and watch this very soon, as the odds are we're not going to be around much longer.
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I'm now a believer!
28 May 2023
I've always been sceptical about aliens visiting earth, or that the evidence of their visits has been concealed by our governments, although I have remained open to the possibility that my belief may be wrong.

Having watched this documentary, I can honestly say I've changed my opinion.

There are too many independent witnesses, giving very similar descriptions of the events surrounding this encounter, for it to be idly dismissed. All of them convincing and many of whom held key, or professional positions at the time. This cannot be coincidence and you have to base your beliefs on the evidence presented, even if that means changing your opinion.

This documentary has convinced me enough to make that change . I'm now a believer!
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Tetris (2023)
One of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
29 April 2023
I watched this on a wim, not expecting much as recent movies have been a huge letdown, with higher imdb ratings than they deserved.

How mistaken I was.

This is without doubt one of the most entertaining movies I've seen in a very long time and one deserving of its high rating. I don't know how accurate the storyline is but being a Brit living in Bulgaria, which is itself a former Communist State, I can certainly relate to it, as much of the bureaucracy still exists today.

To be honest, I can't find fault. The scriptwriting, the acting, the detail and the music... especially the music was an absolute joy. Don't believe the haters, watch it at make up your own mind. If you lived through the 80s and experienced the birth of Tetris and the Nintendo Game Boy, then I'm sure you'll appreciate it and give it a huge thumbs up.

To the producers.. Thanks for making my day!
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Lady Macbeth (2016)
Yet another let down.
10 April 2023
If you're expecting an historical depiction of Irish rural life in the 19th century, you'll l be gravely disappointed. This is just another 'woke' production that rewrites history to include black people. If this was set in the American Southern states during this period then I'd have no qualms.

Why must our history be adulterated by people who were never present at that time any why is misappropriation only applied to white western society? Do they not have anything to tell of their own without stealing ours?

Aside from the historical inaccuracy, the whole movie is disappointing both in script and delivery. No surprises, it's just a lacklustre and mediocre watch for an undemanding and ill educated audience.
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The Menu (2022)
Mutton dressed as Lamb.
6 January 2023
Interesting piece, until you get half way and realise, what you're being served isn't the quality product you were promised in the menu. Instead it's a disappointment. A dish served half cold, where the combined ingredients fail to come together and three bites in, leaves a bad taste in your mouth that lingers until the very last morsel.

You can't entirely blame imdb, upon whose raving reviews you built your expectations. It's 2023 and by now you should be used to false ratings, extolling the outstanding virtues of the latest Hollywood blockbuster, paying parties in 3rd world countries to leave glowing reviews.

It's not a dead duck, it has its moments but sadly it doesn't fly. Like the great majority of Hollywood movies over the last few years, it should have been sent back to the kitchen for reworking, or better still removed from the menu at the planning stage before it ever reached the table.

Either decent scriptwriting is being ignored, or there's a shortage of basic talent. Whatever it is, the outcome remains the same. Nothing is being produced today that could ever honestly be classed as a 'Triumph of Hollywood Cinema', instead we're expected to swallow the bland and mediocre, rather than the sublime entertainment we're promised.
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Borstal Boy (2000)
Very rare that I give 10/10
28 December 2022
Heartfelt, moving portrayal of an Irish lad coming to terms with his feelings, emotions and sexuality in a British young offenders institution during WW2.

Heartwarming, funny and deeply moving at times, this is a treasure of a movie worth seeking out just for the excellent. Acting alone, from those who have moved on to greater success in their careers.

If I could give Oscars, then this little movie deserves at least two. It's such a pity, that modern storytelling has moved on so quickly and for the wrong reasons, that great films like this will be a rare event in future cinema production.

Highly recommended. 10/10.
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A Hidden Life (2019)
Way too long and much overrated
14 August 2022
I'd like to say I enjoyed it but I didn't. I watched to the end. 3 hours of beautiful scenery and the struggles of rural life and the choices we make during wartime.

I'd like to say I connected to the characters but grew bored with them in under an hour. The rest was just misery, for me as well as the characters, as we struggled along together to the bitter end. An end which would have bettered the movie, had it been in half the runtime.

If I remember this, it will be for the small piece of life that I wasted, never to regain.

Don't fall for the gushing reviews. Live your life.
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Pilgrimage (II) (2017)
Fabulous historical drama
8 July 2022
It's a pleasant surprise to find an historical (semi) that hasn't been corrupted by modern thought. Stunning scenery. Authentic portrayal of the period and superb acting throughout. Thoroughly enjoyable and heartily recommended. 8 out of 10. And that's coming from an Englishman.
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The Duke (2020)
Gentle British Comedy Drama at its Best!
12 February 2022
I admit, I am a huge fan of Jim Broadbent. I've always enjoyed everything I've seen him. Almost always, he portrays someone slightly eccentric, which I suppose I relate to.

The Duke, is once again, a gentle British comedy, of which he excels in. Dame Helen Mirren as his long suffering partner gives a well deserved performance but to me, Jim Broadbent steals the show.

If your lucky enough to have lived in the 1960s, or even interested in the period, you will love this slow, gentle comedy, as I did.

I only hope that Jim Broadbent is awarded the critical acclaim for which he is long overdue in receiving. He is an absolute icon of British Cinema and and a National Treasure.

This is an absolute Gem!!!
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
I've laughed, I've cried with this series. Superb!
1 November 2021
I honestly can't find anything remotely negative about this series. I have 5000 sq metres of land that I've never used.

Although I'm on a much smaller scale, it's given me the determination to start farming it. Whether I make a profit is completely by the way.

Thank you Jeremy for being so entertaining (I've split my sides laughing). You've determined me to do something that I would never have considered without your series. I have learnt more from your single series than I have learnt from a lifetime of watching Countryfile. Thank you!!!
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Hunter Hunter (2020)
One of the best Horrors of recent years
31 October 2021
Don't listen to the negatives. I went into this expecting yet another recent movie with overrated reviews. This is not one of them, in fact it's way better than most horror films delivered in the 21st Century and should, justly, become a classic, reminiscent of those produced in the 1980's, such as 'I Spit on your Grave, or the earlier' Deliverance'.

Yes, its a bit of a slow burner but stay with it and you will be well rewarded as it's a real Gem of a movie.
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Parents (1989)
Definitely no Serial Mom
31 October 2021
It's 6pm on Halloween and I decided to enjoy the evening with a few horror movies.

After reading the storyline, I had high expectations, hoping for a Horror Comedy something like Serial Mom but this movie was far from it and failed to deliver on all fronts.

For one, it's darned slow. Secondly, it's not a horror. Lastly, it's bereft of humour, at least I couldn't find anything to make me break a smile let alone laugh. Instead I found myself dozing off and had great pleasure in pressing the off button half way through, in search of a something at least half decent.
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Cargo (I) (2017)
As slow moving as the Zombie's
31 October 2021
There's very little innovation in this movie, it offers nothing that you haven't seen before and to better effect.

I found it tediously slow, with little action and what was delivered was underwhelming.

Not enough jumps or scares to warrant being a horror film. It didn't leave me wanting more just a lot less. Maybe chop an hour off the length and cram the storyline into what's left - Job Done!
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Chapelwaite (2021–2023)
Dire, dreary and irritatingly Slow....
17 October 2021
I've managed to struggle through to episode 7 in the hope things get better. Unfortunately, they don't.

It's not that the premise is bad, it's just that it's dragged out far too long. The main part of each episode is short of action and what is a 10 part series, carries a storyline better suited to a 3 hour mini-series.

In addition, the plot is guessable at best, any punches are held back for the final 10 minutes of each episode. It's a 40 minute drag before you get there, enough so, that I will not be watching any further.

You only have one life and what precious little time you have to enjoy it, should not be wasted watching this dross.
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Possessor (2020)
Food for the Psychopath
1 October 2021
Sometimes, film makers need to be held responsible for their art. This is one of them.

The amount of unnecessarily graphic and bloody violence perpetrated by someone in possession of another person's body, I find alarming. There are enough sick people out there, willing to commit atrocities in the belief they are not in control of their own actions.

The graphic violence and emotional detachment will no doubt appeal to the sociopaths and psychopaths amongst us.

In addition it's very slow, tedious and not a good watch.
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Endeavour: Terminus (2021)
Season 8, Episode 3
Ludicrous story, Endeavour descends into Pantomime
27 September 2021
Endeavour can't be the only one with a drink problem, as screenwriter Russell Lewis must have been totally inebriated while writing such a god awful script for this series.

Not wishing to end the on a high they certainly didn't disappoint, by leaving the very worst episode till last.

All I can think, is that the script looked rosey through the bottom of the whisky glass.

Let's hope both Endeavour and Russell can recover successfully.
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Pleasant little known pre-Hollywood Hitchcock
25 September 2021
I was lucky enough to stumble across this little gem on YouTube. Its a fine example of the early Hitchcock films and may be of help to some modern day screenwriters, after much of the overrated dross produced in Hollywood these days.

Ideal viewing for a Sunday afternoon.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
A Journey into Absurdity
31 August 2021
Firstly, I'd like to know how, when reading all the terrible reviews and low ratings, this can still be showing as having a 7.4 score out of 10?

I'll admit, I wasn't impressed by the first two seasons. I thought the writing was below average at best, however, season three takes you on a whole new adventure down the rabbit hole of absurdity.

Just the premise that any of the characters would find Marcella remotely attractive, is a leap beyond believability. Harsh I know, but true.

You'll be doing yourself a favour by giving it a wide berth.
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Overrated Mediocre production.
28 August 2021
Having been drawn by the high rating, I was sadly disappointed. It's a pleasant enough performance but could have been so much better. The dance numbers are fantastic, however the acting ability of the cast is lacking.

If you want to see what a GREAT Stage Musical should be like, then look no further than the 1999 London Stage performance of Oklahoma!, starring Hugh Jackman and Maureen Lipman.

Sadly, this version of 42nd Street isn't in the same ballpark. The Original 1933 B&W movie still reigns supreme.
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Stillwater (2021)
Don't fall for the high score reviews
22 August 2021
There are some great slow paced movies out there, that build the characters, draw you into the plot and deliver on some great Scriptwriting. Stillwater has none of these.

To say it's tedious is an understate. The storyline drags, as does the acting. There's little to no emotional attachment to any of the characters. The lack of empathy created leaves you squirming in your seat for over 2 hours.

In short, I'd normally give it a 5 but have scored it lower to offset the ludicrously higher rating it has gained by the fake reviews.

Do yourself a favour and give it a wide berth. You can thank me later.
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An excellent movie for the Serious Masochist
20 August 2021
For anyone whom Sticking Pins into their eyes, whilst Nailing their Foreskin to a Railway Sleeper is never enough, this Cinematic equivalent of Chinese Water Torture will take you to a level, never before witnessed in modern Cinematic History.

To others, it will be perceived as an over indulgent pile of proverbial and a Huge Nail in the Coffin of once Great Cinematography. RIP Hollywood.
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Great Movie. Thoroughly enjoyable.
15 August 2021
Having never heard of the film previously, I was pleasantly surprised to eventually find it.

An unconventional 'Who dun it', with similarities to the exceptional and superior Ealing comedy 'Kind Hearts and Coronets' , I found it a wholly enjoyable experience.

Yes, it may be unconventional in its style but this is part of its attraction. It also contains some fabulous hunting scenes, now a rare sight, almost lost tradition within the English Countryside. Just enjoy it!
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A Pulp Romance. Pure Mills and Boon Escapism.
1 August 2021
An ideal Sunday Afternoon Movie, with a storyline straight from a Mills and Boon Pulp Romance novel.

Sure, there are loads of inaccuracies, an implausible script and cheesy acting but forget the negatives, just enjoy it for what it is...Pure Romantic Escapism!
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Adam's Apples (2005)
Dark Comedy at it's best
24 July 2021
A hard hitting dark comedy that will try your patience but stick with it. It is one that you will remember!

Great script, superb acting and not predictable. I loved it!
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Compliance (2012)
Irrational, irritating Storyline. Beyond belief
16 July 2021
Irritating storyline, that gets steadily worse and more far fetched throughout the ordeal. Its hard to watch, not because it deals with a difficulty subject but because the plot is so ludicrous, with holes so big, your grandma could fit through them riding a mobility scooter, in front of a herd of elephants.

Perhaps there's a tenuous link to a 'real event', but seriously this is NOT credible in the slightest.
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