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Overall good, but still left unsatisfied
14 December 2023
First let me just say kudos to the movie for sticking to the book. I especially liked the way they portrayed the games and the ending, however some parts of the movie left rushed.

Now let's talk about the character portrayal. We saw some really good performance from Viola Davis, Dinklage and the actor who played Sejanus was exceptionally good! However, our dear President Snow failed to evoke the intricate emotions we felt when reading the book. In my opinion, the actor who played him wasn't able to showcase the complicated emotions Snow goes through in the book. As for our songbird, Lucy Gray, I didn't see her in the movie at all. The actress who played Lucy Gray was very very pretty and she has a great voice, but her performance on this was abysmal. Her accent was awful and confusing, and her acting felt so insincere. I connected so well with the book Lucy Gray but on screen, I didn't feel the same with her. Her singing was great, but even still, I wished they had made it feel more like a real person singing instead of a musical performance from a pop star. Even the Hanging Tree song - when Jennifer Lawrence sung in the movies I felt chills on the back of my neck. It was so raw and evokes the emotions you felt in the book. In this new movie, it was sung on a higher note and it just didn't feel the same.

Also, I was confused about some of the dialogues on the movie. It left like 2023 language was being used and towards the ending you get the feeling that you're watching a 2023 movie instead of a movie set on a dystopian era at a dystopian place called Panem. Compared to the original series, this movie did not transport me to a different world. Perhaps, I'm nitpicking too much...

Overall, this movie was a mixed bag of emotions. Though peppered with commendable moments/performance, the movie failed to whisk me away to the world of Panem and didn't leave me dejected and longing for more like the book did.
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Really the stupidest movie I have ever watched!
12 December 2023
How will legalising prostitution end child kidnapping and put can end to millions of young girls being exploited? It will only embolden people who do these atrocious crimes, force young girls into prostitution to kidnap more girls and exploit them since it would not be illegal anymore. If you want justice for the girls who were exploited and stop more girls from sharing the same fate, then you need harsher punishment for people who commit these crimes of child kidnapping and sex-trafficking. However, we also need compassion for women who have been exploited and provide them with means to rehabilitate them back to society. None of this would be possible if you legalise prostitution. Whoever wrote this movie I hasn't really thought about this issue deeply and have applied a really faulty logic.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Season 1-2 is still the best
18 November 2022
Season 1-2 was perfect, but major casting mistakes were done in season 5. I've grown to like Imelda Staunton as the Queen although her performance seemed a little insincere. I normally really adore Lesley Manville but she's totally wrong to play Princess Margot. Her accent and her demeanor is all wrong for this role. But honestly, the worst casting mistake was Dominic West. Dominic West was Dominic West. He failed to transform into King Charles as the previous actor did. Other reviewers are all complaining about Debicki and the actor who plays Prince Phillip, but I liked both of them. They were definitely better than West.

The episode in season 5 that highlighted the last moments of Tsar Nicholas's family was very spot on. A lot of people don't know that the Bolsheviks murdered their family in cold blood, raped the young princesses's and buried them like animals. Bringing awareness to this historic horror was important and well done.
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The Capture (2019– )
If you like Person of Interest...
13 September 2022
One of the most excellent conspiracy thriller shows I've watched since Person of Interest. Holliday Granger is perfect for the role. Interesting and enthralling from the beginning. Kept me on my toes the whole time and I was eager to watch each episode as soon as they were out. I thought the show also brilliantly captured geopolitical realities of the relation between the nations mentioned in the show.

The ending of season 2 was simply brilliant and satisfying. I have zero criticism for this show. I hope there's a third season and I hope to see Callum Turner in the show again.

If you're looking for a show that's exciting and thrilling and or want to watch a show similar to Person of Interest. Give this show a try!
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14 July 2022
My heart breaks for all of Floyd's victims. This monster kidnapped and raped a 4 year old. If the American justice system had served justice by putting the monster down, no other persons would have been hurt. A great example of how the lack of capital punishment for horrendous crimes leads to more harm.
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Our Father (III) (2022)
Very confusing
3 June 2022
The women wanted babies, the man gave them babies. They agreed to be inseminated by a random sperm donor and that's what they got. How does it magically makes it morally wrong he used his own sperm? And the woman in this crying about having blonde hair and blue eyes, would it have been better if she had brown hair and brown eyes instead? Hysterical.
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what's with the obsession for catholics?
28 April 2022
Are you kidding me with that disrespectful scene commodifying the catholic mysteries? I'm not catholic, but i found it unacceptable. Please, can we not respect each other's cultures and religions? Very disappointed.
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Good show but need to exercise caution
8 March 2022
While watching this show, just remember who wrote, directed, and produced it. Every story leaks the belief/perspective of its makers, so it's always important to keep the background of the makers of a show while watching.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
28 November 2021
There has never been show that started well and fell so badly as this one. It was painful to watch it, but I had to because I needed to know what happened. Sigh. If only I could get back all the time I spent on this crappy show.
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Messiah (2020)
14 July 2020
After reading the ratings here, I'm amazed at how this boring show has managed to piss off so many people. The Muslims think that this show is islamophobic, the Christians think it is anti-Christian, Palestinians think it is an anti-Palestinian propaganda, and the Israelis think it is anti-Israel propaganda! The truth is, this show is about absolutely NOTHING. It doesn't have a proper story and a proper ending at all. It's just too messy, confusing, and boring. The acting is no good either. It very awkward and pretentious. Some of the characters have no purpose in the show at all. They don't add anything to story. They just... exist. Very disappointing because after seeing the good reviews I thought it would be a good show. But I had to force myself to finish it, and I regret every minute I wasted on this show.
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The Woods (2020)
This is something to watch when you can find nothing else to watch.
29 June 2020
Beautiful cinematography and great acting by the main characters. Overall, the show is quite captivating, but the plot is not that great.
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River (2015)
A sad beautiful poetry
24 June 2020
River is about pain and loss. It's about loneliness and isolation, and what it's like to be an immigrant and not fit in and be judged not who you are, but for where you come from. The show is also about redemption and compassion. How often the people whom we consider righteous turn out to be criminals like the judge in the show, and those whom we view as criminals turn out to be good people?

If you're a Christian, like me, this show is a reminder to never let your heart go numb to the merciful reality that your sins have been forgiven, and to always remember that, like us, others are also loved by God, and are capable of redemption. It is a reminder that we are all sinners in need of salvation, and that our unity in Christ supersedes all ethnic and social differences.

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Dark (2017–2020)
22 June 2020
I've been so obsessed with this show for the past 3 years! I remember the first time I watched season 1 I immediately loved it, but thought there will probably be no season 2 as it was not as popular as it is now back then. I had to wait 2 years, but thankfully, the creators of Dark blessed us with another season. Now, I really can't wait for season 3! All I've been doing this past few weeks is re-watching the series and discussing the show and making up theories with my sister, who also loves the show very much.

The thing I like the most about this show is it's complexity. Each episode is packed with so much information and there are plenty of foreshadowing and symbolism involved that makes the show seem almost like a puzzle which makes it absolutely enjoyable for the viewers because it allows us to solve the "puzzle" by focusing and understanding the unfolding plot. We are also introduced to many characters, yet the writers explore each character very well, and there is an element of mystery to each character as well. The writers of the series are truly ingenious. The story-telling is brilliant. I have nothing but praise for this show. I can't wait to watch season 3!


As expected season 3 was excellent. I really enjoyed the entire season and loved the way they ended the show. However, there are still way too many loose ends by the finale. I was obsessing over a lot events and characters that was never explained. One of the main loose end for me was the character of Boris Niewald. I was almost certain that there was something big planned for this character after seeing how they built up the character in the past two seasons, but the character was left unexplored. A lot of other tiny events and details that I was expecting an explanation for was not explained at all. For instance, who wrote the letter to Claussen? What happened to Agnes and Doris, why did we never see their older self in 1986? How did Elizabeth become the leader of future Sic Mundus? and so on. Events that happened in the alt-world and how Eve's Let There Be Light was formed and function was not explained well and felt a little rushed.

It feel like the writers had four season worth of materials, but for whatever reason they decided to only give us three and because of that a lot of crucial information got left out. As a result, my earlier understanding and appreciation for those events and details that was unexplained has suffered. Overall, I fell that Dark was really good show, but the missed out details and loose ends make me feel somewhat... empty. Or maybe I'm feeling this emptiness because my favorite show is now over... Season 1: 9.5/10 Season 2: 10/10 Season 3: 9/10
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
1 June 2020
Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh are amazing, but the show is extremely slow and I have no idea where the writers are going with the story. Season 1 was great (I gave it 8 stars), but season 3 is getting tiresome. It seems like season 3 is only successful because of Jodie Comer's character, and the continuation of the glorification and romanticization of murder.
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Whiplash (2014)
Exactly my tempo!
17 May 2020
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I remember the first time I watched it I was so captivated that I wished the movie would go on and on and never end. Especially during the solo at the end, I was so completely mesmerized I forgot to breathe. The main character, played by Miles Teller, is very relatable. The character is everyone of us who are ambitious and driven, and have a thirst to prove ourselves. Miles Teller was able to play that part so perfectly, you forget you're watching a movie. It is almost like watching someone in real life. He is such an amazing actor, it is sad that he is so underrated. I hope he gets more good roles like this in the future.

And Damien Chazzelle, please make more movies about Jazz.

Totally recommend it. 10/10
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Mrs. America (2020)
Ridiculously biased
6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
According to this show, Reagan was a far right conservative and his supporters were all religious nuts. LOL. Sure, hollywood.

Besides, I saw the real debate and it was nothing like the one from the show. PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY DID NOT MAKE UP A CASE. In fact, it was Brenda who made up facts. Why does hollywood think it needs to lie about little things like this?

STOP rewriting history and vilifying half the country, hollywood!!
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Loved it!
3 April 2020
It's a beautiful movie with a lot of beautiful songs. Britt Robertson was perfect, and K.J. Apa can really sing!
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I cried because it was nothing like the book
10 March 2020
I normally like Elle Fanning, but she was horrible in this movie. Violet in the book was a sweet and compassionate girl. In the movie, Violet played by Elle Fanning, appeared angry, harsh, and downright dislikable. Don't even get me started on the actor who played Finch.... I love Theodore Finch, and this movie ruined my mental image of Finch. I'm genuinely sad because I love this book and I was eagerly waiting to watch the movie, but now I wish hadn't. The movie was boring, pretentious, missed out so crucial parts from the book and altered too many unnecessary things.

Netflix ruins everything. I seriously kinda wish they didn't make this movie in the first place. It's so sad. Bye, now. I'm going to cry some more.
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