
11 Reviews
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A woman's idea of man's war
2 November 2023
Godawful. Horrible. A complete waste of time, material and effort. This film has no redeeming qualities, only conflicting emotional impulses that confound any attempt at understanding this mishmash of alleged artistry. I forced myself to sit through an hour of this steaming pile-but that's it. I could find no reason to watch it. No value. No message. Nothing to attach to the reality of the time. This film could be attributable to the work of a first year film student hack with no idea where the work is going. There's nothing pretty or cute about war. This film is too long by at least one hour and with all that unnecessary time nothing is offered to justify the length. Too much self-justified sniveling. A truly repulsive film.
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Survive (2022)
Really, really bad
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is incompetently made. The direction is disjointed. If the intent is to make a nutjob movie them the airport, the plane, the crash and everything past that is entirely unnecessary and irrelevant.

He could have been delivering a pizza for all the value his character added to the story. Why did they leave the plane? Their best chance at rescue was in staying with the plane. There was shelter there. Why not search for baggage, search the hold? They only found a handful of packets of peanuts? Total bs if you ask me. The trek "down" the mountain nothing more than a distraction to keep people watching. First they're going down, then up, then down and below snowline, then they're back atop a snow covered peak. The tree was obvious enough, but the filming of it was a total hack job. It was so uninformative there was no point in watching it. Then they just leave Paul up on the mountainside, writing notes as he dies, no effort made to go get him. The whole thing, total crap by a total hack director.
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Last Sentinel (2023)
Way too long
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really crummy movie. It is extremely slow paced. Really boring. Everything about this movie could easily fit into a 42 minute television episode. The character Sullivan is an IDIOT, and yet he is the one to figure things out at the end. No. So much time wasted on characters acting all crazy. One guy tries to blow everything up and then, inexplicably, he sabotages the, the, the whatever it is-it''s never made remotely clear-so it can't be used to blow up the rig. We're never told what the thing is, or what its purpose is or how it's supposed to work. So much screen time spent watching characters fall apart yet very little screen time spent presenting concrete background elements of the story. A very unsatisfying film experience.
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Blonde (2022)
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! ice. Really, really bad, top to bottom, start to finish. Where does one start? NC-17 rating? For what, where? Marilyn gives her fist a blow job, the "graphic rape scene" consists of someone's panties getting pulled down without exposing anything and sex scenes that consist of people in separate frames moving rhythmically. I still can't get my head around what apparently was a sexual encounter in a movie theater. All of the sex scenes in this picture are conjured up-and badly. Numerous CGI altered images containing blurred, stretched and heavily filtered images...What?! NC-17? No way! The length of the film could have been cut literally in half without losing any of the meaning of the content. This is a really boring film that goes off on numerous tangents that are never connected, and considering the excessive screen time it's difficult to care. This is a powerfully depressing film of mind-numbing length about mean, crazy, misogynistic, opportunistic people-and one victim. And it's very poorly made. The people who made this movie should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.
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Big Sky: Do You Love an Apple (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
30 September 2022
The first two seasons of this show were very good. Eerie stories with quirky characters, actors who are good enough to deliver lines effectively and writing that developed the story and characters in an interesting manner. Now with the third season comes an overripe, sometimes overpowering, injection of Country Western/Texas/Oklahoma (similar to 1883) that attempts to replace weirdos and sickos with smarmy, down-home, drawling characters who seem out of place-and played by actors who don't seem able to deliver their lines as well as some of the others. I would like to see Tubb, Jerry and the marshal return. I would love to see Cassie return to her old hairstyle (much sexier).
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Bloodline (2015–2017)
Way overrated
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The big rating numbers must be coming from people who didn't watch all the episodes. This thing completely falls apart toward the end and goes way downhill from there. Acting is ok. Way too much emphasis on family and blabbermouth women who get all bent out of shape because they don't know every little detail. Really inconsistent in the way family is so highly assessed juxtaposed with the risks these fools take. Vapid in the end.
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Endless blather, not worth the time.
2 July 2022
Unbalanced. It seemed to take longer to get down the mountain than to go up. If he was supposed to have any impact on her, this film does not show it. Wooden acting, too many pauses. The scenes on the mountain with the blowing snow reminded me of a Benny Hill skit.
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Ambulance (2022)
Total Waste of Time
4 June 2022
2+ hours of total nonsense. Too much yelling and dead end chase action. I shut it off before the end. Really bad. Don't waste your time with this one.
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Well made film
24 May 2022
Excellent movie. Very well written and directed. Some excellent performances. Lots of twists and turns. Keeps you involved the whole way. Totally recommend this film.
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The Lost City (2022)
Unbelievably Bad
16 May 2022
Impossibly stupid. Brain-dead script relies on trite cliches that really go nowhere and then sundown on the viewer. Channing Tatum is a hamburger unsuccessfully searching for cheese, mustard and relish. He just doesn't belong in this movie. Sandra Bullock has more chops, but the script lets her down. The supporting cast all stink except for Radcliffe, who is way over the top but ok in this steaming pile.

Do not waste your time on this insult to audiences everywhere.
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Dog (I) (2022)
20 April 2022
This movie is not a comedy. When it tries to be it merely succeeds in being stupid. The lead actor can't act-even in a dog film-when he tries, well...The scenes in The City are, like, no way. The interaction between soldiers is juvenile. Where's the VA in all of this? The film is very inconsistent-the dog practically destroys his truck, but the guy has no problem leaving the dog alone in a motel room. Whoever made the decisions/selections for the soundtrack should be banned from the film industry for life. The fifth star is for the ending.
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