
15 Reviews
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Rebel Ridge (2024)
Do not waste 2 hours of your time!
7 September 2024
I have no idea why this is being rated so highly! Maybe Don Johnson fans.

This is unoriginal, drawn out with nothing that hasn't been done multiple times better.

It's unsurprising that the original lead actor ducked out of this. He was wise enough to see that this has no story.

It's not thrilling, it's not that much of an action film.

If you want to save yourself two hours of sticking with the non-existent plot, then fast forward to the last 20 minutes which is where the mediocre finale happens.

I'm truly baffled why this gets such a high rating. There is nothing which makes this a good action/thriller movie.

Go figure!
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Passenger (2024– )
Give it a go if you want something a bit different
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the bad reviews although I think this had potential, even though it wasn't the best delivery.

There were elements of humour and it's not to be taken as seriously as something like Broadchurch or Happy Valley, but I found it entertaining.

I wouldn't normally watch something that had the number of poor reviews that it did but it had a good array of actors; a lot of whom I like and that drew me towards it.

It kept me intrigued, but the main disappointment is not having an ultimate answer at the end. One of those series where your left to draw your own conclusion.

It's difficult to write something original these days, however, despite some shortcomings, this held its own.

If you really want something dire, watch Love Rat!
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Worth a watch
19 February 2024
Not sure about the low ratings, people must've watched a different series. This has a good cast and an intriguing enough plot. It has a Broadchurch feel about it (possibly because it's on the coast!).

Not obvious who the killer is throughout, so it keeps you engaged. It's not easy creating something original these days but this series manages it.

Good cliffhangers at the end of each episode and in my view it's compelling watching and worse case will take up 3 hours of your time. So not a lot to lose.

Worth a watch and it's only 4 episodes, so easily bingeable. Give it a go. I hope you enjoy it.
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Extraction II (2023)
16 June 2023
It seems like the Chris Hemsworth fans would watch him baking a cake and give him high reviews.

If you want a story, a plot or intrigue - not your movie.

If you want a lot of shooting and dead bodies - fill your boots, this is for you.

However, this has been done a lot better numerous times over the years.

If you have 2 hours to spare and don't mind wasting them, give this a go.

Even though the first movie gets a lower rating, it was more engaging.

I'm not averse to a "shoot 'em up", action movie but give me something more interesting, engaging and interactive.

Onwards and upwards Thor fans.
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Doesn't deserve the low ratings
5 October 2021
I don't think those that have rated this very low actually get it. Classic Keith Lemon/Leigh Francis. An excellent spoof with some superb comedy at the expense of Amanda Holden. Great that she was up for this.
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Payback (I) (2021)
Awful film.
1 August 2021
Dire. Nothing of merit. Amateur acting. No real story. How anyone funded this film is beyond me.
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Just superb
10 March 2021
Superb story.

Superb writing.

Superb acting.

I wish this was a true story and I want it to go on forever (ok - a tad melodramatic but I love this show).
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Back to Life (2019–2021)
Excellent - watch this. You won't be disappointed
8 January 2021
Stumbled across this by accident and have to say I am really glad I did. Another great comedy drama by a superb actress and great comedian. Love it.
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Hard Kill (2020)
C'mon Bruce - you are dying hard in this!
17 December 2020
This is bad on so many levels, I can't believe that a film like this is being funded. Either Bruce's pension is not kicking in or he must have connections with the producers/directors/writers of the film! Shame - sort of ruins his credibility as an actor.
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Truth Seekers (2020)
Frost/Pegg can and have done better
2 November 2020
I think the higher reviews for this series are Frost/Pegg blind. I love both these guys and most of what they do but this doesn't quite hit the mark. There is nothing original or that funny in this series but obviously, from a lot of the other reviews, people are comedy starved or myopic to anything that this duo do. Looking forward to this being put behind them and them moving on to better stuff.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Ignore the poor ratings - give it a go
9 June 2020
Not sure why this film gets so many poor reviews. It's not the slickest or the best film but has a plot that is not predictable and most wouldn't see it coming. Definitely worth a watch.
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25 January 2020
Absolute crap. Well acted - well filmed. Absolutely no point to it. Maybe I am missing something - but don't get what is trying to be portrayed by this movie. Nice nostalgic touches of late 60s Hollywood - but no point or story.
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Dracula (2020)
Drags on a bit
4 January 2020
Great interpretation of the Dracula story - lots of original ideas. Not sure each episode needed 90 minutes. Probably could've got the plot and story across in an hour.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
It's really not that bad
27 July 2019
Don't know why this series is getting such a panning. Is it the greatest scifi series ever? No. Is it the worse? No. I think there are some unique elements to it and not a predictable plot. Special effects are passable and the actors do a great job with the script they have been given. I would say give it a go - it won't be a total waste of 10 x 45 minutes'
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The Walking Dead: Scars (2019)
Season 9, Episode 14
I don't get it
18 March 2019
Worst episode ever. Don't know why it is rated so highly. Very disjointed. No real point. 45 minutes I won't get back. Hopefully things will get better; although I feel the series is running out of ideas.
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