
12 Reviews
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The Killer (2023)
Too much alike Dexter
21 November 2023
I liked the mood of the movie, the slow but steady pace etc. And Fassbender is really good of an actor. However we who have watched the tv-series Dexter, a 9-10 seasons long series, might feel this was too much alike Dexter, the inner monologues, the cold detached demeaor etc (can't give too much details). And Fassbender does resemble Michael C Hall a tiny bit looks wise aswell.

So it did not feel original to me. It would still be great as a Tv-show but actors like Fassbender seems to not be into making Tv-shows so..

Tilda Swinton though, such a wasted potential, she was on for just a few minutes.
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Shining Girls (2022)
If you read the book..
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You might know the book was not that good. The psychopath Harper was one of the most boring characters ever. The storyline in the book, especially Harpers "motivations" were so irrational and made no sense at all. Its a time traveler that just walks around murdering women in America, that are "shiny". No sense at all and such a waste of a time travel storyline.

So to take this book at make a Tv-Shwo of it, just weird. However, Elisabeth Moss is the queen of psychological drama and psychological thrillers so I did watch it just for her. Jamie Bell is very charismatic! Wagner Moura is excellent aswell. I would have given this show an 8 if I did not dislike the storyline of Harper this much.

The tv-adaptation seems to be better on sreen than the book itself but if one have not read the book, one will get very confused until the end I believe.
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Good acting but the CGI disturbs
29 March 2022
I really liked this movie, especially since I had not seen previous movie adaptations of this nor read the book. As many has pointed out, Kevin does take his role as Poirot seriously. There was however too much focus on the relationship parts of it. It really needed for example more close-up intimate shots of all the suspects so we could feel more invested in the case.

It felt rushed and too slow at the same time!

Also the CGI really was bad. It took away the genuinity of it all. Was it really so hard to film on the Nile? Hollywood seems to believe CGI is a good substitute for the real thing, well, its not! They even used CGI crokodiles and birds, it really cheapens a movie. Use real nature shots instead of fake things.
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Back to 15 (2022– )
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One thing that I found so unbelivably illogical is; This girls dad died during either her teenage time or when she was an adult. She loves her dad, but when se returns several times to her teenage self, her first thought is not about her dad at all for the first episodes! Thats insane. She only thinks about boyfriends and friends. A normal person would make sure to spend ALL HER TIME with her dad that will soon die! If the dad died when she was a teenager, she would do her best to even prevent the death of her father, not run after boys and other meaningless stuff. So the script was so far from human behaviour. Normal human behaviour that is.
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Vis a vis (2015–2019)
Soap opera
18 March 2022
This show could have been interesting, if only the spanish would be able to do Tv-shows without turning them into soap operas. Its the same with La casa de papel. Its soap opera and works best for those that like soap operas.
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438 Days (2019)
It was a bit too short cut
11 March 2022
I'm a bit disappointed in this movie, I expcted something well edited, like Escape from Pretoria, but this movie was all over the place. I don't believe the script writers did a good job at all. It was quite figuratively and literally a bumpy journey to say the least.

Skarsgård was amazing as always in his acting, he really gave it all.
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UFO (2022)
One word; Cringe
24 February 2022
Just one word to summerize this thing, and its CRINGE. As a turk I feelt so emberrased for my fellow country men and women. On one hand they are able to produce interesting series like Fatma. On other hand, this type of weird cringy movies. Everything from the way the girs and the boys talked to the cheezy scenarious and uncool motorbike scenes.
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Alien Worlds (2020)
Netflix never cease to baffle
1 January 2021
Yet one other "nature" documentary by netflix where they tried to be original but failed. This should never have been green lit. Leave the nature documentaries to BBC and National geographic please.
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Ethos (2020)
Extremely cringy and horribly biased!
27 November 2020
All those hyping this series up with high reviews (10? Seriously?) must be the people from the production team and also maybe netflix have a lot of bots. Because this series is a terrible cringe-party!

The director seems to believe just by putting on a cinematic filter on the film, he've created some sort of cinematic art.

The story has no meaning to it. It makes no sense, it just drags on and everyone are for some reason connected but this is worse the the movie Babel, their connections makes no sense.

Storyline is severely biased and extremely cringe worthy. They make it seem like they are trying to talk about prejudice but the movie itself is a big fat biased political propoganda based on prejudice. It depicts muslim people as stupid people who can not even reason for themselves. Muslims are depicted as uneducated, dumb and naive at best. If they wanted to shine any light on prejudice they would have put in some "normal" muslims aswell but that would have defeated therre purpose.

The story goes no where, it just exist without no real depth or development at all, and the ending is ridicolous. I watched it all just to make sure it was as bad as some said it was and also in order to be able to review it fairly.

Oh also of course there are nihilistic sex scenes as usual. Appearently netflix Demands the directors to put those scenes in movies netflix support. I would not be surpriced if they started sexualize children aswell, oh wait, they done that too,thank you netflix for the "diversity".

I'm really sick of the crap Netflix finances, with our money, we the netflix subscribers money. Millions of dollars going into political agendas and non-sensical movies. Only around 4-5 % of the Netflix content are good and they tend to cancel the good ones after just 2-3 seasons. The rest is either mediocre or pure crap and I had it! Gonna cancel it and go over to other better services.
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The Pack (2020)
Cringy with very irresponsible dog owners
24 November 2020
I for some reason thought this would be about Rescue dogs on rescue missions or something like that. Turnes out its something really american, "reality show" with very irresponsible owners forcing their dogs zip lining, hanging down a line through rock sides into a river, river float rafting and it goes on and on. I just skimmed through 1-3 episodes and it was just aweful! I can only imagine the stress the dogs had to endure just to keep their owners happy.

All the owners have the dogs as emotional support, filling in the empty space of children or partners. Honestly this was also very cringy to watch. They are using weird sentences like "We are gonna have one on one time together". Or "We will experience adventures together". Gurl your dog is not your child or partner. Its a dog. Its content just doing dog stuff, meaning execise in a normal fashion, having a purpose besides emotional support and some cuddles. With its pack and you as its pack leader, not mom or partner.

Whoever pitched this idea, this should have been stayed as an idea. Its like they went " We should have an anventure contest thing" and then "but no-body would watch it because its not original enough, so hey lets put in dog owners and their dogs as contestants!" Whats next? Horses?

Those who wine about the dos being pure breed (even though there are several mix breed dogs in the show. Who cares? The show is horrible and cringy. The last thing one would think of is dog breed diversity.
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The Witches (2020)
CGI party
2 November 2020
Enough with all these movies drowned in CGI! It destroyed the feeling with The Hobbit triology and now destroying these newly shot movies aswell. The previous Witches with Anjelica Huston was far superior. The Witches was amazingly well done with amazing makeup and masks and prosthetics without all without artificial CGI in the previous one from the 90th!
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Somebody Feed Phil (2018– )
My number one favourite documentary show!
31 October 2020
This is my number one favourite documentary show on netflix! Phil is just so quirky and natural and so fun. I love exploring the food culture around the world with Phil! We see and learn so much more then the food culture. We get to see how the natives live, their daily routines around food. The street food shops and their owners and so much more. The camera work is beautiful and we get to see really spectacular cinamatic views. Like that gorgeous sunrise in the Vietnam episode. I really hope this show will continue! There is so much more to explore and see!
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