
19 Reviews
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Miles Teller is a goofy automaton
6 August 2022
Miles Teller is neither cool, attractive, nor a good actor but he is continuously gifted roles that require being cool, attractive, or a good actor! HOWWHY is he gifted all these roles? Nepotism?
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Too Old to Die Young: Volume 5: The Fool (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Everyone knows who runs the pron empire...
6 August 2022
Everyone knows who runs the pron empire... and it is certainly not the groups depicted here. Refn is a duplicitous coward. Another limited hangout after all that glacial pacing.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Great concept; shallow plot
2 August 2022
Disturbing and topical idea fails to develop any significant intrigue. The story's outline is solid but the guts are saccharine and formulaic. Smollett (scumbag) and Teller are 2D cardboard cutouts that would be waiters without nepotism.
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RAPHAEL ROWE ruins this show!
18 March 2022
The host, Raphael Rowe, is an absolutely sensationalist, arrogant twat. Incredibly biased, he also acts superior to everyone he encounters while pretending to be a "bad ass"... I kept hoping one of the disrespected inmates would punch his ignorant face.
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Beyond Evil (2021)
Should be condensed to 10 episodes...
18 February 2022
Good story ruined by superfluous soap-opera drama. This series quickly becomes dull, plodding, predictable, and OFTEN illogical. Could have been a great show if the HOURS of mind-numbingly redundant filler was edited out.
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Narcos: Mexico: Como La Flor (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
Childish narrator is irksome
15 January 2022
The childish narrator is irksome and very distracting. I believe this character is actually fictional (as is most of the series, unfortunately) which makes her creation even more confounding. Maybe she will be an excellent actress but the character and, more importantly, the decision to have this voice serve as narrator for this dark and gritty cartel drama is off-putting. We don't need any more 20 year olds sardonically breaking down how the world "really" works.
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The Hunted (2003)
Egregious anti-Serbian propaganda...
14 January 2022
Hollywood often inverts history with intentional mis/disinformation and this film is no different. The opening scene is disgraceful. I remember enjoying this film when I was young and hypnotized but now it is difficult to watch.
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Succession (2018–2023)
MSM lies/divides/distracts
21 December 2021
A fun expose of "MSM" and the dynastic cretins in charge; with WASPs as the permissible/fashionable scapegoat. As per usual, the first season was great but hackneyed wOkE subtext infests subsequent seasons.
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Gomorrah (2014–2021)
Mobs, cartels, gangs are parasitic scum!
8 September 2021
This series is gritty, thrilling and doesn't glorify gang life like most pop-culture does. Machiavellian treachery abounds for these duplicitous sociopaths as they scheme and betray one another in a continuous loop of ultra-violence.
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Hubris, disloyalty, and absurd foolishness detonate Korean city.
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unremarkable woman lies, gang of stupid men dies... Never sacrifice your life (and countless others) for someone you've known for less than 3 days!!!
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Boss Level (2020)
Guns beat swords...
28 August 2021
Love the casting but this film is a bit silly/illogical at times.

Still better than most streaming action films (which isn't saying much).
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Subpar casting, acting, and writing... seems rushed.
27 August 2021
Precipitous, derivative drop-off from novel idea.

Repetitive, predictable fight/action scenes spliced with infantile, Masonic philosophy hurrying sloppily toward an underwhelming conclusion.

I remember being disappointed with THIS sequel as a teenager and now it's difficult to get through.
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The Last Kingdom: Episode #1.7 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 7
Naif writing for muddied reconciliation... AGAIN!
16 August 2021
These credulous writers would have you believe that prayer is foolish superstition but laying atop a swamp-mud sigil for a pagan ritual is sagacious and NOT superstitious?? GTFO...
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Christians are the eternal scapegoats in Hollywood propaganda
15 August 2021
'The Last Kingdom' is one of the more authentic and enjoyable "historical" series when contrasted with its absurdly PC contemporaries. The predominant problem is the series' lazy and gratuitous, formulaic derision/hatred toward Christians forced into every episode. This is a ubiquitous trend throughout MSM that would cause conniptions if the religion were replaced by the one we are programmed to never EVER question or critique-one inextricable with Hollywood. You guessed it; Neo-Confucianism.
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Ófærð (2015– )
Season 2 = Vacuous/liberal propaganda
10 August 2021
Season 1 was dull but the characters were interesting enough for me to trudge through the episodes. Season 2 was written by a propagandized high school think tank. Iceland (and the viewer) deserves better.
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Prison Break (2005–2017)
Concise review of series
8 August 2021
Seasons 1&2: Great (Realpolitik)

Season 3: Good (suspension of disbelief wavering)

Season 4: First half-okay; second-ridiculous

Season 5: Unadulterated propaganda mixed with cringe dialogue/writing for low-IQ collective and guttural Batman-voice enthusiasts

Nevertheless, better than 90% of its streaming congeners.
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Big-Government LOVES you and would never oppress you! Muh media said so!
12 July 2021
The manufactured Hegelian-dialectic of communism/Marxism AND corporate-capitalism always steers toward the desired, predetermined synthesis - ENDLESS wars and a government boot on your neck.

We all need to deprogram ourselves from the decades (weaponized language is ancient but "black mirrors" are insidious) of ubiquitous propaganda in MSM and its owners.
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The Twilight Zone: Replay (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Trite Race-Baiting for Vacuous Hate-Fetishists (BLM)
15 September 2020
Divisive schlock that seemed phoned in. The characters were not fleshed out and the story arc was predictable and insulting to anyone with objectivity. I enjoyed 'Get Out' and 'Key & Peele' (only first 2 seasons) but this run isn't worthy of the title "Twilight Zone" nor is it fit to shine Rod Sterling's tiny shoes. I guess some people need to imagine themselves as 'victims' in order to rationalize their low placement in life. This episode is merely a political hit-piece meant to create hate; NOT thought. Disappointing series, so far.
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Dude, You're Screwed: No-Sleep Nightmare (2014)
Season 2, Episode 8
30 November 2019
I love this show and every episode has been great. But this episode had me literally laughing out loud over Tim's (contestant) "Turtle Man" commentary. I kept rewinding his monologues and still continued to laugh. I haven't even finished the episode yet. I hope he doesn't die.

P.S. I'm from the future.
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