
17 Reviews
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Hunter (I) (2018)
Tell me about your fake tattoo.
24 April 2020
The cinematography will give you motion sickness, every shot swings or shakes. The soundtrack is a medley of tunes stolen from soap operas and creepy metal noises. The actors try but lack emotion and inflection. If you liked Bloodrayne this might be for you. I just can't take someone seriously who kills with a vegetable knife. It's a good movie to laugh at though!
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A Dark Song (2016)
Misinterpreted ending to a great film...
9 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As most people have already mentioned, this is not a horror film. This is more of a psychological horror/ thriller flick. The premise of the movie seems to be grasping at any kind of demon invocation in order to summon ones guardian angel in order to be granted a request. Reviewers have suggested summoning kings of hell, etc. but painting japanese characters onto a person's body doesn't seem like something you'd do to invoke a demon based on a European religion. Now, the reason for my review. Sophia states pretty early on in the film that she doesn't do forgiveness. She makes her intentions known that she seeks vengeance and suddenly Solomon is injured. She states she wants to watch that person die in the most terrible way (she gets to). Solomon's wound festers and he suffers an agonizing death before being dragged away by a demon. The reason she asks for forgiveness instead of vengeance is that Solomon is already dead and she wants to finally move on. He also asks her do you think I had anything to do with it? (Her sons death). I think people are perceiving a twist ending when she really is getting what she asked for. She shrugs off his questions about her son's death changing her story every time. Kidnapped, occultists, etc. And we already know Soloman has failed this ritual with two other people. Rewatch this film and think about it, I will...
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Don't go down the street...
29 June 2019
This one took me two nights to get through because I fell asleep halfway through. There is no climax. It's like one of those mall trains, you're riding slowly, not sure where you're headed, and then it's over. Seriously, more happened in that movie "Nothing really happens" than in this flick. I would say this is more of a drama but that doesn't really fit. Paid reviews on IMDB are making me not trust this site anymore. Which is sad because you could find people who loved awful horror films and get a different perspective. Now it just seems like this film, a bunch of crap...
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
It's all been done before...
18 November 2018
A good adaptation to a phenomenal movie. Why not tell the exact same story again for moviegoers too dumb to read subtitles? I thought this take might shed a different light on an already told story but it didn't. The actors were great. The CG effects of Abby jumping on victims seemed unnecessary and poorly done. Let the right one in: 10/10. Let me in 6/10. If you're going to redo something, you'd better do it better. Also, why did they cut the scene where you find out she's not a girl???
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I don't see what all the fuss is about...
2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was above average on all fronts...having said that mumbo jumbo comes to mind, which I have never said about a film. A purely obfuscated plot just for the sense of doing it is shameful. This movie had good potential and lived up to it, good but not great. A school shooter film based on a child who did not receive enough spankings makes for a lame ploy. Oh, he pooped his pants again, I'll break his arm and he'll make me feel guilty until he kills a bunch of cheerleaders and his own family. This film took me two nights to watch, the first of which couldn't get into the back and forth timeline and visuals. I'm glad I finished this one and can put it on the shelf with a bunch of other averages claiming to be more...
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Above average...
2 September 2018
Not really sure where to begin with this film after watching. I watched The Nines right before that left me in right field but this one was way out there. The soundtrack was really enjoyable and the visuals grotesque. Wendy was very likable and Joe was almost over the top if the acting hadn't been so convincing. This is one of those movies that sticks with you and you want to recommend but not sure to whom. It can be a little hard to follow but stick with it if you're a horror, psychological thriller fan, this is definitely above average and worth watching.
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Anna (VII) (2013)
Bored genius girl...
2 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Anna was surprisingly well done. The characters were very well developed as you see back story on every main character through memories. Whether it's all true is debatable. What starts off as a cat and mouse game becomes much more. Highly enjoyable film even though it borrows concepts. I mean really it's all been done before you just have to do it different nowadays.
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The Evil Within (I) (2017)
Fantastically terrible...
29 July 2018
This movie was absolutely not what I expected having watched it without ever seeing a trailer or reading reviews on it. This movie will strain your mind and perception. I would have liked to give it a higher score but it is what it is. You can't help but feel sorry for the characters in this film as they're all just along for the ride. Lots of imagination in the script, well developed characters for the most part, and lots of eye-opening ideas for what hollywood could pull off if they had the nerve. If you're a horror fan it's a definite watch otherwise you probably won't get much out of it.
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Imperium (I) (2016)
Nice to see Radcliffe maturing...
29 July 2018
Didn't have real high hopes going into this movie. I mean, after American History X, can another movie really capitalize on racism, violence, and consequence? Apparently so, as this movie was well made and acted. Radcliffe pushes as hard as he can at the few leads he has, almost to the point you think he's bound to get shot at any moment. As the investigation closes we are left with some stereotypical, mainstream movie scripting. This film doesn't really do anything unique but it's nice to see Daniel branching out into unknown waters and it's definitely worth your time.
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Missed the punchline...
29 July 2018
Along with the main character that constantly misses the punchlines of his jokes, this film did a bit as well. However, for a low budget black comedy it is entertaining, slightly gory, and all around fun. It doesn't do anything really new or different but is worth a watch for sure.
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Wish Upon (2017)
Great movie!
29 July 2018
If you're a teenager, that is. Had some good ideas but wound up being a little goofy. One of those movies where you see the bad reviews and think people are just being biased. Its entertaining but only because it's pretty bad.
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Green Room (2015)
Not what I expected...
28 July 2018
This was on my to-watch list for quite a while before I gave it a chance. Holy crap this movie is good. Not ten stars good, obviously, but man it throws some curve balls. All of the actors were competent and believable. The tension builds and builds. The ending was stereotypical but didn't detract from the film at all. Wonder how much time Patrick Stewart had to spend in makeup to play a skinhead lol.
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Don't want to spoil the ending...
23 July 2018
Wait, never mind. This movie actually spoiled itself. I'm an avid horror fan and don't even mind bad ones but this is a stinker. The CG effects were really bad. I was actually glad to see someone die. This movie had an excellent location and some good ideas but wasn't able to do much with them. Got me thinking I could make a better horror film than that, so it motivated me in a way.
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The Snare (2017)
Not bad...
23 July 2018
Most people who didn't appreciate this are probably ones who don't understand atmosphere and slow burn films. The Snare moves slowly but confidently along with a day to day survival leading into the depths of desperation. This movie didn't do anything entirely original but the mental and physical struggle the characters go through was believable and disturbing. All the reviewers on here saying make a rope and this and that, have you ever climbed out a window with a homemade rope? This movie isn't amazing but it was entertaining and had me thinking for a while after.
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Good effort...
23 July 2018
This movie had some good ideas to build off of. It seems like they only had about thirty minutes of footage, unfortunately. Footage is reused at different points of the movie and the interviews don't really add anything to the film. If it had a better ending it would have been worth the wait. Literally pointing out background scares to the audience is probably the least scary thing I've ever seen on film. Good effort though.
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Mine Games (2012)
Worth a watch...
17 November 2015
A group of college graduate friends on a getaway weekend trip. Time for fun and drinking. As the van breaks down, it's a horror film as they always do, the troupe hoofs it to the nearby cabin to rest up. Upon discovering a nearby mine, the group explores. Spelunking discoveries become eerily ominous. Every trip back to the cabin to regroup provides no relief as does each trip back into the mine. Tension builds steadily throughout, the plot seems thin and weak. Just when you've got it figured out, everything changes. Break the cycle or else. Overall, well thought out and executed. People can always compare Mine Games to this and that but this dig is worth it...
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Infini (2015)
Well worth it...
13 September 2015
Saw this one on Netflix, and gave it a shot. Bad reviews are half-wit critics who can only compare one movie to others they've seen in the past. Most interested in sci-if have an imagination, and this film will provoke it. The concepts aren't ground-breaking but are well thought out. The premise is believable and the acting is on-par. The special effects were done just right as was the overall atmosphere. The idea of a self-preserving entity isn't original but is well played. I went into this film without knowing it was small budget. The only giveaway was the decals on the side of the rifles trying to make them look spacey. There were no cheesy sound effects trying to make you believe it was set in the future. It was somewhat gritty, bloody, and well done.
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