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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
A tragedy for everyone but Shiv?
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing episode that they horrifically botched in the last 20-30 minutes. I understand the show was supposed to be a tragedy, so the outcome wasn't going to be all happiness and sunshine like a typical MCU movie, but I just hate the way they carried it out.

Why could the tragedy have not been Ken officially transforming into his father, destroying all bridges with his siblings and wife, getting what he wanted, but at the cost of sitting alone at the top? Throughout the whole series he keeps emphasizing to Logan "I'm better than you", "I'm not you", and "I'm a good person". To me it felt like this whole show, and especially the 4th season, was building to a moment where Ken would gain control of Waystar but at the price of "becoming the killer" his father told him he needed to be at the end of Season 2. We slowly saw him becoming more and more cunning as the show went on, but now I'm left asking for what?

I also don't entirely object to Tom winning in the end, but why did it get carried out this way? Why not just not allow Shiv to find out after it was too late she wouldn't be U. S. CEO, effectively cutting her out along with her siblings, and make this an ACTUAL tragedy for all the Roys? It felt like in some ways she was able to come out as the random winner in all of this since she was the one to decide the vote. What was her reasoning for suddenly deciding to side with Tom and Matsson? For almost the entire episode she's pissed at them, screaming that she got backstabbed, and cursing in Tom's face that she's gonna take him down literal minutes before the vote takes place. Then she randomly decides to vote for them? You get absolutely nothing from them and a ton of power from Ken but decide to vote with the people who betrayed you? It made no sense to me. The only thing that is somewhat logical is the whole "if I can't have it no one can" thing, but even that seems ridiculous here given the circumstances.

Overall still a phenomenal series that frustratingly fell on their face right before being able to potentially be the best series ever created. I guess that title still belongs to Breaking Bad.
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The Legend of Korra: Remembrances (2014)
Season 4, Episode 8
Clips Episode
14 June 2020
It's just a clips episode. Just to leave this here for some who might not know, the budget of season 4 was cut substantially so the creators had the choice to make a clips episode or lay people off, and they chose a clips episode.
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It's not even that funny
18 May 2020
It really just felt like 10 year old humor with the gore and language of a PG-13 movie
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019 Video Game)
Same game different skin
26 October 2019
Just like every cod, same game but with a different skin. Literally the same shot in the back multiplayer like every year, the same squeakers making up the player base, and the same cash grab mentality by shoving the games out yearly.
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My favorite of the post 2004 movie episodes
14 July 2019
This episode had me laughing almost as much as some movies before the 2004 movie. It just had that older episode humor that always made us laugh, with a few cameos of old famous gags thrown in. I also loved seeing the voice actors acting out their characters in person for a skit. Overall was an extremely enjoyable episode and I hope there can be more as funny as this one down the line.
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This rating is for Pat the Horse
1 October 2018
I actually loved pat the horse. It had one of those classic ridiculous spongebob plots that made the early ones so popular.

Cuddle E Hugs was pretty annoying, kind of went along the same ridiculous plot route but didn't execute it as well. I'd give this episode a 5/10.
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All Hail Dave Filoni!!
22 September 2018
Dave never fails to deliver Star Wars greatness. This is an example of that. This episode thrives on every level, with a nice plot and EXTREMELY thrilling action scenes (won't spoil). Best episode of Rebels hands down.
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Batman: Arkham City (2011 Video Game)
Easily still the best Superhero game ever made
13 September 2018
Arkham City brings back so many great memories. It's easily some of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game. The fighting mechanics are just about perfect. They way the illustrate certain boss fights make for tons of fun (AKA Mr Freeze). The voice acting is fantastic, especially Hammil and Conroy. The story is fantastic, with a fantastic plot combined with bringing many plot twists The release of Spider-man made me come back and write this review. While Spider-Man is very good, it does not come very close to dethroning Arkham City.
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One of the best turtle reincarnations
13 September 2018
This show is easily one of the best reincarnations of the turtles. It takes a good amount from the 80s series, while also bringing in some elements from the 03 series. The show is enjoyable for all ages, having its comedic moments for the younger viewers while also getting series and providing an interesting plot that keeps you watching.
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Spider-Man (2018 Video Game)
Pretty Damn Close to the Arkham Series
10 September 2018
When I first got this game, I had lower expectations. I thought that it wouldn't live up to the hype, mainly due to it being one of the most hyped games I've ever seen. I for sure thought it would be far worse than any of the Batman Arkham games. I think I am happy to say I was wrong. This game exceeded my expectations in almost every way. The story itself was amazing, and the closest any superhero game has come to dethroning the Batman Arkham series.
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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017 Video Game)
Game's dramatically improved
27 August 2018
At first, the game was a bit shaky, but I had faith DICE (not EA) would come through and deliver. I think I was right. They've been taking community feedback. "Pay to win" was removed a few days into launch. Progression system has had a massive overhaul to the point where you gain xp by gameplay rather than by loot crates, which have also been removed. They've added lots of customization options, and a clone wars dlc (including anakin, obi wan, grevious, dooku, and geonosis, along with clone trooper legion skins) is on the way. I have higher hopes for this game, mainly because I'm a diehard Star Wars fan.
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LazyTown (2002–2014)
Used to Love This Show, Love the Memes now as well
23 August 2018
Lazytown was definitely one of the shows I watched the most as a kid. i don't remember too much, but I always remember I love and danced to the songs, and it always found some ways to entertain me. Now, more grown up, I love the memes that come from the show as well. The memes may be partially dead now, but it still remains my favorite meme. Now, Stefan Karl has passed away from cancer, and I really find that to be heartbreaking. He was such an amazing guy, and it really is disgusting that so many great actors, and great people as well, have passed away from cancer over the past decade. God bless him and his family.
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Biggest. Lore Drop. Ever.
16 August 2018
The game in general probably had about 8/10 gameplay, but my god. That lore drop at the end (I won't spoil it) has to be one of the best endings I've ever seen in ANY horror game.
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Slender Man (I) (2018)
Embarrassment to the Game
12 August 2018
While the game was great and fun to play, this movie is a complete disgrace to it. Everything about the movie was bad, from the crappy jump scares to crappy character development. This is one of few movies I've seen where I wish I could get a refund....
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Very Dissapointing
9 August 2018
Considering how great the 2012-2017 series was, I considered this show would follow in its footsteps. Instead, it went the complete opposite, and I couldn't bring myself to watch any of the other episodes after the first. It departs too far from other TMNT shows.
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Very Disappointing
8 August 2018
Considering how great the 2012 series was, I had high hopes for this one as well. Long story short, was highly disappointed, and just seems completely pointless.
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Surprisingly Pretty Good
27 July 2018
Don't get me wrong, the TV show sucks. I expected the movie to be the same. But to my surprise the movie was actually pretty good. It had a lot of jokes that were actually pretty funny, along with a good enough plot. The ratings lower just because people assume the movie is as bad as the tv series without actually watching the movie.
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A great and bad episode
18 July 2018
Perfect chemistry is a very good episode. Probably one of the best in the season. It's sadly paired with one of the worst episodes in the entire series in Big Sister Sam. Perfect Chemistry gets a 9/10, Big Sister Sam a 5/10, thus the 7/10 overall for me.
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The rating is totally wrong
12 July 2018
My assumption is people just say new spongebob sucks and automatically assume it sucks. Quite the contrary. They'd be pretty surprised to probably learn the original creator and writer came back to help make this movie. They used a lot of older humor and elements in general that made it feel like something from seasons 1-3. It was enjoyable to watch, and much better than I had expected.
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Edges the first movie
8 July 2018
First off, I wanna say I was a huge fan of the first movie. I really didn't think the sequel would be better. But, it turned out to be much more emotional and slightly more intense than the original, which happened to be very intense. This movie definitely deserves a higher IMDb rating.
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Makes no sense along with all the other Purge Movies
7 July 2018
None of the purge movies make any sense. This one is no exception. I mean, yeah, there's $5,000, but what good would that do if you're dead?? What kinda person in their right mind would stay there? And what kind of idiotic government would even conduct an "experiment" of no laws, knowing damn well what it'll result. This movies plot is a brain cell killer.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Absolutely Incredible!
15 June 2018
This movie was totally worth the 14 year wait! Very nostalgic since the first Incredibles movie was my first movie I saw in theatres. Hell its even better than some live action superhero movies.
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SpongeBob SquarePants: My Leg!/Ink Lemonade (2018)
Season 11, Episode 16
My Leg is great. Ink Lemonade though....
18 May 2018
My Leg is a great episode. Probably one of the best if not THE best in the season. However it had a horrific sister episode in Ink Lemonade is without a doubt the worst episode in season 11. This is the reason the episode has a susbstantially lower rating than any other season 11 episode. Ink Lemonade basically consists of Patrick torturing squidward by scaring him, because the people like his ink as a drink (not knowing what it is exactly). This rating is for "My Leg", not for "Ink Lemonade".
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