
12 Reviews
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I watched this in middle school and was very touched by it
28 January 2023
I was not looking forward to this film when my father told me we were going to go to the University film club and watch it. Despite being in middle school though, I was very touched by it. That was 40 years ago. I'd ike to see it again and see what my impression is now. I recommend it based on my impression then, and will come back after I've seen it again and update this review now that both my parents have recently passed. I kind of dread it because of what it may dredge up, but that's okay. It's so rare to have a film dealing with grief and those that have passed, it seems. I saw Tokyo Story a few years ago, and the two films seem similar in that they deal with those we love who have passed or who may be passing very soon.
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
7 June 2021
Amanda Pete was incredible in terms of her acting. She always has been very talented so I was excited to see her in this role although I never thought of her as a blonde. This is the kind of story that needed a full series to tell it well. I don't think the Linda kolkena character was accurate at all in terms of her personality and look. She was a little too young looking I thought. Linda definitely had her wild side, but I think she tried to present a much more conservative image. Linda and Dan were together a really long time I thought by the time they got married and that's never conveyed well. It was a law office after all. But I guess they had to make her an opposite type compared to Betty. They did a good job of showing the pain of the children. I've liked all of the interpretations of this story so far. This one was different in that it went into the money aspects which was an excellent excellent idea. If they could have made it a week longer it would have been interesting to delve into the nitty gritty details of the legal aspect of this. How unfair was dan, if he was unfair, how irresponsible was Betty in terms of her own legal situation etc.
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Long Shot (2019)
Loved it. Different. Unpredictable.
19 March 2020
This is unique and quirky. I laughed out loud several times. It was also serious and sweet. Don't know if this would ever happen in real life, but that doesn't matter. Now that I think of it, truth is stranger than fiction, so it might. That would be delightful!
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Stay (II) (2017)
Even though a lot if this was predictable if you've seen a lot of movies, I was riveted.
31 May 2019
I've seen my fair share of "girl captive" movies, and much of this was predictable (not all of it). However, the actors were so good, I couldn't take my eyes off of the film. That was also due to its thriller, "escape," angle, of course. You'll miss a lot if you look away. MISSING-- I wanted to KNOW each of these characters as people a lot more. We learn almost nothing. BERLIN SYNDROME was an excellent, bigger budget film that did this well. However, considering this was a low budget indie--I was impressed.
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Wow...extremely powerful stuff here. Art, sadness, love, loss, and so much more...
6 February 2019
This really touched me, and I pray that all of the family members find forgiveness, love, peace, joy and happiness. Get out the tissues, but mostly in a good way. Australia needs to appreciate this guy!
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One of my favorite movies because of hilarious Carlen and great dialogue and ending
10 January 2019
I love independent films and this is one of my very favorites. I love the filmmaker, Alex Ross Perry, and have seen most if not all of his fillms. Queen of Earth is also incredible, but it's a completely different animal. This is the best low budget film I've ever seen because of the script and actors. I can't believe it's being compared to Clerks. Ugh. I've tried to watch Clerks a few times and can not get through it. The Color Wheel is darkly comedic and features the brilliant Carlen Altman. Carlen is hilarious, beautiful, and an incredible actress, whether delivering serious or comedic lines. The filmmaker, Alex Ross Perry, is also a lead and funny, as well as being a fine actor. I love the script, the look of the film and the ending. I hope Carlen continues acting in films! She is a treasure and should be a major actress! The ending made the film for me--what a shock, but in a good way. WOW. Gutsy, too. I still can't figure out how and why this ending works, but it was a brilliant move! Thanks for making this film! I absolutely loved it and have seen it at least 3 times. I'll probably need to see it once a year for the rest of my life.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
NO SPOILERS HERE. Amazing, extraordinary must-see!
1 January 2019
Wow wow wow. I have seen hundreds of films and many great series. I went into this completely cold. I didn't look up reviews or even an IMDB rating. I suggest everyone just stop and go no further than this review in terms of reading or you will ruin this amazing experience for yourself. Either you will stumble upon the dozens of possible spoilers or find out who done it. Or you'll ruin the ending which is jaw dropping.

Films are my main hobby other than writing, and I was blown away by every aspect of this production. The story is unique and unpredictable with intriguing detail after detail--that is amazing in and of itself in this over-saturated market. The characters were so vivid and, again, unique--you didn't feel as if you'd encountered them a million times before. The author and/or screenwriter is phenomenal--not sure how true to the book it is or if it's even based on a book. That's next on my to do list.

Amy Adams is one of the greatest actresses of all time and she proves it here, especially--nothing is outside her range. She's extraordinary. No one conveys emotion with a look or tone of voice like she does, and she also imbues complex, lengthy, intense or disturbing scenes with everything they need and more. I don't know how she survived hours and hours of this level of raw emotional intensity.

I hope that the pigs in Hollywood didn't brutalize this precious human being and major talent on her way up--the thought sickens me, but I'm so thankful that she made it. It's a travesty that she didn't win anything for it! However, I must add that all the actors were great.

One revealing scene had me experiencing two simultaneous emotions I've never experienced simultaneously, so that was cool, too. I''ll never forget certain parts and elements of this series, which says a lot because when you've seen so many films and series, a lot of them start to blur--not this one!
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Gem of a movie. Amazing acting and realistic emotions/dialogue/scenarios.
6 June 2018
Wow, this movie was so great! It felt so very real and true to life. The two leads were fantastic! I'm gushing, I know, but this is a gem if you appreciate great art and the craziness and unpredictability of the human heart. This was touching and heartbreaking and sweet and so much more. I commend the screenwriter, the director, and the two leads. I hope you have much success in the future.
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Donald Cried (2016)
Wow! See this movie.
22 October 2017
I loved this movie. 6.5? A travesty! 😊 I watch a lot of independent films, and I haven't laughed this hard since "Take Care," two years ago. I kept calling my poor husband back to the living room as he was attempting to cook, and--very rare when it comes to indies--he had a big smile on his face each time. Yet this was more than just a dark comedy. Poignant moments were there aplenty, as well.

Both actors were great, but, of course, Kris had all the hilarious, outrageous lines and personality traits which he pulled off amazingly well. So hard to see the character and think "THAT guy wrote and directed this, (along with two other writers)." I did laugh out loud at Peter's straight man when he was super annoyed towards the tail end of the "motorcycle" scene. I have an MFA in Creative Writing, and within 10 minutes, I was thinking, I need to study this dialogue, who the fudge are these actors and writers, what else have they done, and why haven't I seen or heard of them before?!

Beyond the great acting and humor--good plot, nicely flawed yet likable characters, well done in all areas, I thought. Any weaknesses in some aspects of the film don't seem worth mentioning because the plusses far outweighed them.

Thank you for making this film. I'm sure it was a difficult road for everyone, but trust me, you made a difference. You made a unique work with explosions of brilliance throughout, and I admire you. You made me happy on a blah day and inspired me. The writing was AMAZING.

See the movie. And producers-- throw money at these people! Make these guys the next Duplass brothers (I had a class with Jay in undergrad-- great guy.) I will be waiting to see what you do next.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Great movie--how did I never hear of it?! NO SPOILERS
23 December 2016
So well done! I think that the excellent acting of Rebecca Hall and Jason Bateman (along with the rest of the cast), and the fine production values/look/mood of the film elevated a plot that has commonalities with many other thrillers (though, I should say, it definitely had its own unique and surprising touches)and elevated it tremendously. I was supposed to be multi-tasking while I watched, but I couldn't take my eyes off of this film! I don't want to say much more to avoid spoilers. Highly entertaining and riveting. Good message, too.

SIDE NOTE: How did I miss this movie? Probably due to the title. I wish that filmmakers would make an effort to NOT to use the exact same titles as other popular films made in the past 10-20 years (or ever!). How hard would it be to come up with a different title? Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when you're in the mood for a really good psychological thriller.
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Deep End (1970)
STOP and don't read any further than my message to you here--let this wonderful film be a total surprise in every way!
6 December 2016
Incredible gem that I'd never heard about before today. You'll RUIN it for yourself if you read ANYTHING about it ahead of time. WOW, is all I want to say for now--and that this is a MUST SEE that is well worth it- -shut down the phone, tablet, or laptop and see it NOW! Oh, dear, it's tell me that I need to write more, so I will mention that this is my new favorite 1970s indie, my new favorite coming of age film, and that the two leads don't look dated at all, which adds to the enjoyment. I was shocked at how stylish Jane Asher looked with her do, and the boy was handsome, adorable, and an incredible actor--BOTH were great as actors and together.
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Excellent Film
16 October 2016
I was very impressed by this film and the fact that it was written by the two married (in real life) leads. Teresa Palmer has just come on my radar in the past few weeks--WOW. She's an amazing actress. She's beautiful, but she's much more than that--she conveys such an intelligence, sensitivity, and range. It's hard to take your eyes off of her. Her husband, who plays the male lead, is also really good. Watch out when you read the reviews because there are two MAJOR spoilers that you might run across regarding this film that you don't want to know ahead of time. My only criticism was that these two things weren't explored in more depth in the film (the aftermath in terms of career & reputation, and repercussions on the individuals and their relationship). This was still an excellent film with great performances. I wish everyone involved continued success!
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