Donald Cried (2016)
Wow! See this movie.
22 October 2017
I loved this movie. 6.5? A travesty! 😊 I watch a lot of independent films, and I haven't laughed this hard since "Take Care," two years ago. I kept calling my poor husband back to the living room as he was attempting to cook, and--very rare when it comes to indies--he had a big smile on his face each time. Yet this was more than just a dark comedy. Poignant moments were there aplenty, as well.

Both actors were great, but, of course, Kris had all the hilarious, outrageous lines and personality traits which he pulled off amazingly well. So hard to see the character and think "THAT guy wrote and directed this, (along with two other writers)." I did laugh out loud at Peter's straight man when he was super annoyed towards the tail end of the "motorcycle" scene. I have an MFA in Creative Writing, and within 10 minutes, I was thinking, I need to study this dialogue, who the fudge are these actors and writers, what else have they done, and why haven't I seen or heard of them before?!

Beyond the great acting and humor--good plot, nicely flawed yet likable characters, well done in all areas, I thought. Any weaknesses in some aspects of the film don't seem worth mentioning because the plusses far outweighed them.

Thank you for making this film. I'm sure it was a difficult road for everyone, but trust me, you made a difference. You made a unique work with explosions of brilliance throughout, and I admire you. You made me happy on a blah day and inspired me. The writing was AMAZING.

See the movie. And producers-- throw money at these people! Make these guys the next Duplass brothers (I had a class with Jay in undergrad-- great guy.) I will be waiting to see what you do next.
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