
19 Reviews
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Wish (II) (2023)
Way too much singing!
28 April 2024
Wow, what a disappointment. I usually like everything pretty, sparkling and singing, but this movie annoyed me through the roof. Way, WAY too much music episodes and singing. For reference Frozen has 32 music pieces in it's soundtrack. Wish has 51! It is way too much. First part of the movie felt like it was ongoing music kabaree with only short transitions between songs. Songs were not very catchy either.

Characters were not too annoying, so I watched the whole movie. But there wasn't anything special either. The goat and the star were cute and had some funny moments, but rest of them were blah. I didn't root for them, I was only looking at them.

On positive note, I liked the animation. There was this stylish vintage feeling on the picture that worked, and I hope to see something similar in the future.
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Host (II) (2020)
Happy surprise for horror enthusiast
10 February 2023
It's not completely new idea to make the whole movie through screens, but I was happily surprised how well this movie managed to do it. You can tell the budjet is not big, but it doesn't matter, in fact I think in some cases smaller budjet gives the makers more artistic freedom and it shows at the end result.

I normally don't get scared at all with scary movies, so I was glad to feel some little tingeling at times with this one. That is a very good sign! I liked the way this movie played with zoom-meeting features like backgroung photos and filters. Actors did a good job and I enjoyed the creepy atmosphere.

So, If you need a semi good movie to roll in the backgroung while you are studying or working, this is your choise! Nice little horror flick with nothing too annoying or too disturbing.

Extra points goes to the end credits/scrolling the contact list. I didn't first realize the movie ended and I'm looking at end credits :D.
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Rust Creek (2018)
Chemistry saves it!
25 November 2022
I just wanted some boring low rate movie to run in the backround while I work, and I thought that this was it. It started like typical movie of this genre. Littlebit foolish and basic level acting, running and limping in the woods while baddies chases the pretty young white girl etc. But then I was happily surprised when the movie introduced the chaotic good character. It was a turnpoint. There was actually nice chemistry between the two lead actors. Jay Paulson and Hermione Corfield seem to really click and it made the whole film. So even tho this movie ruined my good working rhythm it was quite nice watch. This proved once and again why it is so important that the characters feels real to the audience. Of course script was still somewhat predictable, acting was nice but not suberb, but the spark between the lead actors really rased the level of this movie.
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ok white noise movie
5 May 2021
This movie is ok white noise for the backround when you are studying etc. Just don't look it too close. There are too many plot lines that doesn't lead to anything or add anything to the story. Perhaps they work better in the original book. Also the ending was not satisfactory at all. But you know, meh. It was okay movie to play on the screen while doing something else.
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
I wanted to like it more than I did
16 February 2021
I needed a feel good show to binge, and I really wanted to like this show. It has a good vibe. Good actors, nice to see Heigl and Chalke! I like them both. They are clever and expressive. Heigl reminds me about my cousin who was this "suffer inside cool girl" type. I don't know if the flashback teen-versions of the characters were as credible as the adults. I think the flashback scenes focused little bit too much in explaining things than showing emotions. My problems with them was both credibility and cliches. I could have accept one or the other, but both of them.. little bit too much cringe at times.

I don't know about the original story (?) but I think if the show would have focused more on the present day events and less on the past it would have worked for me better. I don't think the flashback-style in this show made it too difficult to watch or confusing or anything like that, I actually usually like that type of storytelling. Flashbacks just weren't as good as the present day portions and it created imbalance that bothered me.

Also what's the deal with glasses in this show? They are for seeing things, not to brand loosers. Cheez.

I didn't hate it, but I wish I would like it more.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Not the worst, not very good either
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: Good cast. Very good actually. Maine coon cat(s). Nice visual effects. Neutral: changing the child dying from Cage to Ellie didn't give anything extra to the story. If anything it felt like practical way to cut short Ellie's side of the story. Cons: This movie totally lacks the weird dreamish nightmareish feeling that makes the book so good. Movie wanted so bad to be a horror film it cut out the center point: the father's inner battle with grief and temptation. There was nothing much about the magical world behind the pet sematary, nothing about the mental state of a man who enters that place.

This movie could have been so good! But it was too shallow and empty to hurt or scare anyone. such a pity!

I don't want to even talk about the stupid ending.
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Pain and beauty of aging on stage
6 October 2020
Binoche was very good and Stewart was really captivating. Stewart really is an amazing actor, I feel sorry for her for all the Twilight crap. It was fun to see her say the word 'werewolf' tho! I enjoyed the relationship between the main characters. It was delicious to see how Valentine doesn't hesitate to tell Maria what she thinks and how Maria craves her acceptance. There is some aspects of the story that I feel is left unnecessary untouched. I quite didn't understand Maria's fight against multi layer stories. I think it would be difficult to be such a successful actress without the ability to see basic human emotions and events in almost abstract surroundings. I'm not in any way familiar with the movie/theater world so what do I know. I felt like Maria was fighting against something else (aging? jealousy? change?) and it really didn't came trough strong enough. It was a little frustrating to watch, but perhaps that was the point.

Also I now want to see the metastory Maloja snake!
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sad but true :'(
4 October 2020
My heart cries for the events. This documentary was well made, although in times it felt little bit unfinished. Not so much it would bother tho. Very haunting and captivating to watch. I see some complaints about using so much material that is already in social media platforms, but you know, not all of us use them. At first I expected to hear interviews, or crime scene reconstructions, acting etc typical crime doc stuff, but I must say that I liked this kind of stripped document. Not too much explaining, no added drama, just those real videos and some messages that explained enough about what is happening.
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Away (2020)
If you can ignore some flaws you will enjoy this
8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Away was entertaining, thrilling and heart warming. There were few flaws that irritated me, but at the end I chose to ignore them because I love scifi and compared to few other Netflix scifi series this was excellent. I didn't hate any of the characters and that was refreshing. Actors did their job and I liked them all! I like the way some of them showed growth and depth along the season. Visual effects were great, the whole season was one big eye candy! I also liked that there were little bit politics but not too much.

okay so to the spoiler part...

The most unrealistic thing to me was the team work problems at the beginning. There is absolutely no way NASA would send in the most important journey of human kind this kind of group that has authority issues and what not. I believe that they would be training team work and crisis management YEARS before the launch so everyone would know their place and just obey no matter what. It just makes no sense! It would have been much more believable to have such team work issues later on. Same goes with the homesickness and the surprise element that something can happen to love ones while they are far away. It was unrealistic how their LEADER didn't know what she wanted to do with the mission at the second something happened back home.

There were a lot of issues with gravity. In one episode they all floated around, but then one of them cried and tears went down to character's cheeks. Also why was the death of plants so big deal, I assume they had seeds and plan b, C and d. Plants die, that's what they do! No reason to almost die because of it, just plant new ones when you have water again. Sometimes plot things like this seemed so empty. I felt like they just had to make up something.

And then the romantic issues. You really don't need them that much. Come on. I counted at least four romantic story lines. Edit half of them. We want to see more space stuff and less lovey dovey stuff.

Also how in earth the father didn't let his daughter drive motocross but then took her horseback riding without the helmet?

Anyway. Liked this with flaws and all. More please.
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Divorce-love story
27 August 2020
I don't know if one could say to be surprised by Oscar winning movie, but still I was. Sometimes Oscar winners are pompous crap, but this one was a very good movie. I was surprised by the depths this movie took me. I have no experience about divorce what so ever, but I really felt the pain those characters went through. It was amazing how this movie could make me cheer for both of the main characters, to see flaws in both of them and still wish they both could "win". I think that this was really well done divorce-love story that made the characters very humane and likable at the same time. Those parts when the characters yelled to each other and said bad things were just brilliant. It really looked like actors might have cried between the takes.
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Could have been ok
17 August 2020
This movie had a good basic idea. Story is not bad, just everything in execution is. Dialogue is not very believable, and sorry to say but the acting was one of the weak links in this movie. In times I found my self thinking, just how bad was the directing that the poor actors had to move like that, sound like that? Also I didn't like the sound atmosphere. The use of music didn't lift the feeling like it should, it made it corny. But I watched it whole so it definitely had some good aspects in it. Like I said, story itself was not the worse I've seen.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
My kid made me watch it
3 August 2020
My eleven year old son pushed me to watch this show with him, because he thought it looked like Futurama, which we watched together and liked. So okay, I wasn't too eager to watch this at first. But from first minutes of the show I've been laughing my ass of. This show is brilliant. It is so funny, but not just that! Every episode either has some kind of beautiful structured chaos or representation of some kind of ethical or/and philosophical theory and dilemma. I love to find those themes in episodes and forcibly explain them to my son. We want more!
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Absolute treat
29 July 2020
I just LOVE this movie. It is funny, relax, sweet, full of good music, art history references and good actors, it's goofy and it doesn't push the idea of time travelling too hard. This movie is about finding inspiration and beauty. Time travel -theme just goes with it, it doesn't need much explanation to work. It is like a poem. Also Rachel McAdams is so "funny awful" in this, I just love her mean face. She is so perfect grown up mean girl.

And yes. Rain makes everything so beautiful.
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Reckoning (2019)
Good white noise
9 May 2020
Someone said that this is good white noise for background and that is true. Perfect studying show. Not very good, but not too bad either. Characters are not very likeable or believable, but not so annoying that it would bother too much.
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Hostiles (2017)
Survival of kindness
27 April 2020
This movie enchanted me. I didn't expect such moving story about kindness and forgiveness. This movie is deep and very beautiful, very visual. I liked that it didn't try to explain too much, it tells you the story that needs to be told but it doesn't think that you are too stupid to fill the blanks by yourself.
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Rig 45 (2018–2020)
Firs season brilliant, second boring repeat.
13 April 2020
First season was like it would have been written by Agatha Christie. It seemed fresh and original. Second was just boring repeat of the first season. Both seasons had their problems with consistency, but second season was just full of them and I felt like no one lifted a finger to even try to explain them.
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Us (II) (2019)
Where did the stars came from?
2 March 2020
This movie is plain boring. Plot is stupid and messy. It's not even scary. The idea is quite OK, but what happened? How can you make this much murders with this much yawns?
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Looks fine, feels plain.
7 December 2019
Another life looks fine, there are many good things in it, but the main problem is writing. Every episode seems to repeat the same receipt: problem - some one screws something - mental break down - "oh wait I just though something!" - someone dies - solution - cliff hanger to the next episode. This show could be so good (I mean come on, think of Dark, there are so many possibilities to play with), but it's so predictable and to be frank quite shallow. It doesn't make me care if someone dies or not. I looked the whole season while waiting that it would grow to be good. It could be good, everything is there, but it just doesn't get there.
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Beforeigners (2019– )
Linguistic treat
14 September 2019
I looked out this show, because I heard that in this show Krista Kosonen speaks languages that she doesn't actually speak irl. I wanted to see how good work she does. But yeah, I forgot that aspect as soon as I found the show. It's not Krista, it's Alfhildir, a bad ass police and a soldier. The show is funny, witty, very perceptive about nuances of the present day nationalism and migration themes. Also I love love love the "old languages" in the show #linguisticnerd .

Okay, there are also many historical flaws (it almost hurt me to see modern harness on a horse in year of 1300 or something. Like come on, wrap something over them or something) and inconsistencies, but I can forgive them, because the show is very good. Oh and also, good work Krista! You nailed the languages!
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