
19 Reviews
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Interesting plot, great music and a fun time for the family!
6 March 2022
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The main character is my main problem with both of this film, she is so unlikable that more often than not I was rooting for the villains.

Ramon is the best main character for sure, he thinks more reasonable and as his mind in the best interest for all his people.

I like the plot and where it goes, the different kingdoms and the song choices, however they are a lot of cringe moments and the ending is sentimental to say the least, despite that I did enjoy the movie and I had a Wonderfull time with my family.
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The Batman (2022)
Excellent Batman film, good movie
6 March 2022
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As a huge Batman film this movie was fantastic! I really enjoy Robert Pattison's performance as the the dark knight, he did a Wonderfull job with the character.

The cinematography is top notch! It all looks great, especially in the way the colors pop and stand out from the environment.

Zoe was also great as cat woman, she is the Selina Kyle I love from a lot of the comic books. She plays Selina in such a badass way that make me want a spin off movie.

Both the penguin and the riddler are phenomenal. I still can't believe is Colin under all that make up. Paul Dano did a great job as the Riddler, however as Edward he did struggle to not crossed the cringe line when he sang Ave Maria.

The flaws are few but noticeable; the pacing during the second act does drag a little bit, the actions could be more epic and characters like Alfred, the new Mayer and Bruce Wayne don't have a lot to do in this story.

I still think the three Christopher Nolan movies are better films, however The Batman is a better Batman movie and that counts for so much.
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Sing 2 (2021)
This was so much fun!
2 March 2022
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I had a blast watching this film! The music was catching, the character likable and the animation had some impressive moments.

The plot is mixed bag to me however, mainly because the characters arc are not as well establish as the original movie. Johny doesn't have a lot to do until half way, and some of the resolutions for the climax are convenient to say the least.

The music is great but because there is so much more this time around they to stick with you the same way the first films songs did.

Overall really fun family friendly diversion.
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Euphoria (2019– )
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this
2 March 2022
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I do not believe this show is awful, but it is not great either. Euphoria is a mixture of good ideas, fantastic cinematography, and a solid soundtrack pair with horrendous dialogue, dislikable characters and confusing storytelling intentions.

I hate almost every character, with the exception of Ali and Cal. Ali is the best and most well rounded man in this show and Cal the most entertaining to watch, his character arc truly surprise me in ways I never saw coming.

Fez has its moments, and I do find his relationship with Lexi to be endearing, however their storyline doesn't go that far in season 2.

I hate Rue, she is the worst, her character is despicable. She does have a few funny moments that make her more watchable though.

Jules is also awful, to me she and Rue are the worst part of the series because despite some dramatic moments they do not have any real consequences so nothing they do truly matters, so why I am watching this show?

As you can tell I cannot sincerely made my mind when it comes to this HBO production, so maybe time will tell.
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Fantastic experience for Samurai Jack fans!
23 February 2022
If you love the original show then this game is for you! There is so much love put it to this game that both gamers and casual people can go in and have a good time.

The art style is great, the music is fantastic, and the gameplay makes everything come together, this a game that feels like it was made for the gamecube but in the best way possible. I love this.
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Much harder yet a lot of fun!
23 February 2022
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Good, fun and hardcore! The songs are much more difficult, however they are a lot of customization options and awesome unlockables.

I love this game, is a fantastic sequel to F and one that I recommend to fans of rhythm games.
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Injustice (2021)
Not as bad as people say; pretty good actually
20 February 2022
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The art style is solid, and the music does a great job complementing the scenes and tone, however they are a lot of questionably decisions when it comes to the story and characters.

I Believe, for the most part, the story works. Supermans motivation woks because his motives are understandable. Batman retains his morals and sense of justice making him a great opposing force. The characters are likable and the violence never holds back.

Despite all that we have other elements that fall flat. Some of the deaths in this movie are absurd; flash and knightwing in particular stand out as being the worst. I also feel the story needed to be longer, have more room to breath and develop things.

Overall this film features great actions, fantastic emotional moments and shocking scenes, however it could have been better. It should have been better.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
18 February 2022
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Excellent characters, a great plot and a fantastic soundtrack make Peacemaker a must watch for fans of the genere.

This is a The Suicide Squad spin off that takes place weeks after the film´s event, and everything that follows is insanity; from the villains, the secrets, and the fantastic revelations we get along the way.

The few critiques I have are that i wish there was more episodes, and the comedic timing can be off in a few occasions, despite that this is a great series that I recommend for people looking for something weird, unique and bizarre.
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An ok final outing.
14 February 2022
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This wasn't the amazing return to this universe that I was expecting. It wasn't terrible, and I would even say the end result is good, but oh man, it could have been a lot better.

The animation is bland and uninspired. I like the character designs and a couple of shots here and there, but the overall presentation is lackluster.

The story feels like just another episode, not like a big event that needed a movie to be told.

Superman and Batman feel wasted. The two greatest superheroes of all time don't have a lot to do in this movie but to be backup to the other heroes. That is just awful.

At the end of the movie Jessica Cruz says that with all due respect the Justice League members are not her heroes. Ouch.

Despite all that there are other elements that do work. The villains are great, the action sequences do have a sense of fun, the cast does a great job reprising their iconic roles, and Wonder Woman was just awesome.

It is an above average DC animated movie but not the grand return to this universe that we, the fans deserved. I recommend not taking this movie too seriously, just go in and have some fun.
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Komi Can't Communicate (2021–2022)
Tender and well crafted
12 February 2022
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My brother recommended me this anime and wow... I am in love. This is just such a cute and lovely show about a popular girl who has trouble communicating with others, however with the help of his friend Tadano she starts participating more and more in school activities and social events.

Beautiful music, solid animation and a Wonderfull sense of friendship makes this show an easy must watch for anime fans.
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Justice League Unlimited (2004–2006)
Good, fun and enjoyable
10 February 2022
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I finally saw Justice League Unlimited and I though it was an excellent continuation of the first show. It is not perfect, and It has some major problems, despite that, it does live up to the legacy of the greatest superhero team of all time.

The shortcomings are clear: less serialize storylines. Lack of introductions and context for a lot of characters. Rush conclusions and a lot less dialogue.

The positives are also clear: excellent presentation. Fantastic character moments. Phenomenal villains and great heroes.

While not as good as the first show, Justice League Unlimited is a good, fun and enjoyable show for all ages that should satisfy DC fans.
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Super Mario Land (1989 Video Game)
A short bust of fun
28 January 2022
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Super Mario Land has a great sense of atmosphere, level design and themes. I adore the music, and the shooting levels are add a nice sense of variety to the gameplay.

They are only two problems with this game: It is too short and the gameplay could use a lot of polish, despite that, this game is a lot of fun on the go.
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City Lights (1931)
A masterpiece.
24 January 2022
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This is the second time I see City Lights, the first being four years ago when I graduated from high school, I remember hearing so many positive things that I gladly sat down to see it and... I thought it was pretty good! But it didn't leave a lasting impression on me.

Now I decided to watch it with my dad since he even gave me the idea, and I must say that we enjoyed it immensely. We laughed, we got excited and even got a lump in our throat with that ending. In short, we thought it was phenomenal.

I loved the film, the lighting feels alive, giving each actor an emphasis on their face and evoking the most sincere emotions of the film. The camera moves with intent and the shots last much longer than today's movies. The music perfectly accompanies what is happening on screen and is responsible for many laughs.

I found the intertitles very purposeful, since they only said the most important thing. There is a great level of subtlety in the choice of words, and for such an expressive film this took me by surprise.

There are notable production errors that even have their charm, such as the fact that the titles are not always straight, and that in the final boxing match you can feel the key that holds Charles Chaplin, however I admire the dedication of do these things without the technology needed to correct such errors.

The performances are superb. I love how each actor splendidly conveys all the emotions they're feeling. The gentleman who plays the wealthy man is as convincing as a drunk, who never doubts that he was drunk. The young woman who plays the blind girl does a beautiful job of conveying her love for our protagonist and really sells the romance. However, Charlie Chaplin sticks to the film and its simple plot with phenomenal bravery.

Excellent movie. A classic.
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Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F (2012 Video Game)
Excellente rythme game!
21 January 2022
I love the song selection of this title.

The gameplay is simple yet addicting.

The graphics are phenomenal on both Playstation 3 or PS VITA.

There are tons of extras in this game, like the ability to costumize every character room, give them items and buy different costumes.

Overall, amazing game.
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One Punch Man (2015– )
Season 2 Review: Not as good as the first, but still amazing
14 January 2022
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I rewatched the first season in preparation for the second one that came out on December 31st 2021. It has been a while since I first experience this amazing show back in 2017 here in México and well... I really adore this season.

No, season 2 is not as great a the first, but the story and characters are still amazing and well done. I love King and Saitamas friendship. Genos is still a badass, unfortunately the don't give him a lot to do this time around.

I really love sonic and Gerous, they are both amazing villains, specially Gerous and his touching story. I also really appreciate more the kaijins now because they now have their own organization and feel more menacing.

My biggest complain is that the animation saw a downgrade this time around and it shows... it just doesn't look as good as the first season. Another complain is the pacing... It feels awkward and not as smooth.

The music, the heart and the characters are still here and its awesome, but the lackluster animation and awkward pacing put this season above the original.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Season 4 Review: Even at its lowest Cobra Kai is still great
10 January 2022
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I honestly believe this is the worst season yet, however I still had a blast! That is just how amazing the show is.

Ever since I watched the first season back in 2020 I have been a Cobra Kai fan, and how could I not be! The show has fantastic characters, amazing fights, a cool musical score and a great plot to follow.

Cobra Kai has always been about the dynamics between the characters and how important role models are. I sincerely care about each and every one of the students as well as the senseis, and its very exciting seeing everything unfold.

Though out the 4 seasons we have seen many twist and turns for every character, some of these turns are better made than others and unfortunately that's where a lot of the problems the show stumbles on appears.

Miguel is no longer the protagonist and that becomes very obvious since episode one. He was my favorite student, but now I just don't care as much about him anymore. Robby has grown considerably since season 3 and the ending that they gave him is simply fantastic.

I love Johnny Lawrance and he never disappoints. Daniel LaRusso its hit or miss for me, however he had a nice resolution this season. Samantha LaRusso surprise me with her arc and now she is one of my favorites.

I like the new additions to the show like Kenny, Devon and Silver, they are all great, but I feel we now have too many storylines that don't always get the right amount of screen time.

I also feel that they are some characters who have very little reasons to be in the show, such as Stingray. Anthonys arc came out of nowhere but had a very promising tease for the next season.

They weren't a lot of fights and that was very disappointing for me, despite that the show is always engaging, fun to watch and very exciting and emotional, I highly recommend this tv series, even if you are not fan of the Karate Kid franchise.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
My favorite Spider-Man Film
9 January 2022
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I remember the first time I saw Spider-Man 3, it was back in 2007 and I must have been 9 years old, I went with my dad and my brother to an early screening and I loved it! My dad though it was enjoyable and my brother... hate it, he though it was the worst Spider-Man film.

Now however time has passed, I have grown up and so has my brother. Now we have so many live action Spider-Man films, a lot of them with other actors, crews and filmmakers at command and well... now we have more perspective.

Even though I have always love this movie I am aware of its flaws, but honestly... they don't matter to me. This film feels like home, feels like a time capsule of that era, a tender, more innocent era of my life that I can look back and smile.

This movie has amazing action sequences, fantastic performances from Tobey, Kirsten and James Franco, fenomenal villains and a memorable score. I also adore the themes and messages of the film, in particular the theme of forgiveness and redemption.

Yes, the movie has a lot of characters and many story lines. Yes, the films pace doesnt always work, but in the face of what it gets right this are minor complains.

I can watch this movie a lot of times and never get tired of it. This movie and the whole trilogy means the world to me. This are some of my favorite movies of all time. My brother now likes this movie and I am just so happy for that. This picture brings me the biggest joy and that's more than enough for me to give it a 10 out of 10.
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Wonder Woman (2009 Video)
Amazing first solo movie for Wonder Woman
7 January 2022
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I have always being a huge fan of Wonder Woman and to this day she is my favorite female super hero. It is usually fantastic to see her fighting in the justice league against some awesome villains from the DC universe, however what I have always love the most from her is the love and empathy she shows for others.

In her first animated feature, Wonder Woman must go to the land of man In company of Steve Trevor to stop Ares from destroying humanity. The plot is more of the same origin story fans of the character are familiar with, with some small changes depending on the version.

I really like the amazons in this movie, they are very memorable and likable. I adore their island and their culture. Queen Hipolita may seem too harsh at first, but she grows to become a great and loving mother.

This version of Steve Trevor is not my favorite, he is not that likable at first, despite that he evolves and becomes a better man.

The music is forgettable and the villain is far from great, but fantastic animation, cool action scenes and a great super hero makes this debut film a must see for fans of Wonder Woman.
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Sing Street (2016)
Excellent lovely film
9 February 2017
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John Carney is a masterful director, he did one great movie called Once, then he follow it with the mediocre Begin Again, and now he makes a come back with Sing Street, a tender, lovely, and well directed picture about a 15-year old who wants to impress a girl forming a band, and in the process he discovers friendship, love and what he wants to do with his life. The music it's just great, with Carney himself writing the lyrics and Ferdia Walsh-Peelo doing the vocals and the instrumental part of the songs, the soundtrack really becomes part of the story and actually makes sense in the context. Unlike films like La la land, Sing street is a realistic musical film that blends reality with fiction, and everything feels believable. I cannot recommend this picture enough, is funny, insightful, full of wisdom and with an optimism that inspire us to follow our dreams without feeling corny. Im giving this movie a 10 out of 10.
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