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No reason to care, but this may help
20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The plot revolves around Maddy, an adolescent girl, and Owen, a younger boy, who are obsessed with a 20-30 year old colour TV horror series called Pink Opaque.

The show features bizarre costumes, an iceman clown, a grotesque moon face, and a bad character named Melancholy, who cannot harm you if you don't think about them.

Female young girls get tattoos on their necks for no reason.

The show feels like ominous irrational dreams, with references to Méliès's coloured 1902 Trip to the Moon and Tourneurs' 1943 I walked with a zombie... for no apparent reason.

There's no reason why kids would be drawn to such low-quality, low-resolution television programming with a 4/3 ratio.

The pink colour, whatever symbol it may represent, is more than visually disturbing.

After half an hour, there is no rhythm, nothing happens, the lines are slow and monotonous, and the acting is painful.

It feels like a teenage school movie, with very cheap low-skilled music intercutting for no apparent reason.

Maddy is gay (who cares), he is uninterested in girls (who cares), and he believes he has a problem.

She leaves town to avoid death for no apparent cause... Owen's head is inside a television; his father pulls him out, and he yells, "You're not my father", so what.

Some undeveloped dead-end clues.

So they have some global identification issues, who cares?

The plot skips a few years twice, a TV burns in a yard, for no reason, and the show is cancelled.

The unstable Maddy returns after her disappearance, for no apparent cause; Owen remains withdrawn, without passion, addicted to the show.

In a pub, they discuss the series' confusion with their own lives.

They agree not to talk about it, for no reason...

A band with a female singer makes a reference to Marylin Manson, painfully crying out for no apparent reason.

While Melancoly is said to rip out hearts to feed the moon.

In the series, the protagonist is buried alive, and Maddy describes her burial with every shovel.

She saw herself on the television, creeping from a horrible dream.

She tells her pointless, uninteresting feelings for what felt like ten minutes.

Owen says, "I'm dying now..." cuts his chest open, tv rays out. Now he finds the show dull, exactly as I did from the start, for this movie.

It gives no reason for anything, which is very cheap and easy.

Figure out whatever you want.
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Civil War (2024)
Shallow Nombrilism
1 June 2024
Like usual, I go into the film knowing absolutely nothing about who authored it or anything else. This enables me to avoid that having preconceived notions will surprise or disappoint me.

I will not go into matters already stated in other reviews, but the rhythm and intensity of assembled sequences do not function, unlike a comparable construction in Joel Schumacher's "Falling Down".

Garland considers war journalists to be heroes since they are all endearing individuals, and he even visualises them giving their lives to bring us pictures of violence. We all know that lies are the foundation of warfare, and images also lie. Eddie Adams Execution in Saigon is a great example, most observers get the wrong understanding. Cameras are permitted among the military since they constitute a significant propaganda tool. Nevertheless, Garland does not explore these deeper facets or the voyeuristic elements of disasters like a civil war. His writing is extremely shallow, one-sided, and simple-minded, with little more than cliches to offer.

I am a huge fan of Ex Machina, the depth the psychology of seduction, active and passive, there is nothing similar here.

A huge disappointment.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
For prepubescents
26 May 2024
There have been so many reviews on this one, so I'll keep it brief.

Driver, starring Ryan Gosling, and Emily Blunt's Edge of Tomorrow are favourites of mine. That is why I started watching.. This film contains elements of both environments, but nothing else.

How can these actors not leave after the first shot? They must notice the difference in the quality of the drafting, story, and dialogue.

Okay, this is a comedy, but stupid jokes seen a thousand times, such as a dog biting in the pants, are not entertaining at all. I waited 40 minutes for the plot, but there was none, and when it was disclosed, it was so rudimentary.

When it becomes a torment to watch a comedy all the way through, I have to realise it was not meant for me. And I doubt I would have liked it if I were 50 years younger.

Have you been warned. No Movie for Old Men.

I give it four stars since it finds its audience and is professionally produced.
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The Long Game (I) (2023)
Just love it
14 May 2024
I am a non-golfer.

I never played, and I never will.

It is from my point of view not a real sport.

Like pool, snooker it is a boring ball game, not enough physical and mental action, no real confrontations. I prefer sports like Tennis, or better football (soccer for you US people)

But the movie is not. It is about passionate young and elder people, trying to find their way through the obstacles mostly unfair of life.

It has a lot of very very nice, emotionally intelligent little scenes about wisdom and effect of our decisions and actions.

I can't emphasize enough how well these scenes are made.

So many characters well drawn. The director Julio Quintana born in the USA after her parents left Cuba shows he feels how Mexican immigrants felt. Not anymore Mexicans and yet not real Americans.


I specially liked the symbolism in the scene were a golfers girlfriend explains how she intends to become a writer by already writing now shorts stories of peoples daily life. Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.

Actors are all great, but I fell for Jaina Lee Ortiz.

It is a men sports, is it not still today?

She is not even mentioned on the cover, standing far in the back.

What a shame, She did not have too many words to say, so she made her presence mainly by her very subtle body and face expressions. Nevertheless she played a strong female character.

She has great potential, and I hope we see more of her anytime soon.
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Origin (2023)
Annoyingly silencing the true "Origin"
29 March 2024
This is a really annoying movie to write a review for.

First, the information it provides is of excellent level.

However, in between this information, the spectator is pushed into emotional states to open him to accept with little resistance what follows in the next scenes, in which we are only shown the relation of individual anecdotes of discriminations against Indian untouchables, Jews, and African slaves.

This goes on to imply our responsibility for inheriting a house that we now occupy, full of cracks that will not fix themselves. We bear the weight of the profits of hundreds of years of discrimination, because our ancestors accepted silently institutionalized hierarchical caste systems. So far, so good.

"And a roof that must be replaced" However, the film avoids discussing the roof. We have all been victims of caste systems more or less. And it all started on the roof. From Kings and Monarchs, individuals of different bloodlines, who are still not allowed marriage outside of their castes. Not a single word about the true "Origin".

I live in a monarchy where honoured individuals avoid eye contact while looking down and shaking hands with the Monarch, who must be addressed as "Your Highness". This is merely another anecdote. However, such an anecdote is missing from the movie.

And this blood concept extends down the social hierarchy; in politics, people are not truly allowed unless they have been chosen and declared worthy to be part of their ranking by proving themselves through years of low-level services inside the party. I witnessed this first-hand, yet I refused to be a part of their upper caste, for the only reason I have always been aware that it is a form of inacceptable racism.

Judges prefer lawyers; doctors marry doctors; and teachers fall in love with teachers, rich people marry rich. And they occupy parliaments and democratic institutions, protecting them from unworthy influence and thereby rendering them non-democratic.

"Patterns of social behaviours that are in place so long it looks natural, when it isn't, cast is everywhere yet invisible"

Accepting castes is a strategy to dominate and defend what we have. Aren't we all content to tolerate our own discrimination because we know and feel that there are those on the street so numerous who have a lower social status?

It is all too simple to merely focus on the lowest class, as the movie does.

So I chose to give it a low rating, not just because the writer's emotional passages are monotonous and manipulative, but also because of what the film says and does not dare to say out loud, which was its obligation to do.
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Aporia (2023)
bad acting, dreadful emotions, and lousy writing
7 November 2023
However, the concept is good.

What if you could kill somebody in the past
  • whose action kills people and turns people miserable
  • whose immoral action turns people miserable
  • whose simple action turns people miserable
  • who simply turns you miserable

Such quandaries hold the potential to produce a fantastic film.

But we don't see their past, and how it could affect the present; instead, a different present simply emerges. It made the director and writer's job much easier, as they lack original ideas

The dialogues are considerably basic, and the scenes are even more so. Standing at the open fridge, pondering what to take out... There are so many pointless moments to fill the film.

The actors struggle with the non-adapted dialogues and non-working connections.

It's all so superficial, simplistic, almost parodying.

Wasting my time made me upset and I interrupted watching after about 10 minutes, but then I read about the topic and decided to give it a go.

It is not given a second chance.
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Dialogues to die for
8 September 2023
Maggie Moore is about the murder of two women with the same name. And two cops directing their investigation, which led them to a suicide with a confession left on a PC.

The relationship between the two cops is amusing and original, as are the relationships of the murdered woman's husbands. Everything fits together wonderfully in a world of loosers.

One of the cops' wives died, and despite receiving offers for emotional relationships from other ladies during the investigation, he remains attached to his wife, while the other hopes he could be in his place ...

The dialogue is slow and sombre, yet profoundly funny.

One of the women refuses to fix the passenger's airbag for $3000 because "I don't like nobody that much." A lifesaving decision, lol.

The film is much more about individuals, their character, and their fate than it is about crimes, as everything is laid out, and Happy Anderson is as a hilarious gamer and assassin as John Goodman was in Barton Fink.

Some people are born joyful and stay that way, while others fight losing battle after battle until they lose the war... Dialogues with a philosophical underpinning.

I had a great time.

Jon Hamm's performance was brilliant once again, and he helped all actors rise to his level.
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Stolen Kisses (1968)
Just a bad director
3 August 2023
This movie has not passed the test of time.

It is very amateurish.

The dialogues are unnatural, for those who know how the french speak.

The locations are dirty, nothing is refurbished, you would say it is a communist country. Well no, it was France, and it is still France today, in many.

There is not much of a story, just a young man finding it hard to make it in the world of adults. But the way he acts, reacts, is so strange, he has some kind of love affair with a woman, and he wrote her 16 letters in a week, not all pleasant ones, but when they speak to each other, they behave like they were strangers.

I think I never saw a really well made movie from Truffaut.

They all have bad acting and bad rythm.

An intellectually overrated director at a time the french were searching for a new wave ..
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Asteroid City (2023)
It is Not Nonsense, It makes no sense.
1 August 2023
So there is a writer who tries to write a play, but he does not have any inspiration.

And there are actors who play the play, who really don't understand what they are playing.

In between, behind the stage, there is a presenter in black and white, like the famous 1960 twilight zone.

The story seems to be about an alien coming to earth to steal an astoroid, or did he just take back what he had lost. Nevermind, it is not important.

Nothing is important. Every character has his own point of view, about topics that have nothing to do with the story, his own feelings without any explanation, and nobody is able connect to anybody else.

The movie is recorded on extreme bleak color CGI generated graphics without any textures. It gives a very cold synthetic atmosphere, like everything is fake.

The way actors communicate is fake.

Why did all these famous actors gather for this movie.

Again to attract spectators to the theater, just by selling their name.

Shame on you.

It is beyond nonsense, you cannot even laugh, it makes no sense.

It is a real torture to watch this movie, or should I say stage.
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Cemetery Man (1994)
Cult for being so bad
28 July 2023
I will not go into the plot, of a cemetary man, called by everybody an engineer, when he repeats he is not, but anybody is an ingegnere in Italy, lol.

The scenes are badly pieced together, the rhythm is slow and jumpy, the acting is somehow slow, passive, maybe deliberately, but I think the reason is the lack of ability of the director to make his actors come alive. Well it is about Zombies, Revenants, they bite.

Anna Falchi shows her beautiful nude body but her characters are void and empty. She has a phobia of male potency, lol.

Rupert Everett gives a stoic, dead perfomance in all this madness that surrounds him, and not much is required in acting to do so.

But he gives the movie its cachet. And that is original, never done before, never done after.

Ridiculous, strange, awkward, surreal, devilish, bizarre, unconventional, however you want to qualify it, it is not in any norm.

It has dark humor, and philosophical quotes.

"I'll give my life to be dead..." "Old phonebooks are classics" At some point you realize you know more dead people than living.

How true...
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Nefarious (2023)
What Actors dream about
4 July 2023
Sean Patrick Flannery? Unknown. Never heard. No movie in mind.

Until Now.

Getting to play a psychologically disturbed character, schizophrene or possessed, is always a blessed present for an actor's career.

His performance, his behaviour, voice, intonations, brilliant.

He carries this movie all alone, it did not have to be a movie, it could as well be a play, as it is almost nothing else but a in-depth conversations between a prisoner and a psychologist about heaven and hell, God and the fallen Angels

Their exchanges feel like jousting, the writers did a real good job, very original point of view from a demon. The role of the psychologist is volontary kept weak, clean and innocent.

But not that innocent..

It reminds me of the confrontation in Silence of the lambs, between Antony Hopkins and Jodie Foster, and the other great performance of James McAvoy in Split.

But Nefarious will not figure among this classics .

The last 2 minutes were quite a short cut, or should I say too much of a disappointing dead end.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Still one of your greatest fan
4 July 2023
I watched this movie without any information what it was about, who made it and who were the actors.

I was hooked right from the start, and thought to myself, how long do I have to wait to finally see a well drawn spy psycho thriller, alike the famous classic Telefone with Bronson.

I enjoyed the turn arounds and the flips, and was uncertain wether it was worth an 8 or a 7. Surely much better than any ordinary movie above average, the acting is splendid, the rythm perfect, the mystery all present, and the more twists came along, the more I wondered how far it would take me into the realm of dreams and imagination.

Finally, the end was pretty classic, not really what I hoped for, hence a 7.

Far from Sin City, from Dusk till Dawn, to name 2 of half a dozen movies from Rodriguez which became "Cult".

I am afraid this one will not achieve this rank. It could have... Nevertheless a very very enjoyable little thriller.

Thank you Robert.
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Fast X (2023)
Void In between car action
30 June 2023
First, the car actions are great, a lot of imagination, a lot of CGI, and great locations.

In-between, we get some asskicking, much more ordinary.

Following these hate scenes, we get some emotional scenes.

Like love for family is everything. And of course some of them are dying to go back to some hate.

Diesel is such a bad actor, impossible to accept any of his emotional scenes, be it love or hate. He has not evolved in 20years of filming. There is nothing in between, just primitive emotions for the brainless.

Jason Momoa is the bad guy, followed be some minor bad guys. His character is so over the top, and he obviously enjoyed the acting. But some maniac jokes of bad taste are not funny at all.

His scenes are the only ones worth watching along with the fake computer generated car stunts, who throw overboard the most basic laws of physics. It is just incredible how many stuntmen and visual effects experts worked on that movie. I suppose each one only worked on 5 seconds of a scene. They all need to be paid, and it surely takes a hell of a resource management to make it a coherent finished product.

The music is just annoying during the stunts, just too loud, a brain killer...

For a budget of 349 mio USD, a lot of stars appear just for a few seconds, like they visit to attract people to the theatres to keep the money flowing in, and leave with the loot.

I won't name them, I don't want to be an acomplice of their deception...
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About abusive motherlove
19 June 2023
And their psychological consequences on a child, influencing his life as an adult. This is what Beau is about.

He tries to get rid of the influence of his possessive lying mother, who says she loves him so very much that any less love of his is insulting. She even sleeps in the same bed, when he became a teenager.

She requieres him to visit her regularly when he is an adult, and he is torn between the guild of his free will and his obligation to return her "love".

He has developped a kind of perverse satisfaction imagining his mother suffer or die, including hurting himself to hurt her.

Beau's has not known his father, which he imagines protective. His mother told him he died before he was born. As a consequence he is afraid to die too by founding a family and having kids.

He has kissed a girl in his youth, and he got obsessed by this brief relation and imagines he has 3 kids he loves deeply. But he cannot find his "love", his wife, their mother.

The strange world that is shown to us is a distortion of the real world, seen through the eyes of Beau, who is in psychological treatment. He is even afraid to die from taking his medication in a wrong way...

The streets are depraved, nudity, suicides, harrassments, dead bodies, he feels threatened by homeless people and he runs to his appartement to be safe. He is afraid to loose his key, he is afraid for his bankcard not to work, to cross the street, to be homeless. Everybody seems to be a threat to him, girls, doctors, women. All through his life, he is followed by a kind of destructive berzerker.

My interpretation is an introduction and not a spoiler to step in the absurd imaginary world of a mentally disturbed person, which lasts about 3 hours. It is not an easy movie to watch. You need to be ready to dig into for that long and follow the unique way the director narrates his evolution, see the sufferings, the pains, the anxieties, the panics, the threats, the escapes, the guilds, the struggles, the hopes, the pleasures, the plans, the loneliness, the sins, the selfishness, the judgements, the fate.

Joaquin Phoenix delivers again a stunning performance of a psychologically disturbed character, as he did before with the Joker. But "Beau is afraid" is much butter.

The movie is absolutely unique, original, even though their is not much of a story.

The world seen through the eyes of an extremely anxious person, victim of a possessiv authoritarian mother maybe lying deeply in our own subconscience, as many of us may have felt the love of our parents to have become oppressive at some point.

Our deepest oppressed feelings may rise from time to time throughout these 3 hours.
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Anti-characters in anti-situations
25 April 2023
This movie is really refreshing, with a weird humour, turning up from weird situations with weird characters who aren't really what they want to appear.

With the result that what they intent to do never really ends up as planned.

These kind of movies are pretty rare, succeeding to walk on a razor blade on the edge of ridicule, you never know what you should take seriously and what to just laugh about.

Some scenes have great word battles, between Frank Grillo and J. K. Simmons, Scott Caan and George Carroll, the way they talk is hilarious, they want to be clever and cool, and they end up dumb and emotional, these contrasts make the main characters turn out to be somehow likeable despite the fact they are all losers and pretenders.

And then there is Marianne Rendón, who works as a barmaid, when her mother has become very rich by marrying 4 rich men who happen to die quickly. The mother thinks her daughter is a looser too, because she dreamed to be an actress and went to Costa Rica to learn acting. Really ? You get the kind of auto-derision in which the script swims ?

It turns out that in real life, Marianne is a great actress, and she showed it twice, and at the end of the movie in a most emotional way that made even the other actors in the scene stop her from continuing her show. She made me feel sorry and laugh at the same time.

Though it could have been a little better, I would say longer, yes the good time I spend with this movie felt a bit short, short and intense.
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Kids believe everything you say
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We have to be conscious of insiduous mind manipulations by medias presenting subjects in a predetermined subjective way.

Manipulation schemes are often the same. First individuals in a particular situation are victimized, justifying a right for a minority to use unrightful ways to acheive goals. Typically a Bronson "Death Wish" scheme.

In this movie, because a man manifests his love to his boyfriend in a bar, a public place, he gets beaten down by a drunken client who didn't like to hear it. This scene leads to their conclusion that gays are always targeted. Everybody gets targeted, single moms, single dads, not only childless homosexual minorities. Drawing general conclusions on the basis of distinctive happenings is a faulty generalization, a logic fallacy.

No reason to make such an unparalleled case when leaving so many other aspects unsaid, as I will further develop.

The movie tends to play down the confusion of a kid, put into the hands of a male couple as a newborn without a choice. Growing up, she is confronted with her difference. The result of a planned process of two conscious men targeting a baby for adoption. They are depicted as a happy family singing all three a happy song in a car, and jumping joyfully into a pond and swimming together. Shouldn't adults put the interests of vulnerables, the rights of kids above their own personal interest? For adults there is no right for adoption, in the root of laws, there is only the right for a child to be adopted.

No scene to show how hard it can be to raise an adopted child. No mention of preventing a child from its natural right to have a mother? No mention of her mother at all. Who was she, what happened? While the topic of 2 gay men adopting a foreign girl is emphazised, all objective questions are disregarded.

Biologically, naturally, imagining a majority of male couples could mean the end of humanity. Birth rates will drop, causing disequilibriums and inequalities between generations. To a point were there will be social unrests, with economic impacts and wars for scarce resources. The script may have build upon such a projection in the disguise of four horsemen of the Apocalypse, as a result of the disdain of democracies towards minorities. Minorities then consider themselves as victims of humanity.

Insidously the script goes further to suggest a sacrifice to save humanity. The ultimate violence, wrapped in a religious reference to Jesus sacrifice for christians. The gay couple and their little girl are asked to sacrifice and kill one of them, to save humanity from the Apocalypse.

Why did God choose them? As one of the dads says, we always have been targeted... Humanity does not deserve our sacrifice.

The horseman replies : I believe you have been choosen because your family's love for each other is so pure.

In the bar one dad shared his feeling to the other "I have never ever doubted loving you. The kid'll be washed in that every day.

Are traditional families less pure, is the love of single fathers and mothers who raise their kids less pure?

This could have gone unnoticed, if it wasn't one of the most recurrent argument about adoptions by male couples, that conflicts between husbands and wifes, divorces are far worse for kids. What a horrendous twisting.

The writers omit to consider the sacrifice of the kid. The theoretical possibility isn't even mentioned. It would have disrupted the harmonious image of the dads presented to the audience.

The world of motion pictures can be used to target a large audience to give ideas a larger acceptance.

This movie has the main purpose wrapped in an irrational fantasy story : to promote the acceptance for adoption of kids for gay men by ignoring any controversy!

If the authors didn't have that intention, they could have let a single dad with his own child live with another man.

But the author choose an asian kid. No biological relation with any of her dads.

Through which channels did the adoption make its way. Was it legal? Any procedures, papers, protection against adoption traffic.

Nothing. Moral questions about adoptions are avoided. The newborn baby was handed over in a hospital.

As normal and ordinary as a newborn baby is handed over to her mother ...

Before the last horseman kills himself he says : Kids believe everything you say : so you have to be careful. Say only what you know, what you know to be true. The only quote in the movie that would deserve the single star.

But .. the movie started with the kid saying she is bothered that her guidance counselor keeps saying how it's so great to have two dads, because "It makes me feel like she's saying the opposite"

So kids don't believe everthing we say? Do the authors suggest that the kid really thinks it's great to have two Dads?

This movie is provocatively ambiguous !
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Funny even with a missed topic
7 April 2023
I understand people who were disappointed that the movie did not really dig into the real story of Coopers, hijaking a passenger plane by threatening with a bomb. He jumped out with a parachute, along with 200.000$, now worth about 1,5 mio$ and vanished completely. The traceable money was never found, and not spend, at least not in the US :-)

This true story only serves as a pretext to make a run and chase road movie, which I actually enjoyed, because of many original funny and sometimes spectacular scenes. I won't tell anything to not spoil your fun.

Suffice to say, that the script has 10x more ideas than most of todays movies. Be it his escape from the forest, or the chase with junk cars.

Each situation entertains the viewers good mood, if watching with a positive attitude and without expectations.

The movie starts with a plane, and ends with a plane.

I know what it takes to fly these old warbirds, and the stunts are fantastic, with no visual content cheating by a shaky camera or computer software.

I really would have given it a 6+, because it is a bit simple minded, and lacks sometimes a little bit in coherence.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Greatest love story ever
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why do I write a review when there are already 1158 reviews ?

Because it is so rare to have a perfect movie.

And so many producers and directors should learn how to do a perfect movie, instead of 90% of completely unbalanced movies in a lot of ways.

Yes, Oblivion is perfect.

Story, quite surprising logic twists, up to the end.

Talking, just the necessary, with the right words.

Action, not too much, just the right amount.

The landscape, perfectly apocalyptic and inbetween a little paradise.

The Design, very simply, and yet so engeniously ...timeless.

People will watch it in 200 years.

Emotions : They are so spot on, with so great acting, from everbody. I can identify with everbody's emotions, not only the two main characters, and that is a real performance.

And the absolute faboulous music adds to it, M83, the voice, so highly vibrating. The music is in my playlist forever.

I must have watch it 10 times.

And each time before, I tell myself, you will not make it to the end, you know it all, and each time I don't stop watching and I give it a ten, in the end,again.

I don't give easily the perfect note.

Alien, Sin City, The Matrix, Dead man, The Silence of the Lamb, Falling down, Django Unchained, they are all perfect in their own way.

Oblivion is perfect it its own way too.
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Short Fun
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like american comedies at all.

I don't like Indian culture at all.

I don't like millionnaires at all.

And yet I was entertained by this movie.

I saw the first one, but honestly, I can't remember what it was about.

It's so fast, jokes following actions, kills following love scenes, there is no time to think about what happens in the movie, the logic, the reasons, the victims, the guilty, nothing really matters.

I had a few good laughs "You got experience in hostage negotation - I'm married to this woman, I know about it ..."

"I blow up the Eiffel, there is only one thing I hate more than witnesses, and that is the French"

And the Flamingos with dipers, so they don' crap the lawn..

The movie is short. Very Short.

About 1:20.

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Nostalgia Pure B
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a typical B science fiction movie of the 50ies.

With all the classic figures, the young woman, the hero, the monster, the scientifics some good, some bad) and the army.

It is interesting to see by such movies what must have been the mentality of the people after the 2nd World War. Or rather the media's propaganda to keep people ignorant. People should believe the authorities. Strong social hierarchy.

There was no internet. No fake news, no sure true news either, as we known today, but people trusted the news. They have no clue of what can be and what cannot be. Everything is very serious, no humour, no jokes.

The people are emotional and react stupid.

The young charming woman gets trapped.

The hero finds a way.

The Army blows the enemy up, with a big bang, Innocent people get rescued, sinful people die.

It's all black and white.

Good morality.

No gore. A line of black blood from the mouth.

Stunts and fights are ridiculously bad, for todays standard.

The scenery is so poor, background in the harbour is drawn, everything is shot in a studio, with fake stones, hills and fog.

The Alien ship's design is laughable. No one cares if such a machine could fly, enter the heat of our planet's atmosphere .The rockets radar is even more funny, held by a single cheap ordinary screw.

The naivety is what makes the movie enjoyable, and more of its kind.

The movie has some originality.

It starts rather slow, and to the end things go very fast.

It also very short, I think about 70min.

The hero and the girl, they are attracted to each other, but no love, no kiss, well yes, he knew her when she was a kid... morality.

The monster, he is more or less pushed by peoples behavour to act bad. Did he and his collegues have bad intentions, or were they just seeking peacefully for place to survive.

There cannot be a peacefull invasion...when the invader is technically far superior, and the invaded act with fear.
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Black Box (2021)
Safety first : You must be kidding
19 March 2023
I like Fly Simulations and I know a lot about flying.

I follow Mentour Pilot on Youtube, and its probably the best channel to learn about black boxes, investigations of airplane crashes, how planes work and how the system continously improves safety after crash reports.

He never gets tired to explain that accidents happen because of a chain of circumstances that should not happen in a perfect world.

And this is exactly what the movie is about.

There are material circumstances that makes the plane not work as it should.

Then their are human circumstances, most commonly pilot errors, traffic control errors, maintenance errors.

Mentour Pilot always points out that the main interest of the aviation is to make flying more secure for the passengers. He does not and cannot question the human circumstances in the business, they would take is channel down and sue him.

But this movie questions the integrity of the system, and rightly so, when there is so much money, national and political interest at stake. All possible powers get activated to make pressure on the dispensable employees in all possible ways.

The truth, we will never know, and the investigation reports is what this system wants the public to read and to know.

In the end you may come to the conclusion that we are human guinea pigs when boarding an airplane, possibly sacrificed for the sake of captalism.

We get an insight in the resource management of the french Aviation Safety Agency, which is heavily under political control.

This sounds quite boring, but the director managed to create a tense atmosphere among the characters that gives the movie a good pace.

It is a well made thriller in the lign of old french classics, like Costa Gavra's Z, were you really don't know what and who to believe.

Glad that (some rare ) french movies are still able to stand out.
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Glorifying primitive instincts
8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The mirror of Dune

Every decision and action based on human's most despicable traits, authority, obedience, heroism, pride, sacrifice, betrayal, visions, belief, destiny, warmongering.

Which caused millions of death and misery through the centuries. Resources and War. That's all.

Do we need to watch this in a futuristic country in Africa? Technology with fights like primitives ?

An african tribe plans to destroy an neighbour tribe because they won't ally against the US, while they are both threatened by the US? Nobody thinking of consequences ?

They first kill each other, until the direct duel of the leaders ends up with their reconciliation...

And then they stop fighting, as if the killings was meaningless, leaving no traces.

Maybe somebody killed a best friend, and he would take revenge. But the mass of soldiers have no feelings, no minds. Non-player characters, only the main characters have such rights.

Not a shade of intelligence or somehow rational talking.

I guess this was made for 12-15 years old.

Primitive, stupidity wrapped in computer-generated imagery doesn't make it less stupid.
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They should make movie about our life
27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It would be far more interesting, much more dramatic events, up and downs, and ultimately a very satisfying life with no regrets for all of you reading this.

This movie is completely the opposite. What happens to the girl, I don't care for it, nothing special, at yet she is constantly depressed.

She is so submissive and gets disappointed by girl friends.

What happens to the boy? He carries guilt, and tends to selfmutilation. Ok, some pity themselves, some move one.

He doesn't like parties, so what, I dont either.

What does that have to do with prime numbers.

I gues they stand alone, apart from each other, incapable of making a social relation.

In the end, they meet again, he rings, she panics to get dressed, he waits and waits, she paints her eyebrows in a hurry, she opens the door, they look at each other, they don't know what to say, after long silence and hesitant words, she is too skinny he is not, she offers him to make lunch, he falls asleep on the couch, when he wakes up, she has fallen asleep, he moves outside in the park, and thinks, no idea about what, she wakes up, sees he has left, goes to the park, touches his shoulder with a finger...

I fall asleep... I wake up I regret watching this movie.
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Nice Landscape
13 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sun Dust Stones... And a snake... it bites...

and 2 Indians who don't know how to handle a snake bite... really'???

And one of the indian hunters aims to sharp shoot the hunted indian, but he was elswhere, looking for medecine. The hunter could not differentiate a man in shirt, pants and boots from a woman in long white dress.

Oh come on, what is the IQ of the writers to think we can accept .. For the sake of dramatization, but very poorly staged.

Take some lessons with Tarantino.

Or were they really that primitive a century ago?

Stupid people reacting stupid talking stupid.

Once in a while an intelligent dialogue.

The acting is so poor, so wrong, meaningless, so flat, without tone and originality.

I liked the landscape.

But then again, why was it shot in 4/3 aspect ratio?

Landscape is supposed to be large, not in the form of a portrait.

So much decisions in this movie are wrong, or bad, and if they wanted to tell the story of Willie Boy to give him credit, they did it in the most disrespectful way... If I was Willie Boy, I would haunt them the rest of their life!

The only merit of a bad movie is that it makes me do some research, now I need to watch the old classic with Robert Redford.

Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here.

Hopefully it will erase the bad memory this film has brought to me about Willie Boy and Carlota.
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Paradise City (2022)
Came for the Oldies
30 January 2023
Travolta and Willis, they are aging like me, and honestly, I'm in much better shape than they are.

I wouldn't give my name for such a low level script.

Jesus, did they ever learn acting, or was it that they got lucky to be directed greatly. This is one of the worst acting in a movie I ever saw.

The story , the talking, everything is for the simple minded.

I understand that movies have to be made for the kinds of, who do stupid things in their youth and end up in prison.

I guess this movie is specially made for these brainless.

With a beautifull Hawaiin girl, but, omg, big fake breasts. Is she bad at acting, when she tells about growing up... Shot that scene again please... or did they already a dozen times, and this was the less worse.

This movie is so bad and pointless, that it's even an insult to the most stupid gangsters in the world.

Remains sea, sun and nature. But even this could not help to keep this movie from sinking in the mud.
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