
95 Reviews
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What the Shot was that?
13 September 2024
Omg this is a pathetic movie. Like horribly bad. Im upset i wasted money on this pile of crap. Thw musical number montages are moronic and the entire plot ia complete garbage. I walked out during the climax and felt better for it. The actress playing the daughter is dreadful and they really went over the top trying to out bettle juice the first one and they failed miserably. There was some comedy but it fell flat instantly. This movie is a huge flop and such a massive disappointment.

Omg this is a pathetic movie. Like horribly bad. Im upset i wasted money on this pile of crap. Thw musical number montages are moronic and the entire plot ia complete garbage. I walked out during the climax and felt better for it. The actress playing the daughter is dreadful and they really went over the top trying to out bettle juice the first one and they failed miserably. There was some comedy but it fell flat instantly. This movie is a huge flop and such a massive disappointment.
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Blink Twice (2024)
Just not good
30 August 2024
All the actors did a great job working with the material they were given. Too bad the materials they were given were absolute garbage. Yet another hollywood stinker with an agenda noboby wants to see anymore.

This drivel takes slow burn to a whole new level. The first hour of this mess was exactly that...a huge mess. Dude, get the story going. Nobody wants to see the same partying for a straight hour with zero movement in the plot. Then of course we discover the situation and its an unstoppable force of women. Maybe after this unstoppable force the avengers will call them and offer them a job.

The end of this piece of garbage was breathtakingly horrible. Im sure some people enjoyed this but i sure didnt.
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Twisters (2024)
I don't know where to start!
19 July 2024
Of all the reviews i have written, i always make sure not to put "worst movies I've ever seen," but those days are gone! This movie is legit the worst thing i have ever spent money on. It was just terrible. I would like to put a list of reasons, but i know if i do, the review will be shot down and never posted. They need to stop relating this to the original and leave it as a stand alone B-movie. I mean, I've seen B-movie creature features that blow this film away. Seriously, do yourself a solid, and pass on this dumpster fire. I havent wanted a refund on a film before, but this made me want to walk out and inquire about one. This film isn't even laughably bad. Its stomach churning how bad it is.
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Absolute plop!
7 July 2024
Wow this was a reel stinker. There was zero engagement in any of the characters. Seriously, everyone in this movie was detestable. This unbelievably terrible movie was spread out and scattered trying to have a unique timeline. This method fell flatter than a slice of bacon you pay 15 dollars for at a fancy restaurant to add to the already overpriced burger. This film didn't even start out on a good note. It was plop from the first time the director yelled "action"

To me, this felt like ole mr costner was trying to proverbially slap the yellowstone guy in the face with a movie he thought would blow the newer director out of the water. Sadly it did not, and it really felt like an old man trying to show off skills and talent he lacks.

I highly recommend skipping this and the next three chapters. Wait to watch this slop on network television. It is not worth wasting hard earned money at the theater.
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The Bear (2022– )
Lost its charm
28 June 2024
I'm halfway through the 3rd season and i find myself scratching my head. It seems much more nonsensical than the previous seasons. I feel like this is the definition of the blind leading the blind. Neck and face tattoos on a guy thats a waterhead working in a super upscale place is something i have never seen before. I've worked with some renowned chefs and not one of them has done anything as remotely idiotic as carmy. 11k for butter seems like a huge stretch.

This season they seem to be focusing on the personal lives of the cast a lot more than before and this is not something i want to see. If i wanted to see personal growth i would tune into a show on lifetime. From a beat down beef hogie shop to a 1 star Michelin restaurant is totally unrealistic. Stick with what works. This applies to menus and script writing.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
9 May 2024
This is not a good movie. I am so confused about the high rating. Gosling was great but the rest is total garbage. Stupid plot thats literally been done countless other times with better performances. Its hohn wick meets some other cheesy rom coms with over the top explosions, horriible dialog and we cant forget the unstoppable 110 pound woman literally beating the hell out of bidy builders and navy seals. If this is what passes for a quality summer blockbuster count me out of the nonsense thats coming down the pipe.

This is not a good movie. I am so confused about the high rating. Gosling was great but the rest is total garbage. Stupid plot thats literally been done countless other times with better performances. Its hohn wick meets some other cheesy rom coms with over the top explosions, horriible dialog and we cant forget the unstoppable 110 pound woman literally beating the hell out of bidy builders and navy seals. If this is what passes for a quality summer blockbuster count me out of the nonsense thats coming down the pipe.
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Family Guy: Life of Brian (2013)
Season 12, Episode 6
I absolutely loved this episode!
3 April 2024
This is one of my favorite episodes. I could watch the beginning a 1000 times and never get sick of it. The word loath is a massive understatement when it comes to my feelings for brian. The only real problem is they brought this vile character back. I wish they would do an episode similar to this but leaving that mutant gone forever. Maybe one day I'll get what i want. But that day doesnt seem to be coming anytime soon.

This is one of my favorite episodes. I could watch the beginning a 1000 times and never get sick of it. The word loath is a massive understatement when it comes to my feelings for brian. The only real problem is they brought this vile character back. I wish they would do an episode similar to this but leaving that mutant gone forever. Maybe one day I'll get what i want. But that day doesnt seem to be coming anytime soon.
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I like this movie but
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a well acted heist movie, but one thing i hate in all these types of movies is the low down loser hero cop. I've seen this in most heist movies. These idiot investigators would NEVER but able to think that fast. Its crazy unbelievable. The criminals are smart but the cops are smarter? It just ruins movies. Just once i want to see these idiots cop portrayed the way they actually are. These characters are portrayed like the unstoppable teenagers in recent films. They have superhuman intellect and no average person can comprehend. Hollywood! Stop doing this nonsense. You're wasting perfectly good movies!!!
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This show is terrible
28 March 2024
I'm no stranger to prospecting and this show is not that. This is sensationalized to an insane degree.

It shows people finding copious amounts of gold very quickly. This is not the case. Its hours and hours of back breaking work for very little payoff.

I made it halfway through the 2nd episode before i turned it off forever. If you are about to get into this hobby do not use this show as a point of reference because you will be tremendously disappointed.

I'm no stranger to prospecting and this show is not that. This is sensationalized to an insane degree.

It shows people finding copious amounts of gold very quickly. This is not the case. Its hours and hours of back breaking work for very little payoff.

I made it halfway through the 2nd episode before i turned it off forever. If you are about to get into this hobby do not use this show as a point of reference because you will be tremendously disappointed.
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First episode was all we needed
15 March 2024
The first episode was ok but diminished immediately after. As i watched the first episode i noticed some childish nonsense about it, but I powered through, and started the 2nd. I ended up turning it off because of the immature nature of the main narrator. Laughing and giggling while sipping malt liquor seemed a bit far fetched. A grown adult swearing, drinking, smoking, and playing dressup all while going on about abuse was to much for me to take seriously. I do believe the ordeal was terrible, but the maker of this documentary seems to brush it off. The dude that talks about starting the riot was seriously torn apart. I get people handle trauma differently, but this almost seemed comical. Watch it and judge for yourself.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
One of my favorite episodes!
10 January 2024
This episode is fantastic! Dont let the negative reviews ruin it for you. Those reviews are from people who are tremendously bothered by the content of the episode. I hate the new way of movies and shows that came after the pandemic but i didn't feel like it was being crammed down my throat with this. I find this to be one of my favorite episodes. It shows passion, love, and growing up. It was captivating for me

This episode is fantastic! Dont let the negative reviews ruin it for you. Those reviews are from people who are tremendously bothered by the content of the episode. I hate the new way of movies and shows that came after the pandemic but i didn't feel like it was being crammed down my throat with this. I find this to be one of my favorite episodes. It shows passion, love, and growing up. It was captivating for me.
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Good "fictional" film!
12 December 2023
This is a great movie from hollywood, and I don't believe a wink of the plot. Theae guys were down on their luck bums and needed a ploy to get rich quick. The Wikipedia page is more convincing than their story. I was entertained by the film, but the actual premise is pure fiction.

This is a great movie from hollywood, and I don't believe a wink of the plot. Theae guys were down on their luck bums and needed a ploy to get rich quick. The Wikipedia page is more convincing than their story. I was entertained by the film, but the actual premise is pure fiction.

This is a great movie from hollywood, and I don't believe a wink of the plot. Theae guys were down on their luck bums and needed a ploy to get rich quick. The Wikipedia page is more convincing than their story. I was entertained by the film, but the actual premise is pure fiction.
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What was i thinking?
8 December 2023
I have seen this movie since the 90s and have always enjoyed it. Probably because i have it on in the background as noise while i do other stuff (good soundtrack). Those days are over. I just tried to actually watch it and had to turn it off. This movie is garbage. It's literally about a bunch of idiotic highschool kids doing idiotic highschool nonsense. Why would anyone find this film to be captivating, or be on anyones list of faviorte movies (QT)? The whole movie is terrible and I cant wait to never see it again!

I have seen this movie since the 90s and have always enjoyed it. Probably because i have it on in the background as noise while i do other stuff (good soundtrack). Those days are over. I just tried to actually watch it and had to turn it off. This movie is garbage. It's literally about a bunch of idiotic highschool kids doing idiotic highschool nonsense. Why would anyone find this film to be captivating, or be on anyones list of faviorte movies (QT)? The whole movie is terrible and I cant wait to never see it again!
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Hell and Back (2015)
Don't listen to the bad reviews
5 December 2023
This film is very well done. Its a dumb comedy for smart people. The people writng the bad reviews are also the ones that review local soup kitchens and taco bells. There are big names in comedy and people think this is not funny? The IQ of the country has plummeted over the last 20 years, so I'm not surprised people complained about this one. I love how offensive this is and i really really love how badly it upset people! That's actually the best part of the movie.

This film is very well done. Its a dumb comedy for smart people. The people writng the bad reviews are also the ones that review local soup kitchens and taco bells. There are big names in comedy and people think this is not funny? The IQ of the country has plummeted over the last 20 years, so I'm not surprised people complained about this one. I love how offensive this is and i really really love how badly it upset people! That's actually the best part of the movie.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
The dumbest characters EVER written
25 November 2023
I'm watching the series from the start and am blown away at how stupid these people are. Every single thing they do is beyond comprehensible. I have never seen stupidity on such a level. The main chick is absolutely terrible. One of the worst characters ive ever seen on tv. Strand and thd old guy are the best thing this show has going for it in season 2. I dont know if i can keep watching this nonsense but I'm gonna give it my best shot.

I'm watching the series from the start and am blown away at how stupid these people are. Every single thing they do is beyond comprehensible. I have never seen stupidity on such a level. The main chick is absolutely terrible. One of the worst characters ive ever seen on tv. Strand and thd old guy are the best thing this show has going for it in season 2. I dont know if i can keep watching this nonsense but I'm gonna give it my best shot.
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Old Dads (2023)
Boring, old, falls flat, turned it off
23 October 2023
Like 98% of the reviewers i am a fan of burr. This movie bored me from the very beginning. His in your face attitude is on point, but for me, i am sick of seeing and hearing all the stuff he was going on about. It's been crammed down our throats for far too long, and i dont want to hear about it anymore. I tune this stuff out because i hear some form of it every single day. For me the movie seemed old and kicking a dead horse. It fell flat almost immediately and i ended up turning it off at the half way point. I got a chuckle once but overall i was bored. I think I'll be checking out the new barbie film. I hear it has killer reviews from the smartphone community.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Kind of a let down
16 September 2023
This had so much potential but it was destroyed by adding complete nonsense. They disntnneed to create a new character for the show. Why did they turn the show into a romance? The characters are pretty moronic, especially the principle. The cops asking questions about a murder and some hill billy principle talks football and walks the main suspect away? Are ypu kidding? I've seen it a couple times and its enjoyable but the dumb added stuff ruins it for me.

This had so much potential but it was destroyed by adding complete nonsense. They disntnneed to create a new character for the show. Why did they turn the show into a romance? The characters are pretty moronic, especially the principle. The cops asking questions about a murder and some hill billy principle talks football and walks the main suspect away? Are ypu kidding? I've seen it a couple times and its enjoyable but the dumb added stuff ruins it for me.
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12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviews said it right. Another country same nonsense. Nothing new with the main guy being thousands of miles away. Main guy meets a damsel in distress. Damsel turns on him, another person with a heart saves him and then a war starts immediately. Some child is the new messiah and the convent starts preparing to go to war with the governor, i mean the whisperers, no no no i mean negan, i mean some silly new faction. Its the same drivel they pumped out for the last decade. All these spin offs are just one cash grab after another and none are worth watching. The writers room need a serious candle lit under them if they want to keep my attention.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
28 July 2023
The acting was amazing, the cinematography was also amazing, but thats where the good ends and the bad starts. 3 hours are you kidding me? This story could have been done in an hour forty-five with credits. There was too much filler garbage i was immediately annoyed. Glorifying the smartest people creating the biggest bomb after the worlds best scientific discovery was sickening. I know that was true, but it made me sick. Showing how twisted and demented our government is was a great idea. There is literally too many things i want to say but don't know how to word them. I highly recommend everyone see something else and save a lot of time. Watch this at home after it hits netflix.
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I like it butttt
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess very stupid ideas drive a movie forward. Why in the world would these people make these decisions? Going after the dog? Driving so fast for no reason? Letting the clearly infected creature into the mall? I mean come on! I'm guessing this movie wouldn't have worked if they didn't have moronic characters doing moronic things. The action is good but the horrible ideas are hard to overlook.

I guess very stupid ideas drive a movie forward. Why in the world would these people make these decisions? Going after the dog? Driving so fast for no reason? Letting the clearly infected creature into the mall? I mean come on! I'm guessing this movie wouldn't have worked if they didn't have moronic characters doing moronic things. The action is good but the horrible ideas are hard to overlook.
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Extraction II (2023)
Complete utter trash
5 July 2023
Omg this is garbage! From start to finsih it was unbelievable, unrealistic, no plot, all remarkable garbage. Seriously who thinks this is a good film? Honestly one of the worst movies i have literally ever seen. I would have turned it off within 5 minutes but someone wanted to this for a 2nd time haha. The action is absurd the fight scenes are insanely pathetic and the acting is also sub par. This story has been done well over a thousand times and this film comes in dead last in comparison. Skip this rubbish and save yourself a couple hours of your life. I saw that a 3rd film is being made and that just makes me weep. Are they going to turn this pile into a franchise like the fast nonsense? I sure hope not!
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Naked and Afraid: Forsaken (2015)
Season 5, Episode 1
This guy haha
15 June 2023
I personally know this guy. He is a gigantic POS. He lies, manulipates people for his benefit, and is an all around low life. This episode exploited him for the garbage he is. Its really too bad people like him exist. This dude has as many survivalist skills as a toenail. The guy is useless and i hope i never see him on this show again. Unless its to laugh at how pathetic he is.

I personally know this guy. He is a gigantic POS. He lies, manulipates people for his benefit, and is an all around low life. This episode exploited him for the garbage he is. Its really too bad people like him exist. This dude has as many survivalist skills as a toenail. The guy is useless and i hope i never see him on this show again. Unless its to laugh at how pathetic he is.
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6 May 2023
I'm watching this garbage because theres noting else to watch. Im in a few minutes and am scratching my head. The dude immediately goads and shames rhe devil? Are you kidding me? The teenage angst box is checked. This movie is stupid as hell. But its not just this movie its literally every single movie in this genre or with this title. If i would have paid money for this id be upset. Pass this POS by and watch anything else. Generic garbage and done thousands of times

I'm watching this garbage because theres nothing else to watch. Im in a few minutes and am scratching my head. The dude immediately goads and shames the devil? Are you kidding me? The teenage angst box is checked. This movie is stupid as hell. But its not just this movie its literally every single movie in this genre or with this title. If i would have paid money for this id be upset. Pass this POS by and watch anything else. Generic garbage and done thousands of times.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Another one
15 April 2023
I personally watch a lot of movies and i look at this website more than most. Id like to think (like so many others) my opinion matters lol but now its rought being on the site because of all the irrelevant reviews. This film has a limited cast and absolutely no super heros or anything a normal movie these days has. It is a film carried by basically 1 guy and the wannave film critics crapped all over it. If you're a person that enjoys film for film and not all the 2023 bs that comes with it this is exactly that. Tune it sit back and enjoy the ride. This film is worth watching regardless of what other reviews state.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Skip this and be better for it
15 March 2023
This movie is complete garbage . The writer/director should be doing fast food commercials. The film is pure nonsense and tries entirly to hard to be creepy or even cutting edge. It fails miserably. Im sick of classic hollywood directors kids trying and failing to follow in mommy and daddys shadows. Seriously run as far away from this trash heap as you can.

This movie is complete garbage . The writer/director should be doing fast food commercials. The film is pure nonsense and tries entirly to hard to be creepy or even cutting edge. It fails miserably. Im sick of classic hollywood directors kids trying and failing to follow in mommy and daddys shadows. Seriously run as far away from this trash heap as you can.
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