
15 Reviews
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What/If (2019)
Feels like you're watching three different shows, 2 of which are VERY bad.
26 May 2019
Normally, subplots weave in and out of a tapestry, coming all together to form ONE big picture in the end. In this case, the subplots are so far removed from the main story, that it feels like you're constantly changing the channel and watching three (sometimes four) distinct tv shows. They barely--and I mean BARELY--connect by the thinnest thread, resulting in a very annoying experience. Especially when two of those three separate 'tv shows' you have zero interest in. By episode 3 I started fast-forwarding through the 'brother' show, and by episode 5, the 'friend' show. The main plot was often plain stupid. It tried to be 'Damages' with Glenn Close, but miserably failed. Zelwegger's role tried to be Stella Gibson from 'The Fall' but also failed. There was a nugget of premise that kept me watching through to the end, but I don't recommend wasting your time on it. They definitely missed the mark on this one.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
Good, but fails in one major aspect, which unfortunatly ruins much of it for me
12 May 2019
The most intriguing part of Anne Lister is that she documented her life in diaries written in a code so complex, it wasn't until long after her death in the 1930's that the code was deciphered and her diaries read.

What ruins this show for me, is that the main character of Lister speaks directly to camera to communicate her inner thoughts to the audience. As this is a period piece, I find this VERY jarring, as it pulls me out of the time period. It would have been MUCH more effective had these internal thoughts been conveyed through scenes of her writing them in her famously coded diaries. There has been a brief scene showing that, but it hasn't been emphasized enough. And if the talking and winking to camera were transferred to what would have actually happened instead, scenes of her making her diary entries, this would have been a much, much better series,

I have been intrigued by the character of Anne Lister since reading of her complex, coded diaries, so was thrilled to find this series. I'm just quite disappointed in the execution, and don't understand why creators chose to have the main character speak to camera. She's not a narrator in a modern documentary. I want to be transported to another place and time, not be yanked out of it by an actor speaking to a lens.
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Like driving down a dark highway watching reflective strips zip by for 90 mins
1 January 2019
Some reviewer claimed that this was "fresh" and "new". Wonder how much they were paid to say that?

Bandersnatch is nothing more than an extremely boring redux of Groundhog Day, written from the perspective of a severely autistic schizophrenic tripping on LSD. Except that sounds unique and possibly interesting, and this is far from that. Must have been a cheap movie to make because half a dozen scenes were shot, then copy and pasted over and over (and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...) The repeated loops go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... before ten seconds of new frames are inserted. Repeat that a hundred or so unnecessary times, till the final final final final final final final final final credits roll.

It should have been called Timesnatch, because that's all it did. Watching this movie was like being in trance, driving down an isolated highway, watching the repetitive strips zip past for 90 minutes straight.
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Watching this movie was like drinking a stale, flat beer.
8 November 2018
Watching this movie was like drinking a flat, stale beer. it was too expensive to ditch, but I wasn't enjoying it, and I felt no buzz (despite any 'oscar buzz'). It's very poorly constructed, with most of the scenes being fabricated fiction rather than fact (so don't get excited; it never happened that way).

I rarely felt like I was watching Freddie Mercury. Only in a few concert scenes shot from a distance. The buck teeth prosthetic was too extreme, and kept distracting me (freddie's weren't as pronounced), as did the grey/blue eyes of the actor (Freddie's were very dark brown). It was very hard for me to believe that this blue-eyed Caucasian was Indian. They really should have cast an Indian actor, because in scenes with his family, he looks like he was adopted. However, I did think that the actors who played the drummer and lead guitarist did exceptional jobs. They and the actress who plays Mary were the only thing worth watching. (Though Mike Myer's appearance was entertaining as well.)

I was very disappointed in this movie. It could have been so much better. But it's basically a collection of mediocre Youtube videos from a mediocre tribute act.

Three stars are for the star performances of Gwilim Lee, Ben Hardy, and Lucy Boynton, and a half-star for Mike Meyers (entertaining, but too similar to the Shrek voice). The rest all combined was only worth a half star.

The biggest let down of all, is how they chose to fabricate series of events, rather than portray them accurately,which was way more interesting and entertaining than the fictional series of events they came up with.
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Retribution (2016)
THIS is how a series should be written!
25 February 2018
This is an almost perfect ten. THIS is how a series should be written and acted! Stellar cast, outstanding writing. Most series are predictable, with characters making very stupid decisions, and the pace is sooooooo slllloooooowwwww.

So much happens in just the first episode, you think you've watched an entire series in just episode one. And it doesn't let up from there, right through to the end. The most authentic, suspenseful whodunnit I have ever seen. Bravo!
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Most of the story is told backwards or ricochets in time, making it a major fail.
25 February 2018
This could have been a 9 or 10 star review, but whoever decided to tell the story backwards (with the regular ricochets all over the time continuum to make it even more confusing). I am SERIOUS when I say if you haven't watched this series yet, to watch it backwards, because that's how most of the story is being told. It was pretty hard to get into episode 5 because we already saw what was going to happen in episode 4!!. Here's a tip to the person who made that awful decision: wearing your pants backwards doesn't make you cool, and telling the punchline before the joke is not brilliant, it's just a dud. And because you keep revealing the punchline, then doing the build up to it in the NEXT episode, I'm giving this series a DUD.
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Bancroft (2017–2020)
Ends in the middle with no ending. Should never have aired as is.
14 December 2017
This should never have made it to air. There is NO ending so don't bother watching any of it. It ends in the middle. I'm very angry that I wasted my time watching something that ends in the middle with everything left hanging. How ridiculous. I will make sure to look up the writer and never read or watch anything by them ever again. Rip a book in half or watch half of a mystery movie and that's what you get with Bancroft. How anyone allowed this to air as is, is a headshaker.
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Clear agenda to cast doubt.
14 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although it's very careful to appear 'fair', 'impartial' and just stating (so-called) facts, it is very clear after a couple of episodes that the agenda of this documentary is to cast doubt on Peterson's obvious (and proved) guilt. Some clear evidence that he was guilty is not included at least as of episode 4), and their (desperate) attempts to cast doubt include Peterson's sister's strong beliefs that he's innocent; one 'reporter' who claims a robbery (that was PROVED to have occurred AFTER she was reported missing) couldn't have occurred during the time police claim it had occurred; and two female "chat room commentators" who, in very dreamy demeanors while speaking of Peterson (you can almost see them swoon when they mention his name), BELIEVE that he is innocent. (Uh huh. And so do a few love interests of Charles Manson and Paul Bernardo.) My gut is that the agenda is to garner enough conspiracy theorists' support to stop Peterson's execution (at the least) and perhaps even order a new trial (at best). If his current (which I think is his last) appeal fails, he's finally going to face execution.

This 'documentary' is quite slick and unbiased-appearing at first glance, but as more and more 'evidence' is presented, for anyone who followed the case and remembers the facts, it is clear that the documentary is skewed and has been created to cast doubt on his innocence.

For anyone who has read ALL of the facts that were revealed at trial--not just the edited and skewed ones delivered in this television show--his continued ability to charm others into believing his lies is fifteen years too much. His wife and son haven't had the privilege to live these past fifteen years, let alone any more years, and neither should he.
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Decent premise; very poor delivery.
2 August 2017
This TV show is a prime example of how a good premise with solid bones can be turned to mush in the wrong hands. This series has two major flaws: the bad casting and acting (of most actors, though not all); and the way out there stupidity and worn out clichés injected at every turn. The daughter is the most miscast actor. I hate to criticize a child, but there are lots of naturally gifted child actors out there, and she's definitely not one of them. Her overacting is so severe, that you feel you're in an elementary school play with children shouting their serious lines while smiling at the corners of their mouths. Additionally, as other reviewers have pointed out, she takes way too much screen time, which skyrockets the unpleasantness and annoyance into the stratosphere. I found Paula Patton, the mother, to be great in the first episode, but not surprising to me, she gets worse. You can't be surrounded by bad acting and have it affect your own performance. The writing is full of downright stupidity. There is no believable or legitimate reason for most reactions. For example, if a character heard glass breaking inside the house, the normal, common sense reaction would be to investigate the sound. In this show, the character would ignore it and turn on the stereo at full blast. Almost every action and decision the characters take is so utterly dumb, you just can't stomach any more of it. Which is why very few people who started watching the first episode will still be watching when the last episode airs.
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Sam Was Here (II) (2016)
This movie needs an explanation, an ending and an apology with refunds.
4 May 2017
Starts as a mystery, then things happen out of the blue for no reason and then the movie ends.

For once, I'd like directors and producers of these epic failures to admit to what it was supposed to be about. A "this is what it's supposed to mean" explanation, along with a refund and an apology.

A disclaimer should have accompanied this film: Warning. This movie makes no sense and has no ending.
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This turd stinks too much to try disguise itself as "art".
16 April 2017
Positive critic reviews for this film have me convinced many of them must be on the take, because this is a TERRIBLE film. It fails as a mystery, as a drama, as a thriller, and as a horror. It simply fails. Period. It is a pretentious piece of turd trying to disguise itself as art. But it stinks too much to disguise itself as anything but the pile of crap it is.
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The Ranch (2016–2020)
Disappointingly horrible.
30 April 2016
1.5 points for Debra Winger (she's actually great, despite the rest of the cast). A quarter point each for her 'other' son and her ex-husband, played by Sam whats-his-face.

Ashton Kutcher? (ZERO points) WOW.I used to think this guy could act (Butterfly Effect, 70's show.) He can't do an accent to save his life, and in this show, a sixth-grader could do a better job in a school play.

The show is so horrible, and not in a 'so bad, fun to watch' kind of way but a "it's so, so bad it totally makes me cringe watching it" way.

So sad Debra Winger is wasting her talent in this piece of crap; she does a great job, but even she can't turn a giant turd into tolerable.
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The Mourning (2015)
Awful movie with no ending or explanation
5 July 2015
I can't stand movies that end in the middle. Meaning, they bring up all these mysterious questions, and suddenly the credits roll without answering a single one of them! The mystery and suspense in this movie starts out great, but nothing is explained and nothing comes to a conclusion. "Clues" that make no sense are dropped, and not one of them provides an answer to anything. I kept waiting for a single question to be answered, but all I got was a repetition the same questions till suddenly the credits rolled.

Only watch this movie if you're on drugs and can make up your own ending, because this movie doesn't have one.

Waste of time - stupid movie Stupid movie
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Terribly Awful Movie
7 March 2015
The title must refer to the investors' money--or the time that viewers wasted.

What an awful movie. It has no beginning and it has no end. It's just two hours of watching men row, row, row their boat.

The positiver reviews must come from the makers of the movie, because this is just an awful, awful movie.

I apparently have to write ten lines of text, so I will add to my review: Don't waste your time. This movie must have cost $49 to make. If you want to watch a boat bob in the water for two hours, this is the movie for you. The only experience you'll have watching this movie is regret that you wasted two hours of your life on it.
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Malibu Country (2012–2013)
Embarrassing to watch.
7 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this show as I really loved her previous show, and was thrilled with Lily Tomlin and Sara Rue as costars. But the premise out of the gate is such a stretch, I was embarrassed for Reba. She's almost 60, has obviously had too much plastic surgery now, and is trying to pass herself off as a mother of 2 teenagers. She supposedly put her singing career on hold to raise her children too, and is trying to revive it now that she is divorced.

Under this premise, either RM is trying to pass herself off as a 30-something, or she "put her career on hold" in her mid-40's when she had her children. Either way, the premise is too far fetched.

Even if you can put aside the fact that a 60-yr-old is trying to pass herself off as a mother of 15 and 16 year olds, the writing is really bad. Reba (the character) seems to have never met a gay person in her life (but she's okay with it, as any "hip" person would be).

The whole thing is an old, tired regurgitation of the 90's and just does not work. Too bad for Lilly and Sara as they are great, but the rest of the show is just rotten, making it all stink.
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