
19 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
First and Last Garland Film For Me
13 April 2024
There is no way that any of the amazing actors that played in this film read the script and thought 'OMG, I absolutely have to take part in this movie because the screenplay is extraordinary'. Instead, they were thinking, well, this movie will pay the bills.

To say it didn't make any sense would be an understatement. The movie's trailer is in fact misleading, as many other reviewers have pointed out. You are led to believe that the country has broken out into a civil war, the way some imagine it would be if a politically divided USA decides to battle it out. But no. This film was The Walking Dead without the zombies. So, instead of the protagonists traveling across the country to find a cure, a safe haven, or something better than the apocalypse they're living in and coming across a continuous torrent of selfish antagonists trying to kill them for various reasons, you have a group of journalists who are traveling to get 'the' best photo and story of the chaos and coming across all sorts of antagonists who are trying to kill them as they are killing each other off, mostly for no reason whatsoever other than that they can. Sure, in real life during a civil war, while there are supposed to two sides, mankind's worst self does often come out resulting in unnecessary mayhem and murder to suit one's personal interests that have nothing to do with ideology or the reason behind why the civil war even broke out. But as the real journalists in The Guardian pointed out, what you're getting is a very generic movie that quite frankly, doesn't really know what it's trying to say or worse, doesn't really have anything to say other than we made a movie that will entertain you for two hours in an IMAX theater for that $20 you could have used for gas or food for your children.

Another very inaccurate portrayal was that of the journalists themselves. While the cast was absolutely amazing, especially Kirsten Dunst as the lead journalist, in real life journalists do not act so haphazardly. Yes, war journalists are heroes that are constantly risking their lives to report news to the rest of us, but in this movie they are most often than not conducting themselves in amateur and unprofessional behavior, for instance sticking the camera in between the faces of the cop and rioter battling it out that are only inches apart. As someone who is an amateur photographer, I can attest that I have never witnessed this absurd behavior and that the journalists, while very close to the action, never act so stupidly and carelessly.

Finally, the ending. Garland either didn't know how to end the film or rushed to finish it due to scheduling constraints, and the result is so nonsensical that you are left wondering if the whole movie was a joke all along.

In summary, this film did have a superb cast, cinematography and special effects and even an outstanding soundtrack that for me for not enough to save this film from its senseless and generic storyline.
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Just okay but may be best movie for time being
30 March 2024
I do not want to dissuade people from seeing this film but it needed a lot more work before it started playing in the theaters. Usually, the director and producers will show a cut to 'test audiences' to get their opinions so that they can still make changes before it's released to the rest of us. Based on the reaction from the people sitting around me in the theater last night, these film people never did that. No one laughed, cheered, awed, or had any other reaction besides silence.

The film starts off great with possibly one of the best opening scenes in movie history, which introduces us to 'the freeze'. Then the film quickly goes downhill from there to end with one of the worst movie finales in movie history, when they defeat 'the freeze'. I cannot pinpoint the reason for the demise, but the storyline is a huge culprit. It just never added up and seemed to be haphazardly put together as if the screenwriter was pressured to write the sequel to Afterlife in a short amount of time without any rewrites or reviews. Also, the movie moved into cheesy 80s family show sitcom territory way more than necessary if it was even necessary to begin with.

While the majority of the special effects were amazing, that horned creature you see in the movie poster and who is 'the' creature that brings terror to Manhattan, is not. What this was supposed to be looks wise is anyone's guess. Someone must have had their kid draw a draft of this and thought it was cute but scary enough for a 4 year old that it would be great for the movie. Wrong.

The cast is exceptional, both returning and new actors, and it is very hard to have nothing but love for the new actors (I personally cannot get enough of Paul Rudd and Kumail Nanjiani) while really craving to see more of the original ones (Ray, Peter, Winston and especially Janine).

However, the character of 'ghost Melody' was not well thought out at all, who for someone that is supposed to be between 200-75 years old speaks and acts like someone from 2024. Then we had her ambiguous relationship with Phoebe that made it worse and that did not add anything to the plot.

A very important thing to note about this film, as well as the rest of the Ghostbuster franchise, is that they do not resort to cheap cultural appropriation storylines which have become an even larger trend than before in books, shows and movies. Yes, their mythical gods and goddesses always wanting to release the undead is pathetically repetitive and tiresome, but at least it's original to Ghostbusters and not stealing from the world's ancient mythologies.

I will conclude by stating that at the end of the day, this might just be the best movie playing right now in the theaters (and might be for a long time based on the other trailors we saw for movies coming soon) so if you and your family want to have a theater night then go for it. You will definitely be entertained, but just don't have high expectations.
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Shirley (2024)
Great Film
24 March 2024
Well, I was hoping to be the first one to review this film but someone beat me to it! What can I say besides what I put in the title, that this was such a great film. The cast was outstanding, with of course Regina King herself as Shirley being amazing, and everything else from the cinematography to the set design was nothing short of excellent. With all the politics of that time, (Vietnam, assassinations, political unrest throughout the world, revolutions, civil rights, etc) you forget about the 'smaller' stories such as this one, of a black woman who defied the odds of becoming a congresswoman and then dared to courageously run for the presidency. I was not at all surprised to see the clip of the hypocrite Gloria Steinem supporting, in her words, the male and 'white McGovern' when her support of Henry Kissinger has become public knowledge.

This film is a must see about an event we must not forget!
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At least ending is better than Saltburn's
25 February 2024
As a huge Pet Shop boys fan, I was very enticed to see this film when the ad came on and 'Always On My Mind' was playing. It's pretty interesting albeit depressing throughout, and as many other reviewers pointed out, there are many scenes that will make you cry. In fact, I probably cried more than I did watching 'Titanic' ages ago. As a straight person, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for someone to come out to their family, what that interaction might be like and how that relationship will be after but the amazing scenes between Andrew Scott's character and his parents give us straight folks an emotionally enlighted idea. Scott was such an exceptional actor in this film that I hope to see him in more films and series in the future. However, there IS the twist ending and you think oh no, really? But why? Seriously, why?
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Red Rocket (2021)
Not Sean Baker's finest
19 February 2024
I loved Tangerine and Florida Project (haven't seen the films he made before these), but this one not so much. It is a somewhat entertaining watch with some funny scenes interspersed throughout (though overshadowed by the expected numerous sex scenes) but not enough that I would recommend this film to anyone. I do appreciate the director continuing to show gritty and realistic scenes of those in our society barely scraping by, but I guess I expected more from this film though not exactly sure what. Also, I have read Sean Baker does his own editing which has worked great in his prior films, but this one could have used some more finetuning of its scenes.
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Saltburn (2023)
Officially worst movie I've ever seen
12 February 2024
And that's saying a lot because I watch a lot of international films. If we start with the basics, the cinematography is mediocre, the plot is weak and the script is nonsensical in so many different ways. To sum up the movie, this is cultural theft under the guise of an 'eat the rich' story. The writer/director lifted one of the most classic tales from Greek mythology, that of the Minotaur who lived in a labyrinth, and based the weak plot off of this. In no way, shape or form is this story original. Also, I find it extremely odd that this movie is highly rated when no one I know likes this movie nor recommends it.
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Extremely and Horribly Boring
2 January 2024
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen which I discovered is indeed possible when the cast is made up of hugely talented actors. The most excruciating part was the slow and unnatural dialogue throughout the film. To give you an idea, it seemed like the actors were more like inanimate puppets than human beings because even their bodies and body language were stiff. I have never seen anything else directed by Mamet, and after watching this, absolutely never will. I could only assume he's the reason the acting was as bad as it was. I can also say that none of the female roles were too great, except for Annie, but even her character was unbearable to watch. Would not recommend even if there's an apocalypse and this is the only movie left to watch.
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Theater Camp (2023)
Best film of 2023
2 January 2024
This film was truly a gem. I knew it made its debut at Sundance, which doesn't for personally mean much as Sundance as gotten more commercial over the years, but that is how I had first heard about it. We decided to give it a shot over the holidays and discovered such a fantastic film. I haven't laughed this much throughout a film since I don't even know when. It is so witty and manages to keep you entertained every second. There's the main plot of the financially struggling camp trying to survive sprinkled with wonderful character subplots that are the heart of the story. Will be recommending this film to as many people as possible for sure.
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Nyad (2023)
Great Inspirational Movie
4 November 2023
This was a great movie that was helped by strong performances. Of course Annette Bening and Jodie Foster were spectacular, but I have to say that I was also very impressed with Rhys Ifans who played the ship's captain and am surprised that I don't see him in more movies or shows. The movie was very inspirational for too many different reasons to list here, but the main one would be that you are never too old to pursue your dreams.

My complaints for the film are minor. For one, the soundtrack was a bit off at times. 'Sound of Silence' plays during what should be an inspirational moment and you're left wondering if you should be depressed or hopeless instead. Second, there were the extremely fake sharks that seemed more fitting for a video game. Other than these complaints, I would highly recommend this movie to anyone.
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
Got through first season
24 October 2023
But will not be continuing the rest thanks to Hulu's hundred commercials during each episode, no thanks. But I did start watching because I was curious about the origins of the crack epidemic and knowing that the CIA was involved and here the show does not disappoint as it pretty much starts at the beginning of it all. All the characters are great at pulling you in, especially Franklin, though by the end of the season I wasn't a fan of him becoming The Godfather. Overall this is a good show, and if you don't mind that it's continuously interrupted by erectile dysfunction commercials, you'll have no problem finishing the seasons.
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Honestly do not know what I just saw
2 April 2023
I heard rave reviews about this movie, not from anyone I actually know, but from some film podcasts (definitely not trusting those anymore). I'm not giving away any spoilers here since the trailer shows that something goes awry on the ship, but instead of watching an original concept (it's supposedly a 'eat the rich' film but it really is a you'll hate everyone by the end of it including yourself for watching it kind of film), I found myself feeling like I was watching emulated scenes from Titanic, Lost, Blair Witch Project and Lord of the Flies. All this while being bored throughout the film. There are fantastic movies being made both in the US and abroad all the time and yet it's this s**t that gets nominated for awards.
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Boring and predictable
21 March 2023
From the get-go, the main character Emily is extremely unlikeable and does nothing to solicit sympathy from the audience or to make us feel for her and her situation. She fluctuates between being an expressionless bore or an angry and indecisive brat that wants the world to hand her an easy high paying job, and all this while not wearing a bra for about seventy five percent of the film. I sure wasn't wearing my bra while cozily watching this film in my pajamas, but in a film, regardless of the statement you're trying to make or the depth you want to give your character, maybe keep the braless look for a scene or two. The rest of the cast was great though I think the director couldn't decide what ethnicity they should be and made them a mix of Middle Eastern & Latin American because heck, why not if you're already making a mediocre film?
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Great indie film
19 March 2023
I discovered this film randomly from another website about female directors and decided to give it a try. I'm sure glad I did as this film was a gem. First off, the fact that you get to see the aurora lights in the background of many scenes is in itself a reason to watch the film. I went to Alaska years ago and fell in love with this state, but I can see how it can be dreary at times for those living there despite the natural beauty and wilderness and this film does a great job in capturing that too as the backstory of this kid that aims to be a superstar drag queen. Also, very great and impressive cast, highly recommend this film.
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You People (2023)
25 February 2023
First off, aren't there enough movies out in the world about a wedding where the two parties are from two different cultures, I mean have we completely run out of ideas? However, this has to be the worst of these kinds of movies, just awful. The two main characters were just painful to watch, there was absolutely no chemistry between them and the acting was horrible. Also, I don't know how much your average audience can relate when both of the main characters are so wealthy that you notice their luxury brand clothing more than their acting. Watching Eddie Murphy and Julia Louis-Dreyfus was the only highlight of this film, seriously.
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Wine Country (2019)
Very enjoyable
25 February 2023
I'm so glad I didn't let this movie's undeserved low rating prevent me from watching this enjoyable film. I found myself cracking up throughout it. It was so spot on in emphasizing how life can easily pass you by and the next thing you know you're turning fifty years old and having to deal with things you watched your parents deal with like increasing medical issues, family problems, job insecurity, etc. But it was done in such a clever and funny way that I enjoyed every minute, especially the scene at the art gallery. And of course it was great to see all these female comedians acting together. I will highly recommend this film to everyone (well, maybe not millennials).
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Powerful film
9 January 2023
What a powerful movie about the cowardly assassination of Fred Hampton. Sadly, I didn't know how the Black Panther party was infiltrated by FBI 'rats' but this was definitely not a surprise when you know that the FBI has even infiltrated peaceful environmental groups like Greenpeace. I also didn't know about these other groups like the Crowns and I should probably educate myself more on black history which this movie definitely inspired me to do. This film was very deserving of all the Oscar categories it was nominated for and won. Bravo to Shaka King and I look forward to watching his future projects.
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Very enjoyable little film
8 January 2023
This movie was absolutely adorable. As an aspiring filmmaker, I've met a lot of other filmmakers who rush to these top tier festivals which did not accept their film, hoping to still be able and sell it to producers. I think the film did a great job of showing the desperation a film team has when they've completed a film and are trying to get it 'out there', in addition to the utter faith they have in their film which of course is the absolute least filmmakers should have because if you don't believe in your own film, no one else will either. I was also cracking up during the stairs scene. Overall, a very enjoyable film.
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Worst documentary in existence
2 January 2023
I am so surprised Hulu has included this documentary in its streaming selection. Anyone reading this can make a better documentary than this, seriously. Just make a documentary about that pesty weed growing through the crack in your driveway, and that would be a much better and more interesting documentary than this. There's horrible and boring narration, and even more horribly depicted murder scenes where there was no effort whatsoever to make them re-enactments from the late 1800s and instead are very cheaply made present day 'murders'. You will learn nothing new so save yourself and do not waste an hour on this.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
1 January 2023
Just awful. I really wonder how much money was spent making this film and how it could have been used to make something so much better. We stopped watching halfway through, just couldn't continue. To say it was boring and a waste of my time is an understatement. Reminded me of Licorice Pizza a lot in that there's a lot of dialogue but many random scenes that are thrown in probably for entertainment but end up doing the opposite and make you think WTF? Also lots of not so subtle Poltergeist references, which I'm sure is now trendy due to Stranger Things. The movie's trailor definitely does a good job of fooling us and making it appear as if it's a quirky family movie, but this is anything but.
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