
6 Reviews
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Low Budget is Cool But with a Weak Plot?
22 July 2017
Horrible waste of time. It makes VHSI, II, and III look like Academy Award worthy movies. When the film ended, I think I sat and stared at the screen for at least 5 to 10 minutes after it was over. It was so horrible, my brain just went blank.

If you are a Found Footage fanatic then maybe you can dig deep enough to find something likable about this film. However, as I type, I am still trying to figure out ways to regain the time I lost watching this crap.

I can appreciate low budget films but the issue with this is, its extremely low budget, the acting is horrible, and the story-line is even worse. A triple flop.
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Prisoners (2013)
Watch it, You Won't Regret it
25 June 2017
This is an awesome movie that will keep you at the edge of your seat. After the first 15 minutes, I was totally committed. I am upset that 4 years after it was released, I finally got around to watching it. There are a lot of movie snobs that point out holes in the plot and yada yada; however, this is was definitely worth my time. Watch it, you won't regret it.
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It Follows (2014)
Unique Plot, Poor Execution, BUT Has Charm
8 June 2017
The plot I found amusing at first, as I had no idea what to think of a curse passed by intercourse. After giving it a try, It was a good concept. However, there were quite a few parts that I didn't care for, which I find common in horror/suspense movies. Characters make decisions that are just unlikely, in my opinion. Unfortunately, it seems this genre often requires people to make silly choices, or some nonsensical things to happen, to build suspense? or just because? Nonetheless, I call it poor execution.

I did love the cinematography, the fact that it does have an 80s horror feel (especially the music/soundtrack)and the acting was pretty good.

I like the fact that this movie is thought provoking, and doesn't spell everything out. So, you have to pay attention to catch or understand some of the story line. Yet, there are some things that are just unexplained, and maybe I just need to watch it again....but it wasn't that good that I would probably do that anytime soon.

I have seen a lot of reviews that speak very highly of this movie, but I kinda feel its overrated. Much like the Babadook. It is deserving of a descent score but definitely does not come close to a nearly 7/10 stars. Perhaps, its somewhat obscure plot, and/or story line? Nonetheless, its definitely worth a watch whether it leaves you frustrated, or intrigued, I think that's kinda the charm of this flick.
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Running Low on Selections? This is Definitely Worth Watching
28 May 2017
A slow paced movie; hence, being almost 2 hours long. It strings you along, keeping you wondering what will happen next (up until a certain point.) I was not extremely excited about the way the movie came to an end, but that's because I was so into it, completely committed. Yet, the ending just didn't do the rest of the movie justice. However, I have watched so many movies, I was hard up for something that interests me. I dug this up, and wasn't disappointed...its worth watching.
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Locke (2013)
Pretty Good Considering the Circumstances
13 January 2015
I had to rate this movie a 7 simply because Tom Hardy's range is impeccable. He made the movie watchable. However, it was slowwwwwww, not that I am complaining. It's more of an artsy fartsy type of piece, very focused on acting ability and story/plot alone. In my opinion its not about scenes, or camera angles....just simply one man and his story. I did enjoy it, but it isn't something I could watch again and again.

This is not the movie to watch if you're looking for thrills, or chills; but if you're a movie buff, or looking to just sit back and relax....but not if you're sleepy! lol I think Tom Hardy's acting keeps you pulled in, wondering, "what will happen next?" However, the ending kinda left me with that "more to be desired" feeling.
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Good Flick!
13 January 2015
I really enjoyed this movie. I liked the personality contrast between each character and the family dynamic. Yet, you could also see their similarities. In fact, there were points that kind of reminded me of my own family. I think you could walk away relating to at least one of the characters, or bits and pieces of each.

This is definitely the type of movie to watch if you're looking to chuckle and feel good; however, there are some points that may pull on your heartstrings. Too, there are a few slow points, but not so much that you lose interest. Lastly, I think most men would deem this movie a chick- flick; but, I think its still funny and amusing enough that a guy wouldn't feel to bored with it.
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