
114 Reviews
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Shamed (2017 TV Movie)
Why it's so much better this way
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At the time of my writing, there is only one other reviewer who expresses sorrow that the movie did not become the violent revenge they so wanted.

A little movie with no one famous, but that makes it even more realistic. It has a good message if anyone who is able to get beyond the slobbering wishes to see people being shamed can manage to get it.

The point is at the end of the movie. But the sympathy given to her character and her character itself is a steady climb to the understanding that she is not capable of being that kind of common, nasty person we all become when online.

Spoilers here:

She turned off the live feed before the shameful thing could be shared with the internet. That was the point. She was not capable of shaming them in that way, and even said "Shame on you" to the viewers commenting how much they were drooling for the anticipated revenge. It wasn't about shaming them. It was about making them pay the price of shaming her. And what happens after? Well,, duh she will go to prison duh silly people. Her life was ruined is how she looked at it. May as well go to prison with a bang.
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Divinity (2023)
Strange but not entertaining
3 February 2024
It struggles to be an artsy presentation but fails. Bakula's performance is good. That is the only good point, and the only reason I give 4 stars. I do not give points for effort when the production directing efforts seem to be more about how to make it as cheaply as possible while pretending it is an artsy film. The black and white is extremely poor quality throughout the entire film, grainy and unwatchable, as if that is supposed to make me appreciate this more. Put it in color and teach the actors how to deliver lines, I'd give it a better score. But, they obviously wanted it presented this way, and thought people would love it. The actors (other than Bakula) each move and speak as if they were born without emotioin, live without emotion, and die without emotion. WAKE UP. If people were really like this - they wouldn't CARE about living forever.
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Walden (2023)
18 December 2023
I watched this movie in an effort to join in on comments at another site just for fun and got hooked instead. Like Roman J. Israel, Esq., starring Denzel Washington playing a legal savant with little else in the brain going for him, this movie reflects on the ranges of savants, from one too dim to be grown up, and one, the stenographer, too tried of injustice to allow it anymore. The story then delves into the ranges of vigilantism. When does it go too far? Is it always too far? But, the movie delivers this story with a lighthearted approach almost to the point of campiness, but managed to avoid it and give us a very satisfying ending. After the ending, have a discussion about how far you might be willing to go or would be willing to turn your head from or even condone. Well done.
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Glass Onion (2022)
23 January 2023
Great fun, I had a blast watching this movie. All were perfect for their roles and did them supreme justice and the story was fun too. Don't understand the haters on this, except for the usual internet mob haters who love to hate just to have fun trying to be the best, most sarcastic hater. Of course it wasn't the same as the first movie. If it was, you'd be complaining that they added nothing new. You people cannot be pleased, so all I can say is everyone else needs to ignore them and watch this fun movie.

As if i didn't make my sentences as long as possible they say i still need to keep typing stuff for you to not be interested in reading.
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WARNING! It's A Lighthearted FAMILY movie!
26 November 2022
Ryan Reynolds is a family movie actor. Lots of people hate family movies and complain about them. All I can say is, don't watch lighthearted movies if you don't want lighthearted entertainment.

Now, that said, this movie is really fun. It isn't his best but it is not less than really good. Reynolds is his usual wisecracking self.

Mostly fast paced, it can seem to drag a bit toward the end, but picks up again. Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner all did well. The little boy who played Reynolds as a kid did GREAT impersonating the straight face delivery of the attitude and mouth of the man he will be (Reynolds).
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Moonfall (2022)
15 July 2022
I am tired of the internet backseat producers and Monday morning directors. Vying with each other to have the meanest reviews possible, sarcasm to a fine art. Well GET THIS.. Armageddon was critically ridiculed, but look how much fun people have watching it.. even NOW. This movie is Independence Day and Armageddon combined, and with a better back story. Fix some popcorn and have some guilty pleasure.
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Severance (2022– )
WOW I'm hooked
4 April 2022
I read a critic's review somewhere that the only thing wrong with this new series is that Ben Stiller dragged out the first few episodes too slowly just for character development. Not at all! I was immediately immersed in the story, the characters' development was a natural consequence. Very titillating, every second of it, waiting for the next tidbit of information, the next clue to the mystery. A mystery I suspect will be more convoluted than at first glance.
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The Bubble (2022)
Bubble Gum Fun
3 April 2022
Such fun, enough cast members with their own drama queen needs to keep it fast paced. I enjoyed all the inside jokes and the outside jokes and, as usual, scoff at the reviewers who sit in the backseat and complain on monday mornings. This was a fun movie, no it isn't a blockbuster hit, get over it -- and just enjoy.
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Windfall (2022)
25 March 2022
Very gripping story, odd how it can move slowly yet fill the void with the great acting by all involved. The husband is a dirt bag who cares for only himself, he treats his wife well but only on the surface, there is no deep love but deep ownership. The wife is a whiny white have it all who complains about her choices as if she had no choices. The robber is a guy who made a wrong turn, figuratively, by letting his curiosity about the high life send him through their door. The wrong person wins at the end, I would have felt better with either of the other two, but I appreciate the feeling of disappointment, because I don't have to have happy endings to like a movie.
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Wine Country (2019)
Raise your glasses to the ladies of SNL
17 March 2022
It's a shame my one little vote can't lift this movie's score to the 6.5 it should be. Most complaints are that they weren't funny enough, there wasn't enough action and goofy events and crazy fun. I'm so glad there wasn't. This movie script created a group of real women who are each having a problem or two that they are not dealing with well, and covering it up. They are funny but not hilarious. Do any of us have hilarious crazy fun every time we are with our friends once we hit middle age? It's real. And it's got a good message. Just watch it and stop expecting every movie to be a dang blockbuster hit and crying that it's not worthy if it isn't. Enjoy.
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Never looked away
10 February 2022
Superb entertainment. I loved the way the story was forwarded with clips of what they were planning while planning it. The story was solid and so was the acting, the action, and everything else. Definitely a fun watch. I assume you know the title, the basic storyline and if you care about who directed or produced it, go somewhere else. I'm reviewing the movie as a movie watcher not as a wannabe famous critic. Make some popcorn and if you don't mind if your kid sees some blood, a little tragedy and the eff word now and then, it's a good tale of King Arthur and the Legendary Sword.
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Meh squared
10 February 2022
I guess since this has an Oscar nomination, people will suddenly start thinking it's artistically great. Well, I didn't like my mother-in-law, and just because a lot of people went to her funeral didn't make me suddenly like her. They had their own reasons for being there. This movie is not a silly kind of funny. It's not a goofy kind of funny. It's just silly and goofy like 5 year olds, without the cute.
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Jonah Hex (2010)
Comic Book fans, grow up
2 February 2022
I don't read comic books. I'm a grown up. Been one a long time. I don't care if you read comic books, that's your business. But you all seem to be a bit childish and surly when comic books are made into movies. It's like hating Robin William's "Hook" because it wasn't exactly like Peter Pan the book. Or, better yet, hating The Hunger Games because it wasn't exactly like the original Asian version. Grow up. This was a really good movie. Megan Fox didn't have an important role, anyone could have played it and the dialogue was fine - what's up with complaining that her dialogue wasn't performed well enough? She didn't have much dialogue to chew on. Who cares. It all worked. Watch it without pettish prejudice. It deserves much more than the 4.7 it currently has.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Humorous Horror Hurray!
16 January 2022
I'm watching this on Netflix and thoroughly enjoying it. Furthermore, I hate anime. I can't tell you how much I detest anime. Anime truly sucks. So, unlike a bunch of other crybabies who are mad this isn't like their precious childish anime, I, on the other hand, can appreciate the great portrayal of humorous horror here. Willem Dafoe as the death god was a perfect choice. The kid playing the Light Turner, whoever he is, he delivered in all ways. His screaming in the detention room was fun, his acting, that is, facial expressions, voice inflections, timing and attitudes were great. People who think the acting was bad either don't like humorous horror, or they are whining because their anime was no longer their anime. Boo hoo.
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Finch (2021)
Dramatic Family Movie or Just For You
8 November 2021
Ah, the people who know how to bring families together instead of keeping us separated on our various devices. This is sad and melancholy and happy and hopeful. Some very young ones may not be able to deal with it, some can. You know your kids better than me. Me? I have no kids. I watched it alone, dabbed my eyes, smiled and felt good., Nothing wrong with that. I was in the mood for it.
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See (2019–2022)
I'm having a blast
6 September 2021
This is so much fun. Love the story. And the actors. Yes, even the Queen. Silly reviewers, she is SUPPOSED to be annoying, giant eyeroll here.

As for physical decorations... well decor can be felt. Touch is sensitive. Scars and such still produce a vivid image on the fingertips.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
5 September 2021
This movie was so much fun. My only dislike is that a few of Cinderella's songs were too long, but all the rest of the music and dance was really well done and fun to watch. Billy Porter was an entertaining Fairy Godmother. The 3 mice were hilarious. Pierce Brosnan looked like he as having a blast the whole time. Minnie Driver can sing, I didn't know this, and she seemed to be enjoying herself as well. The storyline is only different in that it demonstrates that being a happily ever after princess isn't necessarily the best dream a girl can have, while still showing that sharing your life with someone you love is the ultimate all of us seek. Those dissing this version are either missing the classic songs and unable to accept new music, or still think a woman should only want to be behind her man. Remove those barriers of thought and it is truly a musical festival.
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#Alive (2020)
Fun and Refreshing
27 August 2021
Zombie movies don't have to be serious. Take Zombieland. Or Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. The Cabin in the Woods. Sean of the Dead... yes the list goes on. This isn't a serious zombie movie, but a humorous take on a serious zombie situation. Enjoy.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Group Discussion Time!
3 August 2021
The people who don't like this movie are morally shocked, basing their opinions on their morals rather than the merits.

The director says their filming time was too short to focus on anything other than the storyline (of one family's purge experience). Thank goodness. Otherwise, we may have lost sight of the storyline.
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2 August 2021
Afghanistan is, to most Americans, a backward nation of ignorant, dusty, violent people. This movie, like "Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World" is a quiet, subtle way of showing us just how opposite this is of the real people of this foreign culture to most Americans. Simultaneously ravaged by cultural wars, yet striving and yearning for the levels of individual and gender freedoms that even Americans are still fighting for. But they are finding their way, and how they must do so is enlightening. And... inspiring.
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Reckoning: Salvare (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A MINI SERIES about a SERIAL KILLER. Seriously, did you expect it to continue forever? A MINI SERIES? What did you want... the killer to win? The ending is fitting. First, the ending 1) Makes it clear that the cop is not going to stop trying to get his man 2) ENDS. Do we need to SEE the cop finish the job? How many different endings can there be? The killer is either caught, or he isn't. End story, the exciting stuff is over.
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Reckoning (2019)
Sneaky Devils
30 July 2021
They have succeeded in making the viewers sympathize with a serial killer. For everyone who ever wondered how women could fall for these sickos, here is the answer. The question of redemption is raised, for those who are of Christian tendencies, and if not, the simplicity of sympathizing with the emotional turmoil he faces since childhood causes us to pause for a moment. But this does not excuse his actions! No matter his regrets, he has killed 8 young women! One could be YOUR daughter! He MUST be stopped before he kills another innocent victim. Who can bring this man down? Ah, then there is the cop who is trying to bring this man down. You thought the killer was tortured? HA! While one throws away the cut off tattoos, this one has them added to his own body. Truly a worthwhile Netflix series.
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Clever and Amusing
12 July 2021
It was an unexpected pleasure. I thought I was watching something at Netflix that would "amuse me" for a bit. Turns out, I was educated on the definition of amusing. Great directing and editing of a clever script, brilliant dialogues, with excellent deliveries by every actor involved. They kept me amused and the story was fun. Enjoy!
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Good story, too much Soap Opera
19 June 2021
Story premise is fascinating and that's why I keep watching. But there is this handy little thing Netflix has - fast forward or rewind 10 seconds. Boy do I use that a LOT. It is such a cheesy soap opera with same old tiring "You are doing everything you can! You can't blame yourself! I love you and will always be on your side!" In long drawn out scenes which only waste time without adding to the story. Unfortunately those scenes have increased a hundredfold since season 1. But, like I said, scroll forward, just hit that 10 seconds a few times. Story is great.
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Irresistible (I) (2020)
1 June 2021
You don't have to enjoy or hate politics to get this. It's just brilliant. Kudos to Jon Stewart and everyone involved. The humor was great. I laughed out loud a lot for a movie which isn't an outright comedy. Subtle humor. Visual humor. Slapstick humor. Campy humor. It was all there without being in your face. And the point it makes about our voting system, our political system, are valid and thought provoking. The twist ending was unexpected. Thank you for making this movie.
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