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Aftersun (II) (2022)
A true exercice in realism
10 February 2023

Aftersun is a rather poignant story, it wallows in realism to the point you would think you're watching a documentary, it unfolds through the scope of a distant memory fading through time only accessible through emotions.

The director Charlotte Wells succeeded in conveying a sense of a looming threat that engulfs these memories, she showcases emotions and lets the audience fill in the voids and add in the details and guessing the hidden trauma and regrets behind the story, in a sense the film is a reminder how powerful our memories are and can be, for most people memories are what shapes us.

All in all, Aftersun will leave you thinking and it will hit you as soon as you start projecting your own memories on it, genuine filmmaking in every sense.
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9 February 2021
A literal pit-fight of emotions, a constant barrage of realism. it doesn't shy out from anything, "bold" is a weak adjective to describe this, this is straight-up an insight into a world with no winners. Zendaya and David go head to head, firing all their ammo at each other in a strategic and thought out way, mercy is way behind them, it's metaphorically bloody and violent, they spared us nothing of the raw passion fulled love they share and it's just mind-blowing to see.

I absolutely loved it.
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Filmmaking as it should be
12 January 2021
It's been a long time since a movie triggered something deeply unhinged in me, for me that's what film does, it provokes feelings and emotions in a way that's passive and you pretty much don't have any control of over it, "Promising Young Woman" does just that. I've seen my share of emotionally tormented rendition on the screen to know that what Carey Mulligan pulled off here was sheer brilliance, you have this deeply saddened character haunted by a dark and painful past aptly showcased and portrayed, It is extremely hard for an actor/actress to display a set of emotions so unique and complex, but Carey does it with ease and absolute command, you'll feel so invested and drawn to her life. Emerald Fennell, the writer/director threw at us a genre curveball, when you think you know exactly what's gonna unravel, you'll be thrown completely off and it doesn't disappoint one bit as it connects most of the time. Okay, this covers about 90% of the film, it's the last part of the ending that I feel completely indifferent about, I mean I get it, I completely understand its functionality and what it brings to the story but damn it caught me off guard I had to stand up and try to process it, this is just the kind of filmmaking I absolutely adore, it genuinely doesn't care about your feelings and certainly not how you would react to it, but it delivers its core message in style. It's exceedingly rare these days to find a film that can challenge you and create controversy within your mind and for that, I'd say that I absolutely loved this film and would like to see more of its kind.
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Kajillionaire (2020)
A beautiful mess
18 October 2020
A beautiful mess of emotions and storytelling that pierces the heart in its way, KAJILLIONAIRE was all of that and some more. in this wacky and frankly out of sync delivery one tend to lose track of time and reality and just enjoy what's on display, this film offers something quite rare, the ability to see yourself and project your own feeling into it, and that is just amazing, it reflects so many aspects of life no matter what you do or where you live, it's quite universal. I believe that no medium except film can offer such a specific feeling or a style of life, I think this film encapsulates the never ending movie magic that leaves you unbelievably fulfilled.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Uncut Gems is beautiful chaos.
28 December 2019
Uncut Gems is beautiful chaos, stress-inducing, anxiety triggering manic chaos, I'm still catching my breath from watching it, there isn't one dull second in this film, it's fast-paced storytelling with endless charm and authenticity. Let's talk about the essence of this film, Adam Sandler materializes Howard Ratner with all his baggage, the bad and the good, he embodies this character and brings it to life, I'm really tempted to call this his best work to date, it's a big claim but it deserves it, "Punch Drunk Love" was something else but this is just breathtaking, honestly, it just wows. The Safdies brothers really went for it with "Uncut Gems", their acid-infused filmmaking is on full display yet again, they shaped the narrative near damn flawlessly and gave Sandler a fantastic story to work with. A power trip that will play with your primal senses, that's the best way to describe it, absolutely great.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Family fun.
10 December 2019
"Ready Or Not" is relentless, it keeps a steady mood of anticipation and thrill, coupled with a hint of witty, dark comedy, this doesn't disappoint one bit. The talented Sam Weaving performers to perfection as yet again she plays in a gore driven story after "The Babysitter", she hits all marks as her character developed throughout the film, great acting. This film is extremely fun to watch, not a single dull moment in it and on top of that it is shot beautifully, solid movie all around.
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A triumph for realism
8 December 2019
"Marriage story" is a true description of married life is all about, the good parts and bad ones alike, Noah Baumbach the director is a master at capturing dialogues realistically and naturally, thus helping the narrative to have a sort of essence that's very undeniable and very gripping, the words just flow effortlessly in a way that makes you so invested in what's being said, there's waste in scenes, everything means something and ultimately affects the surroundings, very much like life itself, it is extremely refreshing to be a witness of that. Having said all of that, the story itself is very poignant and it feels like that as well, as we are presented with a situation no one wants to be in, it's a back and forth of pain and pleasure that goes a long way at times, "Johanson" opposite "Driver" is a sight to behold, their interactions are pure and honest but more importantly real, you don't get to take sides in their problem as well as they both make a good case and put forth good arguments to their difficulties, one other thing I noticed is that it invites you to understand but never forces you to accept it in any way, all of this comes together to describe or at least try to understand the intricacies of a loving marriage. After the credit rolled out, I found myself clapping at the screen almost involuntary, it sparked a reaction out of me, arguably Johanson and Driver best performances to date and I hope they get rewarded for it, This is original filmmaking at its finest, outstanding and brilliant film and I very much loved it.
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I didn't want it to end.
7 December 2019
Once again, Woody Allen manages to shape a nuanced story infused with his endless charming style, all the elements of his unique original new york inspired style are front and center, the snappy sequencing, the subtle and witty humor, Woody just knows how to showcase New York and present the best things the city has to offer, from the art scene to the amazing architecture of the town. As per usual, a Woody Allen's film features lengthy, rich, clever dialogues that are just to die for, utilizing an extremely talented cast that just takes to another level, Chalamet and Fanning complement each other quite nicely and I have to say that I was a bit surprised by Selena Gomez's performance as she delivered wonderfully.

This has Woody Allen written all over it and I found it charming and delightful, An amazing movie.
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Ad Astra (2019)
A nuanced story.
5 December 2019
Ad Astra is a daring story of exploration, not only space but our very self, this film deals with a deep-seated urge humans always had, a question that lingered in the back of our minds, are we alone? Coming into a genre well represented in the last decade by many great films, Ad Astra doesn't necessarily overwhelm but it managed to tell a well written and executed narrative in a very minimalistic approach, as you watch the film, you notice that it doesn't focus on the scientific details, it strives to address a higher meaning and that's the very core of the movie, it succeeded to make me invest myself into the story, granted, it is very easy for me to do so as I find the idea of the exploration of the universe extremely fascinating. Pitt's performance here is amazing, his rendition of a stoic astronaut that represses so much of his problems gives an unparalleled grip to the story, his scenes with the great Lee Jones are proof of that. Contrary to what might this film leads you to believe, Ad Astra is not about the exploration of space, it explores human nature and our reaction to hardships and pain, I very much loved it.
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Border (2018)
Great filmmaking, Horrible story.
3 December 2019
I'm gonna be fair to this film, from a film standpoint, this gets all the technicalities down to the point, the storytelling is great and the cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is amazing but the story is down right, this film does everything right but it's story fails it,
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Hustlers (2019)
I mean, it's JLO
29 November 2019
Jenny from the block and my girl Constance Wu go head to head to make a touching drama about what working women go through, powerful performances help highlight this subject matter and shine a light on a cruel world. This film does just enough to keep it real and therefore make it work, the story is moving and the acting was nothing short of great, Solid effort.
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The Irishman (2019)
A Masterpiece.
28 November 2019
A fine curated piece of art, that's what Scorsese put before our eyes, he brought out everything in his arsenal of skills, every move is calculated to the teeth, every work is accounted for, it never skips a beat, it comes packaged in a smart setup which is not surprising with a director like Scorsese, in its over three hour runtime, not a single second is wasted, every little thing meant something, every frame worked towards the story, whether it's a one-second still or a ten minutes sequence, everything clicks here.

The performances, my god, where should I start? everyone brought their A-game and some more, the whole cast was infinitely charismatic, but the lead trio, De Niro, Pesci, Pacino were just phenomenal, true masters of their trade, absolute strong presence, when they're on-screen, you're tuned in, not by choice, they just demand that of you, it's just fascinating for me to see a long sequence rich in dialogue between arguably the best two actors alive, the back and forth here is everything but acting, it is too real, that's how astounding they are, Pesci again, in my opinion, delivers so relentlessly as he always does, and when on-screen he takes control, he commands, not even De Niro can match his level, he just has this thing, it's unbelievable.

Scorsese always referred to Cadillacs as the top of the industry, well this film is a Cadillac, it has endless class, I feel privileged and honored to have watched this, something that history will hail its cult status in years to come, A Marvelous MASTERPIECE.
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I got my dose of Rambo, that's all I needed.
27 November 2019
Well "Rambo Last Blood" has all the staples of the franchise, nonstop violence and a straight forward plot that's predictable, having watched all the other four movies and what they achieved, some were bad and some have cult state, I went into this not expecting a whole lot, to be honest, I watched for the trademark killing scenes, you just can't get enough of Rambo blowing sh$t up and killing people in a creative way.

There isn't much to be said here other than the obvious, they had to end it somehow I guess.
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Parasite (2019)
A Masterpiece/Work of art.
26 November 2019
As I write this, I want to describe my raw initial state after I finished the film, I'm in a state of complete awe, staring into the wall kind of awe, Parasite is truly a work of art, a sheer masterpiece. This film oozes with mastery, every little detail tells a story of its own, I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame, it grips hard and it never lets go, it sways between genres gracefully, it offers comedy both dark and light, drama, horror, thrill, and it's all packaged so seamlessly, conveyed to us throughout breathtaking performances across the board, I've watched my share of Korean Cinema to know that's a common thing but Parasite takes it to a whole other level, it materializes thoughts and ideas, things words can not communicate, it is extremely rare to experience such a thing in film, I can only name a small number of movies that actually made me feel this way, just incredible. Director Bong Joon Ho proves that he is a master within his own cross-genre domain, he takes charge and you actually feel like you're in safe hands watching this, he shapes the scenes perfectly, A true master of his trade, Thank You. In all honesty, I feel like I went through an experiment where the time went still and I experienced a piece of art such as this, I absloutely, wholeheartedly loved every single second of this film, MINDBLOWING.
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Might not be for everyone.
25 November 2019
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is a trip, filled with Tarantino's trademarks but this time it comes in a subtle way, beautifully delivered by two powerhouse leads with so much flair and talent it's almost overkill, but that's Tarantino for you, he was never one for the easy and predictable. We are treated to a delicious timepiece so rich in details and excitement, the story goes back to the golden days of Hollywood when actors were idols in every sense of the word, the story itself goes down different paths that all link up at the end in a spectacular manner worthy of the Tarantino's violent ways, and boy was it fun to watch. The two leads, Decaprio and Pitt bring unparalleled charisma to the table, I'll tell you this, it is almost impossible to take your eyes off the screen when they're on, they just possess enough to grip you throughout the film, they capture the true old Hollywood charm so perfectly.

In all honesty, I truly believe that this film wasn't meant to be explained but rather enjoyed and I did just that, Tarantino with a twist but I like it.
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20 November 2019
Alicia Vikander once again pulls a performance from the top shelf. In this racy, engaging psychological love story, we're presented with many themes that cover a broad spectrum of emotions, a story of a love tringle infused with a unique Asian feel to it perfectly showcased by its lead star, Vikander along with a very solid cast sway back and forth in a slow burn format that works most of the time and it can be argued that's it's essential at times, what sticks out is the visual storytelling as the cinematography plays a role itself and it helps set a somber mood which helps with the story. It came to my attention that the film wasn't faithful to its source material as the ending was altered, It doesn't both me as I didn't read the story and I feel like the end was appropriate and fitting and more importantly realstic. This film has depth and conveys a more profound meaning, which gives it a gripping factor that's hard to miss out on. A terrific effort.
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A Proper Action Flim
14 November 2019
"Angel Has Fallen" is an all-out action film and it doesn't try to be anything else, I feel that's a part of its charm, everything nowadays is politicized even dramas, why can't we have an old fashion solo gun-wielding hero that always comes up on top, This film is reminiscing of that and that's exactly why it just works.

All of that combined with a strong cast led by two great actors spells out good entertainment from the discovering the leads build-up to the flawless action sequences.

A solid thriller packed with action, that pretty much sums up the whole thing.
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13 November 2019
This is a thought-provoking story that tells one of the many sides of the corruption that led to an illegal war against Iraq. This film follows the story of a courageous whistleblower who dared to stop an illegal war.

we're offered with insights into this case, and how it possibly affected the decision-makers who did their best to put a lid on it so to speak, while it wasn't entirely accurate it provided enough to expose another devious plan by the ruling powers of this world, sadly, it didn't change much, but it serves as a reminder of governments working out pure greed and selfishness and putting their needs above anything else.

Solid biography on Katherin Gun, wonderfully showcased by Keira Knightly.
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A heartwarming reminder about life.
6 November 2019
Adopt A Highway is a feel-good story that brings out a lot of emotions at once, what we have here is a sweet story that's told on two facets, one is a story of a lost soul doing its best to survive and the other side of it is this heartwarming longing to a nice life once lived and never quite got enough of it. I was caught off guard several times by the performances as they were genuine and heartfelt and that added so much to the story, Ethan Hawke's rendition here was spot on, he delivers on so many levels, he gave his character life, and he infused it with minor details that make it just work. This film goes to remind us that it's never too late to start a new life, no matter how much you suffered or went through, there's always a way to start over and live again, Solid film.
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The King (I) (2019)
Beautifully acted and put together.
2 November 2019
"The King" is a bold and daring story of one of the most interesting monarchs England ever had. This narrative, however, inaccurate it might prove to be, still makes for a great premise, and without a doubt, it delivers enough to keep you gripped throughout its run time. The film witnesses a remarkable performance of a true rising star, Chalamet spares us none of his talents as he explores his subject deeply and vividly and delivers a solid effort that only bolstered his acting status, the rest of the cast was great as it gives much-needed authenticity to the story. In the end, this film serves its purpose of telling a story, and it does it wonderfully, A solid film.
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A delight to the senses.
28 October 2019
Eddie murphy is BACK baby, tell a friend, scream it from a rooftop, a comedy legend is gracing the big screen again, Dolemite doesn't skip a beat, laughs are guaranteed from start to finish, we got the great Murphy playing the larger than life character of Dolemite. He does it like nobody else, infused with his own signature comedy this film is too good to resist, having an amazingly funny cast doesn't hurt either.

This is exactly what was missing for the last couple of years in the comedy scene, A man of trade, Eddie Murphy is a comedy landmark, and this film just goes to prove it, Funny as hell.
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Realism at its finest
22 October 2019
In this gut-wrenching drama, we are presented with a story that will shake your core, "4 months" thrives on realism, it doesn't spare us anything and will not shy from displaying the gruesome world we live in, it tackles what arguably is one of the most controversial topics in modern society and it does it with an elegant polished style, the acting here was everything, the two opposite leads are just near damn perfect, the emotions and sentiments that they illustrate are breathtaking and so moving, so much so you find yourself majorly invested in what's gonna happen next.

This is the brutal life-like cinema that I like. It offers a unique insight into a world so dark you can't take your eyes off it.
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Fractured delivers on its promises
19 October 2019
Fractured delivers on its promises, in this thriller setup, we find ourselves swaying from one theory to another, recalling the details and following the narrative pretty carefully, all of that makes for a great thriller filled with twists and turns, this director like to hide his answers in plain sight and make you question everything you think happend, this psychological test made this even more enjoyable, it is true that when the mind is at a state of shock will do anything to protect it sanity and this film is an excellent example of that. This is a solid thriller all around, might be a tad predictable but very entertaining and exciting.
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Tieing up loose ends
14 October 2019
So finally some closure for Jesse's story arc, that's the problem right there, this film goes nothing beyond tieing the loose ends of a fantastic story, I'm going to be brutally honest here, Breaking bad was one of my all time favorite shows, with Walter's endless grip all the way to Vince's masterclass directing, the characters were something else, it had this feel to it that was so special and there was nothing like it, this film didn't have it, I might be asking too much of this, but If I'm willing to experience the story again, I want it to feel the same. still, this film serves its purpose wonderfully, and there's nothing wrong with it, it was beautifully shot and acted, it just didn't scratch my itch.
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Haley Lu Richardson's MASTERCLASS.
12 October 2019
I cried, I laughed, I smiled, This film had me go through all of that.

Five Feet Apart is a very beautiful story that reminds us that life is precious and should be lived to the fullest, Stella & will's romance is charming and so seamless, it had this fantastic charm to it, mainly due to the two leads, especially Haley Lu Richardson who performed wonderfully throughout the film, now I know this might be filled with cliches and whatnot, but it felt genuine and heartfelt and that's right there is what matters at the end of the day.

Chirs Nolan once said that films are meant to be felt not watched, this is exactly what I did with this one, absolutely breathtaking.
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