
29 Reviews
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Skinamarink (2022)
Confusing doesn't mean smart
2 April 2023
Just because it's confusing, doesn't make it smart.

This movie does plenty of things right. It had a unique style (even for found footage), it has good scares, creepy tones, ominous lighting, scarry voices, unnatural whispering etc. In other words in has all the bits and pieces to make a scarry movie.

It just doesn't have a coherent story, informative dialogue, a real ending, explanation or any kind of conclusion.

And I get it. I'm not smart. Everyone else is hip and I'm just an old ignorant stick in the mud that likes plot development and story structure. How lame I am.

Look this movie has a few scares. Thats it. I like found footage. I really do. But this is a sub par effort.
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The Outwaters (2022)
I love found footage. This is just bad.
19 February 2023
You won't know what's going on. But not in a "over your head" artistic kind if way. More of a "not going to explain it because I don't know how" bad filmmaker kind of way.

The story is non-existent and won't ever be explained so don't hold your breath. And again, not explaining your story isn't artistic, it's lazy. High concepts are confusing. But confusion isn't high concept.

The acting is good and the poor cast shines early when the movie is setting up for its terrible 2nd and 3rd acts.

Look I'm an expert in found footage. I've seen them all. I love the genre and I can even find beauty and meaning in the Bad Ben series of films.

But THIS? Skip it. It's just a mish mash of gore and severely limited views. What an overrated mess. Omg.
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The Sadness (2021)
Not for me. Torture porn
25 December 2022
This is not my thing. It's got a good cast and GREAT gore, blood etc but it goes way overboard with the sadistic stuff and that really sucks all of the fun out of it for me. Maybe if it wasn't soooo much it would have been ok but every instance of violence or cool kill has a moment where things just get way too dark and weird. It's unsettling and instead of going for scares and impressive visuals movies like this just want you to see the most depraved things they can think of and again, while I'm sure the Hostel, Human Centipede fans out there will love this movie, it just doesn't work for me.
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So cheap, so poorly executed
13 November 2022
Okay first the good. The cast is capable... ... ... And now onto the bad.

This movie is cheap. It's soundtrack is all non-licensed, Casio keyboard from the 80s, do it yourself, blank, ominous tones. Less would have been more.

The writing is really bad. Very little is explained. The dialog is obvious and clichéd. Entire chunks of the movie are so paint by the numbers and predictable that you can see everything coming a mile away.

The special effects are limited and badly executed, several opportunities to ramp up the pace are missed, the cinematography is poor, the lighting is bad and it's entirely too long.

1 star for being a movie, 1 for the actors trying real hard and 1 for Pete Davidson being in it. (For five minutes)
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He's Watching (2022)
Probably not for found footage fans.
28 August 2022
While this movie is by no means BAD, simply low budget, it isn't meant to be a found footage movie. It just had to be one due to not having the money needed to do what needed to be done.

I'm a found footage fan so this didn't work for me but good effort. Good acting (for children), original ideas and a few genuine scares but it just tries to do and be too much. The found footage aspect just can't accomplish everything they wanted to do here.

The camera work is good, the house is creepy and lit well and there are no real "mistakes" to speak of. Just artsy, odd choices and a lack of means to pull everything off. Also the ending is going to be hard to understand for some.

It's really a 3 but I'll add an extra star for trying so hard.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Finally a worthy Predator movie.
16 August 2022
When John McTiernan made the original Predator he made a classic and outside of the excellent Predator 2, this franchise has failed to deliver by forgetting what a Predaror film should be.

THIS is it. The one we've been waiting for lol. Watch it.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Perfectly good sci-fi/horror.
3 August 2022
Ignore the trolls. This show is good. It's set a generation after the events of Racoon City and builds upon a narrative rather than rewrite it.

It's about family and family secrets. About zombies and biological weapons. It is action packed and a tad amateurish but the cast is spot on even when the writing isn't. Give it a try. You'll like it.
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The Old Ways (II) (2020)
Exorcism Movie with a central American flair
31 July 2022
This is in many ways a standard low budget exorcism movie but it has tons of upside. It starts fast compared to nearly every other film of the genre that is a slow burn. The story is intriguing enough to keep you watching and involved. The casting and acting is superb and the performances are really what holds everything together.

I think this movie wanted to be a little more than what it was and probably shot a tad too high for the limited amount of special effects the production could afford but other than that this is a good film. Scarry and fun.
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Incantation (2022)
Excellent found footage film
11 July 2022
As a fan of found footage films I have seen them all and I know the difference between a good one and bad one. And this is a good one. First off the lone problem. It's too long at an hour fifty. But Asian horror is often long running and that's that. This is short by those standards.

Otherwise we get a good story, superb acting (so much so that you forget you're reading subtitles) almost constant creepy scares from the start and in general just a damn good found footage environment. Also the emotionally charged story really keeps you rooting for the protagonist the whole way as it centers around a parent's love for her child and what she will face to protect her.

Just a damn good film with plenty of scares, gore and more. Give it a watch.
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The Bear (2022– )
This show has only one problem.
30 June 2022
It's too short. Need to be an hour.

The cast is perfect, the pace is fast, Jeremy Allen White kills it. Watch this show! Watch it with friends. Drink wine and cook together and watch The Bear!
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Godforsaken (2020)
Highly enjoyable found footage
24 April 2022
If you enjoy found footage then give this one a watch. All the hallmarks of good, low budget found footage. Actors trying their ass off. A really fun concept of a story. It starts off strong and finishes really strong.
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Good idea. Not executed well.
26 March 2022
Clever concept. A Google Ring movie could actually work but it would need a better budget that this. The acting was actually good but the dialog was often bad, the plot made very little sense, the sound is terrible, and you just leave the movie feeling disappointed.

I'm a huge found footage fan. But this one just didn't work.
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Deadware (2021)
Quality low budget horror
21 March 2022
It starts slow and has little budget but the actors pull it off and there are some quality scares in here. Really good job all around with the visuals as well. You see so many movies like this that just suck but this one clocks in at 68 mins so just hang in for the first 15 or so and then you're off to the races.
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The Medium (2021)
All the pros and cons of Asian horror and found footage.
8 January 2022
Fairly great movie. The story is interesting enough to keep you going through the slow first hour. Like pretty much all films made in this part of the world, it's a good 30 to 50 minutes too long but regardless it still does a good job building towards its very intense final 20 minutes.

Acting is also pretty damn good. Looking for a good found footage flick? This is it.
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Some cool effects. Terrible, God awful acting.
11 December 2021
Once it gets going, it takes a while, you'll get some cool deaths despite the tiny budget and honestly, this movie had a really original story. It could have been fun. The director knows what he's doing but most of the acting is really bad. Really really bad. The kind of bad that takes you right out of it anytime you start to care.
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Basic but good found footage.
30 October 2021
This is a found footage done in the more modern documentary style for those that want to know. The acting is good. Special effects are solid. A few little issues here and there like sound effects for atmosphere when it's supposed to be "found footage." But nothing major. Decent story. Not too long. Ending was really good and satisfying. Scarry too. Maybe took a little too long to get there but that's picking nits.
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The Marshes (2018)
Never given a 1 to a movie before.
3 August 2021
This should never have been released. Its like a bad student film. Story goes nowhere, nothing happens to anyone, the bizarre music that doesn't fit the scene, its just god awful, super long and boring.
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The Furies (2019)
Better than average indie horror
3 August 2021
They clearly didn't have much money but great use of practical effects, a cool story and a good cast make this average horror feel a little special.

Can't wait for a sequel.
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Red Woods (2021)
Love found footage. But this is barely a movie.
24 July 2021
I love Bad Ben. I love cheesy/bad found footage. But this?

Cringe acting. Cringe filming. Cringe cringe cringe.
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Good Cast. Boring.
5 July 2021
This movie was a 1/10 idea with a 10/10 cast who did everything they could to pull it up. Nothing happens followed by no story followed by more nothing. Great cast though.
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The Unholy (2021)
The low budget hurt.
26 June 2021
Good movie. Really good cast. Good story. Fairly scarry.

Cheap effects hurt. This movie deserved better.
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Best movie seriously it is.
16 May 2021
Oh my god. I can't even explain it to you. Just watch it.
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If you liked the first 2 then you'll like this one.
12 April 2021
Just writing this because of the other horrible reviews. Seems like someone is out to get this movie. If you don't like cheap found footage movies then don't watch them. This one kicks ass.
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Found footage sci-fi done right.
25 January 2021
Good acting. Great cast. If you're a found footage fan or a fan of UFOs you'll love it. Slow paced at first but stay with it. The third act is amazing.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Original, fun and truly scarry.
29 December 2020
All I watch are horror films. And this one is really good. It's a haunted-woods/monster/psychological thriller that just keeps changing pace and coming at you in different directions. Slightly thin story but wonderful acting, great direction and just a ton of fun to watch.
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