
15 Reviews
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Irish Wish (2024)
So bad... but left me smiling
9 April 2024
A corny, nonsense, simple movie with a billion flaws BUT it left me with a smile on my face. Not sure what else one needs from a light hearted 90 minute distraction. Definitely nothing deeper to be found in it, but if you feel like some mindlessly feel good entertainment then this is a great choice. The chemistry between the main characters was great and the scenery was beautiful. Takes me back to a simpler time when movies were short and sweet and there to make you happy... not all about the apocalypse or blood and gore. A simple happy love story! Sometimes that's all you need it to be. But again, don't expect more than that!
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They're essentially becoming SIBLINGS. I'M SO CONFUSED
12 December 2023
The word I would choose is: Bizarre. So a traumatised orphaned young teen girl is adopted into a family... and it's somehow then normal that her two adoptive BROTHERS immediately develop a love triangle with her?! Like WHAT??? But seriously, how is this okay? Cos teen romances usually end well (right?)- so living in the midst of a teen love triangle is healthy for this girl? And a healthy long term situation? That the adults are okay with it is bizarre and indicative of a poorly written and weird story. And what weirdo teenagers would gain an adoptive sibling and jump straight into hooking up. She's supposed to ultimatelyately become their sister FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES, but hooking up as horny teens is A-Okay? I can't.

The family is also unrealistically large with an unbelievable number of kids (mostly boys). Like who has 8 kids of their own and 2 cousins already living with them? It's unnecessary. A family of, say, five would have had that "big" feeling but still be believable.

And on that note- those kids are definitely neglected. They get scraps of parental attention and yet everyone makes out as if THIS is the stable family the poor girl would benefit from?! The mother couldnt even stay on the first day she arrived.

Last annoying thing- the family is in financial difficulty and they mention that looking after Jackie is "another mouth to feed". As if her wealthy parents wouldn't have left allowance in their will to cover her care??

All just bizarre and annoyingly written. I still managed to binge most of it though so I guess I shouldn't be too harsh- it somehow still manages to be entertaining.
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Enjoyed it way more than I expected to
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because it popped up as a Netflix suggestion and soon found myself completely captivated by the main actors' chemistry. In a genre that is usually under-scripted and cheesy, I found this to be the opposite- it is a sincere, compelling story that comes off so genuinely, and it was beautifully acted. The result is a film that is simply endearing to watch from start to finish. Really worth the watch if you feel like a heart warming classic romance to get lost in.

Vague spoilers ahead:

The "love triangle" could have resolved in a less morally sketchy way in the end, but somehow you're rooting for the main characters so much that you'll forgive it.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
Watched cos of the rating. Wish I hadn't
9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thought it would be great based on the raving reviews and high score here. Even if not great, I would have accepted mediocre. This was just plain terrible.

I'll admit I only made it through two episodes but I won't be watching more so will offer my review of it thus far...

I found the main character to make very annoying bad decisions, even for a kid. Didn't stay hidden when told. Eats all of the guy's food rations (even though having lived his whole life in a self sustaining cabin in the woods would have SURELY taught him the importance of not wasting food). And so on. So that made me unable to care very much about his story.

I also found the overt similarities to covid unpleasant to watch (masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing reminders on signs). I get that it's also premised on a virus but I think life is gloomy enough atm without the need to see references to a situation that's similar but way worse. Would rather watch something else.

General logical flaws all over the place too- like zoo animals locked in cages being found perfectly fine even though they'd been left locked up for months/years as if they wouldn't have starved?!

The search for the boy's mother was also just so clearly a nonsensical, dangerous and ridiculous plan that it was irritating as the main driver.

All round there was nothing redeeming.
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Cursed (2020)
Mildly entertaining but nothing more
27 July 2020
This show is trying to be so many things, and it doesn't quite succeed at being any of them. Far too many stories, mythologies and themes all jumbled into one messy string of episodes. Character development is all over the place, magic seems far too convenient at times and totally absent at others. I don't really find myself invested in anyone or anything that the show is trying to make me care about.

Credit where credit's due though- I somehow did still find it entertaining and watched the whole season. But the reality is that it is a mediocre show, offering nothing more than some simple entertainment. So if you're looking for another GoT (the first 6 seasons), this is NOT it, but it will keep you mildly entertained for a couple hours (if you're expectations are aligned).
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Couldn't get through it
22 March 2020
I haven't read the books so my criticism has nothing to do with them having changed the story, and is aimed solely at the poor acting, abysmal writing and weak story in the show itself. Clearly it's made for teenagers, which is fine, but then be upfront about that and don't target adults in the advertising and waste my time. The teenage "knights to be" are laughable in their attempt to take on an actual mission (are we supposed to take them seriously? Or maybe they'r just there for some comedic relief?). Really low quality stuff... such a pity given the gorgeous setting (and the awesome horse)
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Virgin River (2019– )
Nice enough to forgive the faults
22 March 2020
Not a particularly realistic story, but it's entertaining and the cliff hanger endings keep you hooked. Likeable characters (with the exception of annoying Hope), beautiful setting and a sweet romantic story- it's definitely not perfect but it's a pleasant way to waste a of couple hours
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Worth the watch
8 March 2020
Keeps you really engaged and offers a great wrap up to all the storylines in the end. Not perfect in every regard, but definitely entertaining and well written. Makes for some very decent viewing. Glad i watched it- was entertained throughout and really liked the characters
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Too scary for kids, too dumb for adults
8 March 2020
The concept and effects were great- but they must have forgotten to write the script since the story ended up full of plot holes, infuriatingly stupid decision making, poor character arcs and no actual answers to how any of the magic works... I can't imagine how actual writers thought this could pass for a decent plot that would keep any viewer remotely satisfied. I watched the whole season and found it creepy enough at times that I don't think its appropriate for a young audience but its so insultingly DUMB in every other regard that I certainly wouldn't recommend it to any adult. I'm annoyed that I wasted my time watching it
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Funny and touching- it's the perfect combo
8 March 2020
A perfect show. Filled with moments that will make you laugh, make you cry, warm your heart and leave you happier than you were before you watched it
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Did they forget to write the script?
7 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVED the first movie. And this painfully dismal sequel has left me so annoyed and baffled as I cannot being to fathom how an entire team of people thought it was acceptable to produce such a shameful excuse of a movie. No decent character arcs. No decent dialogue. Plot holes everywhere. The special effects were incredible, such a wasted opportunity. If only they'd put some actual effort into the story.

Spoilers: 1) did someone seriously think the teenage redhead was the best choice for the queen's main sidekick?! 2) magical tears all of a sudden resurrect the dead? 3) the fae just left Maleficent to be alone and lonely all this time?! 4) aurora's loyalty is insultingly fickle 5) what exactly stopped everyone from fighting in the end cos I must have missed some powerful moment that changed everything 6) it was nice of Maleficent to wait until hundreds of fae had been murdered before deciding to rock up to the battle 7) the evil scientist pixie guy sure did swap sides pretty conveniently

I could go on...
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Couldn't have asked for a better ending
18 May 2019
I laughed and cried throughout, and loved every moment of this epic conclusion. All of the subtle call backs to past movies made it all the more entertaining. I've heard lots of complaints about logical flaws etc, but I really think it answers as many questions as it possibly could (and tbh any more realism would be misplaced in the MCU). Was a truly memorable experience seeing all the storylines culminate in this film, and watching it in a full audience where people gasped and clapped and cheered together was the perfect ending to this whole phase.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
Simple but oh so sweet
18 May 2019
Full of funny moments, redeeming character arcs, positive relatable messages and really touching romance and friendship. It's not supposed to be serious or logical, but it works perfectly for what it is and leaves you feeling happier than before and with a smile on your face. There were some cringy moments too but it added to the charm and didn't go overboard with it. Doesn't deserve all the harsh criticism- It's a nice mindless distraction for an hour or so, sometimes that's all you want from a movie!
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The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
Utter Garbage
16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why would they write a show where the only logical response is to utterly despise the main character? Why would anyone want to watch a 100% selfish guy obsessed with nothing but sleeping with the hot chick and fat shaming the only nice guy around? He has no redeeming qualities and I kept hoping he would die, that's how much he ruins what should otherwise be an entertaining show. Such a pity
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Camping (2018)
How did they spend money on this?
11 May 2019
I am horrified that somewhere out there a whole team of people agreed to spend time and money on creating a show that is this bad... Though "bad" is an understatement. Characters so annoying and exaggerated. Writing is terrible. Struggled to get through one episode
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