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The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: Scoped Out (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Totally disagree with previous review
2 June 2022
You can say whatever you want about the personalities and dialogue of this show, in general. But there are some respected scientists involved here, so by saying that the phenomena captured and shown is illegitimate, that's saying that they are flat out lying. But these things that are captured, especially in this episode, can not be logically explained. If they aren't just fabricating this phenomena - which would destroy all credibility for the History Channel, making this more of a scripted, sci-fi drama/series, not a "reality" show - then this show is just as legitimate as the US Navy-captured footage of similar phenomena in recent years that is now entirely accepted as actual footage that occurred without explanation. That makes this episode fascinating. And the phenomena that's shown in this episode is mind-boggling. Excellent episode!
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The UnXplained: Superhuman Feats (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
Big fan of this show but not this episode
31 May 2022
I find almost all of the episodes of The Unexplained to be extremely fascinating and incredibly thought provoking. But, the stories that make up the "Superhuman Feats" episode are neither fascinating nor thought provoking, for me. This may very well be the least interesting of all of the episodes.
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See No Evil: Breakdown at Daylight (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Good episode but not exactly true
22 March 2022
If you're reading this, then you must've enjoyed this specific episode. But if you want to have your mind blown, then you need to watch Season 2 episode 1 of "The Confession Tapes" on Netflix. For me, after watching both, I honestly don't know if the man convicted is actually guilty.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Outstanding to this non-Star Wars fanatic
19 January 2022
I don't get the reviews that complain about this show. I'm old(er), and I was around when the original Star Wars movies were showing. But I was in college at the time, so I had a lot more "fun" things to do than geek out on SciFi movies. Now, though, I'm a discerning viewer in search quality programming. And, along with The Mandalorian, this show exceeds even my standards. Do yourself a favor and watch this. It's definitely worth your time.
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This is mana!
30 November 2021
While I rarely write reviews, I've depended upon the user ratings (not "critics") on IMDb for a long time. But after watching all of the episodes of "Get Back", I can't not write this review. If you haven't already, please watch, but you must allow yourself to be completely immersed in it to really appreciate what's on the screen. These are four of the greatest rock-and-roll musicians and song writers that have ever lived. You can't sit around with family and friends, talking while the movie scrolls. I'm a 60-year old Beatles aficionado, but even I was stunned at how these guys make music and, all the while laughing, arguing with each other. I am now beginning my second viewing, and I've already noticed wonderful things that I missed on the first go round. I will probably watch this show dozens of times, simply because of how incredibly fantastic "Get Back" is!
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Much better than IMDb's rating
20 July 2021
I don't get why so many absolutely hate this movie. I take pride in having a discerning taste for quality TV and movies. I also rely on IMDb for choosing what to watch because the ratings are usually spot on. For that reason, I almost didn't watch The Tomorrow War, but I've gotten so bored with what's out there to watch, I decided to watch some of the beginning to see if I thought it was worth my time - and it was! That said, I wouldn't call it a great movie, but I really enjoyed it. As with any Sci-Fi, the viewer has to accept the reality of the movie, and sometimes, that is very difficult. But, with the technological advances of the 21st century, it was easy to buy in to the premise of The Tomorrow War. Aldo, I actually cared about several of the characters, even though many were poorly established in the beginning. Ignore the negative reviews and give this movie a chance. I think you'll find it fun and interesting to watch, just like I did.
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I feel manipulated
7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly, I'm in the minority because I like this show. I've enjoyed how they approach investigating this place and trusted what happened on it. But, in this episode, I can see how they've set up season 2 to end in a specific way. I'd wondered why they had shown the owner arrive in his helicopter in several of the previous season 2 episodes - I thought it was used as a way to display the guy's wealth. But now, I see they're going to actually use that helicopter for research - and to lead to a "dramatic" season's ending episode. Also, the supposed capture of something during the rocket's launch didn't seem real - it looks like the cursor was used to back-and-forth the footage. It's the first time I've felt some of this stuff was contrived. Maybe I've been a sucker all along...
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This has become MUST-SEE-TV!
9 June 2021
Folks, this is my second review of Skinwalker Ranch - the first was 3-4 episodes into the first season, and now well into Season 2. I am not an X-Files person, and I've always been a skeptic of any paranormal activity. But this show does a phenomenal job of using a variety of technology to document what these people are seeing. And at least a few of those people are respectable, well known scientists. I don't care what anybody says, there are a lot of freaky things happening in this location, and much of it is documented and shown to the viewers. I promise that anyone who chooses to watch this show WILL NOT be disappointed.
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The Mosquito Coast (2021–2023)
Really good
30 April 2021
These first 2 episodes are very good. Lots of dynamic interaction. It's well-paced and realistic, if you can allow yourself to accept the overall situation as "realistic".
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Loved the creatures' story, meh on the rest
2 April 2021
I'm an old guy who didn't get into the King Kong - Godzilla rivalry when I was a kid in the late 60-early 70s . Had some friends who did, though. Even had one recently tell me that he knew "they'll have Kong win again, just like before" when talking about this movie. I came to the movie with just wanting it to be solid - and it is! Everything involving the creatures is great, but everything else is bad. The storyline that explains the course of the movie is just so formulaic and tired. But the rest of the stuff with Kong and Godzilla ("zilla, zilla, zilla" as Blue Oyster Cult sings it) is fun and interesting to watch. It makes the movie pretty good overall.
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WandaVision (2021– )
No need to know all about the MU to enjoy this
3 March 2021
I am not a MU fanatic. Yes, I've seen the movies, but I didn't watch any of the TV shows or read the comic books. And, while it is probably advantageous to know all of the backstories of the characters, I have thoroughly enjoyed the 8 episodes of WandaVision very much! This is a very interesting and very good show. Like others have said, it took a bit of determination to get through the first few episodes, but sticking with it really paid off. A show is good for many reasons, and WandaVision has all of them. For those who are skeptical about watching, all I can say is that it is totally worth watching. This show is as good as anything else "new" right now. You'll thank me for it later.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Just the thing that's needed.
3 February 2021
With this hellish world, this show is exactly what is needed. Funny, interesting, and good. I absolutely think everybody should watch every episode of this show.
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Fargo: Storia Americana (2020)
Season 4, Episode 11
30 November 2020
This could have been - no, should have been - a 30 minute episode. Why all of the long, drawn-out slow-motion segments with music? Just terrible. The worst of all of the seasons of Fargo. By a looong way.
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The Blacklist: Roanoke (No. 139) (2020)
Season 8, Episode 1
Long time fan is done
17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show has become ridiculous and absurd. Everything others say is true, but what does it for me is the Ressler/Keen romance. There's never been any chemistry between these two and it's far too forced. I'm done.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Season 4 is just bad - and annoying
5 November 2020
I LOVE Fargo - the movie and the first 3 seasons of the TV show. But Season 4 is just - well, it's terrible, and I can't believe it. The production of Season 4 is comparable to the rest of the series. It looks great. But I think the problem, for me, has to do with the writing.

The show hasn't made me care for, or about, any of the characters, with the exception of Rabbi Milligan and Satchel Cannon, the son of the character Chris Rock plays, Loy Cannon. Speaking of Chris Rock, I absolutely love the guy - his stand-up comedian work, his SNL work. He's a very funny guy. And maybe that's the problem, but in this show, his role as a rough, dangerous mob leader, doesn't work. When he yells, he doesn't come across as dangerous - his high-pitched voice comes across as almost funny. See a trend developing? As for other characters, the supposedly "quirky" nurse is more weird and annoying than anything. And while she's a "bad" and dangerous person, I just don't care about her. Same for the OCD cop - at first he was humorous, but as the show progresses, it's not funny anymore, it's just annoying. See the other trend here? "Annoying" becomes a theme in later episodes. Other than Rabbi and Satchel, the character of "Deafy" Wickware - played by Timothy Oliphant - is the only one that is funny and interesting, but, so far in episode 6, he's a small character that is rarely part of the story.

As much as I criticize the show, I'm still watching. Why? Because of the incredibly high-quality of everything "Fargo" has always been. I keep expecting that the next episode will be on par with what I've always expected the show to be. But there's only a few episodes left to reach that expectation, and I'm afraid that I'm just going to feel disappointment in the end. It's not a good thing when a viewer of a show doesn't care about the characters and/or what happens to them. It's even worse when the viewer is annoyed by those same characters. All that adds up to a bad show. And as great as Fargo has been, it's now just bad.
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Greyhound (2020)
A true "War" movie
25 July 2020
I see what the "critics" write about this movie, that it doesn't have "character development". Well, it wouldn't since it's about a battle in a war, now would it? And it's a damn good telling of a World War II battle. If you're looking for fluff, don't watch it. But if you want to get in the middle of a war, do not miss this movie.
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The Blacklist: Brothers (2020)
Season 7, Episode 17
Excellent diversionary episode
2 May 2020
While I wouldn't have thought so before, I am thrilled that this episode did not include Redington. This was a great backstory explaining Ressler's history. I haven't always been a fan of the actor playing Ressler, but the story and the acting in this episode was very good. The ending was especially top-notch.
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Episode 4 seems real
2 May 2020
It seems like all of these terrible reviews are based on the first episode. But where are these same people after episode 4? What was captured by sight, by the cameras present, by the observation cameras AND the data recorded, was clearly something unexplained. Now, this is the only episode I've seen so far, so I can't judge the others, but this one? It certainly seemed like something bizarre happened. I'll be watching future episodes, that's for sure. And I'm not an X-Files kind of person, by the way.
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Hunters: Eilu v' Eilu (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
It must be really hard to write a last episode
5 March 2020
It must be hard to write a last episode, especially when preparing for a next season. There have been many last episodes of shows in the past that weren't liked by many, or most, of its loyal viewers. For this show, I can't imagine how to 1) sum up the season and 2) set up the next one. I really enjoyed Season 1 of "Hunters" - I think it's at least as good as any other show - on any kind of platform. But I must admit that this final episode was a letdown for me, both in losing some great characters as well as losing the actors that play them. But as well-written as this season was, I don't have any doubts that Season 2 will be very good. I will be anxiously awaiting it.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Excellent show and NOT cartoonish
27 February 2020
Reading these negative reviews reminds me of overhearing some guys complaining about "Joker" while leaving the theater. These guys were angry - they expected "Joker" to be a Superhero-type movie. While I was very moved by the entire movie, they were pissed. "Hunters" is just like that. It's deep on many levels: it's tension-filled, it's an intellectual experience and it's EXCELLENT! Don't expect to see big, exciting CGI fights - expect to be challenged and sickened (hating). Disregard the severely negative reviews. Do yourself a favor and sit back to watch an engrossing and stimulating series, because that's exactly what "Hunters" is.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Good show, but...
3 January 2020
I really have enjoyed this show. Embarrassingly for me, I can actually remember the original. And I really like how this show is quite similar to the original with the believable technology and the extremely well-done CGI.

My one qualm with this show, though, is that it is too much like the original. By that, I mean it is a serial with storylines that begin and end in each episode along with overarching storyline(s) that run throughout the season. The problem is that the episodic storylines would be much more enjoyable if the current version ran like the original - with a week between episodes. With binging, however, the dire, death-defying circumstances the characters find themselves in within each episode leads to a bit of "crisis fatigue". I mean, how can these people always find the only way to survive at the very last second - every time?!

Regardless, this is a fun, action-packed show that is well worth watching.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Possibly the best ever but no Beatles?
2 December 2019
This is so not my kind of show. I've been aware of the great reviews for quite some time but never could make myself to begin watching. Until a few weeks ago, that is. I'm actually glad I waited because now I was able to watch all 3 seasons without waiting. My ONLY concern? Not a single Beatles reference! Not even when they were knighted? So, I have to state: This is almost - almost - a perfect show.
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The Irishman (2019)
Excellent movie - De Niro? Meh
1 December 2019
This is truly a Martin Scorcese gem. The story and direction is perfection. But, in my humble opinion, Robert De Niro doesn't do much acting. What he does in this movie is just a toned-down version of some of his other characters. I'm not saying he's not good, but his acting isn't what makes this such a great movie. Also, the length of the movie is necessary to tell the story. Well worth the time.
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Goliath: Argus 2: Battledome (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Not funny, just stupid
7 October 2019
I guess this episode was supposed to be sorta slapstick-style funny, but it's really just stupid. Very disappointing because I've really enjoyed most of the 3rd season so far. Now, I'm not sure if I'll get through this episode, much less the rest of the season.
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Bill Burr: Paper Tiger (2019 TV Special)
New to Bill Burr
10 September 2019
Laugh out-loud funny! Now I'm going to go back and watch his other shows. How I've missed this guy I'll never know, but I'm thrilled I've found him now!
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