
10 Reviews
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The Dark (2005)
Getting there
13 January 2007
Well, if I watch a movie, then no-matter what genre it belongs to I expect it to have a point. This is the main reason why I think that most of the recent horror-movies are not good or even decent horror movies, rather they can only be described as pornography, in other words - created soul'ly to only give you a scare and nothing more (as porno-graphical movies in the more common understanding are created to only project sexual intercourse rather than erotica or sexual innuendo). Well, I think that a horror-movie should definitely still be a movie first and scary secondly.

As far as ''The Dark'' is concerned, it seems that the trend to purposely over-exaggerate everything scary and completely abandon a decent plot is (thank god) slowly starting to descend. Yes there still are a bit too many scary moments that are built on thin air and the movie does start to drag a little at the end, but there is a solid plot, a mythological reference to back up the ongoing happenings thus enforcing the psychological effect of horror to the viewer (I always rate horror-movies by their ability to personally affect the viewer) and it's made by Hollywood which means it's really beautifully crafted all the way through.

So, if you crave to put your mind to it rather than leave all the scary parts for your reflexes to handle, give 'The Dark' a try. It's not Hitchcock but beats the hell out of Grudge 2 as far as a fellow Homo S a p i e n s is concerned.

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Where was I when the world did a 180 on art?
7 December 2006
OK, NOW I'm really confused You people can watch the new version of 'The Hills Have Eyes' and give that piece of cinematographic excrement 7 out of 10 points and now there are 3000+ people on IMDb saying in one voice that the new version of 'The Wicker Man' is a bad movie beyond any reason.

What have I missed? Where was I when the world descended back to the dark ages?!? It seems that as soon as the plot of a movie goes beyond 'random people getting killed by evil monsters for 90 minutes but in the end a man with latex tights, calling himself Superman, will save the day' , people will get bored as in the movie has no potential because YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO FOLLOW A STORYLINE IN ORDER TO ENJOY IT! It seems that the only thing that the masses will get off on is complete and utter PORNOGRAPHY because it's the easiest and least resource-demanding product of entertainment. I ask you, what happened??? It has been going on for quite some time now. You can see it in all the new comedies, horror-movies and even action, thriller and (i'm crying when i say this) Drama for gods sake. Wherever you turn it's over-exaggeration of idiotic moments.

I could have accepted a shining 5/10 score on a movie like 'The Hills Have Eyes' which carries absolutely nothing more than OLD NEWS, but for crying out loud, when people start badmouthing movies that are actually not bad at all - ....... I'm at a loss for words! Compared to the utter s*** that's been poring out of the US movie-scene recently this move should win an Oscar.

I was going to give this movie 6/10 points after I had seen it but after I had seen 'The Wicker Man's' score here on IMDb I decided to give it 7/10. One extra for proving a point. Dear god people... read a book!

PS- I'm confident most of you idiots don't even understand what I'm talking about because you're too busy eating Hamburgers..

PPS- I appologise to every single person who shares my beliefs. This text is not directed at any persons, rather is commentating the outrageous and indescribable idiocy that the media is sending out and that the masses seem to be OK with.
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In America (2002)
Something we all have - heart; and something we all need - warmth
23 October 2006
This brand of movies - directed and created by Europeans, made by Hollywood, is a rare yet continuously magical combination of cinematographic deeds, providing new and much more disjunct stories than, sad to say, most Hollywood mega-releases do these days. The centuries of culture, inter- and inner-national affliction and the sheer diversity of life and tides of time do mount to something, something that can't be faked or grown in a mear century and a half. All this mixed up with the immense possibilities that The Promised Land provides and you have got yourself a pretty good coalition.

'In America' is indeed one of those kinds of movies - great direction, great story and a very reliable production, all achieved in coming together and creating a little piece of magic which life is. I guess it would be suffice to say that this movie works.

The movie genre of Drama really is the king of genres because in a movie, it provides everything that a movie can possibly express, it uses all available resources to get the story through to the viewer and let's be honest - a movie without a story is like a book of covers. And what makes a good drama is the effective portrayal of life - a view of life were problems aren't solved in the end, they are being lived through.

I think I would not be making a mistake in rating this wonderful piece of cinematographic expression of life and love (same thing) with a well-earned 9/10!

I'm definitely watching 'On The Edge' and 'Bloody Sunday'! Oh, and watch out for Djimon Hounsou, that man is going to win an Oscar; and if he's not, we're not living in a free world!
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Unity for stupidity is still Unitiy.
23 September 2006
Green Street Hooligans is a success in bringing the emotions it sets out to deliver, to the viewer. It also has a good screenplay, well written script, good casting, Hollywood style effects.. in a word - the works.

I couldn't imagine myself doing anything dumber than fighting some random people for a game, for rep or whatever. Every time I see mindless violence like that, I see waste of human life, what all those young men could've become if they hadn't been brought up the way they were. In this sense, I was watching the movie with a hint of contempt.. All those big words, big deeds and unity and for what? For nothing more than a childish satisfaction of getting to be better than someone else at no matter what that something is. Then again, I've never been in a fight in my life and don't know what I'm talking about right?

The movie is good and yes, you should watch it to broaden your horizons of the extent of stupidity Man can comprehend because the real situation of what is going on on the streets of UK's cities is even worse. 8/10
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Crazylove (2005)
Twisted by nature
16 September 2006
I have a thing for stories with a twist. Be it about fantastic or mysterious stories or just forces of coincidences that rule the lives of everyday people as in this particular movie. In most movies, twists are what make them interesting. 'Crazylove', on the other hand, is a straight-forward movie about a twist.

Life and love are very similar in nature - you never know what you're going to get. The best thing that ever happened to you could trigger a catastrophe yet out of the ashes, a phoenix could rise and that is the dualistic world we live in, yet can't ever seem to accept or get used to.

Crazylove presents a perfectly plausible scenario. Indeed you could find the screenplay and acting a bit lacking but you're not going to catch this movie anyway if you're not after the twist that Crazylove is.

Not a cinematographic masterpiece but an alternative to your everyday Drama/Romance flick. A well earned 7/10
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Hard Candy (2005)
Vicious Cycle
3 September 2006
I just finished watching Hard Candy and it made me sick to my stomach. But why that is, is for me to know and you (a viewer of this movie, to become) to find out. The plot is original, cast promising, scenery authentic, camera-work brilliant and direction superb. So in terms of a movie being good as a movie, this is a really good one.

Of like and kind, this is another one of those desperation and 'corneredness' type of movies where the viewer finds him/herself trying to desperately yell out something in order for it to affect the further development of the plot, which does eventually start dragging just a little bit, making the desperation part especially cruel.

Hard Candy has some minor anti-logic mistakes and here and there you start to wonder, why would she do that in the first place? All-in-all though this piece manages it's goal; it manages to deliver a point, get you thinking, further your point of views; and that's what movies are supposed to be about! Psychological. Crazy. Rogue. Watch it. 8/10
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A brilliant demonstration of complete capitalism in the film industry of today
29 August 2006
I don't know if I've seen too many horror movies (which is ridiculous, because I can't have.. I haven't even seen the original of this one) or is the overall intelligence level of the average horror-fan decreasing at an alarming rate, but Hills Have Eyes lacks in every possible aspect (excluding the effects, which usually just get better and better, especially with studio releases) that a moviegoer could rate a piece on.

I don't like watching trailers and teasers of movies because I feel they already tell too much and take the thrill away but this movie shows that they aren't all that pointless after all. When I first heard the name 'Hills Have Eyes,' I automatically presumed it to be a mystical, spiritual fantasy theme and since I do like horror movies in general I decided to catch it. Especially with such a high rating of 6+ here in IMDb.

After the first scene I already knew that this movie would have nothing I haven't seen before in store for me. I dragged myself through the release and was pondering about the overall score, which dropped from an initial 5 to a final 3. There is nothing more to say about the storyline, plot, screenplay etc. than plain typical!

Maybe this movie would've been a fit in it's original time because of the genre of slasher-movies was still relatively fresh back then but now I can see absolutely no justification why this movie should possibly be so lousy other than the next bunch of people who ran out of money in Hollywood feeling desperation.

This is just sad.. I feel dazzled how can movies like 28 Days Later, The Exorcism Of Emily Rose, The Ring etc. fit into the same genre with this piece. There should be a Horror movie and then there should be a Horrible movie.. don't get them mixed up.
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Do You believe?
27 August 2006
Despite the fact, that this movie is largely built upon the effect of 'scaring the pants off you,' which, I might say, it does a rather good job at, this movie also includes a well-developed storyline and what is more important - it involves the viewer. I am a big fan of horror movies and I often rate horror flicks by the ability of the story to effect the viewer. Could this happen to me?! One couldn't really say that movies like 'Dawn Of The Dead' or 'The Blair Witch Project' effect the viewer personally unless they were a Blair resident or in-fact a person of sort undead. Watching this movie however, at a point, the viewer has to ask him/herself a question, yes worn out, but still - do I believe? And at that point you find yourself asking much more than if a man is guilty of a crime or not.

The world as we know it, is b a s e d on duality. Be it between good and evil, wrong and right, indeed the god and the devil or whatever other polarities; in the end we all must choose a side. After you have watched this movie, which you really should (preferrably in the dark, alone, around 3 am), ask yourself another question - who do Y o u think represented who in this trial of everlasting duality?

I am not saying this movie made me a believer or that it could or should. However if you have yet not asked yourself that eventually unavoidable question, this movie should force that question into a queue that must be answered in the end.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a brilliant example of a true horror movie, made with modern technology. The effect-to-point ratio is just right. People have seen too many zombies, mutants, monsters etc. by now and I am glad to see that the classic, psychological horror theme is returning to the genre. Let's just hope this marks a new wave in horror-industry and we can finally start enjoying horror-movies with more point and less Humanoids from the Deep.
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28 Days Later (2002)
An alternate view on zombie-movies
15 July 2006
28 Days Later is not your typical zombie-movie. This is so, because of 3 main reasons: It's not pointless - it actually has a good plot and a fabulous twist in the end; it's not built upon gore - it's very humanitarian; and, it's not a horror-movie - it's a movie with zombies in it.

Besides good acting and a well-written script, 28 Days Later has an ability not many recent movies (at least not many recent zombie-movies) have - it really gets you involved. As crazy as it sounds, people can relate to this one!

All this adds up to a well earned 8/10. It is one of the best Horror movies I've seen and to be frank, one of my favorites in general. Recommend to catch this one even if you're not into the genre.
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The Descent (2005)
The ununderstandable chain of stupid mistakes
15 July 2006
The Descent has one thing working against itself.. A faulty script. It tries to be a lot more than is obvious that the makers of it can handle. There are a number of different approaches brought out but none of them lead anywhere. A watchful eye will sense the effort but the enactment of the movie as a whole really leaves you in the dark. The effects are what you would expect from a 2005 not-so-low-budget movie, the acting is satisfactory to say the least and the ideas for a horror movie aren't all that shabby. Problem is, it all doesn't add up to a whole. The plot is vague starting from a certain cue and then violently turns its back on everything that has just been and starts off as a completely different one. Also, there are a bit too many stupid anti-logic mistakes for a viewer to oversee.

All this adds up to a score of 4/10

The Descent is not a waste of time if you're in to horror movies (the overall quality of them has been rather low since The Ring and 28 Days Later to be honest) but only, if you're in to horror movies.
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