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What Spirit Halloween the movie should of been
22 October 2023
As a fan of all things horror and an undying love for Halloween, it's sometimes hard to find films to watch with my kids. Hocus Pocus 2 was not in the cards. Spirit Halloween was a let down. This was a well done family film released a couple weeks after Spirit Halloween the movie. I gotta say that Curse of Bridge Hollow achieved everything that the Spirit film attempted to do on a much higher scale. It's funny and has enough going on to keep kids engaged as well as the adults in the room. I'd be interested to see if this film gets a sequel. The Goosebumps franchise seems to be doing ok but to that this is a better film than either of those kid friendly Halloween movies as well. Well done Netflix on making a good film for the scary season.
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M3GAN (2022)
Not worth your time, unoriginal and not a horror film
26 February 2023
This is basically a ripoff of Disney's Big Hero 6 meets the child's play reboot. There's nothing in this film that qualifies it as a horror film and after watching the unrated version I could only imagine how bland and absolutely Pathetic the theatrical release was given it was pg-13. James Wan gave us Malignant last yearand that was a breath of fresh air for the horror world. He then turns out this huge pile of crap that some how has managed to make enough money to make a second pile of crap. I'll be staying clear of James Wan projects going forward. He's to Comfortable making tame films in the world of horror( I could care less about the larger audience and his profits) this man made the original Saw film for Christ sake. His obsession with dolls is just overdone and I have really grown tired of supporting him thinking maybe he'll go back to his roots. The days of great horror films died in the 90's and Wan being such a huge fan has done very little to support his love for the genre by relentlessly releasing garbage pg-13 horror films and that needs to end.
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Nope (2022)
Slow and over hyped
26 November 2022
So this is a film in which a company just throws money at the creator and tells them to make whatever they want. It's M. Night Shyamalan all over again. This film was all hype and really nothing about it as far as plot was good. The Characters sucked, I didn't care or have any interest in any of them. The villain was the worst thing I've seen in a sci-fi horror film in a long time. It was lacking in every aspect not scary or interesting just plain old lame. There's basically 2 stories happening in this film and neither are explained or really have a purpose to drive the film. I hate the writing as well as the plot and that of which it's conveyed. Worst film I've seen in years.
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Halloween Resurrection is no longer the worst film is the messy franchise
15 October 2022
The annoying mess that was Halloween Kills had many flaws but it's ending left something to be pondered on. The relentless and ferocious ability to keep on killing in Michael Myera was by far the most brutal portrayal in the many films involving the character. He was basically not human, is the impression they gave. This weak and honestly pointless film does no justice to the characters and leaves more questions than answers. Personally I feel like they had no idea where to go with it after Kills. What fans got was a piss poor ending from the minute it starts until the credits rolled. The story was so forced, week and unbelievable of the characters that they try to make you root for all while just stealing yet again tropes that we're done in the franchises past much better. 4 stars for the kills and I think that's generous. Worst in the Myers series.
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Antlers (2021)
Creature feature that tries to be more and fails
30 January 2022
So I wanted to love this film, the anticipation I had to seeing it upon its release was almost to much. A creature feature with Guillermo del Toro involved, how could this be a bad film? I was wrong!

It's character driven by drama with horror sprinkled in, the plot has to much going on, with back story that is never fleshed out which makes it harder to understand the back story of the creature itself due to the opening monologue. Which story should we be focusing on? Truth is non of it matters because non of it makes sense, it jumps from one scene to the next, the characters make stupid decisions, and it all seems forced and not thought out at all. By the time we get the creature reveal it's the end of the film and so much has happened that makes no sense, plot holes all over the place, you don't care anymore. I loved the style it was shot and the gore. The creature was perfect for what little it's shown but good god, a cohesive story this is not. As a horror fan I can normally let this slide to a degree but this is not a full on horror film, the first hour is building up the characters to something that is never actually reveled. Enjoy the film for what it is but don't expect to much other than good gore.
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Great White (2021)
Shark bites plane!
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I love sharks, and I do enjoys horror films about them but seriously.. the shark sank a plane, and this raft is really gonna keep them safe? Movie could've been over in 15 minutes if they would of just stuck with the premise of the sharks initial attack, Pop the raft, eat the people, the end.

Just watch the shallows, a much better film.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Only WRONG TURN in name and that's a good thing!
9 June 2021
So relying heavily on the title WRONG TURN to please fans of the original franchise, was a low blow to fans. I enjoyed the original series and was really skeptical on a reboot of the franchise. I watched it out of my love for horror and was not disappointed at all that I did. Personally I would of called it something else and started a new franchise. I enjoy the premise, it reminds me of what the M. N. S. The Village could of been. It's not breaking new ground and the acting was mediocre but it has some great scenes especially the ending. Don't take it to seriously even though the film tries to make you think you should. It's Most certainly worth a watch, something different in a reboot( if we can call it that) is it actually worked.
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Turn your brain off and enjoy the ride!
22 May 2021
Watch the trailer if your unsure... It gives you no misconceptions of what this film is. It straight to the point, zombie ass kicking at it's best. I have been an avid Zombie fan since I was a young boy, (1987 I saw night of the living dead) I've seen all the good, the meh, the bad, and the what the fu#! Did I just watch, films that are available. George Romero was my god and this is not his type of zombie film, but you see ideas he dabbled with plenty. Nor is this the walking dead and that's a great thing. The walking dead seems to be what everyone sets its standards to these days and that's sad. There are so few zombie films released that are even worth 10 minutes of viewing these days. Army of the Dead felt like a breath of fresh air to me. Snyder knows how to build a world and put together a great story even when that story has been done countless times in the past. There is a method behind his madness, purpose behind everything he shoots. I'm so happy this was released on Netflix and not with some big Hollywood studio interfering left and right. With a 2.5 hour run time it didn't feel that way, it's starts with a bang and just continues full force. Don't believe the negative reviews, if you took the time to watch this and love zombie/sci-fi action horror this is the film to watch. The trailer let's you know what kind of film this is gonna be and maybe it's not for everyone but it's a damn good time if you strap in for the ride. Let's face it, Resident evil made 6 films with no cohesive story after part 3 and people still flocked to theaters to watch them. Zombies are popular these days and TWD is probably to thank for that but not everything needs to follow that script because honestly that sh#% got boring years ago. So thanks Netflix for letting Zach Snyder do his thing. Excited to see where this world goes in the future.
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Missed opportunity
20 November 2020
So the hype of this film leading up to its release (original) 2018 was a cross between the breakfast club and Dream warriors with mutants. How cool does that sound...? That's not what we have here. There was no horror element to speak of, my 6 year old enjoyed this movie but wasn't scared at all, so that says a lot. Should of been R rated and less blah blah blah. Nothing really happens until an hour in and the the big climax is about 20 minutes drawn out with a lame ending to tie it all together. The mention of the X-men and Essex Corp lets you know it's marvel... (Logan connection would of been perfect but huge missed opportunity) I didn't have high hopes but seriously what was the point of this film? I enjoyed this more than Dark Phoenix but that's not to hard of a task to pull off.
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The Wolfman (2010)
Such an underrated interpretation
17 June 2020
As a big fan of the original universal monster films, this film is absolutely amazing in story and depiction. Creature features are few and far between when it come to finding something worth your time, this delivers everything a horror fan could want.The time period and setting make it that much more appealing to the story which was simple and to the point. The gore is in bucket loads. Casting was really good. Forget the poor reviews, I'm not sure those people stayed awake for the whole film or just simply don't like horror films in general. You'll always have those people that are never satisfied with something because expectations are far to high. So I'll just say that this is hands down one of the best werewolf films to be made in a very long time.
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Joker (I) (2019)
To much hype
2 March 2020
Not sure if the controversy of the film was justified. Have people forgotten taxi driver? This is nothing new and as a comic book film it falls flat. Phoenix is great in the role but there just wasn't enough to go on and it was a muddled mess. I expected so much more from all the hype this film had and maybe that's why I'm just not impressed by it. It's worth a watch for sure but with no sequel... "THE END" and no Batman film to incorporate it with, then honestly what was the point anyway?
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Midsommar (2019)
It's visually beautiful but other than that...
29 November 2019
So it's a cliche ripoff of a film that looks beautiful with its imagery but never delivers on a single thing through the entire plot. The lead actress made me cringe with all her crying, she sounded like a dying animal and she cries a lot in this. Hereditary was another film that left me unsatisfied at the end but I thought I'd give this film a watch and it was much of the same results. Making a "weird" mind bending film that doesn't deliver by the end is just lazy to me. I'm all for weird and different but this wasn't different. It was predictable and any doubt about how this movie was gonna end is shown in all the art work they portray through out the film. I know there is a message on dependency in this but it gets lost in all the cliche slasher film tropes and wicker man ripoff themes. Just do yourself a favor and watch something else.
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Enough already
28 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
John Conner is dead! Killed in the opening scene, the savior of all man kind gets shot in the head by Arnold... it's a big twist nobody wanted! Just to make an all woman terminator film we didn't need. This film all over T2 and is not even a sub par film it's the same damn story we've been fed over and over for 30+ years only John is no longer the most important person on earth it's a female. Seriously Hollywood what the hell? Save your money and watch Salvation cause this film was trash fro the very start.
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Much better than the first one
2 November 2019
Not sure why all the negative reviews, this film has What you'd expect from a film about sharks. Add in the cave elements and the claustrophobia and you get some tense jump scares. Blows the Meg out of the water and is well beyond the original in all aspects. This was a fun entertaining popcorn movie.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
Don't be mislead, This has nothing to do with Z Nation
25 October 2019
This is not set in the world of Z nation and is so far above that series in style, Fx, acting and story that I don't understand how anyone could even consider it. The overall tone is so far removed that it's a disservice to compare the two. I did enjoy the campy style of z nation but this isn't that and thank god for it. Yes there are zombies in both series and yes the creators of this series worked on z nation but that's it. I enjoyed this and hope to see another season soon.
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3 from Hell (2019)
A pointless entry that never should of been made
19 October 2019
I understand that Sid Haig was in failing health and most of the script had to be changed due to that fact. I can only imagine the film we might have seen given different circumstances. That being said this film was bad from the very beginning. Explaining away the Firflys death in TDR final moments with a fast montage was in poor taste. Having Capt. Spaulding survive all that, in a nonsensical way only to have 5 minutes of screen time was just dumb. What this film could of been even after the changes were made was not what we got. Instead it's a rehash of the last film and most of it is unnecessary filler that doesn't fit in a story that should be much larger. All attempts at making this work fall short, the actors were great once again given the script they had to work with but this film feels so out of touch. Seriously a random clown shows up at the door for no reason other than..... your guess is as good as mine. It's a slow film and yet feels very rushed to the end. Missed opportunities and bad dialogue don't help. The movie is a mess and I wanted to love it and some parts I did but not enough to watch it ever again. The Firefly family died on that strip of road at the end of The Devils Rejects, I was good with that ending then and I'm even better with it now.
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Evil (2019–2024)
different yet familiar
27 September 2019
So I was skeptical about this show at first but I'm glad I watched it, it was creepy and engrossing and I like the direction it took, In the vain of X-Files and "true crime" style shows, this mixes them together very well with good lead characters. Hopefully a show with so much potential will stick around for awhile.
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This is a fun summer film
26 May 2019
No it's not the avengers or Star Wars but it's a classic throw back to fun summer films of the 80's and 90's. Everyone is so uptight here, just relax and watch it. If my kids and wife can enjoy it together than how can it be bad to pass the time. It's entertaining, has comedy and explosions and some exciting scares and chases. The efx are good, story is kinda overdone but come on in this day and age, originality is few and far between since everything is franchise based. Lighten up folks it's not that serious and was never meant to be. It's jus a fun movie.
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An Amazing origin story of absolute brutality
13 March 2014
After my amazement of the 2003 remake that truly blew me away, this was a film I was very eager to see. Giving a back story to something that you think might already know was a great way to bring new life to this classic tale of horror. My expectations for Texas Chainsaw: The beginning were high given how impressed I was with the remake. Let's just say that I was more than pleased with the end result. A prequel of this caliber had the foundation laid out to be great, but very easily could have failed as many of the past works of the titles sequels have proved to do. The elements were in place thanks to the remake, and bringing to life this horror tale with the same insane intent to deliver a massacre of violence throughout has left me utterly impressed. It's a shame that more films don't bring this kind of intensity to the material especially in the world of remakes and prequels.
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A great remake of a horror classic
13 March 2014
It's been 10 years since the release of this film, and much longer since the original scared the crap out of me. I'm not a fan of the remake craze going on in Hollywood, but this is one of the few films that did justice to the source of the material. It had the dread of the original film and the brutal terror to keep you glued to the edge of your seat during it's entire duration of the film. I loved every second of it, to the point of cheering in my seat At the theater, but mind you, I went to see it opening night full of skepticism and left that theater with a huge grin. Truly a great piece of work that holds true to the original and does not cheapen it's intent in the way of Hollywood intent. Strongly recommend this film to horror lovers, you will not be disappointed.
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