8 Reviews
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Don't Understand the Hate!
26 May 2024
I feel like this is suffering the original Halloween franchise curse, part 3 particularly.

Where it's only hated because it's completely misunderstood and not meant to really tie in any of the other films in the Evil Dead franchise.

Furthermore, the lead actress' performance is haunting and absolutely brilliant!

I believe that if this didn't have the Evil Dead name attached to the title, it wouldn't get as much hate as it has gotten and be an amazing standalone film all its own.

My only gripe is the opening sequence. While shoot beautifully and with great moody atmosphere, it doesn't really tie in with the rest of the film.
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Penance Lane (2020)
Walking Tall Remake?
10 October 2020
Didn't another pro wrestler turned actor, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson already remake this movie, "Walking Tall" but MUCH better? I wanted to give this film a chance being that some of the stars from the Halloween reboot franchise (Mane and Compton) and Smallville (amongst many other famous TV series) John Schneider were in it. However, it failed to really capture my interest and that's ALL I'll say about it!
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Halloween (I) (2018)
On the fence!
29 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes like one of the poorly executed kills, I'm REALLY on the fence with this ONE! I neither loved or hated it like the many mixed reviews on here! Anyhow, for me there were quite a few cringe worthy monents in this film. One, the creepy friend of Laurie's granddaughter Allison, who attempts to have a #METOO Weinstein moment with her, but ends up (chin up; yes pun intended!) as a fence ornament by Michael. The other one being, Michael strangling a young boy to death (H4 & H5 had him trying to kill his niece who of course was a young child). However, this film was supposed to disconnect from previous sequels but mysteriously reconnects by adding a series of "Easter Eggs" from those aforementioned sequels!🤔🤔

Overall, while NOT a perfect Halloween film, is by NO means the worst! I ALWAYS enjoy seeing Jamie Lee Curtis return and continue to breathe life into her character as Laurie Strode! While the other players acting was a bit subpar, the only standout performances to me was the interaction with the babysitter and the kid she's babysitting!
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X-Men franchise has been doomed since 1st movie!
20 June 2019
I'm sorry but from the VERY 1st X-men, the actors have been poorly cast and that's what has doomed this franchise with the exception of Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman and Ian Mckellen in their perspective character potrayals. And as far as Sophie Turner as Jean Grey/Phoenix/ Dark Phoenix..another horrible actress Zooey Deschanel probably would've done a better job! They also ruined the franchise by making Mystique a key character and good guy instead of the evil b--ch that she IS in the comics! DON'T get me started how they f--d up on Rogue and Storm throughout the series! They have NEVER been loyal to the source material! Therefore, it's NO surprise Dark Phoenix imploded the series completely to it core! The ending should've been Dark Phonenix lighting a stack of DVDs of the franchise on fire and JUST ENDED LIKE THAT! Would've been ideal! I'm glad I ONLY paid $6 for THIS piece of crap!!😲😲😲😲😲
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Poor attempt at the Phoenix Saga storyline!
19 June 2019
I'm glad I only paid $6 to see this! I had a feeling if I spent more than that I'd hate myself afterwards! Not EVEN worth a full in depth review!
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I have this movie on an endless loop!
5 June 2019
What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said already? It's a classic and very hard to stop watching over and over. I've seen it at least a million times and I never get sick of it for some reason. It just brings back a lot of good memories of my childhood!
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Titans: Together (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
When the F is THIS show gonna get better???😝😯
11 November 2018
Seriously I'm gonna give my a review a Simon Cowell treatment here LOL. The ONLY 2 really good episodes so far were when both Hawk and Dove, Doom Patrol were introduced. At least from an aesthetic standpoint. Writing and fight scenes are terrible! Choreography for the most part in this particular episode is sooo obviously staged and executed poorly! Not to mention the acting of the cast is medicore at best and not any good chemistry between characters. Even the casting of the 2 female leads, Starfire and Raven are subpar. Terrible choices. And cheesy FX when using their powers. Don't let me get started on Beast Boy ONLY transforming into one type of beast , can't speak while transformed and he has to get naked to do so (which normally I wouldn't mind!😉LOL).
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Bad Apples (2018)
Tries to hard!
25 October 2018
This movie stinks of desperation and plagiarism! Tries waaaay too hard at being different but is a complete ripoff of The Strangers and Tragedy Girls! I like Brea Grant cuz she's basically a B movie scream queen for the new age but the rest of the surrounding characters and actors suck!
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