
10 Reviews
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Episode amount is wrong...
7 August 2009
This is a great family show. It ran on CTV and was 30 minutes an episode. For some reason it says 10 episodes which is completely wrong. I should know I own the complete series.

They don't amke many good family shows like this anymore and its really worth picking up if you get the chance.

It ran one season and was an amazing show. I preferred it to the shorter lived American series that only ran 20 episodes.

Here's an actual complete episode listing:

1.The Arrival 2.The secret of Shark Island 3.The Mark Of Captain Keel 4. The Curse Of The Idol 5. Animal Kingdom 6.Bruno 7.Attack of the Cat 8.Lost at Sea 9.A Time to Live and A Time To Die 10.Cave Of the Tiger 11.Dead Man's Gold 12.Terror on South Island 13. The Visitor 14. Nature's Child 15.Return From Paradise 16. Skeleton Clue 17. Somewhere On this Earth 18. Rescue 19. Second Honeymoon 20.Deadly Feast 21.The Intruder 22. The weakest Link 23. Monsoon 24. The Castaway 25. The Rogue 26. Disapperance

Hope that helps everyone. 26 Episodes NOT 10 ...
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Much Better Than Most Admit
26 December 2008
As much as I enjoyed the original Omen I saw Damien when I was basically the same age as the main character and loved the film. So for years I figured I probably just related to the character's going through changes as he edges towards adulthood. His changes being much more drastic of course. I recently re watched this film and discovered it was more than childhood that made me enjoy this film. It truly tries to bring a more even-handed story. There is much more characterization in this film. You actually get to feel sorry for the character of Damien and yet it doesn't lose its thriller aspects.

Its a shame it was so put down when it was released because the film in ways bests the original and in others won't be able to touch it.

Go in with an open mind and you will find yourself truly enjoying this amazing film for what it is.
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Eden Lake (2008)
I am Sick Of this Type Of Film
5 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains serious spoilers. Not that it'll be hard to figure out this one. Here we have another utterly depressing downbeat film with a horrible ending that'll get rave horror fan reviews for its grittiness.

The movie is gritty alright and about as fun as a tooth ache. I'm sure this type of ending on this style of film was original and fresh about ten years ago but its not ten years.

Horror decided to go back to its 70s roots and give films of utter despair. Movies that had no winners. Films where the good guy always dies and the film just wallows in its own muck.

This type of depressing crap may be wonderful if you: a) Decide you're life as a goth or emo has way too much meaning so you need one more film to depress you even more b) You hate kids and want to give a reason to never ever have any c) You think films like Hostel and the Saw franchise are just to cheery for you and you want that extra reason to end it all I never thought I'd have to say this about horror. but this has gone on for too long and its stale and old.

Damn those film makers for taking such good actors as these and putting them in tired old cliché situations like these.

Don't like anyone in this film EVERY likable character is offed. its not a fun film. The message has been done before and better.

I commend the actors for the work they did and I truly hope they all go on to much better things.

This isn't the worse film I have seen not even close but it no longer belongs, this style of horror should be a dead genre.

This could have been a great revenge flick but the director completely screws the audience of any sort of release. Its a complete build up with absolutely no where to go.

Imagine if I spit on Your Grave had them rape her and then after she gets her back to her house they shot her in the head and credits rolled. Ya Thats the kind of inept film making you get with this one.

I am utterly appalled that so many reviewers get taken in by the bleakness and automatically giving it a good review with actually thinking.

This movie isn't any sort of revolution. Its the worse type of film making. When you have good actors and the start of what should be an engaging script and then throw it away in the last act in order to prove yourself as an edgy film-maker its sad. You just come off looking desperate and not half as cool as you think you are.

Let the renovations go through and let them plow Eden Lake and this whole pathetic genre.

Stick a fork in it...its done...
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Broken (III) (2006)
The only reason this gets a one is cause there is nothing lower...
10 January 2008
This isn't even a remotely well put together film. It has no real plot. The film is disjointed and shows pieces and never puts them even remotely together. This film has a guy that tortures his victims and the director and writer torture anyone stupid enough to fall for this. It amazes me that people continually begin to make apologizes and put indie films on a pedestal just for being indie. I don't care of this film was made for 3 dollars or 3 million it would suck either way and trust me this movie sucks. The only thing you will get from this is the gnawing urge of wanting the time back you wasted on this crap. Want to know how the guy kidnapped his victim? What happens afterwards? Where the hell this true story is going? You won't none of these questions are answered. It's bad film making all around. I kept wanting to like this film... Sadly it was impossible too. Broken makes little sense. Broken is just like this review is starting to get. Repetitive.
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Wolf Creek (2005)
Great Film...
19 April 2006
Wolf Creek Rocked! The independents still do horror best. Why can't mainstream make more like this and less like the overly processed kind. There are lots of twists and turns in this film. None of them seem forced. All the actors did a great job here. The killer was particularly a standout. However the scenery of the Outback was like a character itself.The ending really was a surprise in the way it was done. Not sure if this was really based on a true story or just using the old TCM thing but it works in the way it was filmed. If this one doesn't interest you re-evaluate if you are actual a horror fan.Sit back and let yourself be transfixed into a very Australian horror film that works universally.
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Delirium (1987)
Well Done Giallo
18 April 2006
This is a better than average Giallo and is packed with solid actors. There are scenes that you will remember from this one. George Eastman has a small part in this so don't go in expecting a large amount of him in this one. If you are a fan of this style of film or even just a fan of Serena Grandi you must see this film. George Eastman and Serena Grandi get along way better in this film than in Grim Reaper. ;-)The killer is plagued with delusions and these are worth seeing. There is a nightmarish feel too the film. The pacing is very well done. Look for one of the lead actors of Demons to have a prominent part in this film. Lamberto Bava did a great job with this one. See the Shriek Show DVD version of this one.
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LazyTown (2002–2014)
Great Kids Show
14 February 2005
I really expected to hate this but my 10 year old and my 4 year old both sat me down in the mornings before I go to work to watch it with them. Its fun, the puppet work is amazing, and the lead actors are all great. I really hope this show gets some recognition for being so well done. If you have kids from 2-11 they'll love this show. They even have a girl on their for the pre-teen boys to crush over. I hope to see more work from this talented group. With the singing talent of the lead actress I am sure we'll see more of her as she gets older. The colors in the show are so vibrant. It's just a great kid's show. Best thing though it doesn't talk down to parents or kids like some shows do. Man I wish I had Sportacus' energy.
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Valentine (2001)
A True Slasher Film
12 February 2005
There have been lots of Scream type humorous slasher flicks around this time but Valentine is a great Slasher flick. It holds your interest all through. Has a great ending some nice deaths and a perfect cast. I had been missing seeing the old time slasher films, this one gave me exactly what I wanted. *I Highly recommend this one. From the opening which really sets the pace, also gives a lot of clues and false clues to keep you going. The younger actresses are perfect in the roles, you immediately know when the main actresses take over who was who in the opening flashback. Hopefully we'll see lots more of the Valentine killer.
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I loved this Flick!!!
11 February 2005
It's a cheese-fest. It's crazy as all hell and the annoying 80's band should be a put off but this one just works. I don't know why everything is going against it but it really works well!!! Three stories with a wraparound about a bad 80's band on a train with God and Satan. If you like cheesy stuff, if MST3K is your thing, see this movie. They actual have some actors you'll know in here John Phillip Law, Cameron Mitchell, and Richard Moll(billed as Charles Moll in this one) The claymation stop-motion effects are fun and hilarious. First story deals with a guy stuck in an insane asylum with its own dirty little secret. Second story deals with a death club and a sleazy old guy's plans for revenge.This is the weakest story. Third story has demons, possession, and even Nazis. Again see this film!!! But remember see it with friends...
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Not As Bad as People Say...
3 February 2005
Out of all the sequels to the Friday the 13th series this one tried hardest to be different and yet get closer to what Friday originally was.

This continues the story of Tommy Jarvis a survivor of the last film. Not to kill Tommy off in the first few minutes but actually let Tommy become an important part of the series. There is a murder at the start of the film that sets up the whole movie. it's done pretty ,much off screen but it is the most brutal and heart-wrenching murder that a film of this type will ever get. Tommy is still very scarred seeing visions of the dead jason in his mind and having psychotic attacks it seems that Tommy may have crossed over and started up on Jason's murderous rampage. The ending is put together well and there are a couple good surprises. Its a shame they never followed up on this one with part 6. Instead they took the easy way out. I don't want to give away the films ending enough people come on doing that. As a slasher film that is 5th in the series Friday injects new blood and does a decent job. It has all the pre-requiste nudity and violence and -ohmigod-an attempt at actually writing a coherent script.

I should know I write these type of films for a living.
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