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Love the finale episode, but the journey there is frustrating
30 June 2022
Without making any story changes, if they had just edited it down to a 2.5 hour movie, I would have enjoyed it much more. I loved where the main characters ended up in the last episode (Vader, Kenobi, Reeva), and the exchange between Vader and Kenobi in the last episode, however the episodes leading up to the last one had me very frustrated. Kenobi seemed to be stuck in a loop saving Leia from being kidnapped. Getting Hayden back to play Anakin/Vader seemed to be pointless. Reeva was fine, but took up way too much screen time for a show that was named, and marketed to be about Kenobi, and Darth Vader. Reeva's purpose in the story also seemed to just be a distraction. I loved all the fight scenes with Vader, other than how his first encounter with Kenobi ended non-sensibly. I was also worried after the first fights choreography, that they were going to totally do away with the prequel style, and try to tie it into the lame fighting style of a new hope. I can say that the final fight is more reminiscent of the Fan made SC 38 Reimagined short though.

My major gripe with this show, contrary to Boba Fett, is that there were not enough flashbacks of Hayden and Ewan that developed their characters friendship, bond, and faith in each other. I think all fans of the prequels, and clone wars were desperate for this show to tie in the Kenobi/Anakin relationship from the animated tv series, into the live action prequels. The main problem with the prequels was not showing their relationship with one another. They could have done away with full episodes of this series, and done full flashback episodes that would have served the story much better imo.

Lastly want to say Reeva's character development in the final epsiode was very compelling, and gives a glimpse/corrects a lot of what they could have done with Kylo Ren. Juxtaposing Kylo with a Reeva type character bring a lot of validation to Luke's motivation to kill Kylo, which I did not think was there in the last jedi.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
I Love Stranger Things!
30 May 2022
Reviewing after watching part 1 of season 4, but I think this show hits a home run on Season 4. The people involved with making this show deserve a victory lap, and should be very happy with what they have accomplished. It has the hollywood magic most blockbuster tv and movies fail to achieve nowadays.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
They got the Game of Thrones writers for the final season!
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a riveting, and emotionally investing Season 3, where I even felt sympathy for Wendy, Season 4 was a big let down. I had some minor issues with season 3 compared to others, but I thought the Ben plot was exceptional story telling. Season 4 on the other hand I felt was simplistic, with terrible character development, to the point where by the end I didn't care about any of the character's including Ruth. There doesn't seem to be any interesting underlying narrative threads from Season 3 that were carried forward. Season 4 was a standard, by the books, cartel/mafia show by the end of it. After season 3 so many interesting theories from the subreddit, particularly involving Jonah's relationship and similarities to Ben, had me excited for the possibilities of season 4. Exploring how generational metal illness can completely paralyze and implode a family in the context of this show would have been interesting.

I also felt like season 4 lost its center and was barely even about the Ozarks at all. Focusing on themes introduced in Season 1, as well as focusing on the various factions in the Ozarks would have been stronger. The Cartel coming in kind of ruined the show for me. They were not as threatening, and they were all pretty flat villain characters. I liked that they brought back some characters from season 1, but there was no meaningful conclusions to any of their character arcs.

Ultimately the last episode was completely unsatisfying, and seemed kind of thrown together. The character arcs of the main characters were all pretty terrible. Marty would have done something to try and save Ruth...
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Euphoria (2019– )
Great cinematography and music, but overall poor story and characters
5 March 2022
I was a fan of season 1, but after watching season 2 I realize that I was mainly interested in the cinematography, costume design, visuals, and music more than I was invested in any character, or any plot. All of the major characters are grating and hard to relate to. I think their portrayal as high schoolers is highly unbelievable, and will be looked back on like how the high schoolers in Sam Raimi's Spiderman are looked on now.

Season two had some good episodes and moments, but again most of those moments were from cool cinematography, and visual storytelling, rather than me caring about the characters or the actual plot.

My main gripe with season 2 is the Nate/Nate's dad storyline. I didn't like either of their characters in the first season, and not the way the storywriters want them to seem villainous. Now in season 2 they want to show an aspect of relatability to them, but the dramatics are way to much for me to take.

The whole Fez/Mouse hard gangster storyline also doesn't pair well with the main High school storyline, trying to juxapose the two groups. They feel like a separate show. I highly enjoyed the Fez/Mouse flashback sequence though.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
One of the strangest TV productions in recent memory
10 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is another Disney blunder that leaves me scratching my head why it was even made. Disregarding the two episodes that are just Mandalorian episodes, it seems like Disney would only let this show be made on a shoe string budget. Everything feels empty and like a tv set from the 80s. The main plot is so basic, and character motivations make no sense. But then why spend any money making this if there is no story? You could have used the budget for the Mandalorian, or Ahsoka? I might understand the thin budget if Disney did not have confidence in the series, but why then tack in two Mandalorian episodes that are mandatory viewing before season 3.

If I were to just read the script for this I would assume it was written in an hour by an amateur who has only a slight knowledge of Star Wars, not Jon Favreau. The show has no stakes, and the plot can be explained in one sentence. There is so much material about the crime syndicate, and bounty hunters to pull from the EU, or the comics. Not only that but there was a scraped Boba Fett movie. Was this actually the plot to that? This story could barely pass for a baby book, let alone a movie or tv series. For the sake of Star Wars I hope Jon Favreau was forced by Disney to make this, and just scratched down the first thing he thought of.

Here are some obvious questions one would have watching this show. Why did Boba kill Bib and want to take over Jaba's empire? What happened to Jaba's empire, there is no one in the palace? Why is Boba the Bounty Hunter a complete push over now? What happened to all of Boba's bounty hunter contacts? Why is Boba's only ally Fennic Shand after a life time of working as a bounty hunter? Why would Boba care about keeping the spice out of tatooine, or about tatooine at all? Why did Boba take over Jaba's operations, and seemingly want nothing to do with any crime activity? Where did all the Tuskans go? The pykes only killed off that one tribe, surely they have a stake with Boba taking over. Why does Boba not hire any mercenaries with his newly acquired fortune? His allys are literally a small town, and a teenage gang he just met. Where is all the infrastructure from Jaba's crime empire that Boba apparently took over? Why does the final fight with the Pykes feel like a street quarrel when every member of the five syndicate has delt with Boba Fett? Surely they would want to know whats going on with Boba?

This is currently the #1 tv show after the finale. None of the plot from the two Mandalorian episodes had anything to do with the main plot. The "A" plot of the story is non existent, basically these people are going to fight these people for a big fight scenes. The whole final battle actually felt kind of lame because they had no budget for anything else other than the Rancor. I can only think that some executive demanded grogu be in the final battle, so they tacked in two episodes of the Mandalorian to explain that. Between the two Mandalorian episodes, and the flashbacks, the main plot maybe had half an episode to be explained.

The Mandalorian episodes were fantastic, but why put those in if they have nothing to do with the Boba Fett Story. I thought they were trying to setup Boba attaining the darksaber, but the only thing that happened in the final was Grogu showed up.

This show is a waste of time. If you watch the Mandalorian just watch episodes 5 and 6. Do not feel compelled to watch the rest.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Movie version of celebrities singing Imagine
27 December 2021
I was hoping this was going to be a flawed character comedy, not an absurdist situational satire. I thought the absurdity went a little over board to where the jokes didn't land for me. The big short did a great job of explaining a complicated topic like subprime loans to a layman audience. Don't look up throws out everything learned on the big short to appeal to a "wide demographic". The big short was pretty popular, I don't think you have to dumb it down to reach more people. Fundamentally having to change the underlying narrative about climate change to an analogy about an asteroid impact should have clued me in to what this movie was going to be. You make this movie to try and "get through to the people by opening their hearts with a joke", But it just feels preachy and talks down to its audience.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Absolutely adore the first season.
6 September 2021
I personally love the first season of dark and have watched it three times. I regard it as some of the best tv ever made. However I feel like what the themes, the feel, and the writing were of the first season was not carried on into the subsequent seasons. The mysteries set up in the first first season were not resolved, or revealed satisfyingly, and concepts became more zany and less grounded as the show went on. Season 2 I could enjoy even though I could feel something was off. When I watched episode 6, that felt the most like season 1, I started to clue in that this was not at the same level as season 1 was for me. Season 3 was by far the worst. The whole season was pretty bland, the reveals had no eureka moments to them, and I thought the ending and ultimate reveal was lame and lazy writing.
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6 September 2021
Most negative reviews are about the shows ending. I do not share these sentiments and thought the show nailed the ending. The ending monologue about what ghosts actually are was very resonant. I love the design of the house, the characters, and the cinematography. Episode six was definitely the high point of the series in terms of presentation, suspense, and reveal, but the last episodes were great for character and theme.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
One of the best final seasons of television ever made.
17 August 2021
The final season is actually a work of art. It's been a couple year since the finale, and all I can say is I am baffled that this show has been slept on like it has. I would argue that the finale season stands up as one of the best season of a television show ever made, but it seems hardly anyone as actually watched it. I think most people dropped it in the 2nd ,or 3rd seasons for fair reasons, but boy are they missing out.
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Thank you, Evangelion!
17 August 2021
I watched the original series and End of Eva in high school, and it changed my perspective on life. At the time I can't say I fully understood what I was watching, but the story and Shinji resonated with me on a deeply personal level. As I grew older, and learned more about life and myself, I would constantly think back to the Evangelion series and think, "Oh, that's what that meant". After watching 3.0+1.0, and being 15 year older, I have the same feeling like I'll be looking back at this movie while realizing things about myself. End of Evangelion will remain Hideaki Anno's Magnum Opus, but 3.0+1.0 is pretty good. It is a lot more subtle than EoE, and tries it's hardest to not be over convoluted. It's also not as much of an on the edge of your seat roller coaster, but for all of those reasons I thinks it's a more grown up version of EoE. It's an experience, a victory lap, and a very fitting end to the Evangelion franchise. Thank you Anno for once again bearing it all, you are a true artist. The animation is gorgeous, and revolutionary, and something I think the anime/animation industry will be studying far into the future.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Missed opportunity to expand YA fantasy shows
16 May 2021
I haven't read the books but the blatant Russian history references make me wonder why they decided to europeanize everything. Using russian culture, clothing, architecture, actors, and accents would have been a breathe of fresh air, instead we just get the another european, victorian era derived fantasy show. From what I know about the books this season merges two separate stories and groups of characters. I like the main cast, but the YA peaky blinders subplot and characters were really dull and unmemorable. The third subplot with the girl and the barbarian dude was absolutely unnecessary filler. I didn't pay attention to it. Should have just focused on the three leads, their missions, and their love triangle.
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Great potential as a movie
27 March 2021
This one is a tough review. It has great potential as a movie if they edited it down to 120-150 min. But I could not recommend this as it stands. I thought the show had a lot of heart, and its messaging regarding circumstance, family, nationalism, and existentialism was on point. However too much ridiculous stuff was added into a survival/disaster show. Remove most of the middle, ridiculous characters, and some of the Deus Ex Machina elements and you have a really good movie.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Dive a little deeper before writing this show off
9 October 2020
I see a lot of negative reviews for this series as just being reactionary: a) because it is very strange, b) the finale amps up the crazy to 11 and provides zero explanation, and c) it is a Riley Scott production with themes and design oddly reminiscent of the Alien's franchise. As far as how integrated this story is with Aliens, or Ridley Scott's involvement in the story is anyone's guess aside what you choose to believe from interviews from the shows creator. However, it is hard to put aside the almost identical appearance of a character from this show with one from the alien's franchise. If you think this show is dumb because it seems to go off the rails, provide no answers, or is just straight up strange, I would urge you to dig a little deeper first. I subsequently consumed the supplemental podcast, and YouTube review/speculation channels "Think story" , and "One Take" which forced me to think a little deeper about the story and the events. There are tons of theories from YouTube and Reddit that provide explanations to things that are very logical and most likely true, and shed some light on references and allegories used for creating the story. If anything I am 100X more excited for season 2, 5 days after the season finale than I was right after watching it.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
Not even close to the original
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lacks the atmosphere, creativity, cinematography, set design, humor, and colorful characterization of the original. Also no beautiful chemical brothers score. However, Season 1 was engaging enough just to watch them flesh out the story. Season 2 on the other hand is a pretty mediocre spy drama in terms of its writing and directing. The writers assume the audience they are writing for are complete morons, writing characters in and out of situations in the most ridiculous fashion.

The main cast of Hanna, Marissa, and Erik do a fantastic job. On the other hand every other character is just really bland/unlikable. The family Hanna runs into in the first season is the most stale, and dull version of that family compared to the original movie. There is absolutely no humor, or colorful side characters in the TV series. The watering down of characterization doesn't stop with Sophie's family, the hit men after Hanna are also so dull compared to the movie.

The Utrax girls in the second season are more plain, and unlikable characterizations making the second season unremarkable. No real idea of what to do with the main characters of Hanna, and Marissa throughout the season. The only remarkable addition to season 2 is the big brother lady that texts all the girls. Basically runs into the same problem as Dev's where they are trying to make a flashy action spy show, when they should have just focused on the interesting drama aspects. That being of Terri brainwashing all these girls to believe in fake realities, where she is slowly investing herself emotionally in their well being.

I don't think I will continue watching this series after the 2nd season.
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Euphoria: And Salt the Earth Behind You (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Good on rewatch
8 August 2019
This episode is definitely divisive, and one first watch I had a negative reaction to this episode. I felt the episode before this one setup a finale that would be plot driven, and was conforming more to a standard narrative. Basically the penultimate episode felt more like 'the wire' to me than the episodes that came before. However on rewatch this episode has some very beautiful, and memorable moments that may be the flagships of the series. Although it was 'boring' from a plot narrative it is very enjoyable to rewatch. Furthermore if you look at the tone of the series, a plot driven narrative to make the series 'not boring' it kind of missing the point. I mainly feel like this episode bookended with the penultimate make it definitely jarring to watch. But thinking about it it is the penultimate episode that is out of place with the rest of the series.

On first viewing I also got overwhelming anxiety from a few of the scenes, that left a bad taste in my mouth. But rewatching it, and knowing where the turns are you can better appreciate the craftsmanship of this episode. I mainly wanted to write a review to offset negative reviews to this episode, as I feel that maybe this episode in particular is going to get a bad wrap that is doesn't deserve.
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