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Birds of Prey (2020)
Tank Girl for new audiences...
7 February 2020
Yep, this movie really is that bad. It's Tank Girl for the modern era. They went for irreverent cheese and delivered the worst of both. The male bad guy is completely and intentionally one note and it's as annoying as it gets. Alienating the main portion of your fandom is as asinine as the plot itself. I also hated the entire supporting cast. It was complete nails on a chalkboard. One point for Margot and one point for the coke scene and nothing for anything else. Avoid this movie if you have active brain cells.
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As bad as feared if you are being honest. 2/10
7 March 2019
I'm shocked to say Captain Marvel is Marvel Studios Green Lantern movie. In fact, I honestly think Green Lantern may be better. Think about that for a minute. As bad as Green Lantern was, at least the lead actor was somewhat likeable. In Captain Marvel, Brie Larson is as bad and as uncharismatic as we all feared. Both films revolve around asinine plot turns and badly written characters. More is the pity for Captain Marvel since it sits directly in the MCU and what has come before has been so great.

Everything was ham-fisted and poorly handled with no story arcs at all. Meaning everything is actually flat lined. She is the exact same character on the inside first act through third act. Seriously.

What they did for her powers may have seemed like a brilliant idea but all it does is water down what has come before and reeks of desperation to tie this new character to better heroes. Once fully powered, her power levels are so inconsistent. Even before, nothing matched and everything felt off.

As disappointing as the lead is, the supporting cast was worse. Nick Fury shows flashes of cool but was in fact a simpleton played for humor. Phil Coulson is barely in the movie. THAT is a genuine let down. Also, the less said about the cat the better. All jokes go through the cat. If you thought the humor in Thor: The Dark World was fit in to the wrong places at the wrong time then this will be even worse for you.

Overall, lame attempt at world building, lame lead and extremely average action. Captain Marvel is indeed the absolute bottom of the MCU barrel
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Run the Race (2018)
Inspirational and Well Worth Watching.
22 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that wears its Christian faith proudly yet isn't ham-fisted is welcome indeed. It does drive home the point that each one of us has a race to run and every one of us will be tested and face devastating set backs and trials. THAT is this movie's strength...showing how faith provides a reservoir of strength and ultimately hope when faced with those trials. The movie itself is dry to start and very vanilla. Yet, I like the right amount of vanilla. It hits its stride with the Christmas moment and peeks when the brother's relationship is fully fleshed out. The performances were masterful by the actors playing the brothers. What seemed strange to me was the ending. After seeing this at the theatre I went home and immediately looked to see if this was based on a true story. If it were, than that ending would have fit. However being a fictional account, I really don't understand the "downer" ending. Yes, for those of true faith it's not really morose but it just isn't the way to end a message film.

Still, well worth seeing.
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Replicas (2018)
asinine on many levels
11 January 2019
Pure and simple, Keanu Reeves got me in the seats. Star power aside, this entire effort was just too nonsensical to enjoy even for a sci-fi "what if" type story. You expect implausible in the sci-fi genre but what happens here is just asinine on many levels.

That aside, the movies true weakness is its utter lack of true emotion. A film about cloning loved ones and bringing them back that doesn't touch on the philosophical nature of such a thing rings hollow. One line from Alice Eve's character doesn't qualify as depth. Even after Keanu's "loss" a few tears doesn't convey any true depth. Ironic that like the debate they avoided, this movie had no soul. It was two-thirds of procedural drivel followed by a third act that pretended to be twisty and clever.

The only thing I took away from this movie was that while I was watching it I remarked more than once that Alice Eve has become a quality actress and that I wish Marvel had cast HER as Captain Marvel. She looks like a superhero and can actually emote.
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A Tough Watch... Just Awful.
11 January 2019
If you're being honest, this movie is a difficult watch. Not solely based on poor writing and poor performances but also based on the material. Glorifying a person who has spent a life making America a worse place to be. I'm not talking about gender equality, that was her ONLY noble contribution. I'm talking about all the collateral damage she championed with the best of intentions. She's absolute proof the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions.
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The Mule (2018)
Tough Watch But Quite Good
3 January 2019
Clint Eastwood delivers the best story and performance possible given the subject matter. Sometimes it hits emotionally but sometimes everything feels plodding. It's also tough to see Clint himself wasting away on screen. For me, this movie delivered many emotionally uncomfortable moments but also enough merit. It was a tough watch and a mixed bag for me personally.
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Aquaman (2018)
Some Fun But Mostly Bad Cheese
3 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's no question that they really needed to cut at least 40 minutes out of this CGI monster. At times it was way more fun then I was expecting but at a point every new video game type crescendo started to all look the same. The CGI chaos actually became boring.

The plot is nonsensical and the cheesy dialogue was dialed up way past high. By the time the main bad guy declares himself "The Ocean Master" in full over-the-top B-movie mode I reached my cheese limit. Aquaman's power base also seemed all over the map in silly eye rolling ways. One minute he's super-farting a submarine and lifting it out of the water and the next he has trouble lifting his own body weight.

What elevates this movie above the other atrocious DCEU movies that have come before are the visuals, the cast and some of the action beats. The whole Aquaman vs Black Manta scene was a joy to watch. Yes, Black Manta has the silliest and forced inclusion in the movie but it paid off in that brawl.

The entire cast was really good. Mamoa gets the praise but Amber Heard was amazing and perfectly cast. The one edge I can give WB/DC over what Marvel has done is their casting of female leads. As with Wonder Woman, they allow their talent to be complete and captivating. That means strength of character but also not afraid to show female skin or deny that their heroes can be feminine as well as tough. Well played and I hope it continues and hope that Marvel learns from them in that regard.

Overall, more fun than I was expecting and if they limit all the over-used CGI cheese I would want to see more of these characters.
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Great Story. Superbly Moving Film That's Very Well Crafted.
20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"We are all homeless, working our way home." Truly powerful insight delivered remarkably well from an emotional and powerful film. I had no idea going in that this was a true life story. I enjoyed the trailer and took a flier on the cast. I'm extremely pleased that I did.

All these Oscar nominees and winners brought their A-game and have delivered one of the better movies of the entire year. I wouldn't even classify this as a faith based film. In fact, Greg Kinnear's character never seems to embrace any particular religious sentiment. It's a true story of a woman's kindness and generous soul that is still reverberating through many people's lives. Her simple philosophy of feeding the homeless and SEEING them bares fruit in many ways. Her life and by extension those who are carrying her torch are one's to admire and even strive to emulate.

Her (Renee Zellweger) story is told through the eyes of her art dealer's husband (Greg Kinnear) and heavily involves a homeless person (Djimon Hounsou) who we get to know as the film unfolds. Great racial strife and emotional scenes of his life are seen through flashbacks. Overall, all three character arcs are moving and fleshed out amazingly well. It is a slow burn as the first act sets up very slowly. The pacing improves and the journey experienced is worth the exposition. While not a perfect movie (pacing issues, Hounsou's Denver character shifts fast from crazy violent homeless man to wise sage, severe marital problems glossed over quickly) it is a movie that will make you think and even move you to tears.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Bad movie that is emotional-less, heartless and stale.
19 July 2017
Dunkirk is a glorified History Chanel documentary. The movie is emotional- less, heartless and stale. Anyone saying otherwise is a Nolan slappie that would rave about him filming dogs pooping in a yard.

The movie starts and throws you right in to dreary action. From there the entire run time is spent in jarring fashion that's meant to simulate being in an actual battle or being attacked. What it fails to do is be an actual film or tell any kind of tale. It's a two hour long dragout scene and not an actual movie. There is no real act structure so you can't even call the third act a failure.

This thing shouldn't even be labeled a movie, just a two hour visual experiment on par with a Transformers level "story" or VR experimental cinema.
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The Mummy (2017)
Wasted Cast... Wasted DULL Opportunity
9 June 2017
Very much a let down film all the way around. This Universal Studio's Dark Universe is nothing but a dank and dumb sputtering mess at this point. Not one scene in this entire movie contained any charm whatsoever. Attempts at any humor felt completely awkward. Everything including Tom Cruise's lead character feels unsavory and one dimensional. It's like they didn't know if they wanted to go action adventure or full horror so they landed in the middle in the dumbest and the least fun way possible. Much like the awful Man of Steel, you constantly shake your head whenever Russell Crowe is on screen wondering what a great actor like that is doing in something this bad.

I don't need to see anything more from this dumb and dull universe.
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Refreshing, Complex and Charming Yet Spiritual in the Best Way Possible
20 January 2017
Wow. Despite its predictable nature, this movie is remarkably well done.

Too many faith based films lay it on too thick or can be ham-fisted and not believable. That's not the case with this movie. All the characters have depth and remarkable charm, especially the leads. In a perfect world, Brett Dalton would receive award nomination consideration for his performance. Sounds completely odd saying that about any January release but he really was that good.

The set up in the first act plays out light and predictable but after a connection is made, the rest of the film is refreshing, complex and charming yet spiritual in the best way possible. The Gavin Stone character has a true arc and true development worthy of any big budget quality Hollywood production. They capture why faith is important in those "fly over" states mentioned in the movie.

True Christian ethics are on display and this is truly a worthy effort and the best feel good film that I've seen in years.
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Fury (2014)
This movie is the definition of dour stupidity. Awful in every way.
4 December 2016
Black Friday Blu-Ray hunting led me to buy this movie. I had never seen it before and usually only buy things that I know are good. A great reminder to at least do your homework before buying anything, even at Black Friday prices.

As I read another review here, "Insulting to both Americans and Germans" to say the least. This movie is the definition of dour stupidity. It's poorly written and is awfully paced. There are some good, strife-filled performances but certainly a film no one would ever want to watch more than once. It's sole purpose seems to try and link modern fatalistic anti- war sentiments with the past. Thus, it's main goal is to tarnish "the greatest generation" or reduce it to millennial BS perceptions.

Everything about this movie reeks of a one dimensional tone and one long sour note.
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***** Let's hear it for Captain America! The Best Movie of 2016 *****
3 May 2016
This movie stands above any other comic book film because it combines all the elements that make a film great. It's smart, well written, shot flawlessly with the best action imaginable, has superb performances, top notch effects and plot twists and turns that keep a viewer guessing and on the edge of the seat.

From great character definition to well orchestrated action to funny lines to moving emotional scenes to true conspiracy and thrills to the powerful structure of the film, this is one superbly written film.

THE best movie of the year because it remembers what the cinema is for... SMART ENTERTAINMENT. It never wants to insult intelligence like other big budget movies usually do (and some have already done so this very year). Civil War is smart but fun and thrilling. THAT is what the cinema is for and to quote the first film… "Let's hear it for Captain America!"
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The 33 (2015)
Great Story. "God Was With Us"
4 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A well done movie that basically delivered on my expectations. I would have liked to have seen more of the faith based aspect of this film, however. Faith carried them through this ordeal and that aspect was seen in glimpses but not shown in any great depth or relevance. It was certainly touched upon but it's almost as if the makers of the movie were afraid to go too far in that direction. Being caught in the middle and playing it too safe rarely results in exceptionalism. "God was with us" was scrolled on the wall by them as they left. It would have been great to see more of why they thought that. We saw them praying and their families doing likewise but by choosing to keep that private and internalized within the characters the director missed a huge opportunity to flesh them out more. Everything seemed rather average and serviceable until the actual contact that was made with the miners. That's when the movie jumped in to a higher gear and became much more enjoyable. There was very little character depth until the third act but how they closed the story really elevated this effort. Also, the performances were amazing. Antonio Banderas proves he still has the chops and the entire supporting cast was brilliant.
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negotiations, posturing and dialogue done very well
29 October 2015
It's more than clear that Spielberg still has something left in the tank. This movie is masterfully crafted and given the subject matter, a master's touch was very much needed. The middle of the film does feel long and bloated but the set up and especially the third act negate that drag. Every scene that takes places in West Berlin and East Berlin and what follows was enthralling and a delight to watch. The entire film is basically negotiations, posturing and dialogue. So, showing both sides of the Cold War to a degree was an excellent decision. Tom Hanks was good as you would expect and the entire cast was serviceable. It's all about story in this case.

Overall, an enjoyable "turn your brain on" and enjoy type film.
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
Very Well Done. Big Picture Thoughts Are Refreshing In A Film This Good!
10 September 2015
Chalk one up for good reviews. I was on the fence about actually paying to see this movie. After seeing a few good comments, I decided to give it a try. I'm glad that I did.

The performances were as good as advertised and despite being tremendously slow paced I was engaged throughout. The movie isn't overly deep or complex yet it makes the viewer think. This is definitely a "pay attention" type film because the story structure jumps around in basically three different time frames. The immediate past, long ago during Holmes' final case and the film's present. The resolution isn't done in some grand thrilling reveal but rather like life itself. Piecing together bigger picture thoughts about loneliness, death, purpose and emotion. Thoughts that decry "the dead aren't that far away" and "shared loneliness" or a purpose makes life bearable. These concepts truly resonate. When Holmes admits that he has been alone all his life and was asked if his way worked he admitted that it can but he didn't say it with conviction. His burden and challenge in life was very evident in that brilliant scene. Sir Ian was very good (pulling down some of Sherlock's classic observation skills) and the part played by the kid really work well.
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Great fun, great film.
10 November 2013
Thor The Dark World was everything I was hoping for and quality entertainment from opening scene to the last. The director presents the entire film in a way that can be savored. Many aspects are just plain old fun kick-butt action scenes. It's a perfect blend of action and humor and yet it still remembers to pack a heart. The pacing was perfect even though I would've liked to have seen more quality time spent between Jane and Thor. That would've added more credibility to the chemistry and longing they both display for each other. Besides a few minor shortcuts in story, this film packs quite a punch and is every bit as good as I hoped it would be.

Just like Iron Man, they played both sides of the fence perfectly. You need know nothing about the character to enjoy the film yet the fans were respected and spotted the little things that service the story but don't really register to non-fans. There are heavy ties to the events of Avengers but since everyone saw Avengers, that's a good thing.

I think this sequel is very well written and proves the character and the mythos have layers to explore. They can't jam everything from the past forty years in to one film but they delivered enough smarts to go along with the spectacle to be sure.
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one dimensional and unpleasant... terribly overrated
31 January 2013
I have to say that it's the love people brought for the creative talent in to this film that has won the day...not the film itself. People have passion and apparently blinders on for Quentin Tarantino, Leonardo Dicaprio, Jamie Foxx, and Christoph Waltz working together. It is the ONLY reason this tedious and poorly crafted movie is rated high at any site. It's blind love and certainly not justified in this case because the movie itself is terrible and one dimensional. I've read proper reviews that call Django Unchained a most unpleasant experience on par with the mindless horror films others rightfully dismiss. That fits and it certainly doesn't quality as entertaining or high quality. I have no problem with violence or the subject matter. I have a problem with bad writing and poor pace.

Anyone rating this higher than a 6/10 really has the blinders on.
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The Avengers (2012)
A pure instant classic and as epic as it deserves to be.
11 May 2012
I'm glad to see the response to Marvel's The Avengers (Damn that Uma Thurman movie for making me have to print the full title) has been VERY VERY positive. If there was ever a case for expectations being unreasonable then this was it. Also, we always get some anal fans that are too attached to their comic book preconceived notions. Either Avengers stayed very close to its root origins or people are judging it as the fine film it turned out to be. It's both to be honest and it seems most enjoyed it as much as I did. Anyone worried that Joss Whedon would make something this epic look like TV work needs worry no more. Visually it is a sight to behold and as epic as it deserves to be. I don't remember when I enjoyed a film THIS much and I really loved a lot of 2011's offerings. This movie just hits the highest level possible for me. It works on all of its own terms, there's no weighted enjoyment or cinematic slumming involved in enjoying it. It really IS a smart action film and the cast really delivered as expected. With this exceptional cast involved, how could it not? Whedon knew who his aces were and how to play them. Downey and Jackson are CLASSIC. That's not to say every major character didn't shine at one point it's just that when the beats mattered, the big guns when front and center. I also LOVED what Whedon did with Loki and how much of a home run Tom Hiddleston hit. Avengers truly a remarkable movie treat and I'm glad to see that the majority of film fans agree with me. The movie works on so many levels and makes you draw on just about all of your emotions. Best of all, you leave the theater smiling and completely wanting more.
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The Raven (I) (2012)
An unsatisfying waste of time
11 May 2012
Reflecting on this film the first thought that comes to mind is "why the heck did I bother with this movie?" I have no answer for myself.

This is a genuinely unsatisfying film with no real wit. It delivers no thrills and certainly doesn't follow any mystery or adventure formula. It's a somewhat grim exercise in futility and something I found to be poorly paced and certainly not very entertaining. Given the concept and the subject matter, you should at least expect something artistic and intelligent. It delivers near nothing on those fronts either. This is a true waste of time film despite a very good cast and some very nice performances. Such a true waste of even more than the viewer's time.
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I don't remember when I enjoyed a film this much
30 July 2011
One of the year's best. It's a complete movie that flows so very well. Unlike similar films that are geared mostly to kids, this one has something for the grown ups. The way you're drawn to the main character as he grows from a a bullied kid with problems to an intense true hero is remarkable. As a viewer, you are constantly vacillating between intense sequences and fun moments. Needless to say, there's nothing to dislike about this movie. In every respect, it's a better film then any other effort of 2011, so far.

This film works on all of its own terms, there's no cinematic slumming involved in enjoying it. I thought it was smart and the cast really delivered as expected. With this exceptional cast involved, how could it not? It truly is the best movie produced this year to date and I'm glad to see that the majority of film fans agree with me. The movie works on so many levels and makes you draw on just about all of your emotions. Best of all, you leave the theater smiling.
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The Cast Looked Bored... As Was I
30 July 2011
Interesting story but poor character development… Who is responsible for delivering a tedious and poorly written movie? The meandering story didn't deliver what it was supposed to at all. Did we really learn about any character or come to care for anyone at all? This movie tries to cash in on its stars' coat tails but really can't stand on its own. I love this cast and actually felt bad for them DURING its running time. It's bad when a movie takes you completely out of the film and makes you pity the cast. It also lacked pacing, it wandered, it repeated, and it just failed to build any real momentum. Average action sequences seem so out of place this late in the summer. Bigger and better films had already raised the bar and Cowboys & Aliens just couldn't give audiences anything as good in terms of action. Brooding and wild alien crap may eat up screen time but it doesn't add any real depth.

A film with no depth that feels tedious and delivers no fun at all.
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Thor (2011)
Dramatic yet FUN, Very Well Done!
6 May 2011
Thor works on so many levels. It meets its toughest challenge and that is to make its super powerful blond godlike lead character relatable and spark a connection to the audience. For all the action extravagance and adventure, a surprising and pleasant amount of time is devoted to character establishment and development. This certainly isn't some wild video game popcorn flick. It also packs the perfect amount of comedy, with most of the jokes at Thor's expense. Cutting a god down to size, is important for two reasons. One, the story itself is about Thor learning humility and two, it makes the character more believable and more relatable. It's what Marvel does best, give us heroes with flaws.

A lot of this film takes place in the modern era on contemporary Earth and that was absolutely the right way to present the film. That's not to say that there aren't fantastical element, Asgard is breathtaking and incredible. Still, they manage to be dramatic and serious most of the time but balance it with a sense of humor. Thor finds the right mix similar to the way Iron Man did back in 2008. The film never becomes too self-important or portentous but still is dramatic and fun. The most fun outside of the incredible action sequences is when the consequences of the culture clash is played up. That is something to savor and enjoy. The fish-out-of-water angle is played up perfectly. They take a "hero" or wannabe hero who is arrogant by temperament and used to having his own way and place him in a position where he has to grow. All the while using comic friction as a great tool to advance the plot and the development. Thor tries to continue to live his own reality because in his mind, he's still prince of Asgard. It's both fun and interesting to watch him come to grips with his situation. As he is humbled and out of place, audiences enjoy recognizing his human traits. Sure, viewers are thrilled by his powers, but we relate to his emotions and his flaws. Add some intense sibling rivalry, great action and romantic entanglements and Thor may just be the best movie of the summer.
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Skyline (2010)
Absolutely AWFUL...
17 November 2010
Indeed one of THE worst movies of the year.

When it comes to poor and unsatisfying movie experiences, this flaming CG turd takes its place right at the bottom. Never before have I seen an alleged action or sci-fi movie deliver nothing but hopelessness and fear in a repulsive and repugnant manner. One point for being different I guess but it's a complete waste of film otherwise. Why didn't I believe all the poor reviews that I happened to glance at before paying to see this crap? I don't know what makes me angrier; the film itself for wasting my time or the fact that I blindly threw my money away? I'm amazed at how many truly awful films have gotten me to spend money this year. This is a new personal low. Usually they're easier to spot (how can you not stay away from things like Norbit or White Chicks?) but this year I've blindly stumbled in to far too many piles of crap. I don't like to read too much about a film before hand because of spoilers but may have to change that philosophy.
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Due Date (2010)
genuinely unlikable characters and not very funny
10 November 2010
While RDJ's character is a borderline A-hole, he seems to experience some growth and his humanity surfaces as the movie unfolds. My basic problem with this film was the fact that Zach's character is genuinely unlikable from start to finish. There's no real growth or movement to make the character less annoying or more likable. What you see is what you get and it grates on the viewer almost as much as it grates on RDJ's nerves. They deliver a few funny moments along the way but not nearly as many as I was expecting. It's a wild, unbelievable and sometimes annoying journey but it's not an overly funny trip. I felt that RDJ's talent was wasted as all he does is play the straight man to Zach's outrageous stupidity. Sure his performance and reactions are top tier acting but would anyone expect anything less?
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