
16 Reviews
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Sabotage (2014)
Something Felt Wrong...
10 June 2021
From the second the film started something didn't feel right.

The acting feels cheap. The script is cliche and anything Arnie says sounds way to force fed and obvious.

Action is rubbish, supporting actors over compensate....

I gave up after 8 mins...

First film in over a decade that I have actually felt compelled to stop watching as I heard brain cells screaming out for help inside my head!!

Lifelong Arnie fan - Wouldn't come back to give a second try. You've seen all of it before done better!
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Errr...I Feel Alone
7 June 2021
I'm getting heavy nostalgia vibes within the reviews of this movie. The story is decent but the acting, music, setting and characters are very hard to take serious.

Feels like a watchable TV movie but nothing more than that...

I'm guessing all of the high reviews are from people who saw it young when it first came out.

Watch if your curious and have a lot of patience for predictable and badly acted movies...

Do not watch for the "horror". You will honestly get more scares from the evening news than this movie.

The lead actor is just terrible to watch. He was good in Lost as Locke but man...not quite got the depth in him to act as a serial killing step dad!!

4/10 - Only watch it if you have to!! Ignoring this will not cost you anything...
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The Tunnel (I) (2011)
There's better out there...
5 June 2021
Another FF movie that forgot to include a decent story. Instead you are left with talking heads, build up, preparation and over acting to pad out the 90 minutes. Throw in some darkness, night vision, some arguing and bad camera work and you have the typical FF experience. NOTHING makes this film a is people walking around in the dark and you see nothing. The environment is just darkness and wet concrete...there is just nothing to see in this film.

As Above So Below contains so many interesting story pieces and environments. The characters have personalities and the pacing of the movie makes it very watchable. The Tunnel is pretty much the outline of a film...with no substance.

I have no idea how people have reviewed this film so highly when there is nothing to see or react to. The only, tiny detail that was interesting were the tunnels themselves but only barely...mainly due to the mystery surrounding the missing people.

A real waste of time...if you like found footage I highly recommend:

As Above, So Below The Blair Witch Project Exhibit A Troll (The Troll Hunting movie)

The others I've seen have never been anywhere near as good as those mentioned above. They all fall victim to the same problem...they don't have a good enough subject/story that is fleshed out with decent ideas...just a loose notion to go on with zero visuals to backup that idea.

Running around in the dark, breathing heavily whilst screaming does not make for a film.
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I tried...
5 June 2021
Finally got around to watching this movie after nearly a decade after it first released. I'm a big fan of gangster movies in general.

I found this film interesting to begin with but the pacing and dialogue just killed my interest after 30 mins or so. The characters aren't interesting or real in anyway...they just have a lot of "stories" to tell that usually have nothing to do with the actual movie you are watching! And it just doesn't grab you in anyway...I felt nothing as I watched these people talk other than disgust!

The high point is the "action" as such...very brutal, well shot and detailed enough to know that it'd hurt!! The low point is the rest of the movie. A few interesting moments but overall I found my mind wondering and hoping that it would end soon!

I feel if you were looking for something like this then films like the original Pusher trilogy by Nic Winding Refn would be time better spent. Especially Pusher 1 and 2...for me, that is what real crime and criminals look like and talk like.

Brad Pitt does not fit into this film well. It feels awkward! And Ray Liotta was used for his big name...his role is just as awkward as Brad Pitts!! And his character is not given any love or time....

And it'd be a lot more enjoyable if we didn't have to listen to the horrible, BS dripping voices of Bush and Obama all the time.

A big disappointment!! And very hard to even recommend as I think a lot of people will struggle with the pacing...

5/10 - And I feel that's generous...
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Wow!! Pretty Dumb!!
16 May 2021
Dumb characters with nothing interesting to say get stuck on a ski lift!! Middle class issues! Pointless, immature conversations throughout. Pretty laughable really...would have been better as a short horror movie as part of a collection of stories.

Only watch if you're really bored but you still might struggle. I found myself skipping parts where they talked as it was always shallow, mindless chatter.

For those of you out there who thinks this is a strong 8, 9 or even a 10 out of are crazy and you need to watch more decent movies. This was not scary in the slightest...nor was it interesting or insightful.

Amazing how so many people review this highly!!
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Inside Man (2006)
Hang In There - It Does Get Good!!
10 May 2021
Writing a review to help others out there like me. I heard this was a great movie with a decent plot but I almost stopped watching after the first 10 minutes or so.

The acting isn't great The accents are close to awful (Clive!!) The music does not fit the imagery and feels wrong It's a fantastical story made to look like real life

BUT - There is a cool and interesting plot to be enjoyed. You just have to hang in there and know that it does just takes 30 minutes or so to really kick in...

Silly...yes...but entertaining and certainly deserves some respect for the clever(ish) plot.

NOTE: Why some people feel inclined to highlight how great an actor Clive Owen is in this I do not know. Definitely one of his WORST acts I have seen. Clive Owen has a terrible accent and has no weight or presence for the role he plays! Jodie Foster is annoying and is not explained well enough to deserve any respect. Denzel Washington was good though...nowhere near a realistic portrayal but still, he kept the movie going!
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Pet (I) (2016)
In a few words...
8 December 2020
Bad characters, bad story and bad twist...I wouldn't recommend anyone bother with this movie. It's just stupid in its attempt to be different...

I gave 3 stars as I liked the security guard
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Holidays (2016)
Rubbish...wish I could say more
8 December 2020
Just shocked at how short and pointless all of the tales are. The presentation is great but the stories lack depth, detail and everything else you need to enjoy a story/movie/tale. Style over substance in almost every way. Wouldn't watch again and wouldn't recommend it for any reason..
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Midsommar (2019)
What a Ridiculous Movie!
5 December 2020
Please just watch The Wickerman if this subject interests you. It is a proper film with characters and story that has a proper conclusion.

This film is an anxiety movie to be found. It is a way for you to spend two hours feeling confused, uncomfortable and anxious. This is an emotional fair ground ride that needs only be experienced once in your life.

To me this was a very stupid film. The camera work is lovely and the setting is beautiful but to be put into situations that were so awkward back to back is just not what a film plot/storyline is or should be. Yes it's niche...maybe it's art but it is not a movie...

All it's done is raise a lot of questions in my head as to what gave the writer this idea...and what purpose it was meant to have on society. I will not be watching this ever again...
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Searching (III) (2018)
What a Journey!!
1 December 2020
Just wanted to leave a positive review for this great lil' movie. The acting is great, the story is thoughtful and detailed and the pace is just fantastic. Not the kind of film I would rate this high but after seeing the story unfold I have to say that it's very clever and I never knew it would unravel the way it did. I have seen A LOT of movies...and it's so nice to be pleasantly surprised by a great film like this one.

I won't ruin the detail but if you care about the ones you love then this will hit home hard. If you're a it now!! Parenting isn't easy but this teaches us all a lesson. Be honest with your kids...don't edit yourself thinking they don't want to know about certain like a friend to them as well as a parent...

Was crying at the end...very powerful. Thoroughly enjoyable watch it if you ever see it.
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Cadaver (2020)
I gave Up! Such a shame...
6 November 2020
In the right hands this could be one hell of a movie but unfortunately the decisions and actions of the main characters are so distant from reality and so against common sense that you really do have to pretend to not be bothered by these things over and over again.

The world has fallen apart and a carriage turns up inviting everyone to see a show with a free meal! My first thought would be that I was being tempted to my death but this family decide to take their daughter along. They're told to keep their masks on...and they take them off. They have their little daughter in a strange place surrounded by strangers and they let her run off on her own! And it just goes on and on.

There is no need to do these things if you have a good script, setting and characters but all those things just pass by and are left with almost no detail. I'm sure younger people will enjoy this but for me you can't expect me to hang around watching a film that just does stuff to make you uncomfortable...Unrational things that most people just wouldn't do...fair enough in a teen horror flick but not this...this wants to be more and could have achieved it if the characters acted realistically...but when they act like fools it's hard to care! Shame...the cinematography was nice!
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Pusher (I) (2012)
Just Watch the Original
30 October 2020
Nothing wrong with this film but when you've seen the original it pails in comparison. The original had style, it had first class acts and personalities that felt real and the situations were scary and threatening. This remake is tame and embarrassing to watch. Hearing the old lines delivered with British accents completely kills the script...even seeing Milo back was uncomfortable! Trust me, the original is a 10 out of 10 for me but this...this is lame...almost laughable BUT it did still hold up as a decent crime thriller but only just and I feel I'm being generous!

I can't think of any reason to see this other than boredom...or curiosity! ...just watch the original... ;)
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Bloodline (III) (2018)
27 September 2020
Not in the mood for detail so some bullet points:

1. Sean William Scott is not acting in this film yet people say he gives an amazing performance! He...does...nothing! 2. The story and characters lack depth 3. The film hides behind decent cinematography, lighting and its soundtrack. Very much style over substance. Teeth was similar but had a great story and characters so it worked. It Follows was also like this...weird but backed by great story and interesting characters. Bloodlines just has the style...the fancy shots... 4. Gore is just there for the perverse...the story and characters do not give weight to any the gore and the nudity just feel like they were the main focus to carry the film. Add some spectacle! 5. The wife's decision at the end of the movie is just plain stupid

The reviews fascinated me more than the movie did. I guess this is why there are now so many vacuous movies out there. As the world becomes dumber so does the entertainment. If you want to see a movie like this that is worth your time please do check out American Psycho with Christian Bale...the plot and the characters are relatable and the story can teach you a few things about the human condition.
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Session 9 (2001)
Decent Looking But Lacking
25 September 2020
I really wanted to like this movie. The actors were pretty good and the setting was interesting. I liked the character Hank and that's about it...

I'm with the people who reviewed this film badly and I strongly disagree with the reviews giving this movie 8 out of 10, 9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10!! They must have watched a different movie!!

The story is just not good. My mind was having a decent time trying to predict what was happening but I always avoided the obvious/boring plotline as I just thought this film was going to offer something more. It didn't and the ending was a major let down.

I did honestly feel like I had wasted my time watching this and I never feel that way normally.

I would strongly recommend Night Watch (the original not the one with Ewan McGregor!) or The Shining over this movie. Do watch it if it peaks your interest as the first 30 mins is pretty entertaining. It'll just be up to you if you want to sit through all of it!!
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Maniac (2012)
Style over Substance - So Many Better Slasher/Giallos Out There!
13 September 2020
I've spent the last 12 months watching as many slasher/giallo movies as possible. I'm now a huge fan of the Italian horror scene of the 70's due to the great plots, interesting characters and beautiful/thoughtful set design and cinematography.

I also really enjoyed the original "Maniac" but this remake with Elijah Wood is awful. It annoyed me so much I only made it just past the 30min mark and that was a struggle. I wanted to be fair and give it a chance but it just doesn't know how to be interesting, engaging or build up tension in any way.

There is a complete lack of character to everyone you meet and the filming is predicatable for our times and feels shallow.

What I watched felt like a montage of looks like a giallo/slasher flick but something huge is just feels completely empty!

I guess you could watch it if your new to the genre but for me it just felt like a complete waste of time.
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Line of Duty (2019)
Don't Do it To Yourself!!
25 August 2020
I like to be forgiving and understanding when it comes to movies. I like Aaron as an actor, always delivers a compelling and believable character. I saw this and thought "it looks pretty good!" I was wrong...and then went on to suffer for over an hour through some of the worst acting and the worst action I have ever witnessed.

I'll save you time - Don't watch it...just don't!

NOTE: The two female "journalists" were some of the worst characters with the worst scripts I have ever had to endure. Cringe/vomit worthy on every level! Vacousm, dumb and over compensating...
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