
17 Reviews
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Here Awhile (2019)
A rather empty experience
4 November 2020
I do feel bad for being so harsh to an indie film, but it really has an emptiness to it. Not because of the depressing nature of the film but of the makeup of the film, because it ends and I wonder why this movie exists. I question if the creatives had real motivation behind it. For me, the only reason I watched it was because I knew someone that was in it.

Joe Lo Truglio was definitely the best part. The whole cancer thing just feels conjured up by writers, which it was, but if you do it right you feel more than just pity for the main character.
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Boring and dull.
21 October 2015
Fantastic Four 40

Before I came to see this, I had heard that this was pretty much a trash film; and well it is one of the worst films that I have seen. I don't usually hate films or trash on them, this is mostly a bad/mixed review. Yes, for me it still somewhat entertained me; even though everything about it was dull and boring. I just enjoy movies that much that honestly not very many are truly boring for me. First off, this has got to be one of the most wasted films of the year. It had great potential, a set of good actors, and they could do anything with the story. The worst thing about this film though is that just about none of it was that interesting. Everything was way too predictable and nothing new was put in. The performances the actors gave gave a sense of dullness and "I don't want to be here." Okay, these next parts are based off of heard rumors or my own predictions. Rumors had it that the director Josh Trank came to set drunk out of his mind, so if that is true then, most of the blame has got to go to him. If you told somebody that just got done watching this film that the director was drunk while filming they'd would agree and could see that possibility. Also, I think that the big movie studios that only care about the money sort of ruined this. The story had some promise in it in near about halfway through, but I'm sure some studio officials had it changed for some reason. In the end bad plot, dull characters, dull mood, and boringness overall bring this film down.
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Best movie of the year!! (as of September)
21 October 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road 90

This film is totally epic, awesome, action-filled, spectacular fun-filled adventure ride of the summer. Right now this is the best film I've seen in 2015. Director George Miller just proved the practical effects can be very much better than CGI. You weren't distracted at all from explosions or vehicles that looked like they were pulled from a video game. CGI works in some cases and can be just as artful, but when stunts are done for real, it is a much better experience. (Except the few CGI things that stuck out terribly) Miller also kept all the movements and the actor's actions all very easy to follow so it wasn't such a mess. All the actors were great in this, like many have said before, Max, played by Tom Hardy, is barely the main character as his co-star Charlize Theron's Furiousa is the most bad-ass person in the film. Everything that was put into the action sequences: the stunts, the practical effects, the great editing, the director's direction, the actors, and sheer epicness make this such an intense film. This film had such an awesome, gorgeous look to it; like the scenery, color, and overall cinematography. Overall, great awesome film, intense, new, and not sloppy; Mad Max: Fury Road is the best action film of the year.
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Furious 7 (2015)
Was okay, the ending saved it.
21 September 2015
Andrew Sindt

Furious 7 70

Overall, the film was good, with good action scenes, good actors, all with the keyword "good", not great. I assure you that I would have gave a much worse review if it wasn't for the great send off for Paul. Before it came out, it was supposedly going to be filled with awesome action sequences with practical effects, seeing the cars drop out of the airplane and all. But it was the opposite. It seemed almost every single scene was filled with CGI. I'm not talking about Cody or Caleb Walker, but the cars and scenery. I've still been told a lot is practical but it sure looks like a computer did most of the action. The story was almost as if a child was writing it. Jumping around from crazy scenario to the next with no character development. And when I say crazy scenario, they are extremely crazy. Every action sequence just had to be filled with at least one moment of something happening and the actor tried to be funny and every person in the audience chuckling to themselves about it. This next comment might be wacky, but the Fast and Furious franchise is almost like the Transformers movies, really, they aren't much different at all; not completely bashing each series though. They are just absurdly crazy. Enough about the bad, the good CGI to it was on Brian O'Connor. I really couldn't tell which one was Paul and which was the CGI. But again, the retirement of Paul's character was extremely touching and I give my best to his family.
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A good tribute. Could have been better.
22 February 2015
Andrew Sindt

American Sniper 83

The most impressive thing about this film is the impact that it puts on the life of the now deceased Chris Kyle. Bradley Cooper gave an amazing performance that went deep into the life of the real life Kyle. This is not a propaganda film, as some people say, it is a full on biography of this American soldier's incredible life. Though some situations were stretched from reality, the overall point was still reached. It shows the incredible brutality of war in general and what it does to people's lives, the soldiers and the family's. This film brought out what sacrifices every military family has to take. One major point that was not reached though, was the character development of the Kyles' friends in his life. Director Clint Eastwood was so set on bringing out Chris's life, that he completely forgot about his friends. He did have well development on Taya as well. A lot of Chris's life was about the people around him, and this film did not do that at all. I think that it was safe to say the trailers and TV spots ruined the emotionally intense scenes. I'd seen then so many times advertised and you just don't feel the impact while watching in the theater. On the other hand, it showed great patriotism, great storytelling (apart from the real story), strong acting, and a great tribute to the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history.
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Overrated, but still pretty good
28 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
X-men: Days of Future Past 70

This was movie was good action and all don't get me wrong on that, but I just don't see how everyone thinks this movie is groundbreaking. It's not like we have not ever seen any of this before. And also the time travel idea probably had so many holes in it that you can't even count them all. They seemed desperate to bring all the characters from both time periods in together in one epic duel. But, I guess that it did work out good, and it was something to witness the time period clashes. The ending was okay and good and all, but to me, I just don't see how that would have been possible. Everybody's back alive, and they lived happily ever after, oh but there's going to be another problem that will surface. Whatever. Good summer, action flick with good characters.
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Gets better every time!
28 January 2015
X-men: First Class 88

This movie is great! I loved it even more after every time I watch it. Story is superb, acting and the choice of cast is perfect, music is awesome. Matthew Vaughan's sense of storytelling in this new chapter of the X-men series is wonderful. It is a great way to introduce basically new characters in a new chapter of their lives that we have never seen. It has a good sense of mood, with a fun atmosphere. The overall style to the film is great, with good set pieces and clothing to fit in with the 1960s time period. It is possible to have an X-men film without Hugh Jackman's Wolverine for over a minute. With a good b-plot, good music, fun,smart storytelling, Vaughan's new X-men characters will be beloved!
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Looper (2012)
Great praise and adoration for 'Looper.'
28 January 2015
Looper 86

Rian Johnson did a great job of directing, catching every little detail and emotion to make this film great. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, one of my favorite actors is great in this movie, capturing the older Joe, Bruce Willis, and the makeup department did a great job. The story is great and original, from what I've seen, in every aspect. Although there are some plot holes from the time continuum concept, it is the way the story goes so I accept it. The originality of 'Looper' is by far the best aspect of it. It is fresh, new and exhilarating all at the same time. You are back in the spot where you are trying to figure out what is going on and piecing the events together. You have to process what happened and think about all that is going on to figure it out, and I enjoy doing that. Great praise and adoration for 'Looper.'
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1 December 2014
USA Today™ Andrew Sindt

Django Unchained 84

Quentin Tarantino directed yet another superb film. The storytelling was great and the plot kept moving along great. I was attracted to the screen throughout the entire duration of the film. The action sequences were executed sometimes in a poor way but they are hard to notice and aren't distracting. You don't think about the goofs that were made during the sequence though because they are so quick, violent, and intense. I was in love with the slow motion shots and they fit great. The 165 min. runtime wasn't a bad thing either. It was also hysterical at some points which it fit with the music and mood of the point in the film. Tarantino's style of this movie made it seem like it was a true western style film with a modern adaptation, the music and special effects. Christoph Waltz had another Oscar winning role which he well deserved, he was a great actor. Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel Jackson also helped make the film what it is, a superb film. Anyone that likes old westerns, history, and/or Tarantino movies, then this will be a blast!
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Inception (2010)
Best film of all time!
23 October 2014
Christopher Nolan has made another one of the best films ever put to production. His directing is superior for Inception. The acting, story, directing, cinematography, and music make combine perfectly to perfect the movie. The cast overall is perfect, DiCaprio, Hardy, Levitt, Page, Murphy, and Watanabe. Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are two of my favorite actors and so far, this is their best roles, in my opinion. Story is original as ever, I have never seen any movie quite complex as this (some say it copies The Matrix, but I wouldn't know). The visual aspect is amazing. Nolan and Pfister work together and create visually stunning shots, full of artful elements. Hans Zimmer, once again, created the perfect score to fit this film. Inception would have been half of what it is now if it wasn't for the awesome soundtrack. Hans Zimmer created wonders. Once you have watched this film three or more times to completely understand everything, because it truly is mesmerizing (it doesn't help either when the plot is getting explained and you can't understand what Watanabe is saying), you will be completely in awe of this film.
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Pain & Gain (2013)
Good story...
22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Pain & Gain 65

This was a very interesting story, but the entire duration of the film it ticked me off that this was a true story, that the main characters were murderers and they would eventually all end up dying, except the one. I'm not dissing the story, the acting, or the directing, it was a good film for that. I loved Michael Bay's directorial of it, fast paced and violent, and I loved his slow motion trademark. I also thought that this was almost a pointless film in the end. Two of them got the death sentence, and one found religion. What was achieved? What was the overall point? The overall point was to tell an interesting story with interesting characters and that was all shown. I loved Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie.
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One of the Best films ever.
20 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Dark Knight 100

Once you fully understand this film, every meaning, all of the symbolisms, every detail; you can fully, truly say that this is one of the best films in cinematic history. Christopher Nolan captures this story of crime, courage, and deception perfectly. I love his adaptation of the Batman in a very dark, brutal realistic world. Batman is meant to be a dark story, the guy is supposed to put the fear in others. And the villains in Gotham, are not very nice people. This movie would have been nothing if it wasn't for the score. Hans Zimmer has created the best soundtracks of our time, the Dark Knight series is easily one of his best, it fits it perfectly and makes this movie spectacular. Christian Bale's performance is great, Batman/Bruce Wayne is the perfect role for him. Heath Ledger stole the show entirely though. His new version of the sinister, insane Joker is amazing. His prepping for the role payed off. In the end, the hero makes the ultimate sacrifice of taking the blame for the deaths and being hated for it forever, in order to keep the hope and spirit of Gotham, and hide Harvey Dent's true colors. You will be shell-shocked when you step out of the theater.
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Great revival of the Franchise!
18 October 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier 88

This film in the "Marvel Phase 2" sets up the rest of the phase and is going to make people dieing to see "The Avengers: Age of Ulton". This is almost perfectly directed by the Russo brothers to bring great action sequences, non-boring low action scenes, an interesting plot, great visual effects, and brilliant humor put in perfect spots for comedic relief. This film was just a fun time at the movies, with Chris Evans as the perfect Captain America, Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury, and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, this story combines "The Avengers" and the first Captain America. Captain America: The Winter Soldier redefines the Marvel Universe as the best Avengers film, but below "The Avengers" of course.
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Zombieland (2009)
Wasn't expecting, much and then loved it
18 October 2014
Zombieland 80

When this came out in theaters, I truly had no desire to see it. When I did eventually view it after it came out on DVD, I was completely in love with it. It was not alone just a comedy, but had good action and almost an entire different look at the zombie apocalypse scenario. Jesse Eisenberg was great, and made an unlikely great pair with Woody Harrelson. It was a great story that was unique and always interesting. I was completely intrigued the entire duration of the film. Everyone should watch this film if you are in to the Walking Dead or just action/comedy movies.
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Awesome, hilarious, great film!
18 October 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy 92

I came into the theater not knowing all too much about this movie, just knowing it was Marvel. I came out amazed. This movie was a great revival for this years blockbusters, redefining the Marvel Universe once again. It was fun, hilarious, witty, action-packed, and had great, classic rock music. Gunn knew that Marvel needed a reboot of originality, colorfulness, and artistry of filmmaking and the fact that it wasn't to be taken too serious. The way the cinematographer and James captured every single color of the landscape, and the characters; it was just spectacular. It was a great story, filled with colorful, complex characters, and great art/set direction. Music was also perfect for this film; bringing in old classics everyone knows, or doesn't, and setting up the fun atmosphere. Chris Pratt was perfect for the role, with his wit and personality he brought in. I'm hoping to see much more of these characters and colorful storytelling in the next Marvel films.
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Great film!
18 October 2014
Edge of Tomorrow 82

Edge of Tomorrow was a great action film with great effects and spectacular storytelling. Liman's way of visualizing the time loop was perfect. I was completely intrigued throughout the duration of the film and was wanting more by the end. Character development was displayed well enough for this type of film. Watching Cruise's character develop from the beginning all the way to the end was well displayed. But the biggest downfall was the fact that I had to look up the explanation of the ending, which could have just been my own fault.In all it was one of the best films of the summer.
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It was a good film, but I was let down
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Wolf of Wall Street 75

This film as a whole was very good. But I expected much more of a serious, dark story of greed, power, and immorality and the path that this can take a person on. This did portray greed, power, and morality issues very well, but I was expecting a much more uprising of Leo's character in the end, which did not happen. Martin Scorsese, one of the best director's of our time, did bring a very interesting story, that did keep me intrigued for the most part, even at nearly 3 hours long, it just didn't go very developed into the harsh consequences of all of their choices. And as an entirety, the movie was kind of offensive, with 504 f- bombs, constant drug use, and casual sex. Nevertheless, it was well acted, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill being hilarious, and was funny, interesting, and intriguing. I was really expecting this to be one of the best movies I've ever seen, but was just let down by the ending.
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