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John Carter (2012)
An Epiphany!
9 March 2012
This was without exaggeration the most impressive movie I've ever seen. It's the stuff cinema and 3-D are made for. I experienced it as a partly breathtaking parade of impressive landscapes, panorama shots, aliens, costumes and sets connected by a complex story about power, resistance and of course love that culminates in a clever ending.

The only reason I give not all 10 stars is because I have to confess that I found the story sometimes a little too complex and therefore hard to follow.

But this feast for the eye is by any means the money for the ticket worth. I've never seen such a spectacular movie. My dream fulfilled: A new overwhelming sf- spectacular which isn't part of the Star Wars or Star Trek franchise but opens a new rich and fantastic world and which has- in opposite to the SW prequels- a logical and intricate story.

All my hopes that it won't bomb but allow new adventures with John Carter on the Mars to be filmed.
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Great visuals, but one of the worst novel adaptations ever
29 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, I don't want to offend anyone who likes or even loves this: But honestly, this movie doesn't make any justice to the book. It's so totally different, so much was left out, the main characters are totally not as they were originally intended: In the book Bastian is fat, clumsy, nonathletic and has knock knees. So he is a scoop for bullies which makes much more sense than the way he is depicted in the movie and it makes him a much greater opposite to his counterpart Atréju. Atréju is in the novel not a handsome, soft spoken teenager but a brave and a little fierce kid with green skin. Fuchur (as Falkor is originally called) isn't a mixture of a dragon and a puppy but a pearly Chinese-style dragon. Artax can talk and has a complex personality which makes his loss in the swamp much more sad. The Sphinxe's don't shoot laser bolts in primitive Star Wars'esque action but petrify people by confronting their minds with all the riddles of the world. Cairon is in the novel- just as his model of Greek mythology- a centaur- not a poor people's Klingon. And what a petty that some of the- IMHO- most impressive characters had been left totally off: Ygramul the Many and the Storm Giants. Granted, it had been really difficult to realize them technically but they are of great importance for the story and perfect examples for Michael Ende's remarkable imagination. Left alone that the movie only captures the beginning of the book- but of course the makers had to made accommodations to the footage.

Granted, the visuals are stunning but in my opinion the movie fails- as every movie adaptation would have- one of the great intentions of the book: To motivate people to read more and to use their own imagination. To make a movie of a book with that message is in my opinion just an extreme example for down-and dirty money making.

By the way: Why does Bastian live in Canada? In the novel he clearly lives in southern Germany. I'm not a nationalist but why change a literary model in this respect? To make it easier to consume for the world market?

To me this movie makes perfectly clear why some books should stay books.
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A very interesting and fascinating movie
24 July 2011
I don't get why this movie has gotten such a low rating. I've found it really great. To me it was more interesting and exiting than a thriller. It was really imforming and showed that there is more between heaven and earth than most scientists would admit. This movies shows various examples of people- inter alia a natural scientist- who live without food for a long time. Some of them even without drinking. One of them, a spiritual man from India has eaten and drunk nothing for 70 years! Interviews with scientists who admits that there are things orthodox science can't explain and quantum physicists who say that mind is connected with the universe and everything with everything complete the fascinating experience.
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A very fascinating and interesting documentary
24 July 2011
I don't get why this movie has gotten such a low rating. I've found it really great. To me it was more interesting and exiting than a thriller. It was really informing and showed that there is more between heaven and earth than most scientists would admit. This movies shows various examples of people- among others a natural scientist- who live without food for a long time. Some of them even without drinking. One of them, a spiritual man from India has eaten and drunk nothing for 70 years! Interviews with scientists who admits that there are things orthodox science can't explain and quantum physicists who say that mind is connected with the universe and everything with everything complete the fascinating experience.
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Krull (1983)
I love it!
22 June 2011
And I just can't understand how someone can't or is even able to hate it. For me, it has all a good movie should: beautiful visuals and music, action and tension and the ability to transport you to another world. And what a world that is here: A mysterious, fascinating foreign planet with a unique creepy look that creates a wonderful beautiful-uncanny atmosphere. I've never seen anything before or after and therefore it is a riddle to me how people can say this movie is generic and copied. I mean: In what other fantasy story the hero fights with a five blade-shuriken, is there a blind prophet all in green, alien warriors who lose a parasite-like beings from their head when dying, a fortress that looks organic from the inside, inclusive mobile walls, and super-fast horses with flames around their hooves? There are no dwarfs, elves, unicorns or any other fantasy clichés in here.

The only things I dislike are the beginning with the fortress that flies like a space ship what looks quite ridiculous, imho and the thing with the fire in the hand.
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Really one of the worst movies, I've ever seen
3 July 2009
It makes me wonder that the makers of a movie in which there are so much comments about good and bad writing aren't able to use these criteria for their script.

This movie has got no straight story line. I mean, what it's about? Literature, love, sex, all together? Well, nothing of it works well. There is no structure, no development, no climax and no satisfying end.

I was very surprised, when I've read that this was meant to be a tragic comedy, because it wasn't funny at all. Neither it was demanding, thrilling or erotic, not to mention that there was no action in it.

The characters are one-dimensional at the best, non defined or annoying. Concerning the part of Mick Jagger I soon asked myself, what his function was, after all. Also Byron's wife and her dad lose meaning for the story very soon.

After all a waste of time that made me ask two things: 1. Had been dilettantes at work? 2.Who goes to cinema to watch stuff like that?
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Unbelievably bad (one mild spoiler)
3 August 2007
This is one of the worst movies, I've ever seen. Not only that it is a comedy which isn't funny but it's also very badly made with an over the top direction full of unnecessary split screens and other effects.

The two "heroes" with their fantasy language are just annoying and it confused me quite a lot that they touched each others genitals all the time. But the worst of all that nonsense is the cheap attempt to give that movie some appeal by referring to German history and to show sensitive aspects of the "heroes", which finds its climax in showing how Erkan and Stefan cure a mentally ill woman with their "joyful" lifestyle (!). But I hadn't expect anything better by director Michael "Bully" Herbig, who also made two not funny TV-shows, a not funny western movie and a nearly not funny sf-comedy movie. But Erkan and Stefan had been- just a little- better in some of their stand-up programs. For me the only good thing about the movie is Alexandra Neldel who is very beautiful to me.
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Space Mutiny (1988)
A masterpiece
14 June 2007
This movie is by far my absolute favorite of all time. For me it is the most intelligent, philosophical and high-brow science fiction movie since "2001"! It simply is the "Citizen Kane" of SF and I wonder why it was not even nominated for an Oscar.

"Space Mutiny" has a more fantastic and innovative story than "Star Wars" and more emotion than "Love Story". It's an amazing, fantastic, breathtaking movie about the mysteries of life, love, space and time.

But the best of it are the special effects: In an unique act of humanity it took away hard work of dozens of effect specialists by simply borrowing nearly all effects by "Battlestar Galactica". For that brilliant idea alone it deserves an Academy award!
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The Tin Drum (1979)
a childish, yet disgusting movie (spoilers)
11 April 2007
This movie is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up because he doesn't like other people and who protests by disturbing everyone around him. Well, I think that behavior is also an exact description of the makers of this movie. But whilst the boy uses a tin drum and his unusual high voice, the movie makers use film equipment in order to articulate their childish protest.

Every scene of that movie seems to tell: "Oh, poor me, I live in a world that's hell and everyone around me is brutal and stupid!" But the movie doesn't stop here, it also shows how you should behave, if you feel that way: avenge yourself! Torment the hated adults! Disturb them with sounds, sabotage their meetings, make the girl who made you jealous pregnant against her will and make that your father and your stepfather get killed!

It's unbelievable to me that a movie which provides such a primitive message is called "intellectual".

P.S.: I think it is an impudence making an eleven year old boy playing the lead in such a perverted parade, full of violence and (only negative) sexuality!
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Let's confess
4 April 2007
We are not in the fairy tale of the naked emperor. We may confess the truth of what we see without being stupid, confess, that this show is in many aspects just incomprehensible and that it is clear that much of it was created out of pure intuition without real concept.

Well, obviously many people like such stuff. I don't. I prefer well thought and planed shows. And I also confess that the show is much to serious for my taste and boring...those love and drug stories...There are so many exciting soaps with lot of suspense (Dallas e.g.) but Twin Peaks can't catch my attention. I don't care about those people, except Cooper and Gordon Cole.
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Missile (1988)
A powerful lesson
23 August 2006
I watched this movie in the age of 19. Since I watched "War Games", when I was a kid, I was very interested in control rooms to launch nuclear missiles. And how that works in reality, you get to see in that excellent made documentary. This movie is about young people joining military lessons to learn how to launch Minutemen missiles. In the end you see, how two of them get it and became Space Commanders or how it is called. Very interesting, indeed, all that buttons and codes and keys, even more than in "War Games". But- and that is what makes that movie such a lesson to me- it also shows something, that you do not see in "War Games":

The trainees are no muscular warriors with sharp shaped faces. They are mostly complete small and weak and have bad eyes, so they wear glasses. And there are many women, including the two who get it in the end. That way look the modern warriors, who are able to kill millions of people in a single strike. And they do not only look not like proud and dangerous soldiers, they don't act that way, neither. They act goofy and clumsy, have problems to insert launch keys and to fasten seat belts and yawn in lessons, when they learn about the seriousity of their job. And the trainers aren't better: They are calm and smiling, they make bad jokes, and in one scene one of them shows a trainee tricks how to succeed in a multiple choice test, if you don't know the answer!

I would compare this movie to the "Atomic Cafe": a real-life satire, that shows: Cold War was not only very dangerous, but also very embarrassing.

A shocking, but very interesting and funny (for people with dark humor) movie.
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Quite kitschy! (Spoilers)
7 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think, I could like that movie, if it were not so exaggerated. I mean, the relationship between Butch and the boy is totally unrealistic. First, he kidnaps him, and then he becomes something like a father for him and forgive him even, that he shot him down! By the way: really interesting, that Costner survives that shot and later a second one, given by a professional sniper! And that part of the story about Clint Eastwood, Laura Dern and the other investigators doesn't fit in the whole thing, first of all because it is told in too less scenes. What a pity: that movie could have been really exciting and emotional. Sometimes, less is more.
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The most boring and pointless movie, I've ever seen.
18 April 2006
Usually, I'm not a friend of really harsh critics, but to my regret, I can't find a single good thing about that movie. There is no tension, no action, no humor, no erotic...nothing, but boredom. Not even for friends of Mia Farrow like me it's interesting. Most of the plot seems to consist of question which are not very interesting and the answers neither. Sorry, but this movie is just a waste of time and money. And it's such a pity, because I anticipated so much. I thought, it would be an eerie and exciting haunted house movie- and than that!!! So, let me give you the advice: Don't watch it! I really wonder, how it could be realized. Which producer is interested in such a lame script? Maybe they hoped to make money with the mere name of Mia Farrow.
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Erotic and exciting
3 April 2006
For me, this movie is not as good as the original, but it could have been much worse. I think, it was very erotic and exciting, even though I did not really get the end. The actors were amazing. I think, it is nearly a miracle, how the nearly 50 years old Sharon Stone could still look so sexy. I also liked her wardrobe very much, and the sex scenes... And the others actors had been brilliant, too. I liked David Morrisey even better, than Michael Douglas. All in all a very erotic and exciting mystery with many surprising turns. I cannot understand those bad critics about it. Maybe it's by such people, who categorically don't like sequels.
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Eliminators (1986)
Worst movie ever
23 January 2006
I think, this movie and not "Plan 9 from Outer Space" is the worst movie of all times. ("Plan 9" is also bad, of course.) " Eliminators" is stupid, cheap, illogical and full of continuity gaps and really bad special effects.

The whole story is just cheesy. And those references to "Terminator 2"... it's just unfair. Not to speak of the weak attempts giving the characters emotional depth... How can anyone do such a crab? And it's also hard to believe for me, that Denise Crosby is in it. (Even though, some "Next Generation" episodes aren't much better.) I hope, Bing Crosby, her grandfather (!), will never see that movie in afterlife. If it would be possible, I would give it 0 points from 10.
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