
15 Reviews
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Quirky and Captivating
18 June 2016
I'm not going to lie and call it great cinema, but I found this movie endearing. The humor was off-beat in a good way and the cast performed very well all around. It also managed to convey some serious things without getting heavy handed.

The talented and brave Salima Khan was an absolute joy, both to hear sing and to watch. Generally, the story and characters gave a rather Americanized view of Afghanistan, but the parts with her in them were spot on authentic in feel.

Was I laughing out loud the whole film through? Not at all. But aside from some slow pacing I found it an enjoyable experience (would have loved to see more Zooey Deschanel though).
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Subtly moving, haunting, and powerful story
14 June 2016
I have no patience for documentaries that aim to tug a variety of heart-strings and make it obvious from the first few frames. Nick Yarris's story is different, perhaps mostly because it's treated objectively by the film's director. Instead of an hour and a half of old morality play, we simply sit and listen to a guy tell his incredible tale. At no point does Yarrow pretend to be anyone other than himself; at no point does he ask us to see him differently. He just tells us what happened to him, the good and the terrible, and does not ask us to judge, convict, or even forgive.

It is for that reason that I found his story so compelling and emotionally evocative. It is, perhaps, a reminder that we all have amazing, emotional stories to tell and that we should all try to sit back and listen more often.
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Hush (I) (2016)
Surprising in a good way
10 May 2016
I had very low expectations going in; the movie looked and sounded like typical genre fare but it proved me wrong by being a bit different. The characters were very well realized, for the most part, and the plot moved along well without seeming too contrived. I didn't find it scary or even particularly suspenseful, but it intrigued me from the get go.

Apparently the story was written by a married couple who team up for movie making, and it was neat to discover that. Indeed, similar to Oculus (an earlier Flanagan/Siegel project), dull predictability took a vacation and was replaced with something truly unique. I can only guess that as the team continue improving, their films will grow into something special.

While I would not call it a masterpiece by any means, I do consider it a cut above similar titles I've seen.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Gyllenhaal Masters Creepiness in Scathing Satire
26 July 2015
The script of Nightcrawler in itself is amazing - managing to be both witty and under-your-skin terrifying at once, it's a shameless look into the seedy underbelly of modern 24/7 media cycles. What I hadn't counted on was Jake Gyllenhall (whom I'd always liked a lot as a sort of Everyman protagonist) playing a sociopath, self-absorbed creep to a T. Honestly, his performance was disturbingly great; it was so easy to believe him as sleazy, repulsive Lou. I was also very impressed by supporting actor Riz Ahmed's portrayal of Rick, and look forward to seeing him again. In true satiric form, Nightcrawler makes you laugh while gazing unflinchingly into the business behind the news business, and will leave you with a lot to ponder. Definitely recommended.
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Life of Crime (2013)
Classic Elmore Leonard: Gritty and Fun
16 July 2015
With a generous peppering of dark humor, some all around great acting and a vibe that just drips late 1970's, Life of Crime is a fun ride. While it's inevitably compared with other similar films, I prefer to just look at it on its own. To that end, I'd caution a potential viewer against expecting pure comedy - the situation and some of the characters are definitely disturbing in some aspects. But the cast clicks well together and makes those funny moments hit home. Another caution - if you're not into period feel, you may find this film frustrating to watch. It's so well-placed in 1978 that it looks like it could have actually been filmed then (well except for modern technical details). I did notice one anachronism but apart from that it was flawless in depicting its era.

In short, it's a great flick to watch if you're in the mood for something gritty and dotted with black comedy, something funky and unusual with a lot of sleaze and just enough class thrown in to make its story worth your time.
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Probably best appreciated by teens
7 July 2015
The true-life premise of Perfect Sisters is certainly intriguing, and the young leads performed admirably, but altogether it felt to me like this movie was a bit melodramatic and episodic in nature; I probably would have really been affected by it had I seen it at age 14, but as an adult I found myself actually rolling my eyes at some of the developments.

It's likely been compared to the far superior 'Heav0nly Creatures' many times, so I won't dwell - I'll just say that the subtleties of that film contrast with the tunnel-vision juvenile point of view that was apparently written into the script of Perfect Sisters. Everything seemed over simplified; characters (except for the two protagonists) were given the one-dimensional treatment, and there was very little in the way of suspense or development. It doesn't help that Mira Sorvino's talent is sorely wasted on a character so devoid of complexity as to be a walking stereotype. While I sense that the director and writer were trying to convey the story through the eyes of the two sisters, it seems the audience is denied the full truth about their mother. One thing that was fun to see was the witticisms of the sisters and how their fantasy life was portrayed on screen; I just wish their had been more of that and a lot less whining and breast-beating.

Having listed all those negatives, I'll conclude that it's still a movie worth viewing for the simple fact that it did actually happen - and for its demonstration of the stupidity that causes violent criminals to get themselves caught sometimes.
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The Barber (II) (2014)
Decent but lacking spark
2 July 2015
With a fairly engaging back story, good overall acting, and plot twists that make sense / don't feel overtly contrived, The Barber has plenty going for it as a thriller. However, there's just something overall missing, something that could have probably made it a much better film.

The pacing is so-so; it doesn't drag and in fact there are a few points where I felt things were skimmed over leaving me guessing. The dialog, perhaps, is where things got lackluster. I just had a tough time empathizing with the main characters. I was definitely interested in what they were going though but I felt no emotional involvement.

Still, you could do a lot worse if you're looking for a bit of entertainment, and its darker themes may even leave you with some philosophical musings after the credits have rolled.
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Cake (II) (2014)
Bittersweet Vindication
25 June 2015
The movie is worth watching regardless, but for chronic pain sufferers (of which I am one), it's almost like watching 'this could be your life'. Aniston simply nailed her portrayal of a woman suffering from huge personal loss on top of nearly unendurable physical pain. The way both types of pain eat away at a person's personality, willpower, and even will to live are handled with a deft touch here - many of us truly doubt our own sanity at times, and that's played well throughout the story.

It is depressing to watch in so many ways, but the little touches, the character development, and the subtle but empowering plot turns add up to give this film an uplifting and inspiring, life-affirming feel by the time the credits roll.

I saw mentioned in some reviews that the film takes itself too seriously, but believe me when I say anyone who's been in that double-whammy situation of chronic physical pain and unspeakable sadness isn't going to be taking anything lightly. In that respect I felt the movie's tone was quite befitting. And by the end, at least, as Claire grew, she became more lighthearted - as did the movie.

Anyone would get something out of watching this story, but I specifically urge those who have people they love suffering from chronic pain to pay it special attention. It just might help you understand more what your loved one goes through from day to day.
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Enjoyable but Verging on Maudlin
4 May 2015
Let me say first off that the acting all around was solid, as one would expect from the likes of the film's cast. The trouble is, it doesn't quite feel like they had a lot to work with in a script that lacks depth.

It may seem strange to ascribe a story about mortality and the dying process with an adjective like 'shallow', but there it is. I can't quite put my finger on the missing element, but something just keeps the situation from having substantial emotional impact, or even deep philosophical implications. Of course, it's somewhat of a dark comedy as well - and it does have some humorous moments (James Earl Jones, thumbs up!). The pacing is right. You really do feel that 90 minutes, in a good way. Yet somehow the humor isn't quite as big as I feel it needs to be, and the sentimentality seems a bit spoon-fed. Maybe it's the neatness of the plot; maybe it's the setting or the dialog, I can't say, but I just never really connected with the characters. Then again, having experienced the loss of close family and friends throughout life has left me with my own experiences and expectations.

Certainly worth watching as long as you know going in you're not going to feel invested in the story and will probably not dwell on it for long afterward - "Angriest Man" is what it is: enjoyable but verging on maudlin.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Refreshingly Different. Disturbingly Relate-able
1 May 2015
I've not yet watched all available episodes of Black Mirror, but my impression so far is that this is completely unlike any other series (anthology or otherwise) I've seen. The stories are diverse and seem to come out of left field, which is brilliant in its own right. They do share a common theme, however - examining the darker side of technology and how it's come to dominate our lives for better or worse.

Can't really say much more without spoiling it but one doesn't need to be a science fiction/fantasy fan to truly appreciate this show. It's got a powerful message and will, in my opinion, inspire viewers to contemplate some of the larger questions facing the human race. The drama and acting are uncommonly good to excellent; the pacing taut and intense. It's an enjoyable experience as much as it can be an uncomfortable one, but the discomfort is a good thing; after all, how many t.v. shows truly make us use our brains these days?
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Altar (2014)
Average, unless you factor in the waste of a near-perfect location
21 April 2015
I love a good ghost story. I practically worship a great ghost story. Sadly, Altar is neither. It has its moments, and it's not a complete waste of time to watch, but in my opinion it started with all the makings of a truly interesting story and mixed it all up into a batch of...mixed up.

The true star of the film is its Yorkshire manor location. Now, if I'd been handed this set to work with (and if I, you know, actually made movies), Altar is NOT the story I'd have come up with. I actually felt a bit annoyed at the movie for not living up to such a classic haunted house setting! The premise was simple enough, and it started out in fairly contemporary spooky fashion, but there was just not the right kind of follow through. Rather than spine tingles and after-view thoughts about mortality, the climax delivered only a mash-up of effects and incoherent, half-explored themes.

I will say this: the actors who played the children did great. Williams did fine in her role, and even Modine did the best he could with what he was given (his character was the biggest mess in the mix, with some truly uncomfortable scenes - and not in a horror/mystery sort of way).

Generally, you could do a lot worse for your hour and a half, but if you want a great haunted house / ghost story, look elsewhere. It's been done a thousand times better at least hundreds of times already.
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You're Next (2011)
Better than expected, but room for improvement all around
9 April 2015
I'll keep this short and to the point. If you like slasher/home invasion films, you'll probably love You're Next. If those aren't your cup of tea, you MAY still enjoy it. I was sort of in-between, and I'd describe myself as not being a fan of the genre. Some of the twists made it interesting, but all in all it felt one-dimensional to me. Good acting mixed with sub-par acting, and the pacing was, deliberately or not, extremely slow in the beginning (I almost turned it off). The plot was for the most part predictable but did offer some unique elements and even elicited a few chuckles out of me. Splatters way outnumbered suspenseful moments, which disappointed me but will no doubt thrill lots of folks. Not bad altogether, if you're just looking for a bit of fluff - albeit of the gory type.
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Starry Eyes (2014)
I wanted to like it. It wouldn't let me.
5 April 2015
Four stars positive for a fairly innovative score and Argento-esque visuals, plus some pretty solid acting by the lead and one or two supporting actors. Beyond that, I have to admit, I watched the entire thing (resisting the urge to turn it off many times) because I wanted, hoped for, the ending to bring everything together in some redeeming way. Instead, I was disappointed. The movie was difficult to watch all around but not because of horror elements - it's hard, for one thing, to feel invested in a story when you can't empathize with its protagonist - admittedly there are exceptions to that but this isn't one of them. I also felt like some of the plot devices relied on clichéd, negative stereotyping (can't say more without spoilers) and that the end just didn't make sense in any narrative or metaphor driven way. I'm sure there are some who'd argue otherwise, and they are welcome to their opinions, but overall, Starry Eyes was just a huge letdown for me.
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Trespass (2011)
Disappointing but not Terrible
30 March 2015
Taking into consideration the stars of Trespass, I'd really hoped it would be a great film (despite its description on Netflix sounding mediocre). It wasn't. Yet it wasn't a particularly bad flick, either. I'd call it the kind of movie you might watch for a little mindless escapism, and it's fine for that as long as you don't expect to come away pondering deeper meanings or metaphor.

What Schumacher did well was to keep the pacing taut and avoid maudlin bloat. That, however, doesn't make up for lack of real substance. Personally I felt it was a waste of normally great actors and could easily have been handled by lesser talent - there was one perplexing thing about Kidman's performance, however: her accent was all over the place. One can't blame any of the cast for not fleshing out their characters well, as there just wasn't any real opportunity for that sort of thing.

To summarize, yes I found it disappointingly unoriginal, but as a 'what you see is what you get' genre piece it most certainly could have been much worse. Watch if you're bored or happen to love predictable home invasion stories; avoid if you're planning to use your brain to dissect it during and after viewing.
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Seriously Silly, Entertainingly Undead
16 March 2015
I think that to say too much about this film would ruin it; it just needs to be watched. Though it's far from perfect, its roughness is just part of the charm.

The cast is strong, handling the (from what I've heard) loads of ad-libs well, and the direction as a 'documentary', while a convention I feel is overly used, was definitely the way to go for What We Do In The Shadows.

One final note: this movie's not for everybody. If you want a gore-fest or an action film, look elsewhere, but if you like to laugh at absurdity (think Monty Python, The Ruttles) it more than fits the bill. Just wish it'd seen a wider release.
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