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Warcraft (2016)
I Hate World of Warcraft, but I Liked this movie 7/10
5 January 2022
Yes. I'm proud to say I was one of a few American soldiers who never played World of Warcraft 2010-2016. It's all hocus pocus, dorky video games to me and a detriment to our armed forces and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. It should be banned for the sake of western civilization.

With my bias stated, I must say this movie prevailed in ways I never expected. For one, I am a man who loves a good story with action. I need meaning for me to care about something taking place. This STORY was simple and not too bad. And I mean simple. I mean not too bad. But I cared what was happening. However, I'm excited to see where the story goes. I do remember hearing the 3rd Warcraft game's story was incredible, so I would love to see if the Warcraft movies make it to the third game's story. It would be like Game of Thrones White Walkers and undead mixed with demons, elves, dwarves, men, etc. That's quite a combination!

ACTION: This movie has a lot of it. Especially the largest battle (not saying when it happens). I was reallly blown away by some of the battle scenes, including the largest battle, which probably saved this movie by itself. As a soldier who is ok with fantasy, I really appreciated it. It's not Lord of the Rings epic, which is the best trilogy ever made, but its very satisfying.

The CGI is this movie's greatest strength. It is truly a feast for the eyes. I can't praise it any better. COSTUMES such as the knights armor looks really nice.

BAD: A lot of no-name actors. Travis Fimmel, our famous Ragnar Lothbrok from the marvleous Vikings series, does well, and the main Orc is pretty likeable even though he is CGI (again, well done on the CGI!). But my good gracious, why is Paula Patton a half human half orc baffoon?!?! She was talented in Mission Impossible 4 but her look in this movie made me embarrassed every time I saw her. Think Jar Jar Binks embarrassing moments wrapped up in her appearance. People laughed and mocked her when I saw the movie. In fact, all of Patton's scenes are a negative distraction, which is a good example of what brings this movie down to a 7/10. You get sucked in to this movie's entertaining value and then something stooopid distracts you.

The movie stands very tall with a six pack of abs and arnold pecks and biceps, but then it pulls itself down with some saturated fats from multiple cheeseburgers that complete hides those shredded muslces we want to admire! These bad fats included corny scenes, bad acting, stooopid moments, stooopid looking elves (they need to fix that right away), strange looking dwarves, and the Paula Patton Orc.

Another analogy goes like this: a 15 month girl starts running around the house making her parents proud as she stomps around the world showing those chunky thunder thighs of strength. She has graduated from crawling. What a moment! And then the young girl falls on her face busting her lip and begans to shriek loudly. The parents drop to their knees from the cringe shrieks and they run to stop their child's pain. The glory, the happiness, the cringe, and then the pain, all within a couple of moments! That is this movie. But like a memory, parents will remember their child's glorious graduation from crawling to running more than the cringe moment of the shrieks and the horrid pain. That's how I remember this movie and it deserves a 7/10, which is good, but not great.

That's the best I can do without spoiling anything. It's worth a go through, but it seems females are not interested in this movie, so if your a alpha male like me, or you identify as a unicorn, you might wanna watch this movie alone or with your bros. My wife was not impressed and I had to watch Downtown Abbey later with her to make up for it. The Paula Patton orc had killed her immediately. She could not be revived the rest of the movie...
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le Morte de Star Wars
9 February 2018
*No spoilers. Only hints to scenes that only people who have seen the movie would recognize*

This film is a Star Wars heresy. It is composed by acolytes of Marx and Engels, Postmodernists, nihilists, and anti-patriarchal feminists that demean virtue, that demean the Jedi, that demean brave males, and that demean reality. This movie was my worse Star Wars nightmare. My heart wrenched to see a plot that never made sense on a scale worse than Jar Jar Bink's sabotage of the Phantom Menace. In fact, this movie was worse than the Phantom Menace.

This movie, for all the past love that existed for Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Redemption, and Common sense, this movie distorts that love, condemns redemption and replaces it with nihilism, atheism, and some of the worse social justice lines I've ever heard at absolutely the wrong time. As for common sense, well, just think about that Superman scene for a minute. Or about the inmate with a special ability...Further, why is a woman ruining a man's attempt to sacrifice himself for his friends (for there is no greater love than the laying down of one's own life for their friends) in the middle of a firefight only so that she could deliver a social justice pun? Why does she have to be such a big part in this movie!?!?!?!! Why are we spending precious time saving animals in what appears to be a PETA ad? What was the point of the casinos besides ultimately condemning successfully wealthy people as evil in a Bolshevik ad and extending the movie 15 minutes?

This movie is absolutely madness sanctified. Women empowerment (OVEREMPOWERMENT) at the expense of heroic males turned into bumbling bafoons and who are called out for their supposed toxic masculinity. Its one thing for ESPN and the NFL to start adopting this madness, but to actually demon possess an episode of Star Wars by left-wing radicals is the crossing over from the light to the dark side.

Lastly, the most heroic female in all of Star Wars was completely dishonored.

5/10, the 5 is for Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher...And for some explosions... Mark Hamill hates this movie and now I know why.
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All Seasons Rated- An Up and Down TV Show
22 September 2016
Simple and quick review.

American Horror Story Season Rankings: Season 1: 10/10. One of the most flawless TV series I have ever seen. Ghosts in a haunted house with a flawed family acted so well is the recipe AHS should return to.

Season 2: 9/10. Despite the increase in sexual assaults and graphic violence and gore, this season has an excellent idea in the Devil infiltrating a Nunnery run Psyche ward. Great season, even if it was chaotic.

Season 3: 6/10. I did not like the racism, homosexuality, sexual assault, nor militant feminism and exaggerated anti-American propaganda. This was a great idea of women empowering themselves that took off into a Marxist nightmare. Did I mention bestiality?

Season 4: 7/10. A very up and down season that overall is better than the 3rd season. A killer clown is terrifying and the ghost mesmerizing. This is a good season with weird content decisions. Sex content is still high and the blatant homosexuality grossed me out. There needs to be a limit!

Season 5: 5/10. Of course, leave it to Lady Gag(a) to increase the sex content and abhorrent blood in the midst of an orgy, violence, torture, gore, and sexual assault. I'm a soldier, and yet even I was grossed out and offended by Lady Gaga's direction. This season was demonic with no moral restraints or respect. I almost decided to quit watching this show after season 5...

Season 6: 7/10. But then I was intrigued by the concept of a Roanoke nightmare. this season started off right. My wife and I were engaged until the end. Is there a reason endings fall apart in AHS?

More blood, sex, and violence is not conducive to being a superior TV show. AHS, should return to season 1 and 2's great story, moral restraint (sorta), suspenseful horror, and better character developments. AHS has one of the best TV casts around and a wonderful horror concept every year. The last few seasons though have been "meh" at best :(. I still have the faith they will pull it together.
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Christian blood seeds the belief of more Christians...
11 September 2015
10/10. If not the best TV series ever, then it's up there! This show nailed this wonderful story. The man who played Saul is incredible if not the heart of the show itself. Peter is also wonderful and as are the Apostles. Also, the show does a wonderful job filling in the gaps of Roman and Judean history from the statue of Caligula to the Jewish rebellions. I was afraid the show would deviate to much from the Bible but overall it did not do so. I was also afraid this would be another "Christian" show/movie that would lack the excitement of the Christian religion. I would want all people to WANT to see this series, not be turned off by it. The series was no means a disappointment. Their is some fantasy mixed with history and religion, but the fantasy part is small and should be obvious to any Bible reader. Even if its not caught (I am trying not to spoil anything here) it doesn't deviate or corrupt the message of Acts.

Criticism: One small complaint. The first two episodes were very boring. Very boring! So much so, my wife almost did not want to watch the third episode and I delayed in doing so. However, when my atheist buddy at the gym said how cool one of the episodes was (he was referring to the fighting, not the message of course) I tuned back in (was DTV recording the series) and starting episode three, the series exponentially took off with excitement. Every episode was better, and the finale was absolutely amazing.

For me, Saul was the real deal here. If the filmmakers had casted a poorer Saul, this show would have probably failed. The first Christian bounty hunter lived up to his performance.

I can only just say now that you must watch this show!
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Stalingrad (2013)
Stalingrad- A missed opportunity
4 December 2014
For the story, I give this movie a 5/10. I was a little bored by it. However, for the fighting, this movie gets a 8/10. This movie has some of the best fighting scenes I have ever seen. The visuals also are truly some of the best I have ever seen. Any future war movie needs to borrow from this movies visuals. I can't overstate how blown away visually the combat was.

This movie deserves better than a 5.6. I can understand a low rating for the boring scenes in between the fighting, but its just too low for what its really worth. It is clear this movie missed the mark in delivering a good story as well as making us truly love the characters who were rather still good. More fighting and less sitting around would have done this movie far better.
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An amazing horror!
4 May 2014
This is my first written review ever and I do so because I find it an injustice this movie's average is a 7.3. There are only a handful of horror movies that have either terrified me or caused a flare of goosebumps (Exorcist, Insidious). However, this movie, which I watched by myself at night, utterly terrified me!!! (I stopped it and had a friend come over the next night to finish it) I maybe vague in details, but it is for your benefit. This is a horror, psychological thriller with more than one twist. Each twist increases in a "O WOW" expression. None of the twists ruin the film like in most horror movies. Instead, just when you think its over...Or right when you feel you figured something out...guess again. The scares are not cheap like US films, they can be drawn out, and are highly suspenseful. You will fall in love with the characters and at least care for their well being which is another triumph by the film maker here. Its just one of the most well crafted horror films ever produced (You may ignore The Uninvited, the US remake). And BY GOD its frightening! The movie is not in English, but do not watch it dubbed, the voice acting will ruin the experience. That aside, let the sun set, turn off the lights, and hit play. You are in for a treat from the Orient. BRAVO DIRECTOR, BRAVO!
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