
39 Reviews
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From Ratings Flop to Demonic Drop
1 May 2024
While watching this film, I felt like I was part of the audience, that is, part of the show, I had the impression that I was hypnotized. I'm here, what's happening is real. And what I see doesn't scare me, but it captures my attention in some strange way. What film can give you that today in the 21st century? Actually, my only complaint about this movie that I can't ignore is cheap fat worm, which is born from the eye of the hypnotized and comes into this world. That scene should have been cut, if they couldn't do it better - technically. The beauty of this film is that it can be interpreted in many ways, it is not limited artistically.
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The Seeding (2023)
As above, so below
20 March 2024
As an art film lover, you will surely enjoy "The Seeding". It is slow-paced, as is typical of art films, but that is part of its charm. The leisurely pace allows each viewer to form their own interpretation of the enigmatic story.

The main character can be irritating, but that is probably because he is meant to be. The film sound is fantastic and creates an excellent atmosphere. What's bad is that I saw the end of the film, already in the middle of it. It is also a pity that the lives of those who live above pit are not shown. Overall, "The Seeding" is a solid one-time watch film, that will keep you thinking and interpreting long after the credits roll.
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Whispers from the Abyss
19 September 2023
"In the Mouth of Madness" (1994), directed by John Carpenter, is a cinematic gem that transcends the boundaries of conventional horror and ushers its audience into a realm of psychological terror and mind-bending surrealism. This film is a true testament to Carpenter's ability to create an immersive and atmospheric experience that leaves an indelible mark on the viewer's psyche.

One of the most striking aspects of "In the Mouth of Madness" is its relentless commitment to crafting an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. Carpenter's deft use of cinematography, lighting, and sound design transports viewers into a world where the line between reality and fantasy becomes blurred. The small New England town of Hobb's End, which serves as the primary setting, is a character in its own right, oozing with a palpable sense of foreboding and dread.

The film's narrative is a labyrinthine journey through the darkest corners of the human mind. The film's exploration of themes such as the power of storytelling, the malleability of reality, and the fragility of sanity is both thought-provoking and chilling. It challenges viewers to question the nature of their own perception and the role that fiction plays in shaping their understanding of the world.

"In the Mouth of Madness" stands as a testament to John Carpenter's mastery of the horror genre. Whether you're a fan of Lovecraftian horror, psychological thrillers, or simply appreciate atmospheric cinema, this film is a must-watch. It's a nightmarish journey into the abyss of the human psyche that will haunt your dreams...
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Dancing in Shadows
19 September 2023
"Suspiria" is a haunting and mesmerizing cinematic achievement that stands as a true masterpiece in the realm of horror and mystery. Director Luca Guadagnino's reimagining of Dario Argento's cult classic not only pays homage to the original but also expands upon it in ways that are both visually stunning and intellectually stimulating.

At the heart of "Suspiria" lies its exceptional storytelling. The film weaves a complex and enigmatic narrative that immerses the audience in a world of darkness and intrigue. Set against the backdrop of a prestigious dance academy in 1970s Berlin, the story unfolds with a sense of impending doom that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The gradual unraveling of the mysteries surrounding the academy, its history, and its sinister secrets is executed with precision, making every revelation feel like a chilling revelation.

One of the most remarkable aspects of "Suspiria" is its visual and auditory prowess. The film's cinematography, led by director of photography Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, is a work of art in itself. The use of rich, atmospheric lighting and bold color palettes creates a nightmarish dreamscape that is both unsettling and beautiful. Thom Yorke's haunting score enhances the film's eerie atmosphere, with its haunting melodies and dissonant chords resonating long after the credits roll.

The horror elements in "Suspiria" are executed with a meticulous and relentless precision. The film is unafraid to delve into body horror, psychological terror, and the supernatural, creating an atmosphere of dread that lingers throughout its runtime. The use of dance as a thematic and narrative device adds an element of physicality and ritualistic horror that is both unique and deeply unsettling.

In conclusion, "Suspiria" (2018) is a cinematic triumph that excels in every aspect of filmmaking. It combines a gripping narrative, exceptional performances, breathtaking visuals, and a haunting score to deliver an unforgettable horror and mystery experience. If you're a fan of horror and mystery, "Suspiria" is a must-see film that will leave you captivated and haunted long after the credits roll. It's undeniably one of the best horror films ever made.
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A Sinking Ship: "The Last Voyage of the Demeter"
19 September 2023
"The Last Voyage of the Demeter" had all the makings of a promising horror film on paper, but unfortunately, it fails to deliver on its potential. This retelling of Bram Stoker's classic novel "Dracula" from a unique perspective had cinephiles and vampire enthusiasts alike excited, but the end result leaves much to be desired.

One of the most significant issues plaguing this movie is the CGI rendering of Dracula. In a story that relies heavily on the terror and charisma of the titular vampire, it is baffling how the filmmakers managed to strip away all the essence and soul from the character. The computer-generated Dracula feels more like a lifeless video game character than the iconic, seductive, and menacing figure we have come to expect from Dracula adaptations. This digital Dracula not only lacks depth but also fails to evoke any sense of fear or fascination. It's a major misstep that undermines the entire film.

The film's narrative is equally disappointing. Instead of building suspense and intrigue, it meanders aimlessly, leaving viewers wondering when the story will actually kick into gear. Characters lack depth and development, making it impossible to connect with their struggles or care about their fates. The potential for a claustrophobic and tension-filled atmosphere on the ship is wasted, as the movie fails to capitalize on its setting.

"The Last Voyage of the Demeter" is a missed opportunity that could have breathed new life into the Dracula mythos. Instead, it delivers a lackluster and uninspired adaptation that fails to capture the essence of the iconic vampire or provide a compelling narrative. If you're a fan of classic vampire tales or horror films in general, you're better off revisiting more faithful and captivating adaptations of the Dracula story. This film, with its soulless CGI Dracula and lack of substance, is a disappointment that should be avoided.
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Population 436 (2006 Video)
A Disappointing Thriller with an Unfulfilled Promise
19 September 2023
"Population 436" had all the potential to be a captivating thriller, with its intriguing premise and promising setup. However, it ultimately falls flat, leaving the viewer with a sense of missed opportunities and a lackluster execution.

The film's concept is undeniably captivating: a census taker, Steve Kady (played by Jeremy Sisto), arrives in the seemingly idyllic town of Rockwell Falls to find that its population has remained exactly 436 for over a century. This eerie mystery initially piques the audience's curiosity, but unfortunately, the film fails to deliver on the suspense and tension it promises.

One of the most significant issues with "Population 436" is its lackluster pacing. The movie moves at a snail's pace, failing to build and maintain the suspense necessary for a thriller. The slow, plodding narrative makes it difficult to stay engaged, and many viewers may find themselves losing interest before the halfway mark.

Furthermore, the characters in the film are disappointingly one-dimensional. Despite Jeremy Sisto's best efforts, the protagonist, Steve Kady, remains underdeveloped and unrelatable. The supporting cast fares no better, with most characters feeling like mere caricatures rather than fully fleshed-out individuals.

The film's attempts at horror and suspense are hampered by its reliance on tired clichés and predictability. As the story unfolds, it becomes evident that the plot is headed in a direction that seasoned thriller fans will likely see coming from a mile away. The lack of originality in the narrative leaves little room for genuine surprises or shocks.

While the movie does manage to create a somewhat eerie atmosphere, it fails to capitalize on this potential. The cinematography and setting do contribute to a sense of isolation and unease, but the script and direction never fully exploit these elements to their advantage.

In summary, "Population 436" is a film that starts with a promising concept but ultimately squanders its potential. Its slow pace, one-dimensional characters, and lack of originality make it a disappointing addition to the thriller genre. While it may hold some fleeting interest for those intrigued by the premise, most viewers will likely find it to be a forgettable and unsatisfying cinematic experience.
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Inside (I) (2023)
"It's not what you look at, it's what you see."
14 May 2023
What a magical film! I recommend it to all lovers of art! The atmosphere is surreal, Kafkaesque, there is also the influence of Dostoevsky. Symbolism, occultism... We have a character who is slowly being overtaken by madness... My favorite artist, Salvador Dali, claimed to owe his life to painting badly. "The day Dalí paints a picture as good as Velázquez, Vermeer, or Raphael, or music like Mozart," he says, "the next week he'll die. So I prefer to paint bad pictures and live longer." The explanation of this quote would be as follows: An artist who creates a masterpiece has no more reason to live. And that is what undoubtedly happened in this film.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
"A work of art is a scream of freedom."
19 February 2023
Bizarre piece of art... That was my first comment, which flew out of my mouth when the movie ended. I can say that my senses are fully satisfied by what they experienced. The film is original, shocking, at times disturbing, visionary, provocative, artistically free. The idea, cinematography, acting, music, everything is at the TOP level. My recommendation!

The group sex had elements of the occult, which reminded me of the Cult of Ecstasy, which really exists in our world, and it's noticeable that Cronenberg the younger is familiar with this matter...

And remember, whatever happens at La Tolqa stays at La Tolqa ;)
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Midnight Son (2011)
"The blood is life..."
13 January 2023
Midnight Son is a creepy, sexy and romantic modern vampire story. Much of the film is not only an exploration of the vampire story, but also the characters within it. This is a B-production horror drama shot almost in a documentary style, but hey don't let that put you off this movie, it actually gives it its charm, that what you're watching is - real!

The main character Jacob is an outsider. He sleeps during the day and works as a security guard at night. In his childhood, he suffered from a rare disease, because of which he must not be exposed to the sun's rays, because they damage his skin and therefore kill him. As a result, solitude became his daily routine. And then one day a girl from the fringes of society enters his life... The less you know about this movie, the better. My warm recommendation for this artistic film.
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Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
There is a void left in my soul, and it hurts
28 December 2022
I watched the series practically in one breath, in a couple of days, all episodes and seasons.

Because I love this genre, and this fantasy world. Because I had high hopes and expectations for the diverse characters and the plot of the series itself, which is rich. But from many back stories and the main story itself - we get nothing in the end. Self-destruction, unnecessary. Or necessary and understandable, if the finances ran out. And they ran out, I'm sure of that. Because the plot itself through the first and second season is slow. Very slow. And even though it's frustrating at first, you quickly get used to the pace of the plot, and then in the end, in the third season, the plot, both side and main, starts to unfold at lightning speed. Characters die in front of your eyes, so easily, stupidly and miserably, the characters you have become attached to, and the actions themselves are practically not even elaborated. This series should have at least 5 seasons with that tempo.

And I will never forgive you, for the fate you gave Roman Godfrey. It should have been different. HE IS A CREATURE OF THE NIGHT, AN ARISTOCRATE, A VAMPIRE, AND YOU GAVE HIM A MISERABLE END. Pathetic... I loved him... And I will love him forever. Maybe I'll write a novel one day, in which I'll give him a new life, the life he deserves. Because he is the ruler from the shadows. He gets what he wants, always...
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23 (1998)
Cult hacker film
26 November 2022
For all hacking lovers, my hearty recommendation for this film. The emphasis here is not on hacking itself from the technical side, but on the side of philosophy and ethics. This film penetrated into the soul of the hacker himself, exposed it and showed that the hacker is just an ordinary person - with his faults and virtues, greed and regret.

This film also deals with the mystery of the conspiracy of number 23 and the Bavarian Illuminati, whose roots originate in Germany. I believe that it carries a message, for the awakening of all rebellious people, who do not belong to the system. Wake up, open your eyes, you, residents of a brave new world! Knowledge is power!
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The Thing (1982)
A masterpiece of its genre
4 November 2022
I watched this film for the first time in 2022, exactly 40 years after its release. John Carpenter has created a masterpiece that will last forever, partly because there are no CGI effects in this film, so everything seems more real and therefore scarier, and partly because film effects are outstanding. This film puts forth a lot talent in all departments but what singles it out for me is the story. It really jumps off the screen and let's you maintain a close relationship with the characters but also remain separate enough to just observe the situation. This atmospheric film will forever sink into the parts of your mind, and live in you without you even noticing ;)
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Hellhole (2022)
I have seen the future of horror; his name is Bartosz M. Kowalski
28 October 2022
I like artistic vision of film director Bartosz M. Kowalski, and I expect more good horror films from him in the future! So far, I've really liked two of his films and they're "Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight" from 2020, which has the vibe of 80s horror movies, and this one "Hellhole" from 2022, which is religious horror film.

It is very atmospheric and certain scenes will give you chills. The film's photography, story, stage effects and acting itself are top notch! I was especially impressed by the actor Olaf Lubaszenko in the role of Prior Andrzej, especially in the scene when he loses his faith (in what he believed in until then) and becomes an ordinary lost man. At that moment I forgot what a monster he was and I just felt sorry for him. He magically transferred that emotion to me.

Belive me, this is a film you won't easily forget, and if you decide to watch it, choose the original Polish and not the dubbed version, for a better experience.
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A film that promised a lot, but did not meet all expectations
25 September 2022
A very atmospheric film, made in true Gothic style, which will draw you into its story and separate you from our world. The film is surrounded by a wave of mystery, from the very beginning you feel that something is not right, but what is that something, who is Raven or what is Raven? Watch the film to find out, otherwise the film effects are excellent and the acting is top notch.

What I didn't like about the movie was the last 20 minutes, and that's why I didn't give it a 10/10. Those 20 minutes are somehow rushed, illogical, you simply get the impression that the film should not have gone in that direction.

However, due to the positive things listed above, I think it is worth watching and that the film has its own artistic connotation. My recommendation.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
An innovative film
11 August 2022
I love brave directors who like to offer their viewers something different, innovative. This is an artistically energetic film, which you will definitely enjoy. 10/10.
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The Void (I) (2016)
A Lovecraftian masterpiece
11 August 2022
A masterpiece of its genre! If you like the work of Lovecraft, you must watch this movie! Kudos to the film's directors, I'm glad they didn't use CGI, so the scenes in the film are much more realistic. 10/10.
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6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A strange film, full of mysticism. I was lucky enough to find and watch uncut version of the film.

The way I interpret this ending: Jordan was the most pure and innocent of the three, who are symbolically trapped in hell (indications throughout the film include $6.66 being the price every time they buy something) so God allows him the mercy of dying in order to escape his miserable existence. However, he also acted as the conscience of the trio so without him, the more jaded and cynical Amy and X are now truly and irrevocably lost and dead, driving lifelessly into eternal oblivion without any hope of escape.
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Happy End (2021)
A provocative series in which I see potential
21 July 2022
I watched the first season, and I can say that I liked it. Let's be honest - we viewers are here mostly for sex scenes :) . I liked them, they are provocative, passionate. I invite the film director and his team to take a step further in the second season - let there be even more sex scenes, let them be longer and let them be perverse. Be a mirror to your audience. Show them that under their mask of a cultured and civilized humans, lurks - lust and perversion ;)
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Martyrs (2008)
A masterpiece of horror genre
6 July 2022
I feel like I watched something forbidden. After watching the movie, it took me a few moments to come to my senses, this film gave me a transcendental experience. It caused strong emotions in me, curiosity, asking questions to myself and looking for answers, the acting is at the highest level, the dialogues, the story. The film is hard to watch, but in the end you will be rewarded through that painful journey. Film director and writer Pascal Laugier has earned the same respect from me as Clive Barker.
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The Sadness (2021)
Bloody Hell
14 June 2022
One of the best and most unpleasant horrors I've seen in the last 10 years. There are many dirty bloody scenes that will stay in your memory forever. Definitely my recommendation 10/10.
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I wanted a dark fairy tale and I got a dark drama
25 May 2022
Last night I saw the trailer, read the synopsis, saw the setting in which the story takes place and I said that's it, it can't go wrong. I was hoping for a dark adaptation of the story from folklore in the style of for example Gretel & Hansel (2020) and I got something completely different, where due to insufficiently developed idea we have more tedious a drama rather than a horror story, as the film unfolds.

However, since this is a debut film by director and writer Goran Stolevski, and since I saw some interesting ideas in the film (in horror parts), I give this film a recommendation with the hope that the next film will be better, pure and true horror.
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Zombie (1979)
Transcendental experience
15 May 2022
A piece of art. I am glad that this story takes place on the African continent, because zombies originate from African culture and have connections with voodoo magic. This film has some of the most realistic and shocking gore, visual effects are outstanding, the story is exciting, the music is great, simply this is a classic masterpiece seen through Lucio Fulci eyes.
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Western movie for all movie lovers!
15 May 2022
I never watched western movies, because I was not interested in that topic. I have to admit that when I first watched this movie a few days ago - I didn't blink. What a piece of art ... I am thrilled and I would recommend this film to everyone, because as you watch it, you will have the impression that you are watching - life, real true life.
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The scariest movie I've ever seen
15 May 2022
The film is scary because the monsters in it are real, and not only real, but they are also really sick and disgusting. This film is so shocking and disturbing that I will never watch it again in my life!
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Apt Pupil (1998)
Evil in its purest form
7 May 2022
Evil is a transmissible disease, which eventually overwhelms you and rules you. Man (child) is a curious being eager to learn, it is simply in human nature to explore. The problem is that young people do not have a clear division into "good and bad", they just want to hear about what is interesting, even if they do not understand enough real horror and evil. But evil understands them, "He who studies evil is studied *by* evil." and "If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - And that is the point of this film.
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