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A noir wannabe, poorly executed
12 March 2023
This was hard to watch from the very beginning. The very first scenes do give a very good idea of the poor quality of this very improbable story done on the cheap. But that, lack of resources was hardly the problem. It's just a poorly done flic all-around.

The flic moves unnecessarily slow, with many scenes that feeling like filler, and repetitive in their intent. About 20- 30% of what is shown does not contribute to the story in any way.

The cinematography is also poor, from the low quality of the images to it's inconsistent style. Some scenes are poorly framed, others poorly focused; some are both.

The acting feels generally contrived. The worse problem here is the witting, not only the story but also the script. They are very poor, as bad as the direction. The casting is also off, with few of the actors looking the part.

But I kept feeing sorry for the actors. They are all unknowns, but some still did ok with what they were handed. But if they are any good, this was an "opportunity" to look bad -- they were handed a very hard task, impossible to do much with it.

I started watching this movie because I like most noir films, even those from almost 100 years ago under much lower technical resources and standards. Some that barely pass as ok can still be enjoyable with the interesting plots or characters; but his one simply sucks.

I first noticed this movie because of the many glowing reviews here, which are reported in aggregate in places like Amazon --but they are clearly fake, as exaggerated as some of the "acting".

Some "movie-makers" cannot or won't put in the effort to make acceptable products, but they use whatever trick to fool the public into watching their garbage. Again, I feel sorry for the actors, especially the few that did ok in their parts -- some of small ones.
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The Outfit (2022)
2 January 2023
This is one of the best films I've watched in a long time.

More than an action crime flic, with only a few guns and no special effects or karate kicks, or scantly-dressed models acting tough beyond belief, this is a very, very well-crafted story.

The title is deceiving -- clever, but hardly telling of the chess-level power-play, complicated by ambition, loyalty, jealousy, deception... taking place in a small shop.

A couple of characters could have been better casted, but the acting ranges from very good to great, and so is the direction.

Not perfect, but very close. The writing is intelligent, suspenseful, with unexpected turns. Too bad more money is put into lesser work.

I am glad I found it. Very enjoyable, if you chose to use your brain and not only your eyes.
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Blacklight (2022)
Poorly written and directed...
7 November 2022
A star agent, being used by a nefarious big shot in a powerful government position, slowly, very slowly realizes what's going on... blah, blah, blah...

The story could have worked well, but is so VERY poorly developed and written -- as are the characters -- that the whole thing is VERY VERY simplistic.

The direction is not much better... these is no suspense, everything is so obvious, and some dialogues are so cliché, as if from old shows where the villain is constantly describing the plot, confessing to make it easy for the audience... LOL

The visuals are fine, and the action scenes, too -- but not the things those characters would do if they had any resemblance to real life.

Liam Neeson could not save it.

PG-13; about the top intellectual level expected of the audience.
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Very good drama. Feels real...
19 September 2022
One of the best low-budget flicks in a long time.

Circumstances make a mid-aged divorced woman cross paths with a young teen boy in a dangerous city. Two very different lives in two different but adjacent worlds, both in pain. There is suspense, some violence but not emphasized, and tragedies. The superficial story is somewhat cliché, but not the characters; and as their human details are shown, they make the story feel real, relatable.

No karate kicks, no fast moving vehicles or slow moving rain of bullets; only very good writing and direction makes the story very involving. I am very glad I picked this over so much "fantastic" stuff.
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Night Sky (2022)
Could have been... but disappoints
18 June 2022
A nice old couple with a secret out of this world...

The story unfolds slowly, which is refreshing -- not a bunch of super-fast-paced karate-kicking models doing impossible stunts while impeccably aiming laser guns, etc.

The actors are good, the environment is simple, minimal effects, which is fine. It's natural and realistic -- anybody could identify, could be your town, your neighbors, and the secret must be original, and grand.

The story builds a feeing of anticipation... till it gets tiring... -- it slowly builds it, and builds it... but keeps us waiting for hours...

Few happening per hour... very few -- and another feeling is exasperation. The characters are similar in that they all are dishonest to each other, constantly,; and regularly do things out of character, shifting substantially from what they were supposed to be, and all of them (not like normal people) accommodate each other, which is weird -- all of them do it, all written with the same mold.

Another bad part is that, as the very diverse characters from various places (all interesting and well acted) begin to intersect.. giving some answers... the season is finished!

Another terrible feeling is that the writers seem not know were they were going with the story, as if making stuff up to keep us going. Like it often happens on the 3rd or 4th season... when the creators are just trying to milky the concept...

I gave it a 6, with an extra point for the actors... they kept me watching. Would I watch season 2? Unlikely... I'm sure there will be 2 or 3 better movies, above 7, taking less time.
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Dark Light (2019)
Contrived, amateurish writing, poor direction...
26 April 2022
Something or some things terrorize a woman who comes back to live in her rural home with her young daughter.

As this happens, every character, in almost every scene acts very unnaturally. The monsters make subtle noises and just flash lights at her in various occasions -- to threaten? Intimidate so they leave? Her child acts and asks cliché questions, kind of like a little robot unaffected by the "terror", and constantly disappearing -- to her room? The cops are unsympathetic and plain rude... from the first moment trying to make the young newcomer mother a[[ear and feel like a nut.

The director does everything possible, in the very limited and uncreative environment built, to give the audience some kind of feeling of... despair? Vulnerability?

All this presented with flashback scenes cut at precise moments, unnaturally inconclusive, to manipulate the audience into... horror? Mystery? Confusion?

The actors are not bad, but as they follow a pretty dry script, in the even flatter story, don't even seem human in their actions or reactions -- is that the plot? Some are not human?

Who knows. Who cares. I just could not continue to the end.
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Very poorly written... ridiculous to the thinking type.
15 April 2022
A woman is on trial for the murder of her husband. The evidence seems clearly to be against her; but as the story unfolds, the facts are much more complicated. Could have been interesting, but unfortunately...

The writing itself is terrible, with exaggerations in every aspect. Like in a cheap soap, the good are almost saints, the bad are monstrous but perfect in their duplicity; and important events are very, very unrealistic. Have you ever seen how trials in the US are conducted? Have you ever used a notary public? Have you any idea how banks function, or at least when businesses would call police if crimes are discovered? Well, the writer hasn't.

The acting is not as terrible, only not great; but the director has a very hard time presenting the nonsensical story, making it messy and full of logical holes, with some of the scenes (and the facts presented) actually ridiculous -- a bunch of people in chains, supposedly for years, yet one of them freely roaming around, just as a prop for the audience to see.

This is one of the worst movies I actually watched in its entirety -- only because I wasn't alone and we continued laughing at how bad a movie can be.
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All Hail (2022)
Very entertaining, in a funny way...
3 April 2022
The story is simple... a meteorologist makes a mistake, costly to many people. As he hides from the public humiliation and hate, he ends up addressing other neglected aspects of his life.

It is very well written and acted. Even the few necessary special effects are well done, as is the photography, and and all technical aspects.

It is fun an unpredictable, as one of the elements is fantasy. There isn't much depth, as one should expect from a comedy. Many details in the story make it funny and adds a bit of seriousness and drama -- but only a tiny little bit. All is very lighthearted, even the haters are comical -- but it does not reach the level of a farce.

It is charming and very enjoyable. Could be a family movie, except for the frequent four-letter interjections -- at least in the original Spanish.
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Great story, well told...
11 January 2022
Very well written, with minimal flaws. The direction is very good, as is the acting of its few characters. The story is very original, entertaining, and involving.

The theme is very unusual, closure when someone is dying, with an off-the-wall approach, not exactly a drama. It is unrealistic, with unusual characters, charming and funny, but not a dark comedy. It's more like a light farce, but one that forces very serious questions.

The focus is not on the tragic, nor on the gross aspects of death. The movie insulates us from that, and amuses, while making one think. The focus is on the philosophical -- with an small "f", very down to earth. The story pulls us in a gentle manner, with some laughs, but constantly touching on sad aspects. Yet, its not a sad story, nor a comedy either, nor too deep.

One has to be in the mood, of course. Even in this light approach, death is a difficult subject. A topic most people tend to avoid, till it it forces itself close, when one is hardly ready. But that's part of what this movie does, in a gentle and kind way, with laughs that distract, make us think about it -- as we should sometime.

I am very glad I watched it.
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Want your fix of revenge that may actually fix you?
23 December 2021
The story pulls you in and the suspense is constant. The twists are very unexpected and seamless. The action is well executed, the gore somewhat measured, and the mind is as stimulated as much as the gut is made to react.

Very well written and acted, this film will not disappoint you on that.

This is, however, more than a mindless celebration of revenge. In fact, it may make you think twice about how much "fun" revenge may be -- unlike the more contrived Hollywood revenge flicks, with heroes who get only scratches while getting, and giving the audience, the satisfaction of payback on horrible people.

I was looking for that cheap satisfaction, but got also a lesson. This film is much more than gore -- and there is plenty of it, but it's not the point of the presentation. The human monsters are hateful and "realistic", but so are the consequences of thinking only about revenge. Your mind is not likely to leave unscathed.
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The Bygone (2019)
A western noir? It works and entertains
12 December 2021
Ok writing, good directing and acting. It does have some flaws but holds its own as a thriller.

The story takes place in a rural area where the oil industry erodes the traditional country/cowboy life and brings big city crime. The environment is not clearly portrayed, but the characters are developed enough to not feel a stereotypes, and the story feels realistic and interesting.

At the center of the story are young people from the bottom of the social ladder, unable to find a place and victimized by various corrupt characters. That's as much as we are shown about their environment, except for other unsavory characters and a handful of honest people trying to make a living and helping.

Within the above limitations, the scenes and dialogs are well developed and directed, and the plot twist and turns frequently making this also an action flick that holds interest to its end.
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Crazy as the title... but original. Entertaining in its own way
5 December 2021
Farce, adventure, intrigue... all for a modest sum.

Zero Hollywood here. But it's hard to interpret the intention... comedy, social statements, too?

It's a crazy story that gets clarified at the end... if you last that long. I did. Never lost my interest about what they may show or do next... LOL!

I appreciated the originality, and the cartoonish suspense, even with the amateurish acting and visual effects. I'd be very interested in what these people do next.
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Good film noir...
5 November 2021
This not Hollywood. The story is not spoon-fed, and is absent of repetitive clues of what's happening or coming to accommodate the easily distracted.

Breaking multiple stereotypes, the film updates the roles and behaviors of the film-noir classics to modern times. Yet, it still evokes the dark, raw stories and environments where unpolished characters struggle with, but adopting and adapting to, corruption and other social problems. The complicated tough guy is not handsome or a man, the "attractive dame" is not a girl, and other characters are not exactly who one may expect -- in part, because the film is socially inclusive, more realistic, unlike much of Hollywood, and other Mexican films "white-washed" socially and racially, probably to appeal to international markets -- in this case, like the US.

The film is over two hours long, but I did not notice, as I followed the twists and tried to solve the puzzle. An added realism in this story is that, without making it a point or a shock device, it includes alternative sexuality characters -- an ever present part of society that even classic film noirs were forced to barely hint about.

The film has its flaws, as often independent low-budget flicks do. In part because of its inclusion, absent in most Mexican films, many actors show inexperience, but the team makes the story work. The last part becomes somewhat rushed and not well edited. But all this is easily forgiven by those who can appreciate a very involving and original story that gives a glimpse of a world not accessible to most of us. I am very glad I saw it.
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The Serpent (2020)
Really, really BAD movie
24 October 2021
Very amateurish...

At least some beginner filmmakers start with some projects they can handle, and learn -- before attempting a longer ambitious project. This was a HUGE bite, very poorly executed, and the result is BAD.

There are more flaws in this thing than anything -- in writing, directing, editing, etc., etc.

I feel sorry for the actors -- for them, I gave this a 2 rating. In spite of the obviously poor direction, not all look as bad as the "star".

I see a lot of 10 "ratings" LOL!! They are obviously fake.
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The Blackout (2019)
Very good and well made... and original story.
5 October 2021
A very involving and rather original plot, with suspense until the end. Kept me watching every scene till the end.

The computer generated effects are very good (some bits, impressive) and the acting is good -- although I saw a typically flatter English-dubbed version, which is never my choice.

The science aspects are understated, and overwhelmed by the abundant action and violence; but underneath there is a well written story with many turns.

I would have liked more effort and footage about the actual sci-fi story, which is the best part and rather original (vs. Hollywood clichés). That would have made the film more intellectually interesting, with a deeper understanding of the characters and their motives -- but seems like the direction intended to make it an "action flick".

There is also a slight low-budget feeling, when they clearly had the ability to avoid that, filling very few gaps.

All considered, enjoyable; especially if you want action.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Very, very poor writing after season 1...
5 October 2021
Season 1 was good -- but that was years ago. Still, it got this ruined show two extra stars. The story is moving and suspenseful. The direction works, and the actors are very good, and casted well.

Same writers the following years? I would not believe it -- unless they got into drugs. Drugs that have impaired them.

Season 2 was a hodgepodge of stereotypes inflated to cartoonish levels. Almost nothing in the plot could have happened in real life. Panful to watch. Offensive even, to some of us who know the types of individuals and environments "portrayed". The actors are still good, but cannot save this nonsense.

Season 3 was not much better, only a bit more coherent, but still distorting reality for the sake of... attracting more viewers? Same writers of season 2? I'd believe that. It's clearly written by very ignorant people -- ignorant about the topics they are touching, and of the people they intend to portray.

Season 4 -- I won't waste my time, when there is much more out there not promising to be trash.
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You Are Alone (2005)
Really...? Nah...
12 September 2021
Even IF a teen were willing to agree to such a request... could the young person do it? Even the hardest adult... very , very, unlikely.

And the very real risks to someone doing such a thing? Can such a coward of a man exist, unable to use his own finger? And instead, extremely unsensitively put a huge life-long load on someone else?

And why the very long sequence of interactions, and conversations we were put through? Makes no sense.

So improbable, this story is quite a turn off.
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Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (2018 TV Special)
Comedy special...? Look elsewhere. This disappoints.
12 September 2021
Hannah Gadsby is clearly a gifted individual, potentially able to do comedy, but kind of confused about what "comedy specials" are about. (They are supposed to be comical.)

This one starts slow, but funny, clever, well delivered.. Then it turns into...therapy? Politics? Evidence of Hannah's anger management needs?

Whatever this turned into, and regardless of the very possible usefulness in a therapy session, or political rally, etc., IT WAS NOT COMEDY!!!

I might have been interested to hear what she has to say, but not any more. God only knows what she will come out with.

This "show" was like being invited to a Friday night party. Yeahhh! -- and it turns out to be a Tupperware training session. I like tupperwear products, but...

Goodbye Hannah. Hope you get well.
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Shimmer Lake (2017)
Entertaining... Cleverly presented
12 September 2021
The presentation backwards is ingenious; a challenge for both the direction and the viewer.

That makes the somewhat simple story original and remarkable, like a complicated jig-saw puzzle with a simple picture.

Is it a trick, to make something of nothing? NO. It is art. They made a little story interesting -- more than many others.

It's reminiscent of "Fargo".

The surprises and suspense are constant, maintaining the interest through out, without relying on violence or sex; but it's sprinkled with a bit that, and of comedy and less shallow human aspects. Enough to make it different, stimulating, and accessible.

Perfect? No; but I enjoyed it very much and recommend it,
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Great story, passable movie.
4 September 2021
The suspense is built ok, in spite of poor editing and wasted time -- way too much time on irrelevant scenes, not enough about the core of the story, which is good horror material, not based on gore.

The good parts are well thought, and involving viscerally and intellectually. One really wants to know... But characters are "dropped" along, without much closure.

The story is suspenseful, nearly to the end, when is rushed and poorly presented -- not giving proper emphasis to the horror developing.

The acting is not bad, but the dialogues are. Can't just blame it on a poor script -- the director failed to bring up the potential.

The 5 stars I gave are not a bad score, considering the sea of trash in the horror genre over many many years.
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Advantageous (2015)
Excellent. Imaginative, moving, intellectually entertaining.
2 September 2021
While there is a bit of imbalance between scenes that are more relevant and others that are less, and much is attempted in the short time, the story flows well.

The ending is both hopeful and sad -- like resignation pledging to make the best of what it got.

It's not a pretty story, but a dystopian fantasy that for the time it lasts it is convincing, thanks to exceptional attention to detail, in writing, direction and acting.

I'm glad I got to see it.
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Braven (2018)
Ok action, if you like to cringe at poor writing
30 August 2021
The story starts ok

Then Momoa plays a man who always forgets to grab a firearm, even if on front of him, and even against multiple guns. He chooses ropes, sharp things, or better yet, an ax -- because he is.... super-lumberjack.

Writer and director do not care about details like, what would a normal person do.. because they want to have... "movie action"!!
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Tell Me When (2020)
Funny, touching, enjoyable.... better yet, not Hollywood!
30 April 2021
A professional very nerdy guy from the US goes to Mexico to explore his roots, and has a bit of a cultural clash, and a few kind of life-changing experiences -- from the mundane to romance.

It's a farfetched story, farcical, but with some realistic Mexican aspects that makes somewhat different than Hollywood -- subtle farce with somewhat realistic characters one can find in modern Mexico. They are caricatures, yes, but not jerks doing whatever for a laugh, whether it makes sense or not, as I've seen too much of in the past.

Some rom-com clichés in this one, yes -- it's a rom-com, a cliché by definition. But some aspects are different form the typical Hollywood. Made this one fun to watch.

The story feels somewhat different, original, refreshing. The characters and the environment are kind of realistic Mexican (for a farce) with a little different sense of humor. The differences are realistic, not exaggerated -- unlike so many USA films portraying Mexican characters as primitive clichés.
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Enjoyable farce
26 March 2021
Fun, original, involving, if sometimes cheesy... but all worked great in this farce. Great music, too. I really enjoyed it.
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Good story.... enjoyable
10 March 2021
Much better than I expected... engaging, entertaining, moving.. even inspiring... and actually good for any age.

All without the typical Hollywood stereotypes and its very offensive portrayals of immigrants as stupid and or criminal -- or incompetent victims saved by the white hero.

The writing and direction are good, culturally informed and unbiased... the way good stories are, or should be told.

Not your flashy, car-crashing, explosion ridden, breast exposing cliché. Grad I found it.
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