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The Orville: Majority Rule (2017)
Season 1, Episode 7
blatant plagiarism
14 November 2017
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From "Nosedive" to "White Bear", multiple episodes of the British science fiction television "Black Mirror" has been plagiarized here on "Majority Rule". Ideas and scenes from voting fellow citizens in person and using social media - the loser of which is prosecuted, to being maliciously surrounded by the public using cameras on phones, this episode has directly copied the Channel 4 dark humor science fiction. The intellectual misconduct here is hard to watch and should be promptly indicted.
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Childhood Revisited
4 January 2015
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I can't believe how good this film is. I have always thought Goblet of Fire was the best of the series. But today that title has officially gone to Prisoner of Azkaban.

A kid as I was almost a decade ago could never understand how this film is well-plotted and masterly directed. It is a long movie and requires a long attention span, a good long term memory, and a profound knowledge of the world of Hogwarts to understand the brilliance of this movie.

To look at it, it's about being better than the you a few hours ago. Nothing could be more inspirational than that. It's about seeing truth and making friend. Rowling's writing has always been about magic and love, but this particular episode is the last of the three thin books, and it reserved all the magical and mysterious sparks that defined "Harry Potter". There are a huge amount of lovely details in this movie, the tree playing with four seasons, the fact that walking through a ghost makes you chilly and uncomfortable... This movie reminds me of the pure pleasure of reading Ms. Rowling's books when I was in elementary school.

Surprising, after 10 years, this time I recognized the director of the movie in end credit. Last year when I saw Mr. Cuarón receiving Oscar on live TV I didn't realize he was the one who realized my childhood dream. The Patronus Charm and Dementor visual is extremely well done that it exceeds almost all other attempts at dreamy scenes. Professor Lupin's office setting, the look of the map, the music accompanying Lupin's teaching... The magic is in every dot of detail and Cuarón's magic reacted in every right way to Ms. Rowling's.

I love Harry Potter. But I just realized I would never loved it so much if it were not for this movie. It's magic to experience.
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Mixed feelings
28 December 2014
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I found this film on a top 10 controversial films list when I was feeling depressed and suicidal. Now after the movie I feel full of prospect for this life because this film introduced such a dark and extreme incident.

OK, if you look at this film from an ethical point of view, you may find it disturbing, but if you look at it as art, art of film, of pornography, I think it's a rare piece of work worth noticing. The plot is unpredictable and the topics are challenging. Let's all be very honest and think about how porn influence us and how we consume porn. This movie offer a very interesting analysis on how people enjoy porn and if any, does it harm people and how. I find it disturbing but I have to admit it is satisfying to watch such a film. There is undeniably beauty in the sick and in the grotesque.

It's like a blow in your nose when you get tired of that Hollywood formula and those European indie arty films. Worth noticing for the absolutely extreme thinking and thrilling development. A ten.

Bravo! (Claps)
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Boyhood yourself
27 September 2014
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I didn't go to the cinema the first day Boyhood was released because from the title and the poster, I see no story. This film turns out to be very similar to my own boyhood. Domestic abuse, Harry Potter... Even as a Chinese transfer student, I recognize a lot of things from Mason's boyhood. And this movie taught me to look at anyone as a person who had a full experienced "boyhood", and those experiences pushed the wheel of "growing up". At many occasions, other audience laughed but I didn't get the point. I'm sure there are many nostalgic details that pull out people's empathy.

My problem with the movie is Mason is never alone. And I think Loneliness is a part of a standard boyhood. (Maybe American boys never be left on their own... But I don't know that much.) I feel like Mason is always surrounded by mom, dad, sister, friend, girlfriend... But never at one moment he was truly left alone and truly lonely.

There are some magical moments such as At the Harry Potter party and his step-dad throwing bowl at him. All of these moments happened exactly in my own personal boyhood and I think that audience of other ages could also find spots in this film to empathize with. I lost focus at the three quarter point of the film. But at the end of the film, Mason said something that I have been thinking about recently (at the age of 19). The amazing part of this piece of work is that the camera doesn't only captures the growing of a boy (along with his hairstyle), but also captures what he thinks about at different stages of his boyhood, and that is what made this work a great movie for me.
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And another great job
14 May 2014
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Finally I got the chance to see the fourth film made by Xavier Dolan. First of all, congrats on getting into Cannes. Looking forward to see Mommy soon.

I have been waiting to see Tom at the farm for way too long. I have to say I hate an ending like this but I don't see any other way to end strongly and kind of liked the ending. Many people seem to be doing it (If memory serves, C.O.G. has the same ending). I like how the movie captures the aspect of what every character wants, needs and fears. It was thrilling and make me really want to know what happens the next second. I have to say I love the depiction of the desire to control and to submit. Nothing else is more satisfying to experience.

Good job. As always, there is a mother figure that is interesting to consider. Just like Tom, I'm completely subjected to the brother and I love the part that the brother yells "I need you in my life". /Sorry if I got a little personal there.

I watched the end title through and there is a little plot left in the very end. It's not very necessary, but I guess it gives some people who must need a resolve some consolation.

Still thinking about the corn field scene. I have been expecting to see a sex scene but I'm happy with the fact that there isn't one. Making a exciting movie without a sex scene is like writing a good song without cursing, which makes it all more powerful.
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I'm getting the book
12 October 2013
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I didn't expect this. When the academy awards came out I didn't understand why the best actress didn't go to the old lady in Amour. Now maybe I have a clue. I laughed all the way through the first half and laughed sometimes through the second half. Jennifer presented a characteristic girl consistently; in the dancing competition she was like a princess but she was still this girl. Everyone needs a girl like her in his life. She really makes who you are. And after making it all about you, she will show her vulnerability and it's your time to take care of her and that's when you grow. The story is a little bit like the epic of Gilgamesh for me. I can identify with the main character. The story deals with modern problem; everyone is insane and sick in some way, yet with strong will, companion and help, we can finally overcome shitty situations and be happy. My parents are lunatics and I'm still pretty green in the dating field. At the age of 18, stepping into finding friends and partners, I need this exact movie in my freshmen year. The camera is skillful. It makes the audience feel sick and angry when it wants to. And the dance competition scene and the kissing scene are dreamy and like a modern version fairy tale. This movie is a modern version fairy tale. I first felt like ending the movie with the beautiful shot of them kissing and all the Christmas lights, but after second thought, I agree this movie needs a final scene to tell people explicitly that they live happily ever after, which is the ending Pat wanted since he hates Hemingway so much.
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The Painting (2011)
3 September 2013
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Imaginative Inspiring Adventurous Iridescent Surprising Dreamlike

This story is already good enough on the first phase, but the creators took it up to many levels beyond that. It is so imaginative that you can't believe it. It's so extraordinary that you will be overwhelmed.

It's a bit like when I was watching the Japanese movie Spirited Away. These are really rare great stuff.

Also, it's about equality. It even makes you want to make some art pieces with paint right away. You never know what to expect. You will always be shocked and it put a smile on your face.

Watch it!!! You will be kicking yourself if you miss it.
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Thank you for your harmonica
9 August 2013
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I saw this film the first time when I was still in primary school. One of my parents (I don't know which) bought a bootleg DVD and kept it on the DVD player. One night they went out for a walk and I went through the DVDs and found this movie. At the time I was so afraid that my parents would come back at any second so I jumped through the film and saw the scene which Ennis and Jack first had sex. And now I am 18 years old. And this is the first time I see the whole thing. I don't want to say something critical about the film, because I want to leave it as it is in my mind. When I was a child I paid all my attention to that sex scene. (I haven't seen any thing about sex of two men ever at that time. It was a few years later that I saw a gay sex picture for the first time on a porn website.) But this time the film to me is all about the story, the relationship. I don't often get emotional because every time I cried as a child my father would yell at me like a mad person. As a result I don't have the ability to cry watching touching TV plays or movies. In the scene which the two people turned old and no one felt happy enough and blamed it on this relationship, I felt so much that I almost cried. (The two times I actually cried were Clapham Junction, when the young man in white enticed the fat person for his violence desire. And In The Flesh, when the history is revealed in the last episode in that cave.) What I can say about this film is the scenery is beautiful. And the story, how can I describe my feeling about this story... It make me believe that everything really happened. It's like if I go there I can see their old fireplace left in the mountains near the stream. I don't feel so sad that Jack died. I only feel so happy for them because they had what they had. Last year something happened to me that made me understand all the homophobic elements in movies and on TV screen. (I want to add here that my father said his was disgusted watching this movie, and he watched this movie.)I think as I experience more as I grow older I would understand more about this movie, about the death of Jack and the ending which everyone else seems to feel so strongly about. I watched the other film that Ang Lee made, The Wedding Banquet. The story had the same fierceness. But this time around the acting is better and the story seems more pure. Every time I see something about Heath Ledger I feel sad. And I always feel like I am not important enough to say something about it. I feel self-consciously uncomfortable every time I say that I like Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. One day I saw a video, the Oprah Show about Brokeback Mountain. And the two of them sat there. And I shouldn't say this but they seemed great sitting together. And that is just something wrong in my own private mind. Hope everything turns out fine and I will see this film again some years later.
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It makes me feel deeply.
28 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second time I see this film and it is better than the first time,(maybe because I understood more script lines this time). I applied for college last December and I didn't even tried to apply for Harvard. But like any other kid I wanted to be in that one school. So every scene of the first half of the movie is so beautiful and a little harmful for me, (which feeling I will again feel at the end of the 2 hours.) Like the Aaron I knew from The Newsroom, the screenplay gave a high speed climax at the beginning which is exactly what I thought a Harvard life would be like. All that time-showing and simultaneous stuff are so brilliant. But the second half of the movie just makes people's hearts break. All the cuteness and eye-contact of Andrew in the front are plotted to make the audience feel deeper for Eduardo in the latter half. And that is cruel. Also, like a classic story for kids, there is this bad guy presented by Justin Timberlake. All these characters and the extraordinary music from Trent Reznor(whose music was in another David Fincher movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the first part of which series I wish the director can continue making) make this film haunt me to come back and watch it again. I never knew Jesse before Social Network and I like his performance. I will go to the theatre and check out the Now You See Me if it ever gets past through the government of my country. And I definitely like the performance of Andrew or I should say Eduardo. I like Andrew in this film much better than him in the new Spiderman films. Right now I am going through with some terrible stuff in my family. And this movie took my mind off things, made me feel like I am a student of Harvard(a dream come true in the movies), and made me sympathize so much at the last scene when Mark kept refreshing the facebook page and the subtitle about him being the youngest billionaire(Actually I didn't realize he was sending a request to his ex-girlfriend the first time). At last, whoever were responsible for Mark's clothing and cast the Winclevoss brothers, good job! Some time after you finished watching this movie and think about Eduardo in a Caribbean hat, dancing to get close to Mark step by step with a smile on his mouth...
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The Outs (2012– )
the most emotional gay-themed series
9 March 2013
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This is the second time I watch this series and I don't understand why there are no reviews under this title. I love it so much and my heart aches and relieves along the way.

Compared with the other gay themed web series the Hunting Season, The Outs is really about sentiments and relationships. (Where the other is basically about sex.) And I love The Outs much better than the other. Jack and Mitchell just broke up from a serious long-term relationship and the show is all about the two of them figuring things out after the break up. They cannot put up with each other anymore but clearly still got feelings for each other. Jack met a nice guy during his slutty phase and Mitchell called Jack after a party, drunk. (Other events happened during the 6 episodes of course) So that's their story, complicated but not too much, and above all, real and moving.

Among all the 6 high quality episodes, the episode 5 is so thoughtfully schemed that I think it's a "movie level". The time line is out of order in a good way, so that the audiences are left sad and shocked as Mitchell was at the ending scene. Also, the details are reminding us which part of story it is telling. (for example, the letter board, first the board reads, OOPS and later, when Mitchell was dragging the O to the OPS, we knew the time had gone back)

Maybe it's just me, but many scenes make my heart hurts and my guts churn. Like when Jack cuddled with that cute guy who said "chill" in his sleep (I didn't caught his name) and when they were in the café and the cute guy tried to hold Jack's hand and Jack shunned out of shame and complicated, self-conscious thinkings. Still, The Outs is a good laugh. Oona and the campy boss of Mitchell's (and other scenes)are definitely hilarious. And at last, when Mitchell leans to compliment on Jack's seeing someone new, all I could do was smile, feel sad and relieved at the same time.

I was surprised to find out Adam Goldman was the creator of the show and also the leading actor (Mitchell). He must be very talented. It was suggested in the end of episode 6 that there will be a special episode this year (2013). I am very anxiously looking forward to that and can't wait to share it with my best friend.(Who obviously is a girl.)So...take it good one!
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