7 Reviews
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Hunky Dory (2011)
28 October 2014
Set in the 70s in South Wales, this film/musical doesn't disappoint. Not only is there a spectacularly eerie arrangement of music but the characters stories are relatable. The problems these teenagers face range from Homosexuality to peer pressure to family tension. What makes it more interesting (though it's a simple idea) is that it's a musical about making a musical. This gives the excuse for the atmospheric soundtrack, sung by the cast themselves. Completely different to any other musical I have seen. The only thing I didn't like were the predictions of the characters lives at the end of the film. This seemed like a desperate attempt to make the film more believable when it already was quite so. Although, I am willing to overlook this as the film is such a good one.
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Practically a documentary
28 October 2014
Watching this movie was like being a fly on the wall of the bedrooms belonging to the teenagers who completed the well known Bling Ring. It was filmed honestly, without any interruptions from special effects and such other things. It is an honest portrayal of how these teenagers thought and behaved. Coppola hasn't tried to create any villains or heroes out of the situation and kept to the facts. I have read the novel by Nancy Jo Sales discussing how she covered the event as a journalist. In the novel she discusses her interviews with several of the culprits and when watching the film, clear features of personality have been portrayed in the characters taken from the culprits themselves. It is a truly inspiring and original piece of work. Sofia Coppola has definitely done herself proud.
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A Beautiful Adaptation
2 January 2014
Having read the novel 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky and loved every sentence, I was quite sceptical about watching the film. I worried it would not live up to my expectations after the novel but I am glad to say I was pleasantly surprised. The film succeeded to not only meet but exceed my expectations. First of all, the soundtrack was perfectly selected. It displayed Charlie's confused emotions throughout. Being a music student (and aiming to be a music soundtrack supervisor or work in the film music industry) I admired the choice of songs and felt it truly reflected Charlie's character. Secondly, I enjoyed how well the script was acted by all of the actors. They portrayed an honest awkwardness as young adults often have and yet their relationships and friendships were relatable and realistic. Thirdly, I feel obligated to mention my respect for Logan Lerman as an actor and must mention how greatly he played Charlie. His characterization of such a troubled teenager was spot on and he deserves great praise for portraying Charlie fantastically.
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Rush (I) (2013)
2 January 2014
Although I am not as well aware as others of the tensions and rivalry that existed between James Hunt and Nikki Lauda, I felt this film is a very believable showcase of it. The film is full of the excitement racing brings with well angled shots of the action. The likeness between the actors appearance and the original characters is uncanny and simply must be mentioned. The script is well written with clever comedic moments and it's full of realistic dialogue. In short, I enjoyed every moment. Definitely a film worth watching even for those who do not watch Formula 1 or is at all familiar with the sport (like myself).
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The Iron Lady (2011)
Nearly Met My Expectations
5 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had very high hopes for this film as I waited a while to see it. Knowing that the film and cast had one many awards for the movie I regret to say, I was slightly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I thought Meryl Streep succeeded in portraying Margaret Thatcher closely and showed a slight sympathetic side to her character as she hallucinates seeing Denis (her husband) around her house after he's died. Also she shows the strength in character that was clear to many in Margaret Thatcher's personality. The film was a good documentary showing all the struggles Margaret Thatcher suffered and the battle she fought to receive respect equal to men of the government. I enjoyed the subtle humor in her bossiness and determination. I cannot quite put my finger on the small letdown I feel about the film. Perhaps it was that they did not include the time when Denis died. They stopped showing the events of Margaret Thatcher's life after she loses the election and jumped straight to after Denis has died. I can understand why they have done this. Clearly the creators wished to focus on Margaret's success and downfall in the government. Overall I thought it was a good film and enjoyed watching it.
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Great Gatsby? Great God it's a masterpiece!
2 June 2013
Baz Luhrmann has successfully created (along with his crew) the most exquisite portrayal of Gatsby I believe possible. His use of costumes and set for starters is show-stopping, going all out and dripping every inch of the film in the sparkling champagne of the roaring twenties.The music is inspiring. Jay-Z has managed to create a modern edge on traditional Jazz and bent and twisted it to give the effect of either the rough, dirty and crowded city of New York or the dazzling, priceless spectacle of the rich on Long Island. Finally the actors are spot on when it comes to the carefree (or careless in some cases) attitude of the new generation in the 1920's where life is one big party and money is essential to have (in large quantities). I was blown away and I hope the rest of the audience are too.
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Almost Fell Off The Edge Of My Seat!
2 June 2013
Jam-packed with excitement, terror and most of all adventure. From the word go there were high expectations of the Star Trek crew to pull off an adaptation of the original television series, to impress current fans whilst also gaining more. The first film was a definite success, showing Captain Kirk as a reckless young man full of spirit. In 'Star Trek Into Darkness' this depiction fades very slightly and we see Captain Kirk's courage much more obviously and his will to do anything to ensure his crew's security. Khan, I felt, was a perfect villain. Matching Captain Kirk in many key area's of their personalities, he creates a great friction between the characters and is almost a mirror image of Captain Kirk which is extremely interesting to watch. The CGI effects, as always, were outstanding. The whole film was alive and buzzing keeping the suspense tight and the power at full. The creators obviously set their phasers to stun the audience and succeeded.
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