
14 Reviews
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Lord of War (2005)
31 March 2024
I loved this movie, and that intro has to be the greatest introduction i have ever seen in cinema history, at the gate you are captivated by the story and want to learn more about a world that doesnt get talked about. Nic Cage was perferct in the roll of Yuri and so was Jared Leto and Ethan too. This movie is now up there with the favorites of mine, kinda reminded me alot of Wolf Of Wall Street even though this came years before but instead we got a story about guns instead of stock trading. Im glad i found out there is a sequal planned too this and i cant wait til it comes out for us to see. Amazing.
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4 February 2024
This is a masterpiece and unfortunately it has been taken down on the one major video platform everyone use (we all know which one) but luckily for me my brother bought the dvd back in the day so i will forever be able to watch this masterpiece. I mean this is peak comedy and peak musical. If there was a broadway play of this and it was sung as beautifully as R Kelly does in this i would pay my money and go most definitely. The people that rate this low have a problem with the singers personal life and don't rate this accordingly to what it truly is. Which is a great musical comedy with tons of drama. Favorite chapters are 1-12.
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Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer (2023 TV Special)
18 January 2024
We all know who the people are that rated this low lol The greatest comedian of all time dead or alive does it again with this amazing special. The first half was just deadly jokes, you could hear the entire room laughing and i was laughing hard at home watching it. As i was laughing i was thinking man Dave still got it, he always knows how to twist and say things in a funny way that no one has ever thought of. The second half of the special was a speach with comedy sprinkled in it and the ones that did not enjoy it are the same ones that easily get offended and we all know who they are. Dave is the greatest in his work and he will continue to make us laugh while he also makes "them" mad. And we love that about him.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Predictable show and 1 bad actor
7 January 2024
This show is very very predictable, the characters have plot armor and no matter who they fight and what they are up against they will always overcome it without a scratch, even characters that "die" somehow come back. Its very laughable. The acting for the most part is good but there is 1 character that is awful in this tv series. He cant act and it feels like he got this part becauase he probably is related to someone in the studio. Im talking about Noah Schnapp, he delivers his lines awfully and is overall a very bad actor. He is the reason why i stopped watching this show and i just know that after this show is over he will probably never get a big job in hollywood again because of his lack of talent. Stranger Things is a good show if you have time to waste and nothing better to do, just skip Noah Schnapps part and it gets a little better.
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God of War Ragnarök (2022 Video Game)
22 December 2023
This game is a well crafted masterpiece, from the amazing story that will get you captivated and the amazing gameplay and the 9 realms map that you can play through. Easily one of the greatest games ever made alongside Elden Rings and Red Dead Redemption 2. I finished the main story but there is so much more left to do so i will continue to play it so i can get the platinum throphy. The combat in this game has to be the greatest combat you can play, it's so much fun when you have your axe, blade and spear to play with. The bosses are also fun and challenging. I will play the main story again in a couple of months. Thats how good this is.
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Spider-Man 2 (2023 Video Game)
29 November 2023
What a amazing game to play, this is all you could wish for in a Spiderman game, and it never gets dull for any moment. Even the side missions are great and all the different techs and suits you could unlock is also amazing. Easily on of the greatest games of all time and im not even a huuuge Spiderman fanatic, the Spiderman games has done something that no other super hero game has been able to achieve and that's creating a amazing open world game thats fun to play. The only conplaint i have and thats if im being really picky, it's that you will get hooked and complete this in less than a week. I did the main story, side missions and won all the throphies and finally unlocked the legendary Platinum PS5 throphy in a week. But i was playing almost every day but still felt a little bit short. I hope they release a DLC, cause i will definately buy that.
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Barry: 710N (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
John Wick but TV
6 September 2023
I wanted a TV show to watch on the go or like in my office while working (don't tell my boss) but this is impossible to do. This show will get you hooked and episodes like this are the reason.

How can a tv show have this good level of action, i love movies like John Wick or Taken and this show is that but with dark comedy.

Great episode and never a dull moment. This is great tv.

I can go on and on about this show but i rather keep watching it instead of writing a review. But for this episode i just had to do it so i can go back to this review in the future and see my past self loving this so much.
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Peaky Blinders: The Noose (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
Amazing TV
28 August 2023
Just started watching this series and have been hooked. It was a slow start for me at season 1 but god this was such a great episode. I mean everything was perfect from start to finish. I even said to myself, wow what an amazing episode. Havent seen such great tv in a long time and this was before i saw the shocking ending to this episode. I have a feeling this show will just get better and better because of the circumstances of the Shelby family. I usually put a review for the whole series after i finish watching it all. This episode pushed it from a 9 to a 10 easily. Just hade to write this before i start episode 2 of season 4.
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Don't waste your time
18 August 2022
What the hell am i watching? Im typing this while 2 hours deep into this so called movie. This is easily the worst movie i have ever seen in my life. There is NO plot, the visuals are garbage for 2022. How can this have such a high review? I rather watch the female version of Ghostbuster than this snooze movie.
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Joker (I) (2019)
10 October 2019
What a movie, the Joker is now among my top 3 of all time. This will go down as a Classic Masterpiece.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Shame Shame Shame!!!
20 May 2019
Too bad it ended like this, this show could have been like the likes of Breaking Bad, The Wire and become a classic for years to come. Now Game of thrones has become a meme... I loved this show but after watching season 8 im glad that it is finished.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Simply the best TV you will ever see
24 September 2013
I have seen all the episodes to this series except the finale which is coming out next week and i can't wait to see what will finally happen. How will this all end? This show is pure genius and the writing is magnificent i think it is safe to say that Breaking Bad is the greatest TV show of all time PERIOD. I have seen legendary shows like The Wire and The Sopranos but none can be compared to Breaking Bad, the acting is top notch. So for the people that have not seen the show and for the future generation that are going to go to IMDb to read the reviews before seeing it i have only one thing to say: Do you want a Epic series this is it. Pure quality from season 1-5.
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The Walking Dead: Clear (2013)
Season 3, Episode 12
4 March 2013
What is happening to this show it used to be exciting and anything could happen but now no matter how many zombies that attack Rick he will still manage to survive, Morgan even stabbed him in the chest and he still got up like nothing happened. This Rick dude is like a terminator and it is becoming really boring watching this show. There is a reason why Walking Dead is not among the greatest TV shows, shows like Breaking Bad, The Wire, Game Of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire... are way better and people that think this season of walking dead is good are just brainless. If the show does not improve then i am not going to watch it anymore.
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Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
Best TV show i have ever seen
13 February 2013
It is an amazing show there is nothing else to say. Boardwalk Empire will go down in history as one of the greatest TV shows and i think that Boardwalk is better than Sopranos in terms of quality. There is allot of money and time spent on this TV show and you can clearly see it. Boardwalk Empire is just like fine wine, it is simply amazing. Boardwalk deserves to be at the top of the list in IMDb (series) Among with Breaking Bad and The Sopranos. I gave this a 10 and it really deserve it, you will understand when you watch the first episode. My favorite episode is season's 2 finale and season 3 two last episode they are just epic and i have never seen anything like that in any TV series in my life. Lot of twists
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